HINDU PHILOSOPHY (5.1) हिंदु दर्शन
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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Ego, allurements, desires, comforts, bad temperament, aggressiveness, violence, prayers with motive, always lead to demonic tendencies further leading one to rebirth.
दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च।
अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ संपदमासुरीम्॥
हे प्रथा नन्दन! दम्भ, घमण्ड, अभिमान, क्रोध, कठोरता और अविवेक आसुरी प्रवृति के मनुष्य के लक्षण हैं।[श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता 16.4]
Bhagwan Shri Krashn called Arjun Pratha Nandan-Son of Pratha! He said that arrogance, ego-pride, anger, harshness-rigidness and imprudence are the traits-signs of demonic tendency-ignorance.
किसी भी प्रकार का दम्भ, अपने को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर प्रस्तुत करना, डींग हाँकना, अपने मुँख अपनी प्रशंसा करना, दर्प-घमण्ड, किसी भी प्रकार का अभिमान, क्रोध, कठोरता, अज्ञान-अविवेक, आसुरी सम्पत्ति-प्रवृति-प्रकृति के लक्षण हैं। असुर शब्द का प्रयोग उन लोगों के लिए हुआ है जो केवल इन्द्रिय सुख, भरण-पोषण, संयोगजन्य सुख, आसक्ति तक सीमित हैं और परमात्मा से उनका कोई सरोकार नहीं है। उनमें दुर्गुण-दुराचार, असतत् स्वतः पैदा हो जाते हैं। इनमें वे लोग भी शामिल हैं, जो लोभ-लालच, प्रलोभन, भय, दिखाकर दूसरों को धर्म परिवर्तन करवाते हैं। आतंक पैदा करने वाले, जिहादि जैसे लोग भी आसुरी प्रवृति वाले हैं, जो भगवान् के नाम पर अत्याचार, अनाचार, लूट, हत्या, सत्ता परिवर्तन जैसे घिनौने अपराध करते हैं। उनका भगवान् या धर्म से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है।
Arrogance of any magnitude, kind, level is dangerous for the bearer. One should never project himself beyond what he is or his ability. Its inadvisable not to show off or self praise oneself. Ego-pride of any scale is harmful. One should never boast of himself. Anger-anguish are harmful and self destructive, torturous, leading to pain, turmoil, agony and multiple losses. Strictness, rigidness, harshness beyond limit, is dangerous, harmful. One should be moderate and adoptive to environment, atmosphere, society, culture. These are negative tendencies which are Demonic, Satanic, Devilish in nature, pertaining to monsters-giants as well. One, who is indulged in comforts, feeding himself, passions, sensualities, sexuality, without caring for the existence of God, society-others, is bound to acquire demonic characterises. Those who are involved in change of faith-religion through physical torture, force, money, allurements, too are Devilish. Those who pretend Jihad utilise terrorist techniques are the real Demons, Devils-Shaetan. These people will surely increase the population of hells and take birth as inferior species after release from the hell. There are the people who make use of religion for the sake of power. They too are progressing to infinite misery and pain in hells.
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत्॥
काम, क्रोध और लोभ; ये तीन प्रकार के नरक के दरवाजे जीवात्मा का पतन करने वाले हैं, इसलिये इन तीनों का त्याग कर देना चाहिये।[श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता 16.21]
One must reject lust-sex, anger and greed-allurements; since these are the three doors to hell, leading to his downfall (or bondage).
काम का धर्म की मर्यादा में रहकर उचित मात्रा में सेवन नुकसान नहीं पहुँचाता। आसुरी प्रकृति के व्यक्ति काम-तृप्ति के लिए छल-छन्द, पाप, अत्याचार-दुराचार कुछ भी कर गुजरते हैं। ऐसा न होने पर उनमें क्रोध उत्पन्न होता है। कामना पूर्ति में लोभ का मिश्रण तो बना ही रहता है। अतः काम, क्रोध और लोभ मनुष्य को निम्न-हीन योनियों के अलावा नर्क में भी पहुँचा देते हैं; जहाँ से मुक्ति बेहद कठिन है।
Kam illustrates two tendencies :- extravagant desires and sexuality-lust. The utilisation of sex within the parameters-limits of Dharm-duty is good, tolerable, ethical but crossing the limits is sure to lead to downfall of one, like Ravan. Unaccounted battles have been fought over this issue and millions of people have been sacrificed to fulfil one's nasty desires. Failure to fulfil desire for sex generate anger. Occasional success leads to greed for more and all this is demonic behaviour. The cocktail of this is a dangerous combination which is sure to push one to the lowest species and the hells.
दश कामसमुत्थानि तथाष्टौ क्रोधजानि च।
व्यसनानि दुरन्तानि प्रयत्नेन विवर्जयेत्॥
काम से दस और क्रोध से आठ व्यसन उत्पन्न होते हैं, जो अन्त में बड़े ही दुखदायी होते हैं। इसलिये इनका यत्न से परित्याग करे।[मनु स्मृति 7.45]
Sex-lust generate 10 kinds of additions (indulgences, bad habits) and anger create 8 types of disorders (lasciviousness, defects, vices, evils) which leads to very painful end (misery). Therefore, the king should discard these with firmness.
कामजेषु प्रसक्तो हि व्यसनेषु महीपतिः।
वियुजितेऽर्थधर्माभ्यां क्रोधजेष्वात्मनैव तु॥
जो राजा काम से उत्पन्न व्यसनों में आसक्त होता है, वह धन-धर्म से रहित-च्युत होता है। क्रोध से उत्पन्न व्यसनों में आसक्त राजा अपने शरीर को भी खो बैठता है।[मनु स्मृति 7.46]
The king is involved-inclined to vices developed due to passions (sexuality, sensualities, lasciviousness) looses his faith (Religion-duties) and wealth. The troubles-vices generated by anger-arrogance leads of loss of body by the king.
One attract illness-diseases and dies ultimately taking rebirth in inferior species after a long stay in hells.
मृगयाऽक्षो दिवास्वप्नः परिवाद: स्त्रियो मद:।
तौर्यत्रिकं वृथाट्या च कामजो दशको गणः॥
(1). शिकार खेलना, (2). जूआ, (3). दिन में सोना, (4). दूसरों के दोष का वर्णन, (5). स्त्रियों का सहवास, (6). मद्य का मद, (7). नाचना, (8). गाना, (9). बजाना और (10). वृथा घूमना, ये काम से उत्पन्न दस व्यसन हैं।[मनु स्मृति 7.47]
(1). Hunting, (2). gambling, (3). sleeping by day, (4). censoriousness (describing weaknesses of others, fault finding), (5). excess company of women, (6). intoxication-drunkenness, (7). an inordinate love for (8). dancing, (9). singing and (10). music and useless travel are the tenfold set of vices springing from love of pleasure.
प्रार्थना :: हे परमात्मा! हे भगवान! कृप्या मुझे समस्त शारीरिक मानसिक दोषों, विकारों, विषय, वासनाओं, व्याधि, बीमारी, रोगों, तनावों से मुक्त कर।
O! God kindly protect me from vices, defects, wickedness.
One should not smear, stained, sullied, engross, discredited, attached, sullied to the following and get rid of them, as early as possible.
(1). काम (Sexuality, sex blindness, sensuality, passions, wanton, lust, amorous) :: काम दैवी श्रष्टि और मैथुनी श्रष्टि दोनों को समान रूप से प्रभावित करता है। काम देव और चन्द्र दोनों ही ब्रह्मा जी के रूप ही हैं। ब्रह्मा जी ने स्वयं काम की रचना की और स्वयं ही उससे ग्रस्त हो गये। भगवान शिव को भी काम ने त्रस्त किया और उन्होंने कामदेव को भस्म कर दिया। मोहिनी अवतार ने भगवान शिव को मोहित कर दिया परन्तु वे भगवत कृपा से उसके दुष्प्रभाव से बच गये। विश्वामित्र जैसे ऋषि भी इसके जाल से निकल नहीं पाये। इस विकार से बचना असम्भव नहीं है, दृढ निश्चय, तप, ब्रह्मचर्य, भगवत भक्ति, शुद्ध विचार, विवेक, सद्बुद्धि काम के आवेग को रोकते हैं।
Its really very difficult to overcome-overpower the sex urge. Still one is capable of controlling-diverting this to devotion in God.
Please refer to :: (1). bhartiyshiksha.blogspot.com (2). ... santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com
(2). क्रोध (Anger, fury, rage, resentment, wrath) :: राग-द्वेष-ईर्ष्या, इच्छाओं की पूर्ति न होना, क्रोध उत्पन्न करता है। क्रोध में आकर व्यक्ति अपना नुक्सान ज्यादा करता है, दूसरे का कम।
One must control anger, not to repent later. Any act done in a fit of anger may put one in trouble for the whole life. Life is spoiled. Always avoid such situations. Its better if you avoid anger. Anger is not bad if it is meant for the improvement-betterment of the depraved, corrupt, sinner, our children, society, self-others.
(3). मद (Intoxication, pride, arrogance, conceit, vanity) :: Its the root cause behind the down fall of the mighty. Power, wealth, recognition, flattery corrupts the minds of such people. They start comparing them selves with God. They presume that they are capable of doing everything. One who suffers with this stigma is sure to loss his prestige, power, wealth, recognition, respect and human incarnation in next births. He is destined to hells for millions of years. Never have too high opinion about your self.
(4). लोभ (Greed, eager, covet) :: There is no end of desires. As soon one is satisfied-contented, another one develops-grows. It creates restlessness-instability till the goal (targets, desires, ambitions) are not fulfilled. One can never live with peace. Satisfaction, Santosh, contentment is the key to live peacefully. Make efforts without greed. लोभात्क्रोध: प्रभवति लोभात्काम: प्रवर्तते। लोभान्मोहश्च माया च मान: स्तम्भ: परासुता॥ लोभ से क्रोध उत्पन्न होता है, लोभ से ही काम की प्रवृत्ति होती है तथा लोभ से ही माया, मोह, अभिमान, उद्दण्डता और पराधीनता आदि दोष प्रादुर्भूत होते हैं।[महाभारत शान्तिपर्व 39.4] Greed evolve (produce, generate) anger, it induce one to sex-lasciviousness & it leads one to allurements, desires, attachments (bonds, ties) arrogance and slavery, ultimately.
(5). मोह (Allurement, delusion, ignorance) :: One will not be able to qualify for assimilation in God-liberation, till he over powers this faculty. It keeps one struck-attached with the world. One has affection-attachments for the children, relations, property, wealth etc. Indifference-neglect is useful. Which can not be cut easily. One can seek guidance-help from the enlightened-Guru.
(6). ईर्षा (Envy, jealousy) :: One feels that he should have all that which is possessed by others. As soon as he notices that some thing new (worthy, precious, useful) is acquired by others, he starts longing for it. Failure to obtain it, fills him with dissatisfaction, distress-anger. The results of which are never good for him and the society. Contentment-self satisfaction, discipline, minimisation of needs-desires is helpful.
(7). आलस्य (Laziness) :: Its an evil which does not allow to attain the desired material, philosophical or spiritual goals. One seldom achieve success in life if he remains sluggish. Health conscious person always remain active, alert and ready to perform any duty assigned to him.
(8). मान (False Pride, vanity, self respect) :: Its good to be proud of ones country, children but one must not be over powered by this defect. Hirany Kashyap, Hiranyaksh Ravan, Kans, Shishu Pal were killed because they considered themselves to be above all-the greatest. One must maintain his dignity, self respect, prestige, but not by degrading others. All creatures have the same soul-its only the body which is different by virtue of the Karm-deeds. The egoist will certainly meet down fall.
(9). अपमान (Insult, disrespect, disgrace, contempt, curse, reproach) :: One must respect others and their sentiments even if they do not coincide with his thoughts, ideas, rites-mores. Its not good to dishonour others without any valid reason. Chanky was insulted by Maha Nand which led to the elimination of his dynasty and crowning of Chandr Gupt Maury.
(10). भय Fear :: One should never be afraid of others. There is no reason to be afraid of the parents, elders, well wisher and the Almighty. He should be afraid of the sins, wickedness, vices which will send him to hells and lower species. It does not mean that one has to become over confident and too bold. Always asses the danger and act wisely, prudently, carefully, precisely remembering the God all the time. Fear can be over come easily.
(11). निद्रा Sleep, Drowsiness :: One should not sleep for more than 8 hours. A sound sleep removes tiredness-fatigue and makes one alert, stable and fine. In stead of drowsing all the time one should prefer a sound sleep. Its dangerous for own and others life. Never sleep while driving, navigating, flying. Arjun over powered sleep through practice-Yog and was names Savy Sanchi. One can easily control sleep through practice and Yog. Always too hard work and fatigue. rest is an essential part of our daily routine. Try to avoid sleeping during the day.
Please refer to :: bhartiyshiksha.blogspot.com
(12). थकान Tiredness :: One must avoid extreme physical and mental tiredness-fatigue. Its not good for health. Amusement-entertainment are essential parts of life to shed off tiredness. Yog and refuge in God are alternate remedy for fatigue-tiredness. Increase stamina, enhance energy, boost power and start taking regular physical exercise and Yog. Consume healthy nourishing food, avoid meat, wine, women, fish, egg, narcotics, drugs.
Almost everyone who died of Chines Virus Corona was a meat eater, non-vegetarian.
(13). शोक Grief, condolence, mourning :: Its not good to be under the cloud of grief for the ones who are dead for long. Control yourself and be busy with the daily routine-chores of life. God, religion, social-cultural gatherings, congregations are good remedy for this. Its a temporary phase in each and every one's life.
(14). संताप Anguish, suffering, grief, remorse, trauma :: Too much of every thing is bad. Control yourself. The God who has given grief in return for your foul deeds will pull you out of it as well. Take a look at the future-brighten it.
(15). दुःख Sorrow, pain, sadness, grief, distress :: There is nothing to be afraid or fear the pains, tensions, failures. They come and go. Overpower them. They are meant to educate & help find out solutions. Remember nothing is difficult for the one who is determined, confident, courageous, brave, alert, conscious.
(16). कष्ट Trouble, difficulty :: They come as routine. One must not be afraid of them and face them with confidence. They are the out come, result of current, previous deeds. Never try to escape them. Have faith in God.
(17). पाप से बचो AVOID SINS ::
पाप तीन प्रकार का होता है :: (17.01). शारीरिक-कार्मिक, (17.02). वाचिक और (17.03). मानसिक।
शारीरिक :: किसी भी प्राणी को शारीरिक आघात-कष्ट पहुँचाना।
वाचिक :: वचनों, वाणी, शब्दों से अपमान, तिरस्कार, दिल दुखाना, क्रोध करना ।
मानसिक :: बुरा सोचना, दुर्भावना रखना, बदले की चाहत।
पाप को प्रायश्चित, आराधना, तपस्या, दूसरों की मदद करके कम किया जा सकता है।
(17.1). परस्त्री की संगति, पापियों के साथ रहना और प्राणियों के साथ कठोरता का व्यवहार करना।
(17.2). फलों की चोरी, आवारागर्दी, वृक्ष पेड़ काटना।
(17.3.1). वर्जित वस्तुओं को लेना,
(17.3.2). वे कसूर को मारना, जेल-बन्धन में डालना, धन की प्राप्ति के लिये मुकदमा करना।
(17.4). सार्वजनिक सम्पत्ति को नष्ट करना, धर्म-नियमों के विपरीत चलना।
(17.5). पुरश्चरण आदि तान्त्रिक अभिचरों से किसी को मारना, मृत्यु जैसा अपार कष्ट देना, मित्र के साथ छल-छंद, झूँठी शपथ, अकेले मधुर पदार्थ खाना।
(17.6). फल, पत्र, पुष्प की चोरी, बंधुआ रखना, सिद्ध की प्राप्ति में बाधा डालना और नष्ट करना, सवारी के सामानों की चोरी।
(17.7). राजा को देय राशि में घपला, राजपत्नी का सन्सर्ग और राज्य-देश का अमंगल।
(17.8). किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति पर लुभा जाना, लालच करना, पुरुषार्थ से प्राप्त धर्म युक्त धन का विनाश करना, लार मिली वाणी, चिकनी, चुपड़ी बातें बनाना, चापलूसी करना।
(17.9). ब्राह्मण को देश से निकालना, उसका धन चुराना, निंदा करना तथा बन्धुओं से द्वेष-विरोध रखना।
(17.10). शिष्टाचार का नाश, शिष्ट जनों से विरोध, नादान-अबोध बालक की हत्या करना, शास्त्र-ग्रंथों की चोरी, स्वधर्म का नाश-धर्म परिवर्तन।
(17.11). वेद-विद्या, संधि विग्रह, यान, आसन, द्वैधी भाव, समाश्रय-राजनैतिक गुणों का प्रतिवेश।
(17.12). सज्जनों से वैर, आचारहीनता, संस्कार हीनता, बुरे कामों से लगाव।
(17.13). धर्म, अर्थ, सत्कामना की हानि, मोक्ष प्राप्ति में बाधा डालना या इसके समन्वय में विरोध उत्पन्न करना।
(17.14). कृपण, धर्म हीनता, परित्याज्य और आग लगाने वाला।
(17.15). विवेकहीनता, दूसरे के दोष निकालना, अमंगल-बुरा करना, अपवित्रता एवं असत्य वचन बोलना।
(17.16). आलस्य, विशेष रूप से क्रोध करना, सभी के प्रति आतताई बन जाना, आतंकवाद और घर में आग लगाने वाला।
(17.17). परस्त्री की कामना, सत्य के प्रति ईर्ष्या, निन्दित एवं उदण्ड व्यवहार।
(17.18). देव ऋण, ऋषिऋण, प्राणियों के ग्रहण-विशेषत :- मनुष्यों एवं पित्तरों का ऋण, सभी वर्णो को एक समझना, ॐ औंकार के उच्चारण में उपेक्षा भाव रखना, पाप कर्मों को करना, मछली खाना तथा अगम्या स्त्री से संगत; महापाप हैं।
(17.19). तेल-घृत बेचना, चाण्डाल से दान लेना, अपना दोष छिपना और दूसरे का उजागर करना घोर पाप हैं।
(17.20). दूसरे का उत्कर्ष देखकर जलना, कड़वी बात बोलना, निर्दयता, भयंकरता और अधर्मिकता। [वामन पुराण]
SINS are divided into three categories :-
(17.01). PHYSICAL :: The abuse is carried out physically by torture, murder, beating-thrashing, assault, tying, inflicting pain by harming bodily, over powering.
(17.02). VOCAL :: Speaking harsh words, insult, abusing, making fun, cutting jokes, rejection, mental agony-turpitude, harassment.
(17.03). MENTAL :: Thinking bad of others, cursing, desire for revenge, bad motives, desire for illicit relations, sensuality, passions, pride, ego, greed.
Any deed, action, manoeuvre, preformed with bad intentions to harm others, amounts to sin. Harming others whether intentional or without intention, chance, happening is sin. Penances, repentance, ascetics, prayers devotion to God, helping others, poor, down trodden, elders, needy, pity on others, forgiving.
VICE (Devil, satanic, wicked, vicious, corrupt, villain, wretch, enemy) :: One is subjected-forced into the hells for thousands and thousands of years, become insect, worm, animal, tree on his release from the hells. The God provides him with an opportunity to improve by giving birth in human incarnation. This opportunity must be utilised for own sack.
(17.1). Company of others women, wicked and too strict behaviour.
(17.2). Stealing of fruits, roaming aimlessly with leisure, cutting-felling of trees.
(17.3). Acceptance of restricted goods, killing, beating, imprisoning, filing of false cases for the sake of extracting money against the innocents.
(17.4). Destruction of community property and acting against the religious rules, scriptures, epics, code.
(17.5). Killing of people through ghostly-wretched actions, torture like-comparable to death, cheating with friends, relatives, well wishers, false promise, ignoring colleagues, friends, relatives, sitting nearby while sweets.
(17.6). Theft of vegetation, leaves, fruits, flowers, either vehicles or their components, keeping bonded labour, creating troubles-hindrances in the way of devotees busy in meditation asceticism.
(17.7). Contact-relations with the queen, action against the country and non payment of the state dues.
(17.8). To become greedy (bait, lure, to temp, to decoy, intense desire, avarice) for a person or thing, to be greedy and to destroy the wealth-money earned through righteous-honest means.
(17.9). To expel a Brahmn (Pandit, scholar, learned, enlightened) from the country without visible reason-logic, snatching-looting his money, wealth, property, spoiling the money earned through righteous means, honest, pure means, envy-anguish with the relatives-friends.
(17.10). Loss of decency, opposition with the descent people, murder of infants-kids, theft-stealing of scriptures, epics, holy, religious books, change-conversion from own religion and acting against the religion.
The Muslims & the Christians who are luring-tempting the Hindus to join Islam or Christianity, are bound to be sent to hells and suffer, experience agony.
(17.11). Action against the Veds, Purans, Upnishads, breaking of treaties, destabilising from vehicle, seat, couch, duality in behaviour, equanimity with the political thoughts, ideas, philosophy.
(17.12). Rivalry-enmity with the descent people-gentle men, lack of virtues-manners, lack of ethics, attachment to bad deeds, vices, wickedness, devilish.
(17.13). Loss of religiosity, money, wealth, finances, budget, loss of good thoughts-ideas, prohibiting in the attainment of Liberty, Salvation, The Ultimate, Almighty.
(17.14). Miserliness, lack of religiosity, one to be rejected-expelled from family-society and the one who ignites fire to others possessions.
(17.15). Imprudence, finding faults with others, doing bad, impurity and speaking untrue-slur.
(17.16). Laziness, furore, being angry, anguish, becoming tyrant to all, burning homes, houses, inhabitants, huts, tents.
(17.17). Desire for someone else's wife abduction forcefully or otherwise luring others women, enmity for truth, bad insensitive abnormal behaviour.
(17.18). All sorts of debt pertaining to elders, ancestors-failure to pay debt-debt servicing, considering all castes to be equal, keeping anti opinion, negligence, rejection, opposition against the pronunciation of Om-Omkar, ॐ, the primordial sound created at the time of evolution, eating fish, sex with impure-menstruating or wretched women are extreme sins.
(17.19). Selling of oil-ghee, accepting of donations-charity from a Chandal (one who performs last rights in cremation ground-extremely low caste person, who lives away from the periphery of civilians-cities), hiding of own faults and exposing others are the ulterior sins.
(17.20). To envy others rise, always speaking the bitter, lack of pity, to act terribly like a monster, fearsome, terrible, dangerous, desolate.
Prayers, donations-charity, fasting, bathing in pious rivers, ponds, lakes on auspicious occasions-festivals, vising holy places-holy rivers, helping poor, down trodden, weaker sections of society, participation in religious activities, chanting, recitation, singing, celebrating, remembering of God's names on auspicious occasions, meditation, asceticism, thinking-analysing God's deeds are some of the actions which helps in getting rid from sins. Sins carry the sinners to rigorous hells. On being released from them, the soul goes to the species like insects, worms, animals.
(18). मत्सरी Envious, jealous, hostility :: Envy, jealousy, hostility leads to unnecessary desires and competitions. One indulge in acquisitions, which makes his bond-attachments strong with the world, making it difficult for him to relinquish it and attain liberation.
(19). प्रमाद Intoxication, frenzy :: One who attain power-worldly acquisitions generally become intoxicated. Those who never had it before, are plagued by this disease. They start thinking that they are above law and rest of the people, leading to their down fall. The sooner they rise, the earlier they fall from grace.
(20). निंदा Blame, censure, scorn, abuse, defamation, slander, criticism, blasphemy, scolding, reproach, scorn :: Always avoid these things as far as possible. They only lead to displeasure, discomfort, disharmony and spoiled relations. Never blame or censure those in power, since these people are revengeful and harm one at the first opportunity, specially in today's climate.
(21). त्रष्णा Thirst, desires, longing :: Satisfaction-contentment is essential if one has to live peacefully. Desires have no limit. As soon as one desire is met, the other comes forward.
(22). अहंकार, दंभ, दर्प, अभिमान Egotism, pride, arrogance :: Those who considered themselves to be powerful and above all, are no more with us. One can not become God, how so ever mighty he be.
(23). भोग Pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, suffering :: Pleasure leads to formation of ties with the world, which may result in sin and suffering. Pleasure and pain are the two sides of the same coin. Neutrality towards them, makes one closer to the Almighty.
(24). कुमती Evil thoughts-ideas, plans, designs :: Think before taking action. One who act without analysing the consequences of his deeds, leads to trouble, ultimately.
(25). विलास (Sensuous pleasure-flirting, luxurious life :: This leads to dissatisfaction from sex. Such people always suffer from venereal diseases, AIDS, black mail, disturbed family life. They loss their peace of mind.
(26). दंभ Pretence-hypocrisy, deceit, boasting, ostentation :: One who is not so mature, intelligent, wise, prudent will suffer from this defect. One should never show off his acquisitions. Protect them for lean period-difficult times.
(27). निराशा Despair, disappointment, hopelessness :: One should not dream so high that he can not attain, instantaneously. Gradual rise is good. Go up step by step. Wait for the opportunities to come and catch hold of them, as soon as they come. Always remember the God. One's present, accumulated and deeds in previous births will modify the destiny. Nothing is too difficult to attain. Try to attain the God, Moksh, Salvation.
(28). घृणा-द्वेष Hatred, aversion, enmity, spite :: It develops automatically when someone react, abuse, tease, torture, trouble, scorn without any valid reason. Its better move away from the company of such people. Discard, avoid, repel them.
(29). अपशब्द Abuses :: Some people use abuses as a slang. Some do not miss an opportunity to abuse others. One must dissociate such people since he may also acquire this bad habit-evil. Always exercise restraint-control over the tongue.
(30). असत्य Falsehood, lies, fake, incorrect :: A lie spoken to save protect the innocent is not a sin. Those who are in a habit of telling, lies invite troubles for themselves in one or the other form. In fact they reserve their berth in the hells.
सत्यं साक्ष्ये ब्रुवन्साक्षी लोकानाप्नोति पुष्कलान्।
इह चानुत्तमां कीर्तिं वागेषा ब्रह्मपूजिता॥
गवाही देते वक्त सच बोलकर साक्षी अनेक उत्तम लोकों को पाता है। यहाँ भी अति उत्तम यश पाता है, क्योंकि सत्य वाणी का आदर ब्रह्मा जी भी करते हैं।[मनु स्मृति 8.81]
The witness attains many higher abodes (after death) and get appreciation-honour in this world as well, since even the creator-Brahma Ji too respect the truth.
The people like Raja Harish Chandr get higher abodes like Saty Lok. King Yudhistar too attained heaven after his death. The liar is sure to attain hell. The lawyers of today who advocate the falsehood, too are bound to the hell and the judges too will follow the same track who fail to deliver justice and take too long to decide a case. The justice means a short period of time, say one week or one month at the most. However, there are cases which should be settled at the spot on the same day without wasting time without hesitation.
My family-grand father & father fought a genuine case in Allahabad High Court for more than 85 years and lost the hundred of acres of land to the cultivators. The compensation awarded was just two paesa for 1,000 yards. Making us paupers-penniless. This is no justice.
साक्ष्येऽनृतं वदन्पाशैर्बध्यते वारुणैर्भृशम्।
विवशः शतमाजातीस्तस्मात्साक्ष्यं वदेद्तम्॥
गवाही में झूठ बोलने वाला कठोर वरुणपाश में वद्ध सौ जन्म तक विवश होकर कष्ट पाता है। इसलिये गवाह को सच बोलना चाहिये।[मनु स्मृति 8.82]
One who gives false statements in the court has to suffer from water born diseases for full one hundred births.
वरुणपाश :: वरुण देव द्वारा राक्षसों को समुद्र की सीमा में सीमित रखना।
सत्येन पूयते साक्षी धर्मः सत्येन वर्धते।
तस्मात्सत्यं हि वक्तव्यं सर्ववर्णेषु साक्षिभिः॥
सच बोलने से गवाह पवित्र हो जाता है। सत्य से धर्म की वृद्धि होती है। इसलिये सभी वर्णों के गवाहों को सत्य ही बोलना चाहिये।[मनु स्मृति 8.83]
The witness is purified by speaking the truth. Truth enhances the religiosity. Therefore, the witnesses of all castes-categories should resort to speaking the truth.
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनः साक्षी गतिरात्मा तथाऽऽत्मनः।
माऽवमंस्थाः स्वमात्मानं नृणां साक्षिणमुत्तमम्॥
आत्मा ही अपने कर्मों का साक्षी है, आत्मा ही अपनी गति है, इसलिये मनुष्यों के बीच अपने उत्तम साक्षी आत्मा का (मिथ्या भाषण से) अपमान नहीं करना चाहिये।[मनु स्मृति 8.84]
The soul-a component of the God, is the witness of all deeds of the humans and assimilation of soul in the Almighty is Ultimate movement i.e., Salvation. Therefore, one must not insult the soul-the God, by falsehood amongest the public-court.
नग्नो मुण्डः कपालेन च भिक्षार्थी क्षुत्पिपासितः।
अन्धः शत्रुकुलं गच्छेद्यः साक्ष्यमनृतं वदेत्॥
जो झूठी गवाही देता है, वह अँधा, सिर मुंडाये हुए, नंगा और भूखा-प्यासा होकर भीख मांगने के लिये शत्रु के यहाँ जाता है।[मनु स्मृति 8.93]
One who gives false witness is punished by Yam Raj by making him blind, compelled to beg from the enemy, shaved head, naked, hungry & thirsty. The punishment do not stop here. One is made to fall into hells and take birth as insects, worms, reptiles, birds, trees etc. after release from the hells.
अवाक्शिरास्तमस्यन्धे किल्बिषी नरकं व्रजेत्।
यः प्रश्नं वितथं ब्रूयात्पृष्टः सन् धर्मनिश्चये॥
धर्म के निर्णय में पूछे जाने पर जो झूठ बोलता है, वह नीचा मुँह किये महाघोर नर्क में जाता है। [मनु स्मृति 8.94]If one tells a lie on being questioned about the decision pertaining to the Dharm-specific duties, assignments; is sent to hell called Maha-Ghor keeping his mouth down. Maha Ghor stands for most furious-torturous hell.
अन्धो मत्स्यानिवाश्नाति स नरः कण्टकैः सह।
यो भाषतेऽर्थवैकल्यमप्रत्यक्षं सभां गतः॥
जो व्यक्ति सभा में आँख से न देखी हुई बात को नहीं कहता है और जानी हुई बात को छिपाता है, वह अंधों की भाँति मछलियाँ खाता है अर्थात सुख की इच्छा से पाप करता है, मगर दुःख भोगता है।[मनु स्मृति 8.95]
If one do not reveal the event-truth seen by him with his own eyes and conceals the facts-truth known to him in the court of justice, eats fish like a blind person; i.e., commit sins with the desire of attaining comforts-pleasure but gets pains, sorrow in return.
पञ्च पश्वनृते हन्ति दश हन्ति गवानृते।
शतमश्वानृते हन्ति सहस्रं पुरुषानृते॥
पशुओं के विषय में झूठ बोलने से पाँच, गौ के विषय में झूठ बोलने से दस, घोड़े के विषय में झूठ बोलने से सौ और मनुष्य के विषय में झूठ बोलने से एक हजार बांधवों को मारने का पाप लगता है।[मनु स्मृति 8.98]The lair under oath in the court is sinned (slurred-contaminated), adversely affected for the murder of 5 relatives for telling lies-false testimony, with respect to animals, ten relatives with respect to cows, hundred relatives with respect to horses and hundred relatives with respect to humans.
हन्ति जातानजातांश्च हिरण्यार्थेऽनृतं वदन्।
सर्वं भूम्यनृते हन्ति मा स्म भूम्यनृतं वदीः॥
सुवर्ण के लिये झूठ बोलने से जात-अजात संतति की हत्या का फल पाता हैं। भूमि के सम्बन्ध में झूठ बोलने से सब प्राणियों को मारने का पाप लगता है। इसलिये भूमि के सम्बन्ध में कभी झूठ न बोले।[मनु स्मृति 8.99]
The lair is sinned for killing his progeny born out of relation with his wife from the same caste or illegitimate relational from the wife from some other caste, if he tells a lie related to gold. He is sinned for vanishing the entire living world by false testimony pertaining to the land deals.
अप्सु भूमिवदित्याहुः स्त्रीणां भोगे च मैथुने।
अब्जेषु चैव रत्नेषु सर्वेष्वश्ममयेषु च॥
जल के सम्बन्ध में, स्त्रियों के भोग के विषय में, मैथुन के विषय में, रत्नों तथा बहुमूल्य पत्थरों के विषय में झूठ बोलने से मिथ्यावादी को वही पाप लगता है, जो पाप भूमि के सम्बन्ध में झूठ बोलने से लगता है।[मनु स्मृति 8.100]
The impact of the sin is the same as is caused by telling lie with respect to land deals, water, sex with women, intercourse with women, jewels and gems.
तद्वदन्धर्मतोऽर्थेषु जानन्नप्यन्य्था नरः।
न स्वर्गाच्च्यवते लोकाद्दैवीं वाचं वदन्ति ताम्॥
सच्ची बात को जानता हुआ जो व्यक्ति धर्म के लिये झूठ बोलता है, वह स्वर्ग से वञ्चित नहीं होता। उस वाणी को देववाणी कहते हैं।[मनु स्मृति 8.103]
Fully aware of the facts-truth, who lies for the sake of the Dharm-protection of the innocent, is not deprived of the heaven-virtues. His words are termed as divine gospel.
शूद्रविट्क्षत्रविप्राणां यत्रर्तोक्तौ भवेद्वधः।
तत्र वक्तव्यमनृतं तद्हि सत्याद्विशिष्यते॥
शूद्र, वैश्य, क्षत्रिय ब्राह्मण के सत्य बोलने से जहाँ निर्दोष-निष्पाप का वध होता हो, वहाँ झूठ बोलना ही उचित है; क्योंकि सत्य से वह असत्य श्रेष्ठ है।[मनु स्मृति 8.104]
In case an innocent-pious, virtuous, righteous is saved-protected by telling a lie by the Shudr, Vaeshy, Kshatriy or a Brahmn, its better not to speak-reveal the truth (remain silent), since in that falsehood is better than the truth. One should not be killed without fault, logic, reason, guilt, due to the truth,
One should not resort to such testimony which harms the innocents. One should avoid the conspirators, cheats, fraudsters who are busy in framing innocents in one or the other case. This is happening these days in politics, marriages, business and even in administration-bureaucracy in India. The Muslim traitors & Britishers had masterminded this.
वाग्दैवत्यैश्च चरुभिर्यजेरंस्ते सरस्वतीम्।
अनृतस्यैनसस्तस्य कुर्वाणा निष्कृतिं पराम्॥
वे उस मिथ्या भाषणरूपी पाप से उद्धार पाने के लिये वाग्देवता सरस्वती जी के मंत्रो से उनका यज्ञ न करें।[मनु स्मृति 8.105] To get rid of the sin caused by speaking the untruth, the witness should not resort to a Yagy Karm by using sacred Mantr devoted to Maa Saraswati the deity of speech. One may preform the sacrifices without enchanting the holy-sacred verses devoted to Maa Saraswati and taking a holy dip ponds, rivers. He should avoid using boiled rice as Charu for holy sacrifices in holy fire for offering oblations as penances which are sacred to Maa Saraswati, as well. भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने सत्यवादी नामक तपस्वी का उदाहरण दिया है, जो कि पहाड़ पर, एकान्त में, कुटिया बनाकर तपस्या कर रहे थे। एक व्यापारी डाकुओं के डर से, उनकी कुटिया में आया और उनसे आश्रय माँगा। तपस्वी ने उसे एक कोने में छुपने को कहा। कुछ देर में डाकू उसे ढूँढ़ते हुए वहाँ पर आ गये। उन्हें मालूम था कि तपस्वी सत्यवादी है। उन्होंने व्यापारी के बारे में उनसे पूछा तो तपस्वी ने कोने की और इशारा कर दिया। डाकू उसे लूटकर-मारकर चले गये। ऐसा सत्य जो किसी निरपराध की हत्या करा दे वो किसी काम का नहीं है। युधिष्टर सत्यवादी थे। उनसे यह कहने को कहा गया कि वो आचार्य द्रोणाचार्य के सामने यह कह दें कि अश्वस्थामा मारा गया। बहुत कहने पर उन्होंने आचार्य द्रोणाचार्य से यह कहा कि अश्वस्थामा मारा गया, मनुष्य हो या हाथी। जब उन्होने "अश्वस्थाम मृत्यो, नरः हो व कुञ्जरो" कुञ्जरो-हाथी कहा तो पाण्डवों ने जोर से शंख ध्वनि कर उसे शब्द को दबा दिया और धृष्टद्युम्न ने उनका वध कर दिया। जीतने की कामना मात्र से उन्होंने यह कहना स्वीकार किया, जिसके कारण उन्हें देवराज द्वारा निर्मृत तात्क्षणिक नर्क को कुछ क्षण के लिये भोगना पड़ा। पाप लगना :: sin embark, to be stained with sin.
(31). अधर्म Irreligiosity, unrighteousness, immorality, wickedness, sins, crime, guilt, impiety :: One who act against the humanity is irreligious. Visiting holy places, shrines, bathing in holy rivers, does not make you virtuous, pious, devoted to God. Just by remaining away from criminality, anti social activities one may become religious. Scriptures have defined Varnashram Dharm for each and every one.
(32). कुटैव Bad habits, thought, ideas :: One loss his health, mental peace-harmony if he indulge in bad company, habits. they are always harmful.
(33). कुविचार Kuvichar, bad-wicked ideas, negative thoughts :: Reading vulgar books, watching vulgar films, bad company moves one to thoughts, which will spoil his present and future births.
(34). कुसंगति Kusangati, evil, wretched, bad company :: It always add to ills, bad ideas, imprudence. No chance is left for reforming such people.
Each and everyone, should spare some time for prayers, irrespective of religion-faith. God, is one and the same and is present in all of HIS creations. Being a component of the Almighty-one should remember HIM, HE too remembers HIS creations. The devotee attains divine protection as soon he dedicate himself to the pious, virtuous, righteous, deeds. One's dedication to work is surely going to help him in an hour of need. So, always remember the God, before starting work. Remember, it's HE who creates and nourishes all. HE is present in all organisms.
पैशुन्यं साहसं द्रोह ईर्ष्यासुयार्थदूषणम्।
वाग्दण्डजं च पारुष्यं क्रोधजोऽपि गणोऽष्टक:॥
किसी का अज्ञात दोष प्रकट, साहस अर्थात बुरे कामों में पराक्रम दिखलाना, द्रोह, ईर्ष्या अर्थात दूसरे के गुणों को न सहना, असत्य अर्थात दूसरे के गुणों को देखना, अर्थदोष अर्थात अग्राह्य द्रव्य लेना और देय द्रव्य का न देना, कठोर भाषण और क्रूर प्रताड़ना, ये आठ क्रोध से उत्पन्न व्यसन-दोष हैं।[मनु स्मृति 7.48]
Tale-bearing, violence, treachery, envy, slandering, (unjust) seizure of property, reviling, and assault are the eight fold set (of vices) produced by wrath.
द्वयोरप्येतयोर्मूलं यं सर्वे कवयो विदुः।
तं यत्नेन जयेत्लोभं तज्जावेतावुभौ गणौ॥
पण्डितों ने इन दोनों (काम और क्रोधोत्पन्न व्यसनों-lasciviousness का) मूल लोभ को बतलाया है। उस लोभ को यत्नपूर्वक जीते, क्योंकि ये दोनों उसी लोभ से उत्पन्न होते हैं।[मनु स्मृति 7.49]
The scholars, philosophers, learned have said that the root cause of both sexuality and anger is greed for more of it. Therefore, one should make endeavours to contain-control the greed.
One should conquer; both of these vices by controlling greed.
पानमक्षाः स्त्रियश्चैव मृगया च यथाक्रमम्।
एतत्कष्टतमं विद्यात्चतुष्कं कामजे गणे॥
काम से उत्पन्न होने वाले दुर्गुणों में मद्यपान, जुआ, स्त्री सेवन और आखेट, ये चार यथाक्रम बड़े दुखदायी हैं।[मनु स्मृति 7.50]
Sexuality generate vices like drinking wine, gambling, sex and hunting (more and more of women for sex) leads to extreme sorrow in an increasing order.
Sexuality generate vices like drinking wine, gambling, sex and hunting (more and more of women for sex) leads to extreme sorrow in an increasing order.
Ravan has the habit of sexually exploiting women. He raped numerous women in his life time and had children from them. He was cursed by the women and ultimately he was killed due to this reason only. Yudhistar lost his empire due to gambling only. All those who are involved in women trafficking and prostitution meets painful end. Ultimately, they reach hell.
दण्डस्य पातनं चैव वाक्पारुष्यार्थदूषणे।
क्रोधजेऽपि गणे विद्यात्कष्टमेतत्त्रिकं सदा॥
दण्ड देना, क्रूर वचन कहना और धन का अपहरण करना, ये तीन व्यसन-lasciviousness, क्रोधोत्पन्न व्यसनों में विशेष कष्टप्रद हैं।[मनु स्मृति 7.51]
Awarding punishment with anger-wrath, speaking harsh-intolerable words and confiscating money (wealth & property) are the most painful-pernicious vices.
सप्तकस्यास्य वर्गस्य सर्वत्रैवानुषङ्गिणः।
पूर्वं पूर्वं गुरुतरं विद्याद्व्यसनमात्मवान्॥
मद्यपानादिक अनुषांगिक सात व्यसनों में (जो प्राय: सब राज कुलों में होते हैं) बुद्धिमान राजा उपरोक्त व्यसनों को कष्टतर जाने (जैसे अर्थ के अपहरण से कठोर भाषण, कठोर भाषण से दण्ड प्रहार, दण्ड प्रहार से आखेट, आखेट से स्त्री रमण और स्त्री रमण से भी विशेष कष्टतर मद्य पान है।)[मनु स्मृति 7.52]
Seven bad habits described earlier are found in most of the royal families. The intelligent-prudent king knows that the addiction (vice, evil) that comes up next, is more painful-abominable.
Speaking harsh words is more painful than snatching other's wealth, applying the punishment is more painful than speaking tough-harsh words, hunting is more painful than applying punishment, having sex with numerous women is more painful than hunting and consumption of wine is even more painful than having sex with other women.
व्यसनस्य च मृत्योश्च व्यसनं कष्टमुच्यते।
व्यसन्यधोऽधो व्रजति स्वर्यात्यव्यसनी मृतः॥
मृत्यु और व्यसन में व्यसन को ही कष्ट कहा गया है, क्योंकि व्यसनी मरने पर नर्क में गिरता है और अव्यसनी मरने पर स्वर्ग को जाता है।[मनु स्मृति 7.53]
Out of the two :- the death and bad habits, bad habits are termed as more painful, since a person with bad habits goes to hell, while one with out vices-evils-lasciviousness, goes to the heaven.
DASHA HARA is a Sanskrat word which means removal of ten bad qualities (evils, vices). (1). Kam Vasana काम-वासना (Lust, Lasciviousness, sensuality, passions, sexuality), (2). Krodh क्रोध (furiosity, anger), (3). Moh मोह (attachment) (4). Lobh लोभ (greed), (5). Mad मद (over-pride), (6). Matsary ईर्ष्या-द्वेष (jealousy), (7). Swarth स्वार्थपरता (Selfishness), (8). Anyay अन्याय (injustice), (9). Amanushta अमानुषता (cruelty) & (10). Ahankar ( Id, ego, super ego).
विषयी मनुष्य भगवान् के कीर्तन से जैसी प्रत्यक्ष शान्ति पाता है, यम-नियम आदि योग मार्गों से वैसी शान्ति नहीं पा सकता।
एतद् ध्यातुर चित्तानां मात्रा स्पर्शेच्छया मुहुः।
भव सिन्धु प्लवो दृष्टो हरि चर्यानुवर्णनम्॥
यमादिभिर् योग पथैः काम लोभ हतो मुहुः।
मुकुंद सेवया यद्वत् तथात्माद्धा न शाम्यति॥
नारदजी ने कहा हे व्यास जी! जिन लोगों का चित्त निरन्तर विषय भोगों की कामना से आतुर हो रहा है, उनके लिये भगवान् की लीलाओं का कीर्तन संसार सागर से पार जाने का जहाज़ है, यह मेरा अपना अनुभव है। काम और लोभ की चोट से बार-बार घायल हुआ हृदय श्रीहरि की सेवा से जैसी प्रत्यक्ष शान्ति का अनुभव करता है, यम-नियम आदि योग मार्गों से वैसी शान्ति नहीं मिल सकती।[श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण]
झूठ बोलने से इन पाँच पुण्य कर्मों का नाश होता है :-
"दत्तमिष्टं हुतं चैव तप्तानि च तपांसि च ।
वेदास् सत्य प्रतिष्ठाना: तस्मात् सत्यपरो भवेत्॥
(1). दान, (2). पूजा (देव अथवा गुरु का बाहरी आदर), (3). आत्मसंयम, (4). तपस्या (इंद्रियों का दमन) और (5). वेद अथवा ग्रंथों का पाठ अध्ययन।
क्योंकि ये सब सत्य के आश्रय पर ही टिके हुए हैं, अत: सभी को सत्यपरायण होना चाहिए।[वाल्मीकि रामायण, अयोध्या काण्ड 2.109.14]
सभी प्रायश्चित और कर्म-कांड, भगवान की भक्ति से विमुख मनुष्य को पवित्र नहीं कर सकते।
तपसा ब्रह्मचर्येण शमेन च दमेन च।
त्यागेन सत्य शौचाभ्यां यमेन नियमेन वा॥
देह वाग् बुद्धिजं धीरा धर्मज्ञाः श्रद्धयान्विताः।
क्षिपन्त्यघं महदपि वेणु गुल्ममिवानलः॥
केचित् केवलया भक्त्या वासुदेव परायणाः।
अघं धुन्वन्ति कार्त्स्न्येन नीहारमिव भास्करः॥
न तथा ह्यघवान् राजन् पूयेत तप आदिभिः।
यथा कृष्णार्पित प्राणः तत् पूरुष निषेवया॥
सध्रीचीनो ह्ययं लोके पन्थाः क्षेमोऽकुतो भयः।
सुशीलाः साधवो यत्र नारायण परायणाः॥
प्रायश्चित्तानि चीर्णानि नारायण पराङ्मुखम् ।
न निष्पुनन्ति राजेन्द्र सुरा कुम्भमिवापगाः॥
श्री शुकदेव जी कहते हैं, हे परीक्षित्! जैसे बाँसों के झुरमुट में लगी आग बाँसों को जला डालती है, वैसे ही धर्मज्ञ और श्रद्धावान् धीर पुरुष तपस्या, ब्रह्मचर्य, इन्द्रिय दमन, मन की स्थिरता, दान, सत्य, बाहर-भीतर की पवित्रता तथा यम एवं नियम; इन नौ साधनों से मन, वाणी और शरीर से किये बड़े से बड़े पाप को भी नष्ट कर देते हैं, यद्यपि इनकी जड़ अर्थात पाप करने की प्रवृत्ति (आदत) समाप्त नहीं होती (व्यक्ति फिर से पाप कर बैठता है)। परन्तु भगवान् की शरण में रहने वाले भक्तजन, जो विरले ही होते हैं, केवल भक्ति द्वारा ही सारे पापों को जड़ सहित उसी प्रकार नष्ट कर देते हैं, जैसे सूर्य कुहरे को हमेशां के लिए नष्ट कर देता है। हे परीक्षित्! पापी पुरुष की जैसी शुद्धि भगवान् को आत्म समर्पण करने से और उनके भक्तों का संग करने से होती है, वैसी तपस्या आदि के द्वारा नहीं होती। जगत् में यह भक्ति का पंथ ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ, भय रहित और कल्याणकारी है। हे परीक्षित्! जैसे शराब से भरे हुए घड़े को नदियाों के जल द्वारा ऊपर से सैकड़ों बार धोया जाय, तो भी वह पवित्र नहीं होता, वैसे ही बड़े-बड़े प्रायश्चित, कर्म काण्ड आदि बार-बार किये जाने पर भी भगवान् की भक्ति से विमुख मनुष्य को पवित्र करने में असमर्थ हैं ।[श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण, 1.6.13-18]
चित्तमंतर्गतं दुष्टं तीर्थ स्नानान् न शुद्ध्यति।
शतशोथ जलैर् धौतं सुरा भांडमिवाशुचि॥
यदि अपने भीतर का मन दूषित है तो मनुष्य तीर्थ स्नान से शुद्ध नहीं होता। जैसे मदिरा से भरे हुए घड़े को ऊपर से जल द्वारा सैकड़ों बार धोया जाय, तो भी वह पवित्र नहीं होता, उसी प्रकार दूषित अन्त:करण वाला मनुष्य भी तीर्थ स्नान से शुद्ध नहीं होता।[स्कन्द पुराण, काशीखण्ड, पूर्वार्ध, 6.38]

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संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा