Sunday, September 27, 2015

DUTIES OF KING, STATE POLICY :: MANU SMRATI (7) मनु स्मृति :: राज धर्म-नीति

मनु स्मृति
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
राज धर्म-नीति :: राजा के लिए आचरणीय धर्मों का, दण्ड की महत्ता, मन्त्रियों से परामर्श करने की रीति, दूतों की ईमानदारी की परख, दुर्ग रचना-पद्धति, राज्य की उपयुक्त व्यवस्था की विधि, कर-निर्धारण की प्रणाली को न्यायसंगत बनाना, प्रजा की सुख-समृद्धि के प्रति सतर्क एवं सचेष्ट रहने के अतिरिक्त राजनीति :- साम, दाम, भेद तथा दण्ड, के प्रयोग की व्यवाहारिकता का वर्णन) जैसे  :- राजधर्मान्प्रवक्ष्यामि यथावृत्तो भवेन्नृपः।
दण्डो दमयतामस्मि नीतिरस्मि जिगीषताम्।
मौनं चैवास्मि गुह्यानां ज्ञानं ज्ञानवतामहम्॥
दमन करने वालों में दण्ड नीति और विजय चाहने वालों में नीति में हूँ। गोपनीय भावों में मौन में हूँ और ज्ञान वानों में ज्ञान मैं ही हूँ।[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 10.38]
The Almighty said that HE was the force, power, might of the law & order (policy to punish, oppress, penalty, penalise, quash, repression, control, subduing, suppression, subjugation, penal code, oppression) to punish the guilty (criminal, offender, breaker of the code of conduct) and policy for the lover of victory-success. Among the confidential gestures, HE is silence and enlightenment among the learned (philosophers, scholars, educated).
समाज-संसार को दुष्ट लोगों-अपराधियों से मुक्त रखने, सन्मार्ग पर लाने के लिए नियम, कानून, दण्ड नीति, दण्ड संहिता की आवश्यकता होती है। परमात्मा ने कहा कि वे दण्ड नीति में नीति हैं। अतः यह उनकी विभूति है। नीति (धर्म, कूटनीति, राजनीति) का आश्रय लेकर ही विजय प्राप्त होती है। इसलिए नीति भी उनकी विभूति है। मौन की बहुत महिमा है। राजनीति में मौन-गोपनीयता बनाए रखना नितान्त-अत्यावश्यक है। मौन तपस्या का एक रूप भी है और भगवान् की विभूति भी। सामान्य ज्ञान से लेकर तत्व ज्ञान-ब्रह्म ज्ञान तक, भगवान् की विभूति हैं।
Penal code, rule of law is essential to keep the criminals, notorious people at bay (under control). Punishment is essential to enforce discipline in the society. The Almighty HIMSELF is the policy-might to enforce law. The policy is essential to attain victory-success. Silence is ascetic and essential to run the government pertaining to confidentiality-secrecy. Silence is therefore, an ultimate quality representing the God. The enlightenment of the scholar-philosopher is the God HIMSELF.
राजा के आठ प्रकार के कर्म :- (1). प्रजाओं से कर लेना। (2). भृत्य और याचकों को यथायोग्य धन देना, (3). मन्त्रियों को किसी काम से भेजना, (4).अनावश्यक कार्यों से रोकना, (5). कार्य में संदेह होने पर राजा की आज्ञा को ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ मानना, (6). व्यवहारिक कामों को देखना, (7). पराजितों से उचित धन लेना और (8). किसी पाप के लिये प्रायश्चित करना ; ये आठ प्रकार के कर्म हैं। 
जैसे राजधर्मान्प्रवक्ष्यामि यथावृत्तो भवेन्नृपः। 
संभवश्च यथा तस्य सिद्धिश्च परमा यथा॥7.1
राज्याभिषिक्त राजा का आचार, राज्य की उत्पत्ति और जिस प्रकार से उसे परम सिद्धि प्राप्त होती है, उन सब राज धर्मों को कहता हूँ।
I will describe the evolution of the state-kingdom, conduct of the crowned king-emperor and the manner in which he will attain the Ultimate goal-eternity in life by following the duties for the governance of the kingdom-state.
ब्राह्मं प्राप्तेन संस्कारं क्षत्रियेण यथाविधि। 
सर्वस्यास्य यथान्यायं कर्तव्यं परिरक्षणम्॥7.2॥
यथाविधि यज्ञोपवीत संस्कार पाये हुए क्षत्रिय राजा को न्यायपूर्वक सभी प्रजाओं की रक्षा करनी चाहिये। 
The Kshtriy king who has been initiated into celibacy-purified with pious thread-Janeu and attained education as a disciple under oath to protect all the civilians.
The heir apparent was given due training for the governance of the state, as a celibate. He had to study at the Gurukul till the age of 25 years. Thereafter, he was posted to work in different capacities in various sensitive departments and attain training and expertise in warfare.
HEIR APPARENT :: उत्तराधिकारी, प्रत्यक्ष वारिस; successor, heir, inheritor, heir designate, heir of the line.
अराजके हि लोकेऽस्मिन्सर्वतो विद्रुतो भयात्। 
रक्षार्थमस्य सर्वस्य राजानमसृजत्प्रभुः॥7.3॥
इस संसार में राजा के न रहने से सर्वत्र भय से हाहाकार मचने लगा। इसलिये इस जगत के रक्षार्थ ईश्वर ने राजा को बनाया। 
The Almighty created the king to qwell the fear which took over this world & to enforce law, rule, justice, harmony.
The king (ruler, emperor, administrator) is equated with the God i.e, Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu in the sense that he nurtures the public, maintains law, justice, order, harmony. He is just a servant not the God. The treasure is not his personal property. He is just a guardian not the master. He should serve the masses and never try to dictate them.
QWELL :: नष्ट-समाप्त-काबु करना; put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, end, finish, get rid of, crush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, squash, quash, subdue, suppress, repress, quench, extinguish, stifle, abolish, terminate, beat, overcome, defeat, rout, destroy, demolish, annihilate, wipe out, extirpate, calm, soothe, pacify, settle, quieten, quiet, put at rest, lull, silence, put behind one, rise above, allay, appease, stay, assuage, abate, deaden, dull, tranquillise, mitigate, moderate, palliate.
इन्द्रानिलयमार्काणामग्नेश्च वरुणस्य च। 
चन्द्रवित्तेशयोश्चैव मात्रा निर्हृत्य शाश्वतीः॥7.4॥
ईश्वर ने इन्द्र, वायु, यम, सूर्य, अग्नि, वरुण, चन्द्रमा और कुबेर इन आठ देवताओं का सारभूत अंश लेकर राजा को उत्पन्न किया है। 
The Almighty has created the king by taking the basic components-duties of the 8 deities namely Indr-king of heaven, Vayu-the deity governing air-wind, Yam-deity of death, Sun-the deity of light & life over earth, Agni-deity of fire, Varun-the deity of water, Chandr-king of Brahmns, Kuber-treasurer of heaven.
As such a king should poses the basic characteristic of these deities to nourish, maintain and control the public.
यस्मादेषां सुरेन्द्राणां मात्राभ्यो निर्मितो नृपः। 
तस्मादभिभवत्येष सर्वभूतानि तेजसा॥7.5॥
जैसे इन इन्द्रादि देवताओं के अंशों से राजा उत्पन्न होता है, वैसे ही वह अपने तेज से सब प्राणियों को वश में रखता है। 
The manner the king has evolved from the root-basic components of these deities, he too keeps the populations-all living beings, under control-discipline.
तपत्यादित्यवच्चैष चक्षूंषि च मनांसि च। 
न चैनं भुवि शक्नोति कश्चिदप्यभिवीक्षितुम्॥7.6॥
वह सूर्य की भाँति नेत्र और मन को तपाता है; जिससे संसार में कोई भी उसे आँख उठाकर नहीं देख सकता। 
He energise his eyes and the innerself through asceticism, due to which, no one dare look at him i.e., harm him.
The king who is pious, righteous, virtuous-honest, worship the God, is pure at heart & dedicated for the well being of his population-subjects, is saved-protected by the God.
सोऽग्निर्भवति वायुश्च सोऽर्कः सोमः स धर्मराट्। 
स कुबेरः स वरुणः स महेन्द्रः प्रभावतः॥7.7॥
वह राजा अपने प्रभाव से अग्नि, वायु, सूर्य, चन्द्रमा, यम, कुबेर, वरुण और इंद्र, इनमें जब जिसका चाहता है, उसका स्वरूप धारण करता है।
The king acquires the status-identity (acts like them for the welfare of his subjects) of the deity of fire-Agni, air-Vayu-Pawan, death-Yam, king of heaven-Indr, treasurer of heaven-Kuber, the deity of water-Varun, the king of Brahmans-Moon and the Sun who nourishes the whole world.
In reality, these are the functions of the king. He is supposed to take care of the citizens and provide them all facilities and essential commodities. He is supposed to protect the masses from the enemies, maintain law & order.
बालोऽपि नावमान्तव्यो मनुष्य इति भूमिपः। 
महती देवता ह्येषा नररूपेण तिष्ठति॥7.8॥
राजा बालक भी हो तो उसे साधारण मनुष्य समझकर अपमान न करे, क्योंकि वह कोई विशेष देवता नररूप में स्थित है। 
One should not insult or degrade the king even if he is a child, since he represents the deities in human grab-form.
Never equate the present day politicians with the God who are corrupt, power hungry and mislead the public. At present the congress leadership (Mixed blood of Muslims & Christians) is misleading the Muslims over foreign intruders in India. large scale arson, looting, pelting stones, burning buses etc. is going on Delhi-Jamia Millia Islamia, Aligarh Muslim university and Dev Band.
They appear in the attire of Hindus, proclaim them as Hindus and harm the Hindu & hinduism-hindutv.
A bastared is defining Hindu and Hindutv these days, calling himself a Hindu and braham too. His virtual father was a Muslim and his mother is a Chritian. His real father is a Chritian.
एकमेव दहत्यग्निर्नरं दुरुपसर्पिणम्। 
कुलं दहति राजाऽग्निः सपशुद्रव्यसञ्चयम्॥7.9॥
आग में जो गिरता है, आग उसी को जलाती है; किन्तु राजा की क्रोधाग्नि अपराधी के चिरसंचित परिवार सहित धन, सम्पत्ति और पशु तक को जलाकर खाककर डालती है। 
The fire burns only that object which comes under its range, but the king's anguish-anger destroys the family-clan, money, wealth and the animals as well.
कार्यं सोऽवेक्ष्य शक्तिं च देशकालौ च तत्त्वतः। 
कुरुते धर्मसिद्ध्यर्थं विश्वरूपं पुनः पुनः॥7.10॥
राजा अपनी शक्ति, देशकाल और कार्य को भली भाँति बार-बार विचार कर धर्म सिद्धि के निमित्त अनेक रूप धारण करता है। 
The king weighs his potential, capacity and power repeatedly, again and again to carry out tenets of Dharm for the king described in the scriptures and wears-assumes various roles-models to carry them out.
The kingdom is the stage and the king has to play the role of the God as a nurturer-Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu. But generally, the king or the leader start assuming-considering himself to be the God and falls in hells for millions of years. Even the administrator and managers are not far behind. They become merciless-ruthless and runs after profits and the satisfaction of their bosses by hook or crook.
यस्य प्रसादे पद्मा श्रीर्विजयश्च पराक्रमे। 
मृत्युश्च वसति क्रोधे सर्वतेजोमयो हि सः॥7.11॥
जिसकी प्रसन्नता में महती लक्ष्मी, पराक्रम में विजय और क्रोध में काल रहता है, इसलिये वह राजा सर्व तेजोमय है। 
The pleasure of the king grants wealth (Laxmi-Goddess of wealth), his valour grants victory and his anger leads to death; which makes him full of aura, brilliance, lustre grated by the demigods-deities.
तं यस्तु द्वेष्टि संमोहात्स विनश्यत्यसंशयम्। 
तस्य ह्याशु विनाशाय राजा प्रकुरुते मनः॥7.12॥
अज्ञानवश जो राजा के साथ शत्रुता करता है, वह निःसंदेह नाश को प्राप्त करता है। उसके विनाशार्थ राजा शीघ्र ही अपने मन को नियुक्त करता है। 
One who develop enmity with the king due to ignorance leads to destruction. The king mentally prepares himself to eliminate such people.
तस्माद्धर्मं यमिष्टेषु स व्यवस्येन्नराधिपः। 
अनिष्टं चाप्यनिष्टेषु तं धर्मं न विचालयेत्॥7.13॥
इसलिये राजा भले लोगों के लिये जो इष्ट धर्म और बुरे लोगों के लिये जो अनिष्ट धर्म को निर्दिष्ट करे, उसका अनादर नहीं करना चाहिये। 
The king issues dictates with respect to the nice people and the bad people, notorious once. These orders have to be carried out-honoured.
The orders of the king pertaining to the law abiding and the arrogant-those who do not abide by the law have to be followed.
तस्यार्थे सर्वभूतानां गोप्तारं धर्ममात्मजम्। 
ब्रह्मतेजोमयं दण्डमसृजत् पूर्वमीश्वरः॥7.14॥
ईश्वर सभी प्राणियों के रक्षक राजा के सभी कार्य सिद्ध करने के लिये ब्रह्म तेजोमय, धर्म, पुत्र, दण्ड का पहले निर्माण किया। 
For the protection of all living beings the Almighty created valour, Dharm (law & order), son-heir apparent and the Dand-authority to punish, in the king. 
तस्य सर्वाणि भूतानि स्थावराणि चराणि च। 
भयाद्भोगाय कल्पन्ते स्वधर्मात्न चलन्ति च॥7.15॥
उस दण्ड के भय से चर अचर, सभी प्राणी सुख भोगने में समर्थ होते हैं और अपने धर्म से विचलित नहीं होते। 
The fear of punishment allows the living beings both movable and fixed to enjoy-survive without deviating from their duties, functions.
तं देशकालौ शक्तिं च विद्यां चावेक्ष्य तत्त्वतः। 
यथार्हतः सम्प्रणयेन्नरेष्वन्यायवर्तिषु॥7.16॥
उस दण्ड को देश, काल और दण्ड की शक्ति तथा किस अपराध में क्या दण्ड देना चाहिये, इत्यादि का शास्त्रीय ज्ञान, इनका तत्वतः विचार करके अपराधियों के लिये यथायोग्य दंड का विधान करे। 
The king has to punish the guilty in accordance with the principles laid down in the scriptures depending upon the gravity of the crime with respect to the cosmic era and place. 
There are several treatises in India pertaining to justice by the name of Nayay Shastr.
The judgement is delivered by the court these days. The judges are appointed through collegium, not by merit. Most the judges are motivated and governed by politics and are under the influence of politicians. Most of them unaware of the Shastr-scriptures.
स राजा पुरुषो दण्डः स नेता शासिता च सः। 
चतुर्णामाश्रमाणां च धर्मस्य प्रतिभूः स्मृतः॥7.17॥
वही दण्ड राजा है, वही पुरुष है, वही नेता और शासक है और वही चारों आश्रमों के धर्म का प्रतिभू-जामिन कहा जाता है।
The power to punish rest with the king making him the protector, nurturer, leader, ruler and supporter of the four stages in life of a human being. He is the one who enforce the tenets of Dharm, duty and the law & order, amicability in the society.
दण्डा: शास्ति प्रजाः सर्वा दण्डएवाभिरक्षति। 
दण्डः सुप्तेषु जागर्ति दण्डं धर्मं विदुर्बुधाः॥7.18॥
दण्ड सभी प्रजाओं का शासन करता है, दण्ड ही सबका रक्षक है। दण्ड ही सोते हुए को जगाता है। इसीलिये ज्ञानी पुरुष दण्ड को ही धर्म कहते हैं। 
The punishment rules the populace, masses, public, citizens. Its the protector of every one. It's to awake the sleepy, ignorance, lazy, careless. This is the reason why the enlightened calls the punishment Dharm. 
The deity of Religion is Dharm Raj, popularly called Yam Raj as well. Every one is afraid of punishment. Dharm Raj controls death. He is called Kal as well. He assists the Maha Kal-Bhagwan Shiv i.e, Mahesh. 
समीक्ष्य स धृतः सम्यक्सर्वा रञ्जयति प्रजाः। 
असमीक्ष्य प्रणीतस्तु विनाशयति सर्वतः॥7.19॥
विचारपूर्वक दिया हुआ दण्ड सभी प्रजाओं को प्रसन्न करता है; पर बिना विचार किये दण्ड का विधान करने से सब प्रकार से नाश होता है। 
The punishment should be awarded only after due consideration looking after merits and demerits, favourable & against proofs, arguments, examining witnesses etc. Punishment given without due consideration (listening, hearing), leads to all round disaster. A just decision with makes the public happy.
The constitution is framed by criminals sitting in the assemblies & the Parliament. Changes in the constitution are made too frequently to suit individuals and groups dominating the society.
यदि न प्रणयेद्राजा दण्डं दण्ड्येष्वतन्द्रितः। 
शूले मत्स्यानिवापक्ष्यन्दुर्बलान्बलवत्तराः॥7.20॥
यदि राजा आलस्य छोड़कर दण्ड देने योग्य अपराधी को यतार्थ दंड न दे तो बलवान दुर्बलों को लोहे के काँटे में पकड़ी हुई मछलियों की तरह भूनकर खा जायें। 
If the king fail to give proper punishment to the guilty-criminal, due to his laziness, the mighty will eat the weak, just like a fried fish.
In due course the corrupt, guilty, criminal will become so strong that he will uproot the king as well.
In today's scenario the ministers lack general knowledge & common sense, what to talk of scriptures. Most of them are dreaded criminals. If the constitution is framed by the criminals, it will not protect the masses. Keep on fighting in the courts, you will not get justice even after the death.
अद्यात्काकः पुरोडाशं श्वा च लिह्याद्द्विस्तथा। 
स्वाम्यं च न स्यात्कस्मिंश्चित्प्रवर्तेताधरोत्तरम्॥7.21॥
यदि राजा दण्ड ने दे तो, जैसे कौवा यज्ञ का पुरोडाश खा जाये और कुत्ता पायसादि हवि चाट जाये। कहीं किसी का कोई अधिकार रहे। नीच ही बड़े बन जायें। 
If the king fail to discharge his duty of punishing the guilty no one will be able to use his rights and those who do not deserve will become powerful and strong like the eating of Yagy material by the crow or licking by the dog.
आज  तारीख़ में ऐसे लोग उच्च पदासीन हैं, जिनमें योग्यता का अभाव है। मुसलमान दीमक की तरह देश को बर्बाद कर रहे हैं। ये दोनों ही वर्ग घुन की तरह अन्दर ही अन्दर देश को खोखला कर रहे हैं। 
Temples in India are not state property but have been acquired under prejudicial laws by force to serve the interests of mighty. The government of Karnatak is going to appoint low caste-low origin people with low intelligence, knowledge as priests in these temples with out any authority. This is a case of playing with faith of billions of Hindus and degradation of religion. The interference is undue, unwarranted, undesirable and uncalled for. In stead of releasing the temples from the clutches of notorious Muslims the government is shirking its responsibility.
Most of the donations made to the temples are diverted for the welfare of Muslims & Christians by the government in stead of using the money for welfare of Hindus and the area around the temple. This money should be used over development of roads, schools, colleges, gardens, digging pond and their maintenance-instead. No politician should be present over the board of trustees. Only Vedic devoted, selfless Brahmns should manage the affairs of Temples across the country.
Both the state and the court interfere freely in the affairs of Hindus but shun-keep off from the Muslims who threaten humanity 5 times a day.
सर्वो दण्डजितो लोको दुर्लभो हि शुचिर्नरः। 
दण्डस्य हि भयात्सर्वं जगद्भोगाय कल्पते॥7.22॥
सारा संसार दण्ड के अधीन है। शुद्ध साधु मनुष्य बिरला ही होता है। दण्ड के भय से ही सारे संसार के प्राणी अपना-अपना भोग-भोगने में समर्थ होते हैं। 
The whole world is under the protection of punishment. Its very rare to find a pure sage. Its the fear of punishment that the entire population undergoes the impact of its deeds.
The fear of punishment keep the citizens perform their duties relentlessly-continuously.
देवदानवगन्धर्वा रक्षांसि पतगोरगाः। 
तेऽपि भोगाय कल्पन्ते दण्डेनैव निपीडिताः॥7.23॥
देवता, दानव, गन्दर्भ, राक्षस, पक्षी और नागगण, ये सभी दण्ड भय से ही पीड़ित होकर नियम का पालन करते हैं। 
The demigods, the giants, the Gandarbh, demons-Rakshas, the birds and snake follows the law & legislature, rules-regulations, order, system due to the fear of punishment.
The Sun, Moon, Solar System, the galaxies, Pawan Dev-air, Agni Dev-fire, Varun Dev-water, Prakrati-nature do keep performing due to the fear of the Almighty.
दुष्येयुः सर्ववर्णाश्च भिद्येरन्सर्वसेतवः। 
सर्वलोकप्रकोपश्च भवेद्दण्डस्य विभ्रमात्॥7.24॥
दण्ड का उचित उपयोग न हो तो सभी वर्ण दूषित हो जायें, धर्म के सभी बाँध टूट जायें और सब लोगों में विद्रोह फैल जाये। 
Improper use or misuse of the power-punishment may lead to contamination of all castes, all norms of Dharm shelved and rebellion spread in whole populace.
This is what is happening now. The law is used to uplift the ineligible-incompetent through reservations, incompetent people are placed in high positions-offices, inter caste marriages are promoted by the subsequent governments, Muslims are busy luring Hindu girls (Love Jihad & pushing them into prostitution and selling their body after murdering them) into marriage, common masses are following the western styles of life :- no norms, no cultures, no values-ethics, virtues. The Muslims are ruling the country by wearing Janeu and pretending to be Brahmns. Millions of people gather round the impostors to listen to lectures on religion Hinduism-Hindutv. The politicians have acquired high positions in the management of temples and swindling the offerings made for the benefit of the society. The incompetent-impostors-criminals are ruling the country.
यत्र श्यामो लोहिताक्षो दण्डश्चरति पापहा। 
प्रजास्तत्र न मुह्यन्ति नेता चेत्साधु पश्यति॥7.25॥
जहाँ पापनाशक श्यामवर्ण (भयानक) और रक्तनेत्र (तेजस्वी) दण्ड चलता है, वहाँ दण्ड देने वाला यदि न्याय से अपना कार्य करे तो प्रजा कभी आकुल-व्याकुल नहीं होती। 
The place where the tough and impartial (pure, honest, virtuous, righteous) rule functions to control the crime & suppress the sins and the judges perform their duties properly (impartially, honestly) the population will never feel disturbed, restless.
In India do not expect justice since it may take generations to settle the case i.e., too against you even if your stand is justified. The people who are appointed judges too reach high office due to unfair practices-means. Reservation prevail in judiciary too. The judges are over whelmed when the lawyers request for next date or adjournment of the case. In stead of applying his mind, prudence, intelligence the judge looks to the precedence.
तस्याहुः सम्प्रणेतारं राजानं सत्यवादिनम्। 
समीक्ष्यकारिणं प्राज्ञं धर्मकामार्थकोविदम्॥7.26॥
उस दण्ड का प्रवर्तन करने वाले सत्यवादी समीक्षा करने वाले बुद्धिमान राजा को धर्म, अर्थ और काम का ज्ञाता कहा गया है। 
The truthful, honest, worthy, prudent-intelligent king who enforces, implements the law is said to be aware of Dharm, Arth and Kam-the three primary goals of human life-incarnation.
प्रवर्तन :: प्रवृत्त करना, कोई नया काम या नई बात आरंभ करना, ठानना, उत्तेजित करना, उकसाना, जारी करना, चलाना, उभारना, आविष्कार या खोज करना, नए सिरे से प्रचलित करना, कानून लागू करना; enforcement.
तं राजा प्रणयन्सम्यक् त्रिवर्गेणाभिवर्धते। 
कामात्मा विषमः क्षुद्रो दण्डेनैव निहन्यते॥7.27॥
उस दण्ड का यतार्थ रीति से विधान करता हुआ राजा धर्म, अर्थ, काम इन तीनों से वृद्धि को प्राप्त होता होता है, जो राजा विषयासक्त, क्रोधी, खोटे विचार का होता है, वह उसी दण्ड से मारा जाता है। 
The king who implements the law & order with due system, procedure, methodology and care gains virtues in terms of Dharm, Arth and Kam and the king who is voluptuous, partial and deceitful & who acts against the set norms, ethics, values, virtues is killed through the same law and ultimately moves to hell for millions of years and takes birth as insects after release from the hells.
Munayna Begum-Indira Gandhi was killed, since she has no character moral. She was intolerant. She had no education. Though a Muslim, her father pretended to be a Pandit. This family is a curse on India. Others like Maya, Mulayam & Akhilesh, Mamta, Kejriwal Bal, Badal, Shashi Kala, Jai Lalita, Lalu too are the stuff of the same lot-type. There is no dearth of such characterless immoral politicians in BJP. More of than half of the legislatures are dreaded criminals.
दण्डो हि सुमहत्तेजो दुर्धरश्चाकृतात्मभिः। 
धर्माद्विचलितं हन्ति नृपमेव सबान्धवम्॥7.28॥
दण्ड महान तेज है, किन्तु अनभिज्ञों के लिये उसे धारण करना बड़ा कठिन है। वह धर्म भ्रष्ट राजा को साबन्धव नष्ट कर देता है। 
The Dand-baton symbolising punishment constitutes of extreme energy (strength, power). Its very difficult for the ignorant to wear (handle, put to optimum utility) it. It vanishes the king distracted from Dharm (carrying out duties piously, honestly), along with his clan, (hierarchy, family members).
ततो दुर्गं च राष्ट्रं च लोकं च सचराचरम्। 
अन्तरिक्षगतांश्चैव मुनीन् देवांश्च पीडयेत्॥7.29॥
वह दण्ड गिरि, दुर्ग, देश, स्थावर, जंगम जीव तथा अंतरिक्ष स्थित ऋषि और देवताओं को भी नष्ट कर देता है। 
The Dand-symbolic baton of punishment, destroys the mountains, forts, countries, fixed and movable organisms, the sages placed in the sky and the demigods (if misused).
सोऽसहायेन मूढेन लुब्धेनाकृतबुद्धिना। 
न शक्यो न्यायतो नेतुं सक्तेन विषयेषु च॥7.30॥
जो राजा मन्त्री, सेनापति आदि सहायकों से रहित है, मूर्ख है, लोभी है, शास्त्र विहीन है और विषयासक्त है; वह इस दण्ड को न्यायपूर्वक नहीं चला सकता। 
The king devoid of able (qualified, learned, prudent, capable, hard working honest) ministers & commanders, idiot (moron, imprudent, duffer), greedy and lacks the knowledge of scriptures (describing the manner in which the country has to be ruled, at length), plagued with sensuality, sexuality (lust, bias) can not handle the Dand.
In the present context most of the leaders-politicians are extremely corrupt and incapable. They become ministers by hook or crook and even dictators, like North Korea. examples of Hitler can be cited for such rulers. In India Maya, Mulayam-Akhilesh, Lalu, Lata, Mamta, Sonia, Pawar, Thakre... constitute the bandwagon of such people.
शुचिना सत्यसंधेन यथाशास्त्रानुसारिणा। 
प्रणेतुं शक्यते दण्डः सुसहायेन धीमता॥7.31॥
जो राजा हृदय का पवित्र, सत्यनिष्ठ, शास्त्र के अनुसार चलने वाला, बुद्धिमान और अच्छे सहायकों वाला, हो वह इस दण्ड-धर्म को चला सकता है। 
The king who is pious, truthful, acts according to the scriptures, intelligent, has good helpers-ministers, can utilise-appropriate the the Dand (law & order) according to the tenets of Dharm.
None of these characterises is visible-reflected in the behaviour of present day governments all over the world. In India most of the parliamentarians are either corrupt of dreaded criminals. This is true for state assemblies as well. 
स्वराष्ट्रं न्यायवृत्तः स्याद् भृशदण्डश्च शत्रुषु। 
सुहृत्स्वजिह्मः स्निग्धेषु ब्राह्मणेषु क्षमान्वितः॥7.32॥
शत्रुओं को कठोर दण्ड दे, स्नेह सम्पन्न मित्रों के साथ निश्छल व्यवहार रखे और वेदपाठी-वेदाभ्यासी ब्राह्मणों के प्रति-साथ क्षमाशील रहे। 
The king should award harsh-tough punishment to the enemy, keep-maintain unbiased cordial relations with friends & relatives and should be lenient-kind (forgive, pardon) the Brahmans who are enlightened, study & practice Veds-scriptures (as far as possible). 
This rule is not applicable to the imprudent, illiterate, ignorant, stupid or (those who are criminals) Brahmns.
Prathvi Raj Chauhan pardoned Ghouri, who must have been killed-sentenced to death immediately.
रघुकुल रीत सदा चली आई, प्राण जाये पर वचन न जाई। यह उन राजाओं लिये है  सक्षम हैं।   
एवं वृत्तस्य नृपतेः शिलोञ्छेनापि जीवतः। 
विस्तीर्यते यशो लोके तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि॥7.33॥
ऐसे आचरण वाले राजा को यदि शिलोञ्छवृत्ति (one surviving over the food grains from the field harvested by farmers and left over by them) से भी निर्वाह करना पड़े तो उसका यश संसार में उसी तरह फैलता है, जैसे पानी में तेल की बूँद फैलती है। 
The glory (fame, respect, honour) of the king will spread in this world just like the drop of oil spreads of the surface of water, if he possess the qualities mentioned above and is willing to survive just by picking up food grains from the harvested crop fields.
अतस्तु विपरीतस्य नृपतेरजितात्मनः। 
सङ्क्षिप्यते यशो लोके घृतबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि॥7.34॥
इससे विपरीत चलने वाले अजितेन्द्रिय राजा का यश घृत बिंदु की भाँति संसार में संकुचित होता है। 
The honour of the ruler who has no control over his sensualities (passions, sexuality, sense organs), diminishes-shrinks like the drop of Ghee if he acts against the above mentioned qualities-virtues. (The volume of the Ghee is reduced drastically as soon as it is dropped in cold-icy water.)
स्वे स्वे धर्मे निविष्टानां सर्वेषामनुपूर्वशः। 
वर्णानामाश्रमाणां च राजा सृष्टोऽभिरक्षिता॥7.35॥
अपने-अपने धर्म में स्थित रहने वाले सभी वर्णों और आश्रमों की रक्षा करने के लिये ब्रह्मा जी ने राजा को बनाया है। 
Brahma Ji-the creator, evolved the king to protect the populations performing their own duties according to the Varn-caste system (Varnashram Dharm) and four stages of life, maintaining their Dharm (discharging their duties as per scriptures).
तेन यद्यत्सभृत्येन कर्तव्यं रक्षता प्रजाः। 
तत्तद्वोऽहं प्रवक्ष्यामि यथावदनुपूर्वशः॥7.36॥
मंत्री आदि नौकरों के साथ, प्रजाओं की रक्षा करते हुए, अमात्यादि सेवकों सहित राजा का जो कर्तव्य है, वह सब मैं यथाक्रम आप लोगों से कहता हूँ। 
Now, I will describe the duties of the king, along with his ministers and the highly placed officials (servants) sequentially-in proper order.
अमात्य :: यह राज्य के सात प्रशासनिक स्तरों में दूसरा है। राजा के परामर्शदाताओं के लिए अमात्य, सचिव तथा मंत्री, शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है; courtiers, ministers, advisers constituting 7 levels of administration. 
ब्राह्मणान्पर्युपासीत प्रातरुत्थाय पार्थिवः। 
त्रैविद्यवृद्धान्विदुषस्तिष्ठेत्तेषां च शासने॥7.37॥
राजा प्रतिदिन सबेरे उठकर तीनों वेदों के अर्थ जानने वाले नीति शास्त्रज्ञ श्रेष्ठ ब्राह्मणों की सेवा करे और उनकी आज्ञा के अनुसार कार्य करे। 
The king should consult the Brahmns who are well versed with the three Veds and aware of scriptures pertaining to policy matters like Vidur Niti, (deontology, ethics, morals) by rising early in the morning, serve them-abide by their opinion.
The king should consult the learned Brahmans-scholars, analyse the text and discuss it with the ministers-courtiers and only then take the final decision him self. He should be willing to modify his judgement if flaws-discrepancies are brought to his notice.
In today's circumstances politician's whim, caprice, fancy and the desire to attain power through acquiring-capturing more & more votes weighs supreme. Public interest-welfare comes later-second. 
More & more Shudr are reaching high echelons of power on the strength of ignorance of the public. At present both the president and the prime minister are Shudr.
वृद्धांश्च नित्यं सेवेत विप्रान्वेदविदः शुचीन्। 
वृद्धसेवी हि सततं रक्षोभिरपि पूज्यते॥7.38॥
वेदज्ञ और पवित्रात्मा वृद्ध ब्राह्मणों की नित्य सेवा करे, क्योंकि वृद्धों की सेवा करने वाला पुरुष राक्षसों से भी पूजित होता है। 
The king should honour-consult the aged (experienced, learned) Brahmns who are well versed in Veds and pious-virtuous by natures; since a person who respects the elders is worshipped by the demons (wicked people) as well.
The worst possible thing that has been with the rise of Modi at the center is that elder-experienced, matured BJP-RSS politicians have been systematically side lined. Yesterday's (23.12.2019) results of Jharkhand poles shows that its one of the reasons for losses in Jharkhand.
तेभ्योऽधिगच्छेद्विनयं विनीतात्माऽपि नित्यशः। 
विनीतात्मा हि नृपतिर्न विनश्यति कर्हिचित्॥7.39॥
विनयशील राजा भी नित्य उन ब्राह्मणों से विनय की शिक्षा ग्रहण करे, क्योंकि विनितात्मा राजा नाश को नहीं प्राप्त होता। 
The humble-polite king should also learn politeness-etiquette-manners from the virtuous Brahmns every day, since a polite (but firm) king do not meet destruction (misfortune).
At present the Brahmans do not enjoy any respect in politics & judiciary. The Shudr, Muslims & Christians are practically ruling-destroying the country.
वहवोऽविनयान्नष्टा राजान: सपरिच्छदा:। 
वनस्था अपि राज्यानि विनयात्प्रतिपेदिरे॥7.40॥   
बहुत से अविनयी राजा राजयश्री से साथ (कोष, बल, वाहन, परिवार सहित) नष्ट हो गये और कितने ही वनस्थ होकर भी विनय से राज्य पा लिया। 
Various egoistic arrogant, impolite kings lost their kingdom along with treasure, forces, vehicles and the family. Those who were polite and living in the jungles (exiled) regained power. 
वेनो विनष्टतोविनयान्नहुषश्चैव पार्थिव:।  
सुदा: पैजवनश्चैव सुमुखो निमिरेव च॥7.41॥ 
वेन, राजा नहुष, पिंजवन का पुत्र सुदा, सुमुख और निमि, ये सब अविनय से नष्ट हो गये।
Ven, Nahush, Suda-son of Pinjvan, Sumukh and Nimi lost their galore & power due to arrogance-lack of politeness.
पृथुस्तु विनयाद्राज्यं प्राप्तवान्मनुरेव च। 
कुबेरश्च धनेश्वर्यं ब्राम्हण्यं  चैव गाधिजः॥7.42॥
विनय-नम्रता से पृथु और मनु राज्य, कुबेर ने धन, ऐश्वर्य और विश्वामित्र ने ब्रह्मणत्व पाया। 
Prathu and Manu obtained kingdom, Kuber got wealth & money and Vishwamitr attained Brahmanhood by virtue of politeness-submissiveness.
त्रैविद्येभ्यस्त्रयीं विद्यां दण्डनीतिं च शाश्वतीम्। 
आन्वीक्षिकीं चात्मविद्यां वार्तारम्भांश्च लोकतः॥7.43॥
तीनों वेदों के जानने वालों से तीनों वेद, नीतिज्ञों से सनातन दण्ड नीति, तार्किकों से तर्क विद्या, योगियों से आत्मविद्या और व्यवहारज्ञों से व्यवहार समझ ले।
The king should learn governance (administration, policy matters) from those who are well versed with the three Veds, ancient policy governing punishment-judicial matters, from those who are trained in policy matters to punish, logic from the matters of logic, awakening of soul from the Yogies and the manners from those who are acquainted with etiquette, mannerism, behavioural sciences.
इन्द्रियाणां जये योगं समातिष्ठेद्दिवानिशम्। 
जितैन्द्रियो हि शक्नोति वशे स्थापयितुं प्रजाः॥7.44॥
इन्द्रियों को वश में रखने के लिये सदा योग का साधन करता रहे; क्योंकि जितेन्द्रिय राजा ही प्रजाओं को वश में रख सकता है।
The king should practice Yog everyday to keep his sense organs-sensualities under control, since only that king whose mental faculties are under his firm control-resolve can govern the populace.
Yog helps one in keeping his physical and mental faculties under firm control. Yog involves meditation, analysis, thoughts, logic to find out the truth. The king rules in the name of God, so he should be pious and devoted to the Supreme Soul.
दश कामसमुत्थानि तथाष्टौ क्रोधजानि च। 
व्यसनानि दुरन्तानि प्रयत्नेन विवर्जयेत्॥7.45॥ 
काम से दस और क्रोध से आठ व्यसन उत्पन्न होते हैं, जो अन्त में बड़े ही दुखदायी होते हैं। इसलिये इनका यत्न से परित्याग करे।
Sex-lust generate 10 kinds of additions (indulgences, bad habits) and anger create 8 types of disorders (lasciviousness, defects, vices, evils) which leads to very painful end (misery). Therefore, the king should discard these with firmness.
कामजेषु प्रसक्तो हि व्यसनेषु महीपतिः। 
वियुजितेऽर्थधर्माभ्यां क्रोधजेष्वात्मनैव तु॥7.46॥ 
जो राजा काम से उत्पन्न व्यसनों में आसक्त होता है, वह धन-धर्म से रहित-च्युत होता है। क्रोध से उत्पन्न व्यसनों में आसक्त राजा अपने शरीर को भी खो बैठता है।  
The king is involved-inclined to vices developed due to passions (sexuality, sensualities, lasciviousness) looses his faith (Religion-duties) and wealth. The troubles-vices generated by anger-arrogance leads of loss of body by the king.
One attract illness-diseases and dies ultimately taking rebirth in inferior species after a long stay in hells.
मृगयाऽक्षो दिवास्वप्नः परिवाद: स्त्रियो मद:।
तौर्यत्रिकं वृथाट्या च कामजो दशको गणः॥[मनु स्मृति 7.47] 
(1). शिकार खेलना, (2). जूआ, (3). दिन में सोना, (4). दूसरों के दोष का वर्णन, (5). स्त्रियों का सहवास, (6). मद्य का मद, (7). नाचना, (8). गाना, (9). बजाना और (10). वृथा घूमना, ये काम से उत्पन्न दस व्यसन हैं।
(1). Hunting, (2). gambling, (3). sleeping by day, (4). censoriousness (describing weaknesses of others, fault finding), (5). excess company of women, (6). intoxication-drunkenness, (7). an inordinate love for (8). dancing, (9). singing and (10). music and useless travel are the tenfold set of vices springing from love of pleasure.
प्रार्थना :: हे परमात्मा! हे भगवान! कृप्या मुझे समस्त शारीरिक मानसिक दोषों, विकारों, विषय, वासनाओं, व्याधि-बीमारी-रोगों-तनावों  से मुक्त कर। 
O! God kindly protect me from vices-defects-wickedness.
One should not smear, stained, sullied, engross, discredited, attached, sullied to the following and get rid of them, as early as possible.
(1).काम (Sexuality, sex blindness, sensuality, passions, wanton, lust, amorous) :: काम दैवी श्रष्टि और मैथुनी श्रष्टि दोनों को समान रूप से प्रभावित करता है। काम देव और चन्द्र दोनों ही ब्रह्मा जी के रूप ही हैं। ब्रह्मा जी ने स्वयं काम की रचना की और स्वयं ही उससे ग्रस्त हो गये।  भगवान शिव को भी काम ने त्रस्त किया और उन्होंने कामदेव को भस्म कर दिया। मोहिनी अवतार ने भगवान शिव को मोहित कर दिया परन्तु वे भगवत कृपा से उसके दुष्प्रभाव से बच गये। विश्वामित्र जैसे ऋषि भी इसके जाल से निकल नहीं पाये। इस विकार से बचना असम्भव नहीं है, दृढ निश्चय-तप-ब्रह्मचर्य-भगवत भक्ति-शुद्ध विचार, विवेक, सद्बुद्धि  काम के आवेग को रोकते हैं। 
Its really very difficult to overcome-overpower the sex urge. Still one is capable of controlling-diverting this to devotion in God. [Please read more-Kam Yog, Sex Education of these blogs:]
(2). क्रोध (Anger-fury-rage-resentment-wrath) :: राग-द्वेष-ईर्ष्या, इच्छाओं की पूर्ति न होना, क्रोध उत्पन्न करता है। क्रोध में आकर व्यक्ति अपना नुक्सान ज्यादा करता है दूसरे का कम। 
One must control anger, not to repent later. Any act done in a fit of anger may put one  in trouble for the whole life. Life is spoiled. Always avoid such situations. Its better if you avoid anger. Anger is not bad if it is meant for the improvement-betterment of the depraved, corrupt, sinner, our children, society, self-others.
(3). मद (Intoxication, pride, arrogance, conceit, vanity) :: Its the root cause behind the down fall of the mighty. Power, wealth, recognition, flattery corrupts the minds of such people. They start comparing them selves with God. The presume that they are capable of doing everything. One who suffers with this stigma is sure to loss his prestige-power-wealth-recognition-respect and human incarnation in next births. He is destined to hells for millions of years. Never have too high opinion about your self.
(4). लोभ (Greed-eager-covet) :: There is no end of desires. As soon one is satisfied, another one develops-grows. It creates restlessness-instability till the goal (targets, desires, ambitions) are not fulfilled. One can never live with peace. Satisfaction, Santosh, contentment is the key to live peacefully. Make efforts without greed.
(5). मोह (Allurement-delusion-ignorance) :: One will not be able to qualify for assimilation in God-liberation, till he over powers this faculty. It keeps one struck-attached with the world. One has affection-attachments for the children-relations-property-wealth etc. Indifference-neglect is useful. Which can not be cut easily. One can seek guidance-help from the enlightened-Guru.
(6). ईर्षा (Envy-jealousy) :: One feels that he should have all that which is possessed by others. As soon as he notices that some thing new (worthy, precious, useful) is acquired by others he starts longing for it. Failure to obtain it fills him with dis satisfactions, distress-anger. The results of which are never good for him and the society. Contentment-self satisfaction, discipline, minimisation of needs-desires is helpful.
(7). आलस्य (Laziness) :: Its an evil which does not allow to attain the desired material, philosophical or spiritual goals. One seldom achieve success in life if he remains sluggish. Health conscious person always remain active, alert and ready to perform any duty assigned to him.
(8). मान (False Pride, vanity, self respect) :: Its good to be proud of ones country, children but one must not be over powered by this defect. Hirany Kashyap, Hiranyaksh Ravan, Kans, Shishu Pal were killed because they considered them selves to be above all-the greatest. One must maintain his dignity-self respect-prestige, but not by degrading others. All creatures have the same soul-its only the body which is different by virtue of the Karm-deeds. The egoist will certainly meet down fall.
(9). अपमान (Insult, disrespect, disgrace, contempt, curse, reproach) :: One must respect others and their sentiments even if they do not resemble his thoughts. In not good to dishonour others without any valid reason. Chanky was insulted by Maha Nand which led to the elimination of his dynasty and crowning of Chandr Gupt Maury.
(10). भय Fear :: One should never be afraid of others. There is no reason to be afraid of the parents, elders, well wisher and the Almighty. We should be afraid of our sins, wickedness which sends us to hells and lower species. It does b not mean that one has to become over confident and too bold. Always asses the danger and act wisely-prudently-carefully-precisely remembering the God all the time. Fear can be over come easily.
(11). निद्रा Sleep, Drowsiness :: One should not sleep for more than 8 hours. A sound sleep removes tiredness-fatigue and makes one alert, stable and fine. In stead of drowsing all the time one should prefer a sound sleep. It dangerous for own and others life. Never sleep while driving-navigating-flying. Arjun over powered sleep through practice-Yog. One can easily control sleep through practice and Yog. Always too hard work and fatigue. rest is an essential part of our daily routine. [Please refer to longevity of this blog for more knowledge] The God takes refuge in Yog Nidra-sleep.
(12). थकान Tiredness :: One must avoid extreme physical and mental tiredness. Its not good for health. Amusement-entertainment are essential parts of our lives to shed off tiredness. Yog and refuse in God are alternate remedy for fatigue-tiredness. Increase stamina-enhance energy-boost power and start taking regular physical exercise and Yog. Consume healthy nourishing food, avoid meat, wine,women, fish, egg, narcotics-drugs.
(13). शोक Grief, condolence, mourning ::  Its not good to be under the cloud of grief for the ones who are dead for long. control yourself and be busy with the daily routine-chores of life. God-religion-social gatherings-congregations are good remedy for this. Its a temporary phase in each and every one's life.
(14). संताप Anguish, suffering, grief, remorse, trauma ::  Too much of every thing is bad. Control your self. One who has given grief will pull you out of it as well. Take a look at the future-brighten it.
(15). दुःख Sorrow, pain, sadness, grief, distress :: There is nothing to be afraid or fear the pains-tensions-failures. They come and go. Over power them. They are meant to educate you, help you in finding out solutions. Remember nothing is difficult for the one who is determined-confident-brave-alert-conscious.
(16). कष्ट Trouble, difficulty ::  They come as routine. One must not be afraid of them and face them with confidence. They are the out come, result of current, previous deeds. Never try to escape them. Have faith in God.
(17). पाप तीन प्रकार का होता है ::  (17.01). शारीरिक-कार्मिक, (17.02). वाचिक और (17.03). मानसिक। 
शारीरिक :: किसी भी प्राणी को शारीरिक आघात-कष्ट पहुँचाना। 
वाचिक :: वचनों-वाणी-शब्दों से अपमान-तिरस्कार-दिल दुखाना-क्रोध करना । 
मानसिक :: बुरा सोचना-दुर्भावना रखना-बदले की चाहत। 
पाप को प्रायश्चित, आराधना, तपस्या, दूसरों की मदद करके कम किया जा सकता है।
(17.1). परस्त्री की संगति, पापियों के साथ रहना और प्राणियों के साथ कठोरता का व्यवहार करना। 
(17.2). फलों की चोरी, आवारागर्दी, वृक्ष पेड़ काटना।
(17.3.1). वर्जित वस्तुओं को लेना, (17.3.2). वे कसूर को मारना, जेल-बन्धन में डालना, धन की प्राप्ति के लिये मुकदमा करना। 
(17.4). सार्वजनिक सम्पत्ति को नष्ट करना धर्म-नियमों के विपरीत चलना। 
(17.5). पुरश्चरण आदि तान्त्रिक अभिचरों से किसी को मारना, मृत्यु जैसा अपार कष्ट देना, मित्र के साथ छल-छंद, झूँठी शपथ, अकेले मधुर पदार्थ खाना। 
(17.6). फल-पत्र-पुष्प की चोरी, बंधुआ रखना, सिद्ध की प्राप्ति में बाधा डालना और नष्ट करना, सवारी के सामानों चोरी। 
(17.7). राजा को देय राशि में घपला, राजपत्नी का सन्सर्ग और राज्य-देश का अमंगल। 
(17.8). किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति पर लुभा जाना, लालच करना, पुरुषार्थ से प्राप्त धर्म युक्त धन का विनाश करना, लार मिली वाणी-चिकनी-चुपड़ीबातें करना बनाना। 
(17.9). ब्राह्मण को देश से निकालना, उसका धन चुराना, निंदा करना तथा बन्धुओं से द्वेष-विरोध रखना।
(17.10). शिष्टाचार का नाश, शिष्ट जनों से विरोध, नादान-अबोध बालक की हत्या करना, शास्त्र-ग्रंथों की चोरी, स्वधर्म का नाश-धर्म परिवर्तन।
(17.11). वेद-विद्या, संधि विग्रह, यान, आसन, द्वैधी भाव, समाश्रय-राजनैतिक गुणों का प्रतिवेश। 
(17.12). सज्जनों से वैर, आचारहीनता, संस्कार हीनता, बुरे कामों से लगाव।
(17.13). धर्म, अर्थ, सत्कामना की हानि, मोक्ष प्राप्ति में बाधा डालना या इसके समन्वय में विरोध उत्पन्न करना।
(17.14). कृपण,  धर्म हीनता, परित्याज्य और आग लगाने वाला।
(17.15). विवेकहीनता, दूसरे के दोष निकालना, अमंगल-बुरा करना, अपवित्रता एवं असत्य वचन बोलना। 
(17.16). आलस्य, विशेष रूप से क्रोध करना, सभी के प्रति आतताई बन जाना और घर में आग लगाने वाला।
(17.17). परस्त्री की कामना, सत्य के प्रति ईर्ष्या, निन्दित एवं उदण्ड व्यवहार। 
(17.18). देव ऋण, ऋषिऋण, प्राणियों के ग्रहण-विशेषत :- मनुष्यों एवं पित्तरों का ऋण, सभी वर्णो को एक समझना, ॐ औंकार  के उच्चारण में उपेक्षा भाव रखना, पापकर्मों को करना, मछली खाना तथा अगम्या स्त्री से संगत; महापाप हैं। 
(17.19). तेल-घृत बेचना, चाण्डाल से दान लेना अपना दोष छिपना और दूसरे का उजागर करना घोर पाप हैं। 
(17.20). दूसरे का उत्कर्ष देखकर जलना, कड़वी बात बोलना, निर्दयता, भयंकरता और अधर्मिकता। [वामन पुराण]
SINS are divided into three categories :-
(17.01). PHYSICAL :: The abuse is carried out physically by torture, murder, beating-thrashing, assault, tying, inflicting pain by harming bodily, over powering.
(17.02). VOCAL :: Speaking harsh words, insult, abusing, making fun, cutting jokes, rejection, mental agony-turpitude, harassment.
(17.03). MENTAL :: Thinking bad of others, desire for revenge, bad motives, desire for illicit relations, sensuality, passions, pride, ego, greed. 
Any deed-action-manoeuvre, preformed with bad intentions to harm others, amounts to sin. Harming others whether intentional or without intention-chance-happening is sin. Penances, repentance, ascetics, prayers devotion to God, helping others-poor-down trodden-elders-needy, pity on others, forgiving.
VICE (Devil, satanic, wicked, vicious, corrupt, villain, wretch, enemy) :: One is subjected-forced into the hells for thousands and thousands of years, become insect, worm, animal, tree on his release from the hells. The God provides him with an opportunity to improve by giving birth in human incarnation. This opportunity must be utilises for our own sack.
(17.1). Company of others women, wicked and too strict behaviour.
(17.2).  Stealing of fruits, roaming aimlessly with leisure, cutting-felling of trees.
(17.3). Acceptance of restricted goods, killing, beating, imprisoning, filing of false cases against for the sake of extracting money against the innocents. 
(17.4). Destruction of community property and acting against the religious rules, scriptures, epics, code.
(17.5). Killing of people through ghostly-wretched actions, torture like-comparable to death, cheating with friends, relatives, well wishers, false promise, ignoring colleagues, friends, relatives, sitting nearby while sweets. 
(17.6). Theft of vegetation-leaves-fruits-flowers, either vehicles or their components, keeping bonded labor, creating troubles-hindrances in the way of devotees busy in meditation asceticism.
(17.7). Contact-relations with the queen, action against the country and non payment of the state dues. 
(17.8). To become greedy (bait, lure, to temp, to decoy, intense desire, avarice) for a person or thing,  to be greedy and to destroy the wealth-money earned through righteous-honest means. 
(17.9). To expel a Brahmn (Pandit, scholar, learned, enlightened) from the country, snatching-looting his money-wealth-property, spoiling the money earned through righteous means-honest-pure means, envy-anguish with the relatives-friends.
(17.10).  Loss of decency, opposition with the descent people, murder of infants-kids, theft-stealing of scriptures, epics, holy, religious books, change-conversion from own religion and acting against the religion.
(17.11). Action against the Veds, Purans, Upnishads, breaking of treaties, destabilising from vehicle-seat-couch, duality in behaviour, equanimity with the political thoughts-ideas-philosophy. 
(17.12). Rivalry-enmity with the descent people-gentle men, lack of virtues-manners, lack of ethics, attachment to bad deeds-vices-wickedness-devilish.
(17.13). Loss of religiosity, money-wealth-finances-budget, loss of good thoughts-ideas, prohibiting in the attainment of Liberty-Salvation-The Ultimate-Almighty.
(17.14). Miserliness, lack of religiosity, one to be rejected-expelled from family-society and the one who ignites fire to others possessions.
(17.15). Imprudence, finding faults with others, doing bad, impurity and speaking untrue-slur.
(17.16). Laziness, furore-being angry-anguish, becoming tyrant to all, burning homes-houses-inhabitants-huts-tents. 
(17.17). Desire for someone else's wife-abduction-forcefully or otherwise luring others women, enmity for truth, bad insensitive abnormal behaviour.
(17.18). All sorts of debt pertaining to elders, ancestors-failure to pay debt-debt servicing, considering all castes to be equal, keeping anti opinion-negligence-rejection-opposition against the pronunciation of Om-Omkar, ॐ,  the primordial sound created at the time of evolution, eating fish, sex with impure-wretched women are extreme sins.
(17.19). Selling of oil-ghee, accepting of donations-charity from a Chandal-one who performs last rights in cremation ground-extremely low caste person who lives away from the periphery of civilians-cities, hiding of own faults and exposing others are the ulterior sins.
(17.20). To envy others rise, always speaking the bitter, lack of pity, to act terribly like a monster-fearsome-terrible-dangerous-desolate.
Prayers, donations-charity, fasting, bathing in pious rivers-ponds-lakes on auspicious occasions-festivals, vising holy places-holy rivers, helping poor-down trodden-weaker sections of society, participation in religious activities, chanting-recitation-singing-celebrating-remembering of God's names on auspicious occasions, meditation, asceticism, thinking-analysing God's deeds are some of the actions which helps in getting rid from sins. sins carry the sinners to rigorous hells. On being released from them the soul goes to the species like insects-worms-animals.
(18). मत्सरी Envious, jealous, hostility :: Envy, jealousy, hostility leads to unnecessary desires and competitions. One indulge in acquisitions, which makes his bond-attachments strong with the world , making it difficult for him to relinquish it and attain liberation.
(19). प्रमाद Intoxication, frenzy :: One who attain power-worldly acquisitions generally become intoxicated. Those who never had it before, are plagued by this disease. They start thinking that they are above law and rest of the people, leading to their down fall. The sooner they rise the earlier the fall from grace.
(20). निंदा Blame, censure, scorn, abuse, defamation, slander, criticism, blasphemy, scolding, reproach, scorn :: Always avoid these things as far as possible. They only lead to displeasure-discomfort-disharmony and spoiled relations. Never blame or censure those in power, since these people are revengeful and harm one at the first opportunity, specially in today's climate.
(21). त्रष्णा Thirst-desires-longing :: Satisfaction-contentment is essential if you want to live peacefully. Desires have no limit. As soon as one desire is met the other comes forward.
(22). अहंकार, दंभ, दर्प, अभिमान Egotism, pride, arrogance :: Those who considered them selves to be powerful and above all, are no more with us. One can not become God, how so ever mighty he be.
(23). भोग Pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, suffering :: Pleasure leads to formation of ties with the world which may result in sin and suffering. Pleasure and pain are the two sides of the same coin. Neutrality towards them makes one closer to the Almighty.
(24). कुमती Evil thoughts-ideas, plans, designs :: Think before you act. One who act without analysing the consequences of his deeds, leads to trouble, ultimately. 
(25). विलास (Sensuous pleasure-flirting, luxurious life :: This leads to dissatisfaction from sex. Such people always suffer from venereal diseases, AIDS, black mail, disturbed family life. They loss their peace of mind. 
(26). दंभ Pretence-hypocrisy, deceit, boasting, ostentation :: One who is not so mature-intelligent-wise-prudent will suffer from this defect. Never show off your acquisitions. Protect them for lean period-difficult times.
(27). निराशा Despair, disappointment, hopelessness :: Never dream that high which you may not be able to attain instantaneously. Gradual rise is good. Go up step by step. Wait for the opportunities to come and catch hold of them, as soon as they come. Always remember the God. Your present, accumulated and deeds in previous births will modify your destiny. Nothing is too difficult to attain. Try to attain the God-Moksh-Salvation. 
(28). घृणा-द्वेष Hatred, aversion, enmity, spite :: It develops automatically when some one react-abuse-tease-tortures-troubles-scorn you without any valid reason. Its better you move away from the company of such people. Discard-avoid-repel them, away from you.
(29). अपशब्द Abuses :: Some people use abuses as a slang. Some do not miss an opportunity to abuse others. One must dissociate such people since he may also acquire this bad habit-evil. Always exercise restraint-control over the tongue. 
(30). असत्य Falsehood, lies, fake, incorrect ::  A lie spoken to save protect the innocent is not a sin. Those who are in a habit of telling, lies invite troubles for them selves in one or the other form. In fact they reserve their berth in the hells. 
(31). अधर्म Irreligiosity, unrighteousness, immorality, wickedness, sins, crime, guilt, impiety :: One who act against the humanity is irreligious. Visiting holy places, shrines, bathing in holy rivers, does not make you virtuous, pious, devoted to God.  Just by remaining away from criminality, anti social activities one may become religious. Scriptures have defined Varnashram Dharm for each and every one.
(32). कुटैव Bad habits, thought, ideas :: One loss his health, mental peace-harmony if  he indulge in bad company, habits. they are always harmful.
(33). कुविचार Kuvichar, bad-wicked ideas, negative thoughts :: Reading vulgar books, watching vulgar films, bad company moves one to thoughts, which will spoil his present and future births.
(34). कुसंगति Kusangati, evil, wretched, bad company :: It always add to ills, bad ideas, imprudence. No chance is left for reforming such people.
Each and everyone, should spare some time for prayers, irrespective of religion-faith. God, is one and the same and is present in all of his creations. Being a component of the Almighty-one should remember him, he too remembers his creations. The devotee attains divine protection as soon he dedicate himself to the pious, virtuous, righteous, deeds. One's dedication to work is surely going to help him in an hour of need. So, always remember the God, before  starting work. Remember, it's He who creates and nourishes us all. He is present in all of us.
पैशुन्यं साहसं द्रोह ईर्ष्यासुयार्थदूषणम्। 
वाग्दण्डजं च पारुष्यं क्रोधजोऽपि गणोऽष्टक:॥7.48॥   
किसी का अज्ञात दोष प्रकट, साहस अर्थात बुरे कामों में पराक्रम दिखलाना, द्रोह, ईर्ष्या अर्थात दूसरे के गुणों को न सहना, असत्य अर्थात दूसरे के गुणों को देखना, अर्थदोष अर्थात अग्राह्य द्रव्य लेना और देय द्रव्य का न देना, कठोर भाषण और क्रूर प्रताड़ना, ये आठ क्रोध से उत्पन्न व्यसन-दोष हैं। ***
Tale-bearing, violence, treachery, envy, slandering, (unjust) seizure of property, reviling, and assault are the eight fold set (of vices) produced by wrath.
द्वयोरप्येतयोर्मूलं यं सर्वे कवयो विदुः। 
तं यत्नेन जयेत्लोभं तज्जावेतावुभौ गणौ॥7.49॥
पण्डितों ने इन दोनों (काम और क्रोधोत्पन्न व्यसनों-lasciviousness का) मूल लोभ को बतलाया है। उस लोभ को यत्नपूर्वक जीते, क्योंकि ये दोनों उसी लोभ से उत्पन्न होते हैं।
The scholars, philosophers, learned have said that the root cause of both sexuality and anger is greed for more of it. Therefore, one should make endeavours to contain-control the greed.
One should conquer; both of these vices by controlling greed.
पानमक्षाः स्त्रियश्चैव मृगया च यथाक्रमम्। 
एतत्कष्टतमं विद्यात्चतुष्कं कामजे गणे॥7.50॥
काम से उत्पन्न होने वाले दुर्गुणों में मद्यपान, जुआ, स्त्री सेवन और आखेट, ये चार यथाक्रम बड़े दुखदायी हैं।
Sexuality generate vices like drinking wine, gambling, sex and hunting (more and more of women for sex) leads to extreme sorrow in an increasing order. 
Ravan has the habit of sexually exploiting women. He raped numerous women in his life time and had children from them. He was cursed by the women and ultimately he was killed due to this reason only. Yudhistar lost his empire due to gambling only. All those who are involved in women trafficking and prostitution meets painful end. Ultimately, they reach hell.
दण्डस्य पातनं चैव वाक्पारुष्यार्थदूषणे। 
क्रोधजेऽपि गणे विद्यात्कष्टमेतत्त्रिकं सदा॥7.51॥
दण्ड देना, क्रूर वचन कहना और धन का अपहरण करना, ये तीन व्यसन-lasciviousness, क्रोधोत्पन्न व्यसनों में विशेष कष्टप्रद हैं। 
Awarding punishment with anger-wrath, speaking harsh-intolerable words and confiscating money (wealth & property) are the most painful-pernicious vices.
सप्तकस्यास्य वर्गस्य सर्वत्रैवानुषङ्गिणः। 
पूर्वं पूर्वं गुरुतरं विद्याद्व्यसनमात्मवान्॥7.52॥
मद्यपानादिक अनुषांगिक सात व्यसनों में (जो प्राय: सब राज कुलों में होते हैं) बुद्धिमान राजा उपरोक्त व्यसनों को कष्टतर जाने (जैसे अर्थ के अपहरण से कठोर भाषण, कठोर भाषण से दण्ड प्रहार, दण्ड प्रहार से आखेट, आखेट से स्त्री रमण और स्त्री रमण से भी विशेष कष्टतर मद्य पान है।)
Seven bad habits described earlier are found in most of the royal families. The intelligent-prudent king knows that the addiction (vice, evil) that comes up next, is more painful-abominable. 
Speaking harsh words is more painful than snatching other's wealth, applying the punishment is more painful than speaking tough-harsh words, hunting is more painful than applying punishment, having sex with numerous women is more painful than hunting and consumption of wine is even more painful than having sex with other women.
व्यसनस्य च मृत्योश्च व्यसनं कष्टमुच्यते। 
व्यसन्यधोऽधो व्रजति स्वर्यात्यव्यसनी मृतः॥7.53॥
मृत्यु और व्यसन में व्यसन को ही कष्ट कहा गया है, क्योंकि व्यसनी मरने पर नर्क में गिरता है और अव्यसनी मरने पर स्वर्ग को जाता है। 
Out of the two :- the death and bad habits, bad habits are termed as more painful, since a person with bad habits goes to hell, while one with out vices-evils-lasciviousness, goes to the heaven.
मौलान्छास्त्रविदः शूराँलब्धलक्षान्कुलोद्भवान्। 
सचिवान्सप्त चाष्टौ वा प्रकुर्वीत परीक्षितान्॥7.54॥
जो अपने यहाँ वंश परम्परा से सेवा करते आ रहे हों, शास्त्रज्ञ हों, शूर हों, युद्धविद्या में कुशल हों, जिनका कुल शुद्ध हो, ऐसा परखे हुए सात या आठ मंत्रियों को राजा नियुक्त करे। 
The king should appoint seven or eight ministers from such families, which have been serving the empire traditionally, are learned-well versed with scriptures, brave, trained in warfare, whose clan is pure-uncontaminated and have been tried and trusted.
In this age ministers are generally rouges, thugs, evil minded, wicked, wretched personnel. They generally lack education and have criminal records. They loot-plunder the treasury as per their own will-whims and the judiciary remain a silent spectator. They use the police and the the agencies like CBI, IB, RAW, NIA for their own defence-safety and self interest.
Its dangerous to appoint people like Rahul-present Congress heir, whose family tree is full of vices, evil, contamination, mixed blood.
अपि यत्सुकरं कर्म तदप्येकेन दुष्करम्। 
विशेषतोऽसहायेन किं तु राज्यं महोदयम्॥7.55॥
जो कर्म सहज होने वाला है, वह भी अकेले व्यक्ति के द्वारा होना भी कठिन होता है तो बड़े-बड़े उत्तरदायी राजकार्य को सहायकों के बिना अकेले राजा कैसे सम्पादन कर सकता है!? 
The deeds which can be done easily, are difficult to be carried out by a single person. Then how is it that the jobs most intricate and full of responsibility can be done-shouldered by the king alone, without assistance!?
तैः सार्धं चिन्तयेन्नित्यं सामान्यं संधिविग्रहम्। 
स्थानं समुदयं गुप्तिं लब्धप्रशमनानि च॥7.56॥
राजा उन मंत्रियों के साथ नित्य सामान्य सन्धि, विग्रह स्थान (दण्ड, कोष, पुर, राष्ट्र विषयक) समुदय (अर्थात धान्य और सुवर्ण आदि के उत्पति-स्थान) रक्षा और प्राप्त वस्तुओं को सत्पात्रों में अर्पण करने का विचार करे। 
The king should make consultation-discussion everyday with the ministers, regarding treaties (ordinary business, referring to peace and war), place of storage-security of treasure and valuables, arms & ammunition, procurement of food & gold and distribution of essentials amongest the deserving.
विग्रह :: झगड़ा, विवाद, कलह, फैलाना, दूर करना, टुकड़ा, विभाग, आकृति, शक्ल, सूरत, शरीर, देह, मूर्ति, प्रतिमा, युद्ध; separate, independent, image, captor.
तेषां स्वं स्वमभिप्रायमुपलभ्य पृथक् पृथक्। 
समस्तानां च कार्येषु विदध्याद्द्हितमात्मनः॥7.57॥
उन मंत्रियों में सबका अलग-अलग अभिप्राय एकान्त स्थान में जानकर फिर एक साथ सबका अभिप्राय जाने, इसके बाद जिसमें अपनी भलाई देखे वह कार्य करे। 
The king should make consultations with the ministers individually, alone in solitude, to know-seek their opinion-views pertaining to a specific subject-problem and then discuss it when all of those who are present with him and thereafter take decision in the favour  of the state-populace-public, citizens.
एकान्त :: अकेले, निर्जन; seclusion, solitude-solitary, private, devious, isolated.
सर्वेषां तु विशिष्टेन ब्राह्मणेन विपश्चिता। 
मन्त्रयेत्परमं मन्त्रं राजा षाड्गुण्यसंयुतम्॥7.58॥
मंत्रियों में जो ब्राह्मण विशेष विद्वान और विशिष्ठ हो; राजा उसके साथ संधि विग्रह आदि छः गुणों से युक्त परम् मंत्रणा करे।
The king should make consultations with that ministers who is a distinguished Brahman and has speciality in dealing with the mutual relations pertaining to treaty, diplomatic relations with other states-kingdoms. 
संधि :: समझौता, सुलह, बातचीत, बंधेज, इक़रारनामा, ठेका, संबंध, नाता, मैत्री, एकरूपता, संगति, साहचर्य, संग, मंडली, समा, संध राज्य, सुलह, मिलान, मिलाप, पुनर्मिलन, मेल-जोल, विरोध की शान्ति, पुनर्मिलन, संतोष, संराधन, मित्रता का नवीनीकरण, संयुक्त राज्य; treaty, pact, confederacy, reconciliation, federation, association, alliance.
नित्यं तस्मिन्समाश्वस्तः सर्वकार्याणि निःक्षिपेत्। 
तेन सार्धं विनिश्चित्य ततः कर्म समारभेत्॥7.59॥
राजा उस ब्राह्मण सचिव में सदा विश्वास करते हुए, सब कामों का भार उस पर छोड़कर, उसके साथ निश्चय पूर्वक कार्यारम्भ करे। 
Having full confidence in the learned Brahmn minister performing as secretary, the king should entrust the responsibility of dealing with the state; take firm decisions to handle peculiar-extraordinary situations. 
अन्यानपि प्रकुर्वीत शुचीन्प्राज्ञानवस्थितान्। 
अन्य पवित्र सच्चे स्वभाव वाले, बुद्धिमान, व्यवस्थित चित्त वाले और न्यायपूर्वक धनोपार्जन करने वाले, सुप्रीक्षित मंत्रियों को नियुक्त करे। 
The king should choose, (select, appoint) such ministers who are pious, (righteous, honest, truthful), intelligent (wise, prudent, clever), balanced headed (composed, calm & quite), duly trained and earning money through genuine-justifiable means.
During the current era the ministers, legislators indulge in bribery, frauds, cheating and misusing public money for thier own sake.
निर्वर्तेतास्य यावद्भिरितिकर्तव्यता नृभिः। 
तावतोऽतन्द्रितान्दक्षान्प्रकुर्वीत विचक्षणान्॥7.61॥
राजा को अपने पवित्र कार्यों के सम्पादन करने के लिये जितने मनुष्यों की आवश्यकता हो, उतने आलस्य रहित, कार्यदक्ष, प्रवीण व्यक्तियों को रखे। 
The king should enrol-appoint as many experts, free from sloth-laziness, who are able-skilful to perform pious jobs.
SLOTH :: सुस्ती, आलस्य, काहिली, ढिलाई, निष्क्रियता, मंदता; slowness, sluggishness, dullness, laziness, indolence, lethargy, idleness, idle, idling, heaviness, laxity, slackness, indolence, relaxation, dimness, inactivity, inaction, quiescence. 
तेषामर्थे नियुञ्जीत शूरान्दक्षान्कुलोद्गतान्। 
शुचीनाकरकर्मान्ते भीरूनन्तर्निवेशने॥7.62॥ 
उनमें जो शूर, दक्ष और पवित्र व्यवहार करने वाले हों, उन्हें सोने-चाँदी की खान-अन्नादि संचय स्थान में नियुक्त करे और जो भीरु स्वभाव के हों, उन्हें राजभवन के हल्के कार्यों में नियुक्त करे।
Out of those who are selected for pious-honest jobs, the brave should be appointed to protect the grainy, gold & silver mines (collection of revenue, including treasury) and those who are timid (fearful, not so brave) be put to perform various light-less responsible jobs, in the palace-fort.
दूतं चैव प्रकुर्वीत सर्वशास्त्रविशारदम्। 
इङ्गिताकारचेष्टज्ञं शुचिं दक्षं कुलोद्गतम्॥7.63॥
जो सब शास्त्रों में कुशल, इन्गित-इशारा, आकार (मुख-नेत्र के भाव) और चेष्टा से, मन का भाव समझने वाला, पवित्र, चतुर और कुलीन हो, उसे राजदूत बनावे।
One who is well versed with the scriptures (including diplomacy, political system), grasps the innerself of the person opposite him, just by looking at his face by the gestures, facial expressions (movement of eye lids), pious, clever-prudent and belong to a traditionally clean (free from mixed blood, where marriages were not solemnised on inter caste basis) be appointed as ambassador.
अनुरक्तः शुचिर्दक्षः स्मृतिमान्देशकालवित्। 
वपुष्मान्वीतभीर्वाग्मी दूतो राज्ञः प्रशस्यते॥7.64॥
लोगों से प्रेम रखने वाला, सच्चरित्र, चतुर, मेधावी, देशकाल को जानने वाला, स्वरुपवान, निर्भीक और वक्ता; ऐसा राजदूत राजा से प्रशंसित होता है।
The ambassador who is loves the masses, bears a good moral character, intelligent (having good memory, clever, sharp, quick, brilliant, sagacious, skilful), beware of the contemporary world (diplomacy, events & happenings), handsome-smart, fearless and eloquent is commanded by the king.
अमात्ये दण्ड आयत्तो दण्डे वैनयिकी क्रिया। 
नृपतौ कोशराष्ट्रे च दूते संधिविपर्ययौ॥7.65॥
सेनापति की अधीनता में दण्ड होता है। विनयरूप क्रिया दण्ड के अधीन होती है। कोष और राष्ट्र राजा के अधीन होते हैं तथा सन्धि और विग्रह दूत के अधीन होते हैं।
The power to punish has the backing-support of the commander of the army, all functions are performed-carried out politely-silently under the strength of punishment-power, the treasure and the kingdom in under the king and the burden-duty of treaties and relations with other states rest with the ambassador.
There is a requirement of certain minimum qualification even for the most insignificant job in India. For the highest posts like prime minister, chief minister, minister there is no such requirement. Any Tom & Harry, criminal, uneducated can reach the highest echelon of  power just by making foul-false promises, free bees etc. Most of the ministers are generally without degree and experience in their specific field-ministerial post. They are getting 4-5 hefty pensions at the same time, palatial bungalows, amenities etc., a common man can never dream. Cases against them prolong for years waiting for their death. Sharad Pawar, Chidambaram etc. are enjoying power in stead of being in jail. Jay Lalita died and absolved of all cases here, but what next!? Obessey pretend of the constitution all the time, just because its inefficient, deficient and full of defects. Why are Muslims here, when they were given Pakistan!?
दूत एव हि संधत्ते भिनत्त्येव च संहतान्। 
दूतस्तत्कुरुते कर्म भिद्यन्ते येन मानवा:॥7.66॥
दूत ही बिगड़े हुओं को मिलाता है और मिले हुओं को फोड़ता है, दूत ऐसा काम करता है जिससे शत्रु पक्ष का जन-बल छिन्न-भिन्न हो जाये।
The ambassador creates differences between the opponents and brings to fore who are against the state. He functions in such a manner that the enemy's power-strength is destroyed (diminished, vanish) & and the populace rises against the enemy king.
He is supposed to balance the power of the allies. Its not he alone has to do this. He has the support of the spy net work of the state spreaded in other countries. The police department also has its role. The king has to coordinate all this activities. He should never allow the power to rest in one single person or group of ministers.
स विद्यादस्य कृत्येषु निर्गूढेङ्गितचेष्टितैः। 
आकारमिङ्गितं चेष्टां भृत्येषु च चिकीर्षितम्॥7.67॥
दूत प्रतिपक्षी राजा के कार्यों में नियुक्त सेवकों के इंगित और चेष्टा से उनके प्रति राजा के इंगित और चेष्टा जाने और सेवकों के प्रति उस राजा का कैसा भाव है, यह भी जान ले।
The ambassador should explore (discover, find out) the behaviour of the servants-countenance through their gestures-expressions & actions towards the king and vice-versa.
बुद्ध्वा च सर्वं तत्त्वेन परराजचिकीर्षितम्। 
तथा प्रयत्नमातिष्ठेद्यथाऽऽत्मानं न पीडयेत्॥7.68॥
प्रतिपक्षी राजा के मन के भाव को भली-भाँति जानकर ऐसा यत्न करे, जिसमें अपने ऊपर कोई संकट न आये।
विभीषण ने हनुमान जी महाराज जो भगवान् श्री राम का दूत होने के कारण उनको दण्डित न करने की प्रार्थना रावण से की। 
The ambassador should thoroughly understand the thought process of the opposite king and act in such a manner that he remains safe & alive. 
He should follow-obey rules & regulations of the country where he has been posted and should not act against its law & legislature.
Vibhishan reminded Ravan that Hanuman Ji Maharaj was Bhagwan Shri Ram's envy-ambassador, that is why he could not be punished.
जाङ्गलं सस्यसम्पन्नमार्यप्रायमनाविलम्। 
रम्यमानतसामन्तं स्वाजीव्यं देशमावसेत्॥7.69॥
जो देश प्रचुर धन्यादिक से सम्पन्न हों, जहाँ धार्मिक लोग बसते हों, निरोगादि से निरुपद्रव और रमणीय स्थान हों, जहाँ आस-पास विनीत लोग रहते हों, जहाँ सुलभ जीविका हो, ऐसे देश में राजा को निवास करना चाहिये।
The king should select such a place for living (capital) where sufficient food grain can be grown & stored (cultivation, harvesting, agriculture, animal husbandry is possible), religious-pious people reside, climate is suitable for good health, beautiful landscape and attractive scenery is there, polite-obedient people are there, ample job opportunities are available for livelihood. 
धन्वदुर्गं महीदुर्गमब्दुर्गं वार्क्षमेव वा। 
नृदुर्गं गिरिदुर्गं वा समाश्रित्य वसेत्पुरम्॥7.70॥
धनु दुर्ग (मरुवेष्टित), महीदुर्ग (पाषाणखण्ड वेष्टित), जलदुर्ग (दलदल), वृक्षदुर्ग, नृदुर्ग (Human fortification. It refers to the type of fort being surround by four divisions or army-artillery) या गिरिदुर्ग का आश्रय लेकर नगर का वास करे।
The place having all facilities for human habitation should be fortified by desert, rocks-stone slabs walls, water (artificial or natural lacks, marshy lands, trenches, खाइ-खन्दक), human shield in the form of 4 battalions of army, mountain fort (hilly terrain, mountainous region surrounding that place.
सर्वेण तु प्रयत्नेन गिरिदुर्गं समाश्रयेत्। 
एषां हि बाहुगुण्येन गिरिदुर्गं विशिष्यते॥7.71॥
पूर्वोक्त छः प्रकार के किलों में से प्रयत्न करके गिरिदुर्ग का ही आश्रय ग्रहण करे। इन सभी दुर्गों में अधिक गुणों से युक्त होने के कारण गिरिदुर्ग ही अधिक विशिष्ट-उपयुक्त है।
The king should prefer the fort built over the hills-mountain since, out of the six categories of forts described earlier the fort built over the mountain is more safe. 
A hill-fort is distinguished by many superior qualities.
त्रीण्याद्यान्याश्रितास्त्वेषां मृगगर्ताश्रयाSप्सरा:। 
त्रीण्युत्तराणि क्रमशः प्लवङ्गमनरामराः॥7.72॥ 
इन दुर्गों में से प्रथम तीन दुर्गों में यथाक्रम मृग, चूहे आदि, मगर और जलचर आश्रय लेते हैं तथा शेष तीन किलों में वृक्षदुर्ग के आश्रित वानर, मनुष्य और पशु-पक्षी गण तथा गिरी दुर्ग के आश्रित देवता होते हैं। 
The first three categories of forts are inhabited by deer, rats crocodiles-alligators etc. Out of the remaining three, the fort made out of trees (developing a thick shield of trees in the form of forests-jungles inhabited by monkeys, humans, birds and various categories of animals. The fort built over the mountain is inhabited by deities and demigods.
In India most of the ancient forts are found over rocky terrains. The fort at Aurangabad-Pune (Dev Giri fort) is a creation of demigods. Fort at Dwarka too is a creation of divinity. The fort at Indrprasth-Delhi was also a divine creation. The fort occupied by Ravan in Shri Lanka, built over steep mountains, was also divine creation. Vishwkarma-Dev Shilpi and May Danav were divine creators. May was the father in law of Ravan. Vishwkarma's sons Nal & Neel created the mythological bridge connecting Shri Lanka and Rameshwaram in India by flouting rocks over water.
यथा दुर्गाश्रितानेतान्नोपहिंसन्ति शत्रवः। 
तथाऽरयो न हिंसन्ति नृपं दुर्गसमाश्रितम्॥7.73॥
जैसे किले के आश्रित इन मृगादि जीवों को इनके शत्रु नहीं मार सकते, वैसे ही दुर्ग के आश्रित राजा को भी शत्रु नहीं मार सकते। 
The manner in which the animals like deer are safe in the citadel-fort and can not be killed by their enemies, the enemy can not kill the king.
एकः शतं योधयति प्राकारस्थो धनुर्धरः। 
शतं दशसहस्राणि तस्माद् दुर्गं विधीयते॥7.74॥
किले में रहने वाला एक धनुर्धारी बाहर वाले सौ योद्धाओं का सामना कर सकता है।  किले की एक सौ सेना दस सहस्त्र सेना के युद्ध कर सकती है। इसलिए दुर्ग अवश्य बनवाना चाहिये। 
A single bowman inside the parapets of the fort can face hundred soldiers out side the fort and similarly just one hundred soldiers inside the fort can fight with ten thousand enemy soldiers out side. Therefore, its essential to build a fort.
In the age of aeroplanes-fighter jets this clause becomes meaningless. In case missiles, atom bomb are used entire populace is eliminated including trees-flora and fauna. In that case a fort constructed deeper inside the soil and camouflaged with forests is more safe. Another safe options is building fortresses deeper inside waters-ocean.
तत् स्यादायुधसम्पन्नं धनधान्येन वाहनैः। 
ब्राह्मणैः शिल्पिभिर्यन्त्रैर्यवसेनोदकेन च॥7.75॥
वह किला अस्त्र-शस्त्र, धन, धान्य, वाहन, ब्राह्मण, शिल्पी, यन्त्र, तृण और जल से परिपूर्ण रहना चाहिये। 
The citadel should have all amenities like vehicles, craftsmen-skilled workers, machines, fodder-straw for animals, food grain, wealth (money, cash, gold), water reservoirs, weapons, arms and ammunition including workshops. There should be provision for secret escape routes as well.
तस्य मध्ये सुपर्याप्तं कारयेद् गृहमात्मनः। 
गुप्तं सर्वतुकं शुभ्रं जलवृक्षसमन्वितम्॥7.76॥
ऐसे दुर्ग के बीच में पर्याप्त खाई और सब प्रकार ऋतुओं के फल-फूल और निर्मल जल से भरे हुए कुँओं और बावलियों से युक्त अपना राजभवन बनवावे। 
The palace surrounded-protected by trenches should be constructed in the citadel with gardens-orchards having all sorts of flowers & fruits, wells with pure drinking water and step wells for storing rain water for the lean season.
तदध्यास्योद्वहेद्भार्यां सवर्णां लक्षणान्विताम्। 
कुले महति सम्भूतां हृद्यां रूपगुणान्विताम्॥7.77॥
उस राजभवन में रहकर अपनी जाति के उच्चकुल में उत्पन्न शुभ लक्षण और रूप-गुणों से युक्त कन्या के साथ ब्याह करे। 
The king should marry a charming & beautiful girl of his own caste (Kshatriy) with auspicious characterises, born in a upper class family while occupying that palace.
The king should never marry a girl out of his own caste i.e., Kshatriy.
पुरोहितं च कुर्वीत वृणुयादेव चर्त्विजः। 
तेऽस्य गृह्याणि कर्माणि कुर्युर्वैतानिकानि च॥7.78॥
पुरोहित को नियुक्त करके और ऋत्विजों (यज्ञ करानेवालों) को कर्म करने के लिये वरण करे, वे गृह्यसूत्र के अनुसार राजा के शान्ति-कर्मादि करें।
The king should appoint a family priest and the Brahmns for performing Yagy-sacrifices in holy fire for auspicious-sacred purposes.
Indian constitution is heavily loaded in favour of the Muslims and the Scheduled Castes. It leads to exploitation of the middle class, basically the Swarn-Upper castes. The Muslims Mulla, Maulvis in Delhi and else where are given regular salaries, stipends and funds for the growth of Islam who spit venom against the Hindus everyday. But a Brahman priest is deprived off the basic facilities.
Majority of Sunni Muslims in India and Pakistan are from lower castes, who generally lack ethics, character, morals, values. They produce large number of children and keep off education-learning. Aurangzeb converted low caste Hindus just for 4 Annas for males and 2 Annas for females. Akbar married his sister to Tan Sen to convert him. Millions of Hindus who refused to convert, were mercilessly killed after torturing them.
यजेत राजा क्रतुभिविविधैराप्तदक्षिणैः। 
धर्मार्थं चैव विप्रेभ्यो दद्याद्भोगान्धनानि च॥7.79॥
राजा धर्म के निमित्त बहु दक्षिणा युक्त, विविध प्रकार के यज्ञ करे और ब्राह्मणों को भोग्य पदार्थ और धन दे।
The king should organise various types of sacred sacrifices in holy fire strengthened with multiple offerings and donate various consumable goods to the Brahmn with sufficient money to survive, while they pray to God for the benefit of the kingdom as a whole.
सांवत्सरिकमाप्तैश्च राष्ट्रादाहारयेद् बलिम्। 
स्याच्चाम्नायपरो लोके वर्तेत पितृवन्नृषु॥7.80॥
राजा शास्त्र के अनुसार राज्य-कर्मचारियों द्वारा प्रजाओं से वार्षिक कर वसूल करावे और उनके साथ पिता के समान व्यवहार करे। 
The king should ensure the collection of taxes-revenue by the state employees from the populace and behave like a father with them.
In India the scriptures allow one sixth of the total earnings as taxes from the peasants, skilled personal, businessmen etc. etc. During Mughal & Maratha regime taxes were imposed at the rate of one fourth of the earnings. The British crossed all limits and looted the peasants, businessmen and the states alike. Bangal suffered two famines and more than 5 crore people lost their lives, due to the atrocities of the Britishers. Hindu kings stopped collection of taxes during famine and natural disasters and opened their treasury & stocks for the welfare of the common masses.
Since 2019, Corona is troubling the humanity. Millions of people have died and Millions are bound to die in the third and fourth phases. Modi's-BJP government, ensured the vaccination of all citizens and distribution of free ration to the poor. The so called poor are seen standing in 4-5 kilometre long lines for buying liquor-wine. They avoid wearing mask and seen in talking in groups.
The government is extracting the middle class and the Swarn equally, in the form of huge taxes and reducing the interest rates over bank deposits, drastically. The aged ones are worst affected by this. It collects tax in the form of the GST over garbage collection, electricity & water bills. It provides all amenities to the legislatures, minister and the members of Parliament. Its not all; these people are getting 4-5 pensions. They call them selves public servants. It benefits the Muslims and the scheduled castes the most, who have many-many children. The most ineligible is benefited through reservations. The Muslims with 4 wives and 98 children are the most benefited ones. India is a heaven for them. They cry a lot and get the maximum benefit of India's earnings.
Offerings in the temples are being snatched from the Hindus and are used for the welfare these people, who are curse on India. They do not deserve to be voters in India. 
Let us have a Muslim free India, after Congress free India.
अध्यक्षान्विविधान्कुर्यात्तत्र तत्र विपश्चितः। 
तेऽस्य सर्वाण्यवेक्षेरन्नृणां कार्याणि कुर्वताम्॥7.81॥ 
भिन्न-भिन्न कार्यों की देखभाल के लिये भिन्न-भिन्न कार्यकुशल व्यक्तियों को अध्यक्ष नियुक्त करे। वे अध्यक्ष उन सब कामों में नियुक्त राज कर्मचारियों के काम की देखभाल-समीक्षा करें।
The king should appoint heads of various departments who are qualified & experienced, to look after & manage the day to day working. These heads should supervise the working of the ground level working to ensure efficient functioning. 
For this purpose systems should be evolved & updated from time to time. These departments should be under the effective-efficient working of the ministers, who are further examined by the king himself. The king should always be alert and conscious.
आवृत्तानां गुरुकुलाद्विप्राणां पूजको भवेत्। 
नृपाणामक्षयो ह्येष निधिर्ब्राह्मोऽभिधीयते॥7.82॥
राजा को गुरुकुल से लौटकर आये हुए ब्राह्मणों की पूजा करनी चाहिये, क्योंकि राजाओं की ब्रह्मनिष्ठ निधि अक्षय कही गई है। 
The king should honour the celibates who have returned to the kingdom after completion of their education, since they constitute the imperishable assets-possessions of the empire.
They would form a class which will transmit the learning amongest the masses through downward filtration process. Masses-public will acquire virtues, ethics, morals, honesty from them.
न तं स्तेना न चामित्रा हरन्ति न च नश्यति। 
तस्माद्राज्ञा निधातव्यो ब्राह्मणेष्वक्षयो निधिः॥7.83॥
उस निधि (ज्ञान, संस्कार) को चोर नहीं चुरा सकते, शत्रु हरण नहीं कर सकते और न ही वह कभी नष्ट हो सकती है। इसलिये राजा को ब्राह्मणों में अक्षय निधि स्थापन करनी चाहिये।
The knowledge-education constitutes the asset which can not be stolen, enemy can not captures or snatch and it never vanishes. Therefore, the king should establish the Brahmns. Prayers and worship done by the Brahmns do help the king who protects them.
All sorts of aid to the Brahmans was stopped after the advent of Buddhism in India. Slowly and gradually the Guru Kuls vanished. No Ashrams are seen any more. However, some people like Ram Rahim, Asha Ram, Radhey Maa, Ram Vraksh do have Ashram which are the clusters of immorality. None of them is a Brahman. The Muslims and Christians maintained the trend. Till today all governments in India are anti Brahman. Brahman is just a voter. He has no value-significance. The Brahman too is careless. He too has started the trends established by the Muslims and Christians. Its very rare to find a Brahman who is well versed with scriptures, Ved, Puran, Shastr, epics. There knowledge is limited to what they see over the TV.
न स्कन्दते न व्यथते न विनश्यति कर्हिचित्। 
वरिष्ठमग्निहोत्रेभ्यो ब्राह्मणस्य मुखे हुतम्॥7.84॥
अग्नि में किये गये हवन की अपेक्षा ब्राह्मणों के मुँख में किया गया होम श्रेष्ठ है, क्योंकिं यह हवि इधर-उधर नहीं गिरती न सूखती है और न कभी नष्ट होती है।
Feeding of Brahmns is superior to ritualistic sacrifices made in the fire in the form of Hawan-Agnihotr, since the offerings do not scatter, dry or parish. 
Brahman is the mouth of the demigods. The offerings to the Brahmans are accepted by the deities-demigods.
सममब्राह्मणे दानं द्विगुणं ब्राह्मणब्रुवे। 
प्राधीते शतसाहस्रमनन्तं वेदपारगे॥7.85॥
ब्राह्मणेतर को दान देने के फल से अपने को सिर्फ ब्राह्मण कहने वाले ब्राह्मण को देने से होता है। विद्वान ब्राह्मण को दान देने से, दान का लाख गुना और वेदपारंगत ब्राह्मण को दिये दान का फल अनन्त गुना होता है।
The reward-result of donations-charity to one who is just a Brahman by caste-birth, is double of the donations made to a non deserving (who is not a Brahmn). Donations made to a learned Brahman yield hundred times the value of the donation made by one; while it multiplies infinite times if made to a Brahmn who is expert in Veds i.e., learned & enlightened.
पात्रस्य हि विशेषेण श्रद्दधानतयैव च। 
अल्पं वा बहु वा प्रेत्य दानस्य फलमश्नुते॥7.86॥ 
पात्र की विशेषता और श्रद्धा के तारतम्य से दान का फल परलोक में थोड़ा या बहुत अवश्य मिलता है।
One gets the return of his donations in next births depending upon the faith-devotion of the donor and the recipient and their mutual understanding.
Thousands of charitable organisations have mushroomed in India. They collect enormous amounts of money and use it for their personal well being, luxuries, welfare. The aid is passing into the hands of Christian missionaries and Muslims for converting Hindus to Christianity & Islam. Aid from Arab countries is passing into the hands of terrorists to destabilize India.
समोत्तमाधमै राजा त्वाहूतः पालयन्प्रजाः। 
न निवर्तेत सङ्ग्रामात्क्षात्रं धर्ममनुस्मरन्॥7.87॥
प्रजा का पालन करता हुआ क्षात्र धर्म के अनुसार सम बल, अधिक बल या कम बल वाले राजा से युद्धार्थ बुलाये जाने पर युद्ध से मुँह न मोड़े। 
The king should accept the invitation for war made by the other kings equal, less or more powerful-strong than him serving his citizens-populace according to the duties of a Kshatriy-marshal caste. 
He should neither deny nor remain neutral to the call for a war as a part of some treaty or aggression-invasion.
सङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तित्वं प्रजानां चैव पालनम्। 
शुश्रूषा ब्राह्मणानां च राज्ञां श्रेयस्करं परम्॥7.88॥
युद्ध में पीठ नहीं दिखाना, प्रजाओं का पालन और ब्राह्मणों की सेवा, ये राजाओं के लिये परम कल्याण कारी हैं। 
Its most auspicious for the king not to show his back-retreat, in the war, serve the populace and the Brahmans. 
आहवेषु मिथोऽन्योन्यं जिघांसन्तो महीक्षितः। 
युध्यमानाः परं शक्त्या स्वर्गं यान्त्यपराङ्-मु खाः॥7.89॥
युद्ध में परस्पर एक दूसरे को मारने की इच्छा करने वाले और सम्पूर्ण शक्ति लगाकर लड़ने वाले राजा युद्ध में पीठ न दिखाकर सीधे स्वर्ग जरते हैं। 
The kings who fight with the desire to kill each other and fight with their entire capability-power, goes to the heaven if they do not retreat-turn their back.
न कूटैरायुधैर्हन्याद्युध्यमानो रणे रिपून्। 
न कर्णिभिर्नापि दिग्धैर्नाग्निज्वलिततेजनैः॥7.90॥
युद्ध में लड़ते हुए शत्रुओं को कूट शस्त्रों से कर्णिका के आकार सदृश फलक वाले, विष से बुझे हुए और अग्नि दीप्त बाणों से न मारे। 
Either sides is not supposed to hit the opponent with hidden arms, arrows laced with poison or arrows with fire arms-ammunition heads.
न च हन्यात्स्थलारूढं न क्लीबं न कृताञ्जलिम्। 
न मुक्तकेशं नासीनं न तवास्मीति वादिनम्॥7.91॥
आप तो सवारी पर हो और शत्रु पृथ्वी पर खड़ा हो, तो शत्रु को न मारे। जो नपुंसक हो या जो हाथ जोड़े खड़ा हो, जिसके बाल खुले हों या जो नीचे बैठा हो या जो मैं तुम्हारा हूँ, ऐसा कह रहा हो, ऐसे शत्रु को न मारे। 
The enemy who is standing or sitting over the ground should not be killed by the rival who is riding a vehicle-armour. The impotent-eunuch do not deserve to be killed. One whose hair are open-untied has to be spared. One who says that I belong to you or one who surrender with folded hands should not be killed.
Face to face combat rules out sparing the enemy. These rules apply to those who mutually agree to follow them. During this cosmic era no one follows these rules. One sided observance of rules does not help at all. The terrorist follow no rules-regulations or norms. They deserve to be eliminated. The terrorist states like Pakistan deserve to be wiped off. All terrorist groups patronised by Muslims & other faiths deserve to be eliminated be it IS, ISI, ISIS, Hamas.
During Maha Bharat Bhagwan Shri Krashn discarded all rules when Abhimanyu was killed by treachery. He attacked Jara Sandh from behind when his army was asleep at night. He led Kal Yawan to to the cave where Muchukund was sleeping. Shikhandi stood in front of Arjun while shooting arrows over Bhishm Pitamah.
List of the terrorists groups active all over the world :: 
(A). Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Abu Nidal Organisation, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Abu Sayyaf, Aden-Abyan Islamic Army, Ajnad Misr, Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj, al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Al-Badr, al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya, Al Ghurabaaal-Haramain Foundation, Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, Al-Mourabitoun, Al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, , al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Al-Shabaab, Takfir wal-Hijra, Al-Umar-Mujahideen, All Tripura Tiger Force, Ansar al-Sharia (Libya), Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia), Ansar al-Islam, Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, Ansar Dine, Ansaru, Armed Islamic Group of Algeria, Army of IslamArmy of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order, Osbat al-Ansar, Aum Shinrikyo, Babbar Khalsa International, Balochistan Liberat, Islamic State of Iraq and the LevantBoko Haram, Caucasus Emirate, Committee for Charity and Solidarity with Palestine, Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of the Philippines, New People's Army, Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist, Conspiracy of Fire NucleiContinuity Irish Republican Army, Cumann nam Ban, Deendar Donetsk People's Republic, Donetsk People's RepublicDukhtaran-e-Millat, East Turkestan Information Center, East Turkestan Islamic Party, East Turkestan Liberation Organization, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Logo of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna.png, ETA, Grey Wolves, Gülen movemen, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Haqqani network, Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, Harkat-al-Jihad al-Islami in BangladeshHarkat-ul-MujahideenHarakat-Ul-Mujahideen/Alami, Harakat Sham al-Islam, Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin, Hezbollah, Irish Republican Arm, Kurdish, Hezbollah (Military Wing)Hezbollah (External Security Organisation), Hezbollah Al-Hejaz, Hilafet Devleti, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Hizbul Mujahideen, Hofstad Network, Holy Land Foundation, Houthis emblem.svg Houthis, Indian Mujahideen, International Sikh Youth Federation, Irish National Liberation Army, Irish People's Liberation Organisation, Islamic Jihad-Jamaat Mujahideen, Islamic Jihad Union, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, International Union of Muslim Scholars, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Caucasus Province, Islamic State of Iraq and the, LevantIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Khorasan Province, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Libya Province, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Yemen Province, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar, Jamaat al Dawa al Quran, Jamaat Ul-FuJamaat-ul-Ahrar, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh, Jamiat al-Islah al-IdzhtimaiJamiat ul-Ansar, Jamiat-e Islami, Jemaah Islamiyah, Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid, Jund al-Aqsa, Jund al-Khilafa,, Jund a Sham, Kach and Kahane Chai, Kangleipak Communist Party, Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup, Kata'ib HezbollahKhalistan Commando Force, Khalistan Zindabad Force, Khuddam ul-Islam, Komal, Korean People's Army, Flag of Koma, Civakên Kurdistanê,, Kurdista Communities Union, PDK Bakur.png Kurdistan Democratic Party/Nor, Kurdistan Freedom Falcons, Kurdistan Workers' Party, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Loyalist Volunteer ForceLugansk People's RepublicMajelis Mujahidin Indone, Manipur People’s Liberation Front, Maoist Communist Centre of India, Marxist–Leninist Communist Party, Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, Mujahidin Indonesia Timur, Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusale, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood, A National Democratic Front of Bodoland, National Liberation Army, National Liberation Front of Tripura, Orange Volunteers, Palestine al-muslima, Palestine Liberation Front, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Relief Development Fund-Interpal, Party of Free Life of Kurdistan, People's Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan, People's Liberation Army of Manipur, People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, Provisional Irish Republican Army, Real Irish Republican Army, Red Hand Commando, Red Hand Defenders, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Revolutionary Organization, Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan, Revolutionary Struggle, Saor Éire, The Saved Sect, Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army), Shining Path, Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries Pakistan, Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage, Stichting Al Aqsa, Students Islamic Movement of India, Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus, Tahrir al-Sham, Taliban, Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-MohammadiTehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, Tamil Nadu Liberation Army Tamil National Retrieval Troops, Tanzim, Ulster Defence Association, Ulster Volunteer Force, United Liberation Front of Assam, United National Liberation Front, United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia, Vanguards of Conquest, Workers' Party of Korea, World Tamil Movement, World Uygur Youth Congress Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade. 
(B). African National Congress, Aum Shinrikyo, United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Fatah, Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council, Kach and Kahane Chai, Japanese Red Army, Cambodia Khmer Rouge, Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, People's Mujahedin of Iran, Palestine Liberation Front, State of Palestine-Palestine Liberation Organisation, Revolutionary Nuclei, Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, Red Brigades, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Unified Communist Party of Nepal. 
In India new terrorist outfits emerge every now and then getting aid from abroad like Saudi Arabia.
न सुप्तं न विसंनाहं न नग्नं न निरायुधम्। 
नायुध्यमानं पश्यन्तं न परेण समागतम्॥7.92॥
सोये हुए, जिसने युद्धोपयोगी जिरह बख्तारादि ने धारण किये हुए, नंगे, निःशस्त्र, जो लड़ना न चाहता हो, जो दर्शक हो या दूसरे के साथ लड़ रहा हो, उसे न मारा जाये। 
One who is sleeping, is with out shield, naked, without arms, who is just watching the war, one who do not want to fight or fighting with someone else, should not be killed. Those who practice gorilla warfare do not deserve to be spared. Those who attack the sleeping army deserve to be eliminated at once. There is no space-scope for mercy-pardon. Had Prathvi Raj Chauhan not boasted of Raghu Kul Reet-tradition, he must have eliminated Ghouri and survived.
There is no logic in pardoning the enemy-foe, who do not observe or follow the rules of war. Instead of imprisoning him, he should be beheaded then and there.
Bhagwan Shri Ram had to kill Bali hiding behind the tree due to the boon of transferring the half of the power of opponent in him. He had to kill Ravan by shooting arrow into his abdomen. To kill-eliminate the tormentor, nothing is wrong.
नायुधव्यसनप्राप्तं नार्तं नातिपरिक्षतम्। 
न भीतं न परावृत्तं सतां धर्ममनुस्मरन्॥7.93॥
जिसका आयुध टूट गया हो, जो शोकाकुल हो, जो अत्यन्त घायल हो, जो भयभीत हो, जो युद्ध से भागा हो, ऐसे शत्रु को शिष्ट क्षत्रियों का धर्म स्मरण करके न मारे। 
One who has broken arms, fearful, fled the war filed, extremely-grievously wounded, mourning should not be killed by remembering the virtues of a pious-righteous Kshtriy.
During Maha Bharat Kauravs lost all virtues and honour rules and regulations of war. Bhagwan Shri Krashn provided an opportunity to Arjun to kill Jaydrath. He directed to tear off Jarasandh. He himself beheaded Shishu Pal. If the opposite party do not respect the rules of war, there is no need to abide by them. Karn too did not deserve any mercy when the wheel of his chariot struck in the war field. Just remember that enemy is enemy and deserve to be eliminated by hook or crook. Achay Chanky said that pay the enemy in the same coin. शठे शाठ्यम समाचरेत्। 
नीति के वचन ::
"अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत"-सब जगह अति करने से बचना चाहिये। 
अति का भला न बोलना, अतिकी भली न चूप। 
अति का भला न बरसना अतिकि भली न धूप॥ 
धर्म का तत्व समझो और उसे गुनो! जो अपने लिये प्रतिकूल हो, वैसा आचरण या व्यवहार दूसरों के साथ नहीं करना चाहिये।
श्रूयताम धर्मसर्वस्वं श्रुत्वा चैवानुवर्यताम। 
आत्मनः प्रतिकूलानि, परेषाम न समाचरेत॥ 
दुष्ट के साथ दुष्टता का ही व्यवहार करना चाहिये। (शठे शाठ्यम समाचरेत्) [चाणक्य]
यस्तु भीतः परावृत्तः सङ्ग्रामे हन्यते परैः। 
भर्तुर्यद् दुष्कृतं किंचित्तत्सर्वं प्रतिपद्यते॥7.94॥
जो युद्ध में डर से भागता हुआ शत्रु से मारा जाता है, वह अपने स्वामी के लिये इन सभी पापों का बोझ अपने सर पर लेता है। 
One who is killed while running away from the battle field due to fear, bears the burden of his master's sins. 
यच्चास्य सुकृतं किंचिदमुत्रार्थमुपार्जितम्। 
भर्ता तत्सर्वमादत्ते परावृत्तहतस्य तु॥7.95॥
युद्ध में भागने वाले के परलोक के लिये संचित पुण्य उसके स्वामी को प्राप्त होते हैं। 
The rewards for the virtues gained by the one for next birth, running away from the battle field are transferred to his master.
He had been paid for fighting in the battle field. He was aware that he may be killed during the war. He nurtured his family from the pay received from the state. He carried out prayers, worship, donations-charity from the money received from the king. By running away from the battle field he lost all of his accumulated pious deeds.
रथाश्वं हस्तिनं छत्रं धनं धान्यं पशून्स्त्रियः। 
सर्वद्रव्याणि कुप्यं च यो यज्जयति तस्य तत्॥7.96॥
रथ, घोड़े, हाथी, छत्र, धन, धान्य, पशु, दासी, गुड़, नमक आदि द्रव्य और ताँबा, पीतल आदि के बर्तन, इनमें जिस वस्तु को जो जीतकर लाता है, वह उसी की होती है। 
The valuable like chariot, horses, elephants, parasols, money (gold, silver, copper coins), food grain, animals, slave women, jaggery, salt, copper & brass etc. won by one during the war belongs to one who fetched them.
राज्ञश्च दद्यूरुद्धारमित्येषा वैदिकी श्रुतिः। 
राज्ञा च सर्वयोधेभ्यो दातव्यमपृथग्जितम्॥7.97॥
युद्ध में जीते हुए हाथी, घोड़े, रथ आदि सब कुछ राजा को अर्पित कर दे, यह वेद का वचन है। सभी सैनिकों द्वारा एक साथ जीता हुआ जो धन हो उसे राजा सैनिकों में बाँट दे। 
The Ved says that whatever has been won-trophies, in the war in the form of elephants, horses, chariots etc. should be surrendered to the king; who in turn should distribute the money won in the war amongest the warriors-soldiers.
एषोऽनुपस्कृतः प्रोक्तो योधधर्मः सनातनः। 
अस्माद्धर्मान्न च्यवेत क्षत्रियो घ्नन् रणे रिपून्॥7.98॥
यह अनिन्दित सनातन योद्धाओं का धर्म कहा गया है। शत्रुओं को मारने वाला क्षत्रिय इस धर्म से च्युत न हो। 
This is the practice-primeval law, adopted by the ancient-eternal blameless (spotless, clean) warriors. The warrior who has eliminated the enemies should not be skipped from this (booty) pious duty.
Let him strive to gain what he has not yet gained; what he has gained let him carefully preserve; let him augment what he preserves, and what he has augmented let him bestow on worthy men.
अलब्धं चैव लिप्सेत लब्धं रक्षेत्प्रयत्नतः। 
रक्षितं वर्धयेच्चैव वृद्धं पात्रेषु नि:क्षिपेत्॥7.99॥
जो पदार्थ (भूमि, रत्न आदि) प्राप्त न हो उसे पाने की इच्छा करे, जो सम्पत्ति जीतकर लाया हो उसकी यत्न पूर्वक रक्षा करे, रक्षित धन को बढ़ाने की चेष्टा करे और बढ़ा हुआ धन सुपात्रों में बाँट दे। 
The king should make endeavour-strive to achieve whatever has been left to be achieved, protect-preserve the wealth won by him carefully, enhance-augment it and bestow-distribute the excess money amongest the able-worthy needy.
एतच्चतुर्विधं विद्यात्पुरुषार्थप्रयोजनम्। 
अस्य नित्यमनुष्ठानं सम्यक्कुर्यादतन्द्रितः॥7.100॥
पूर्वोक्त चार बातों को पुरुषार्थ का साधन समझे और निरालस्य होकर सदा सावधानी से उनका अनुष्ठान करे।
These 4 tenets described above should be considered to be means of achieving 4 basic purposes of human incarnation i.e., Dharm, Arth Kam & Moksh.
अलब्धमिच्छेद्दण्डेन लब्धं रक्षेदवेक्षया। 
रक्षितं वर्धयेद् वृद्ध्या वृद्धं पात्रेषु नि:क्षिपेत्॥7.101॥
अप्राप्त पदार्थ को दण्ड (चतुरङ्गिनीं सेना) बल से पाने की इच्छा करे, जो सम्पत्ति जीतकर लाया हो उसकी देख-रेख से रक्षा करे, रक्षित धन को वाणिज्य-व्यवसाय द्वारा बढ़ावे और बढ़े हुए धन को शास्त्रीय विभाग के अनुसार पात्रों में दान कर दे। 
All out efforts should be made to achieve all that which is not easily available by making use of force. The assets won should be protected carefully and invested in business-industry to increase-augment it, in value. The profit-gains should be used to distribute as donations, charity amongest the deserving-worthy.
The king should ensure that he do not attack peaceful, religious, righteous kings-territories. He is free to punish the arrogant rulers and snatch their property, valuables and the territories.
नित्यमुद्यतदण्डः स्यान्नित्यं विवृतपौरुषः। 
नित्यं संवृत-संवार्यो नित्यं छिद्रानुसार्यरेः॥7.102॥
सर्वदा सेना को तैयार रखे, नित्य अपने पुरुषार्थ को दिखलावे, अपना मन्त्र सदा गुप्त रखे और शत्रु के छिद्रों का नित्य पता लगाता रहे। 
The army should always be kept on stand by-ready to attack, alert mode. He should always prove his competence-ability to rule, keep his secrets closely guarded and obtain weaknesses of the enemies.
He should have his secret agents spies in the territories of the enemies. Each and every effort should be made to keep the identity of the detectives a closely guarded secret.
नित्यमुद्यतदण्डस्य कृत्स्नमुद्विजते जगत्। 
तस्मात्सर्वाणि भूतानि दण्डेनैव प्रसाधयेत्॥7.103॥
हमेशा सेना को तैयार रखने वाले राजा से सारा संसार डरता है। इसलिये सभी प्राणियों को दण्ड बल से ही अधीन करे। 
The opponents-enemy is afraid of the king who's armed forces are always ready to strike. Its therefore essential to demonstrate power-might, to keep the populace-other countries, under control.
अमाययैव वर्तेत न कथं चन मायया। 
बुध्येतारिप्रयुक्तां च मायां नित्यं स्वसंवृतः॥7.104॥
मंत्रियों के साथ कभी कपट से व्यवहार न करे। अपनी रक्षा का पूरा प्रबन्ध करता हुआ शत्रु की माया को (चरों के द्वारा) जानता रहे।
King's behaviour with the ministers, courtiers, employees should be free from guile. He should make fool proof arrangements for his own safety-protection and keep a close watch over the opponents (enemy, foes) with the help of his detectives. He should be aware of their future plans, course of action or the conspiracies.
GUILE :: माया, धोखा, छल-कपट, कपट, मक्कारी, धूर्तता, फरेब; deceit, stealth, deception, subterfuge, fraud, illusion, hallucination, reverie, delusion, phantasm, cheat, bluff, spoof, cabal, chicane, craftiness, shiftiness, canniness, foxiness, astuteness, craftiness, slimness, foxiness, seduction, trickery, artifice. 
नास्य छिद्रं परो विद्याद्विद्यात्छिद्रं परस्य तु। 
गूहेत्कूर्म इवाङ्गानि रक्षेद्विवरमात्मनः॥7.105॥
शत्रु उसके छिद्रों को न जाने, किन्तु वह शत्रु के छिद्रों को जान ले। कछुआ जैसे अपने अंगों को छिपाता है, वैसे ही राजा भी अपने अमात्यदि अंगों को दान-सम्मान से अपने हाथ में रखते हुए, अपने छिद्रों को प्रकट न होने दे। 
The king should never leak his weaknesses. He should be aware of the weaknesses of the enemy (internal as well as external). He should please his courtiers, servants and the ministers by praising their nice work and give them gifts, time and again at auspicious occasions, festivals or when they perform some task remarkably well. He should hide his weaknesses from the employees as well.
बकवच्चिन्ततेदर्थान् सिंहवच्च पराक्रमेत्। 
वृकवच्चावलुम्पेत शशवत्च विनिष्पतेत्॥7.106॥
बगुले की तरह धन लेने की चिंता करे, सिंह के समान पराक्रम करे, भेड़िये की भांति अवसर पाकर शत्रु को मार डाले और बलवान शत्रु से घिर जाने पर खरहे की तरह निकल भागे। 
The king should be quick to collect wealth like a heron, show his might like a lion, kill the enemy like wolf as and when a chance is there and slip-dodge like a rabbit when surrounded by the mighty (strong, powerful enemy).
एवं विजयमानस्य येऽस्य स्युः परिपन्थिनः। 
तानानयेद्वशं सर्वान्सामादिभिरुपक्रमैः॥7.107॥
इस प्रकार विजयी राजा सामादि (साम, दाम, दण्ड भेद) उपायों से अपने सभी शत्रुओं को वश में ले आये। 
The king who is victorious should control the enemy through four means described in scriptures describing policy-diplomacy. When he is engaged in conquest, let him subdue all the opponents whom he may find, by the (four) expedients, conciliation and the rest.
Achary Chanaky explained how to handle the foe-enemy kings smoothly. 
SAM :: One has to be diplomatic, prudent and cunning very often while dealing with the opposite party. Negotiations, discussion, compromises yield mutually favourable results. Efforts should be made to pacify the opponents with shrewdness. Efforts should be made to pacify the enemy through negotiations.
DAM :: It involves paying for some territories or settlements. The kings often enter into marital relations to extinguish fire or to reach a compromise. Sometimes transfer of money, gifts, valuables yield desired results. 
DAND :: In case the enemy is not ready to relent he deserved to be punished like Pakistan. Its territories should be snatched, treasure should be confiscated and army absorbed in own army suitable after examining the soldiers individually. China and North Korea too need to be disciplined.
BHED :: The prudent, wise king should make endeavours to create differences in the populace of the enemy king. There should be social uprising as well. He should ensure that the army & the ministers turn against the enemy and stage a coop-rebellion. Second in command may be lured, bribed, offered king-hood. Uprising against the king-rulers by the population, unrest in the masses-public are essential. America and Pakistan are using these techniques for long.
Chanky only summarised & gave the gist of the scriptures since these tenets are already present in scriptures. He formed his own policies on the basis of the policies given in ancient literature.
यदि ते तु न तिष्ठेयुरुपायैः प्रथमैस्त्रिभिः। 
दण्डेनैव प्रसह्यैतांश्छनकैर्वशमानयेत्॥7.108॥
यदि पहले तीन उपाय काम न करें तो दुश्मन के राज्य पर चढ़ाई करके समुचित दण्ड देकर राज्य को अपने अधिकार में ले। 
The wise king should invoke first three steps before raiding the enemy. He should conquer the enemy only as a last resort. The enemy should either be imprisoned or killed depending upon his behaviour. Bhagwan Shri Krashn preferred to install the next in hierarchy of the enemy as the king. Bhagwan Shri Ram also installed Vibhishan as the king of Shri Lanka and Sugreev as the king of Kishkindha after killing Ravan and Bali; respectively.
सामादीनामुपायानां चतुर्णामपि पण्डिताः। 
सामदण्डौ प्रशंसन्ति नित्यं राष्ट्राभिवृद्धये॥7.109॥
पण्डित लोग समादिक चार उपायों में से, राष्ट्र वृद्धि के लिये साम और दण्ड की ही प्रशंसा करते हैं। 
The learned, scholars, experts in the field warfare recommend, suggest, favour counselling-negotiations and attacking the rivals for the growth of empire for the prosperity-welfare of kingdoms.
The king should exert such techniques to discipline the neighbours only when they are lawless, invaders, intruders or interfere in the internal affairs.
At present Pakistan, China and North Korea deserve to be restrained.
He should not be berserk like Alexander, the so called great and the Britishers. Muslims, Babar, Changez Khan or Mongols are not exceptions. They were traitors.
सिकंदर और अकबर जैसे विदेशी आक्रांताओं को महान कहना गलत है। महान तो अशोक भी नहीं था, क्योंकि अपने 100 भाइयों की हत्या करके वह राजा बना था। 
यथोद्धरति निर्दाता कक्षं धान्यं च रक्षति। 
तथा रक्षेन्नृपो राष्ट्रं हन्याच्च परिपन्थिनः॥7.110॥
जैसे खेतिहर तृण उखाड़कर फेंक देता है और धान्य की रक्षा करता है, वैसे ही राजा शत्रुओं का नाश करे और राष्ट्र की रक्षा करे। 
The king should protect the country in a manner similar to the peasant who pluck weeds-grass from the crops to save the food grain.
मोहाद्राजा स्वराष्ट्रं यः कर्षयत्यनवेक्षया। 
सोऽचिराद् भ्रश्यते राज्यात्जीवितात्च सबान्धवः॥7.111॥
जो राजा अज्ञान से अपनी प्रजा को सताता है, वह शीघ्र हो अपने बान्धवों सहित राज्य से और जीवन से हाथ धो बैठता है। 
The king who torture, tease, crush or oppress the populace looses his life along with his kingdom & the relatives.
Indira Gandhi, a Muslim and ex Prime Minister of India was grossly ignorant with too little education. She had no knowledge of scriptures, history or administration. She was a drunkard, lacked morals and character. She was killed followed by her son. Her grandson is a mixed blood with little intelligence. He projects himself as a Hindu & Brahman, though a mixed blood Muslim+ Christian. His mother too is from low back ground.
शरीरकर्षणात्प्राणाः क्षीयन्ते प्राणिनां यथा। 
तथा राज्ञामपि प्राणाः क्षीयन्ते राष्ट्रकर्षणात्॥7.112॥
जैसे शरीर के क्षीण होने से प्राणियों के प्राण नष्ट होते हैं, वैसे ही राजा के प्राण प्रजा पीड़न से नष्ट होते हैं। 
The manner in which the organism dies due to the weakening of its body, the king's life is shortened by torturing, oppressing-tormenting the citizens-populace.
राष्ट्रस्य सङ्ग्रहे नित्यं विधानमिदमाचरेत्। 
सुसङ्गृहीतराष्ट्रो हि पार्थिवः सुखमेधते॥7.113॥
राष्ट्र रक्षा के लिये राजा सदा यह उपाय करे। भली-भाँति अपने राष्ट की रक्षा करने वाला राजा सुख भोगता है। 
The king should make continued efforts for the protection of his country. The king who endeavours for the safety of his country, enjoys comforts-bliss.
द्वयोस्त्रयाणां पञ्चानां मध्ये गुल्ममधिष्ठितम्। 
तथा ग्रामशतानां च कुर्याद्राष्ट्रस्य सङ्ग्रहम्॥7.114॥
दो या तीन या पाँच या सौ गॉँवों के बीच में राज्य की रक्षा के लिए रक्षक समूह नियुक्त करे। 
The king should establish police posts, police stations, sub divisions and district level police stations, for the safety-protection of villages constituting 2, 3, 5 and 100 villages.
ग्रामस्याधिपतिं कुर्याद्दशग्रामपतिं तथा। 
विंशतीशं शतेशं च सहस्रपतिमेव च॥7.115॥
प्रत्येक ग्राम में एक-एक अधिकारी नियुक्त करे, फिर दस, बीस और सहस्त्र गाँवों का एक-एक पृथक अधिकारी नियुक्त करे। 
The king should appoint one officer for each village. Thereafter, there should be a head over ten villages. For a block of twenty villages there should be another head. For a group of one thousand villages another head should be appointed.
In this way he has to appoint, cluster officers, block development officers, district officers, to carry out the administration efficiently.
ग्रामदोषान् समुत्पन्नान् ग्रामिकः शनकैः स्वयम्। 
शंसेद्ग्रामदशेशाय दशेशो विंशतीशिने॥7.116॥
विंशतीशस्तु तत्सर्वं शतेशाय निवेदयेत्। 
शंसेद् ग्रामशतेशस्तु सहस्रपतये स्वयम्॥7.117॥
उत्पन्न हुए ग्राम के दोषों को यदि ग्रामाधिकारी निवारण करने में असमर्थ हो तो उसके शमन के लिये ग्रामाधिपति देशग्रामाधिपति से कहे। यदि वह उसका उपाय न करे, तो वह विंशति ग्रामाधिकारी से कहे, उसी प्रकार उत्तरोत्तर विंशतिपति, शतपति, सहस्रपति से निवेदन करे।
The village head should report to the seniors, if he is unable to take remedial measures for solving problems faced by the villagers. In this manner the immediate head should request his seniors till the head of one thousand villages.
The immediate village head has to look after administration, police & judiciary. A sequence of 10, 20, 100 and 1,000 villages heads has to be adopted for efficient administration.
The villages in India used to function as self sufficient economic entity. They used to have priests, sweepers, weavers, carpenters, smiths, shoe makers, potters, washer man, shop keepers etc. The farmer used to pay them on daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. He used to pay one sixth of his crops, earnings as revenue to the king. During famine, floods or destruction of crops due to natural calamities, the king used to help the farmers, sustain and re-establish rehabilitate themselves.
यानि राजप्रदेयानि प्रत्यहं ग्रामवासिभिः। 
अन्नपानेन्धनादीनि ग्रामिकस्तान्यवाप्नुयात्॥7.118॥
ग्रामवासियों से प्रतिदिन जो कुछ अन्न, पान, ईंधन आदि राजा को देने के लिये दिया जाये, वह ग्रामाधिपति अपनी वृत्ति के लिये ले। 
The head of the village should collect food grain, betel leaves, fuel etc. from the villagers on daily basis so that he get paid from the exchequer.
Normally, such items can not be stored on large scale. Therefore, they are sold if found surplus and the money deposited in the treasury. The village headman may get salary on regular basis or as a part of the collections sanctioned by the king.
दशी कुलं तु भुञ्जीत विंशी पञ्च कुलानि च। 
ग्रामं ग्रामशताध्यक्षः सहस्राधिपतिः पुरम्॥7.119॥
दस ग्रामाधिपति एक कुल को, बीस गाँवों का अधिपति पाँच कुल को, सौ गाँवों का अधिपति एक गाँव को और सहस्राधिपति एक साधारण नगर को राजाज्ञा से अपने निर्वाह के लिये ले। 
अष्टागवं धर्महलं षड्गवं जीवितार्थिनाम्। 
चतुर्गवं गृहस्थानां त्रिगवं ब्रह्मघातिनाम्॥ 
छः बैलों का एक मध्यम हल होता है। ऐसे दो हलों से जितनी भूमि जोति जाये उसे कुल कहते हैं।
KUL :: The land ploughed-cultivated by 6 bullocks with two ploughs by a farmer in ancient villages. 
The headman-superintendent of 10 villages is entitled to the revenue collection from a KUL-the land ploughed-cultivated by 6 bullocks with two ploughs, headman of 20 villages is entitled for the revenues of 5 KUL, the headman of 100 villages is entitled for the revenue collection of one villages while the headman of 1,000 villages gets the revenues collected from a normal, ordinary city, town.
तेषां ग्राम्याणि कार्याणि पृथक्कार्याणि चैव हि। 
राज्ञोऽन्यः सचिवः स्निग्धस्तानि पश्येदतन्द्रितः॥7.120॥
उन ग्रामों के निवासियों के परस्पर किये हुए कार्यों को और अलग किये हुए कार्यों को राजा के हित साधन में नियुक्त मंत्री को आलस्य रहित होकर देखना चाहिये। 
The minister appointed for the purpose of supervising the endeavours, businesses, industry, artisans, farmers-cultivators of the populace individually-separately or in groups; should keep a close watch, without sluggishness-laziness.
It helps in keeping a close watch over flow of revenues, money circulation and collection of taxes.
नगरे नगरे चैकं कुर्यात्सर्वार्थचिन्तकम्। 
उच्चैः स्थानं घोररूपं नक्षत्राणामिव ग्रहम्॥7.121॥
प्रत्येक नगर में सभी प्रकार के कार्यों को देखने वाले घोर-कठोर दिखने वाले (जिनसे लोग भय खायें) अधिकारी नियुक्त करे, जैसे नक्षत्रों में शुक्र आदि ग्रह। 
The king should appoint such officers in each city who are formidable, effective, alert, disciplined and bright who can easily control the populace. The roughs should be afraid of him. His personality should resemble the Venus which is bright and shinning, planet.
Comparing him with the Guru Shukrachary, public should be ready-eager to follow him.
FORMIDABLE :: दुर्जेय, विकट, भयंकर, घोर, दारूण, भयावह, डरावना; knotty, inextricable, acute, monstrous, grim, fierce, awful, hideous, horrid, frightful, atrocious, terrible, eerie, awful, horrible, doleful, ghastful, God-forsaken, macabre, terrifically, alarming, Fearsome, grisly, gruesome.
स ताननुपरिक्रामेत्सर्वानेव सदा स्वयम्। 
तेषां वृत्तं परिणयेत्सम्यग्राष्ट्रेषु तत्चरैः॥7.122॥
वह अधिकारी उन सब ग्रामाधिकारियों की सदा स्वयं देखभाल करे और अपने गुप्तचरों द्वारा सभी पदाधिकारियों के और प्रजाओं के आचार-विचार, व्यवहार को अच्छी तरह जाने।
The fierce-tough officer should himself keep a close watch over his subordinates and keep himself acknowledged about the behaviour-reactions of the public with the help of spies (detectives, policemen). 
राज्ञो हि रक्षाधिकृताः परस्वादायिनः शठाः। 
भृत्या भवन्ति प्रायेण तेभ्यो रक्षेदिमाः प्रजाः॥7.123॥
क्योंकि प्रायः राजा के वे रक्षाधिकारी अधिकतर दूसरे के धन को हरण करने वाले और वञ्चक होते हैं, इसलिये राजा उन लोगों से प्रजाओं की रक्षा करे। 
The king should himself keep a close watch over these officials since they turn fraudulent (cheat, swindle) and protect the public from their atrocities.
The British crown failed to protect the Indian masses from their officials who took away trillions to England after looting them. Almost all Muslim traitor-invader did that. In today's context almost all successive governments had fraudulent ministers, officials, judges. The previous regime of the Congress party crossed all limits, since it had a dummy prime minister-Man Mohan Singh. The government in fact was run by an Italian, married to a Muslim. Maha Nand and one of the last Mughal rulers turned cheat who themselves swindled the treasure. The present Modi government too has ministers of doubtful integrity, who have several allegations them. Mamata, Maya, Jay Lata, Shashi Kala, Indira are the names of women rulers who left the male counter parts far-far behind them in corruption. 
Modi claims to have rooted out corruption, but in fact the rates of bribery have tripled.
ये कार्यिकेभ्योऽर्थमेव गृह्णीयुः पापचेतसः। 
तेषां सर्वस्वमादाय राजा कुर्यात्प्रवासनम्॥7.124॥
जो पापात्मा कर्मचारी अन्य कर्मचारियों से घूस ले राजा उनका सर्वस्व हरण करे, उन्हें अपने देश से निकाले। 
The king should expel the employee from his country, who collects bribes from the other employees (servants-officials) after snatching everything they belong-possess.
The government servants compel the common people-aggrieved to pay bribes to get the work done. They keep the file untouched till hefty sun are not paid them either in cash or kind. wine woman are the common forms of bribes in India. 
The properties of all registrar officers, police personal, income tax employees, authority employees etc. etc. will definitely be much more than their known sources of income.
The CBI court sentenced Lalu to 31/2 years imprisonment for the fodder scam for withdrawing 89 crores from the treasury. It should have ordered confiscation of all of his properties including those belonging to his immediate relatives, kith & kin. All properties belonging to Jaya & Shashi Kala deserve to be confiscated and taken over by the state.
The trouble in India is that the the Income Tax Department teases the person who has meagre income and lets the huge-big sharks like Mulayam, Akhilesh, Chidambaram, Maya, Mamata, Sonia, Rahul, Vadra, Sharad Pawar, Badal go scot free.
Neither Raj Nath nor Gandhari are neat and clean.
राजा कर्मसु युक्तानां स्त्रीणां प्रेष्यजनस्य च। 
प्रत्यहं कल्पयेद् वृत्तिं स्थानं कर्मानुरूपतः॥7.125॥
राजा कार्यों में नियुक्त दास-दासियों को उनके कर्म के अनुसार प्रतिदिन वृत्ति और पद निश्चित करे। 
The king should fix salary on daily basis and status (post, rank) of all those working for him or the state. 
The term slave is used for the workers here, which clarify the myth pertaining to slavery.
पणो देयोऽवकृष्टस्य षडुत्कृष्टस्य वेतनम्। 
षाण्मासिकस्तथाऽच्छादो धान्यद्रोणस्तु मासिकः॥7.126॥
नीच कर्म करने वाले को एक पण और अच्छे करने वाले को प्रतिदिन छः पण, प्रत्येक मास एक द्रोण अन्न तथा छः महीने पर दो वस्त्र देने चाहिये।
The worker who perform low level jobs (sweepers, scavengers, cleaners) should be paid one coin and 6 coins should be paid to those who perform higher level jobs, everyday. In addition to that one Dron food grain be offered every month and 2 set of uniforms should be given every year depending upon weather-season to all of them.
अष्टमुष्टिर्भवेत किञ्चित् किंचिदष्टा च पुष्कलम्। 
पुष्कलानि तु चत्वारि आढक: परिकीर्तितः। चतुराढको भवेद् द्रोण...। 
आठ मुट्ठी का एक किंचित, आठ किंचित का एक पुष्कल, चार पुष्कल का एक आढ़क और चार आढ़क का एक द्रोण होता है। 
क्रयविक्रयमध्वानं भक्तं च सपरिव्ययम्। 
योगक्षेमं च संप्रेक्ष्य वणिजो दापयेत्करान्॥7.127॥
व्यापारी के माल की खरीद और बिक्री तथा पूरा खाने-पीने का खर्च, माल की हिफाजत में जो खर्च हुआ, इन सब बातों का विचार करके राजा उनसे कर ले।
The state-king should levy taxes over the businessmen, industrialist, traders only after calculating the expenditure over buying-selling prices, expanses over management (eating, travel, storage, safety) etc.
The finance minsters are grossly incapable, incompetent and lack knowledge of economics. Its the policy of the successive governments to suck the middle class, benefit the upper class and nurturer the useless people who do not want to work.
One who sells some property is liable to pay taxes in the form of (1).  TDS, (2). TCS and (3). Wealth Tax. In addition to this the officials of registrar office will extract money from him. Its not all Income Tax official will also force him to pay hefty sums without any reason. Even after sucking money from you the Income Tax officials continue sending you notices to empty your pocket. Its negative impact is clearly seen over the property market. You take loans, pay interest over it and then wait for long to have the house-flat. In one case the politicians, police and the builder mafia nexus is clearly visible. The policemen are not willing to register FIR against ANSAL & other builders. First attempt was made on 16.06.2019. G.B.Nagar Police top officials DCP, ACP, SHO are creating all sorts of hurdles and helping the Builder Mafia openly over the instructions of someone in power in UP. May be Yogi government might have issued instruction not to register FIR and let the flat buyers suffers till they either commit suicide or leave every thing to God.
The Indian government changed local (LST) & central (CST) taxes to VAT and now it has changed them to goods & services tax GST. The fact remains that the traders charge exorbitant prices from the helpless consumers, charge all taxes but never deposit them in the treasury. General public is over burdened with ever increasing & newer taxes after taxes. The traders-business community go Scot free, even after making multiple investments, buying house, shops, cars etc. etc. The producer prints almost double prices as MRP. Groceries are sold at almost 30-40% higher prices as compared to whole sale prices. Medicines have almost double the printed MRP. The farmers sell their produce at prices which are some times 100-1,000 times lower than the retail prices in the market. It all happens due to the nexus between the traders, police, bureaucracy and the politicians. The judiciary is not far behind, since it grants bail immediately as soon as a cheat is produced before it and then dates after dates, till whole evidence is lost and the trader is released with honour.
It was discovered recently while buying paint of a famous company (Asian Paints) that it was billing just 40-60% of its products. The traders were selling products without bills, thus pocketing entire profit. They are not paying Income Tax as well. Complaints made to DM, SSP and the CM-UP failed to provide any result.[09.01.2020]
Modi has grossly failed over economic front since he spent the money over the non deserving. Had he spent the money over growth, it would have generated employment and benefited all those who were in need of it. 
Instead of charity at government expense spend it over all round development of industry, agriculture & training. Freebies, subsidies are harmful for all economies. Kejriwal is not far behind. He is bribing the voters but who really cares! They should continue, not the NATION![10.01.2020]
यथा फलेन युज्येत राजा कर्ता च कर्मणाम्। 
तथावेक्ष्य नृपो राष्ट्रं कल्पयेत्सततं करान्॥7.128॥
जिससे राजा और व्यापार तथा कृषि आदि करने वालों, व्यवसाइयों को लाभ मिले, इसका विचार करके राजा सदा कर की कल्पना करे। 
Taxes should be imposed-levied only after due consideration to mutually benefit the state, businessmen, farmers and the entrepreneurs.
The state should protect the local market, industrialist, farmers by imposing hefty taxes over scrupulous imports. If a good quality product is manufactured locally, its import should be banned completely. The government should ensure an independent economy, by encouraging manufacture of aeroplanes, rail engines, cars, arms and ammunition, metro trains, laptops, mobiles etc. etc. Local talent must be encouraged and protected. Low quality goods imported from China should be banned at once.
यथाल्पाल्पमदन्त्याद्यं वार्योकोवत्सषट्पदाः। 
तथाल्पाल्पो ग्रहीतव्यो राष्ट्राद्राज्ञाब्दिकः करः॥7.129॥
जिस प्रकार जोंक, बछड़ा और भ्रमर थोड़ा-थोड़ा कर अपना भक्ष्य खाते हैं, उसी प्रकार राजा को प्रजाओं से थोड़ा-थोड़ा ही वार्षिक कर लेना चाहिये। 
The king (state, exchequer) should draw from his realm, moderate annual taxes, just as the leech, the calf and the bee take their food bit by bit as little as possible.
Taxes in India are enormous and are pocketed by the unscrupulous politicians through fraud, tricky, cheating. The taxes levied on cars and petroleum products are almost near the manufacturing prices. The government wastes a big chunk of taxes on subsidies to those who are not entitled for this. It wish the populace to continue begging & survive over freebies. There is lack of desire to make the populace self sufficient, independent. One who gets salaried income, is left with 1-2% of it, to spend over his future betterment.
The legislatures are getting multiple pensions and most of the taxes are pocketed by them. A lot of money is wasted over their security, perks, housing medical felicities, travel etc. etc.
For the last 20 years or so you are asked to produce PAN number when you deposited around Rs.50,000 in the bank. Since, then the costs have gone up 20-30 fold. The government is bent upon converting each and everyone making earnings honestly into an economic offenders.
पञ्चाशद्भाग आदेयो राज्ञा पशुहिरण्ययोः। 
धान्यानामष्टमो भागः षष्ठो द्वादश एव वा॥7.130॥
राजा को व्यापरियों से पशु और सोने के लाभ का पचासवाँ भाग और कृषकों से अन्न का छटा, आठवाँ या बारहवाँ भाग लेना चाहिये। 
The king-state has to collect fifty percent of the selling price as the revenue-tax from the cattle & gold traders. He should collect 1/6th, 1/8th or 1/12th  of the farm proceeds from the farmers (cultivators, horticulturists).
The farmers with small holding may be exempted from paying taxes. During natural calamities the king has to support the countrymen. No tax has to be levied-collected at all. Revenue is collected at increasing rates depending upon the cultivated land, availability of water etc.
The Punjab government gives free electricity, subsidised fertilisers even to the rich-wealthy farmers straining finances. The revenue minister has 32 ACs in 5 room Bungalow. 
You spare Chidambaram, Sharad Pawar, Badals, who do not pay taxes in the name of agricultural income; though their liability stands in thousands of crores.
आददीताथ षड्भागं द्रुमान् समधुसर्पिषाम्।
गन्धौषधिरसानां च पुष्पमूलफलस्य च॥7.131॥
पत्रशाकतृणानां च चर्मणां वै दलस्य च। 
मृन्मयानां च भाण्डानां सर्वस्याश्ममयस्य च॥7.132॥
पेड़, माँस, मधु, घी, गन्ध, औषधि, रस, फूल, फल, कन्दमूल, पत्ते, साग, तृण, चमड़ा, बाँस के बर्तन, मिट्टी और पत्थर के बर्तन; इन सबके लाभ का छटा भाग लेना चाहिये। 
Taxes have to collected at the rate of 1/6th of the profit-gain made over trees, meat, honey-extracts, Ghee-clarified butter, perfumes, medicinal herbs, juices-extracts (& substances used for flavouring food), flowers, roots (rhizomes, bulbs) and fruit; vegetables-leaves, straw used for feeding animals-grass, objects made of bamboo-cane, leather-skins, earthen ware-vessels (backed bricks) and all articles (artefacts, statues, idols) made of stone.
Under the current scenario the farmer is mercilessly exploited by the traders, businessmen who buy their produce at through away prices and make mercurial gain. The government is an absolutely failure due to corruption and internal reasons. The end user too is not spared, since he has to pay exorbitant prices sometimes as high as 50-100 times more than the remuneration to the producers. This is anarchy-open loot.
म्रियमाणोऽप्याददीत न राजा श्रोत्रियात्करम्। 
न च क्षुधाऽस्य संसीदेत्श्रोत्रियो विषये वसन्॥7.133॥
राजा दरिद्र हो जाने पर भी श्रोत्रिय ब्राह्मण से कर न ले और उसके राज्य में रहने वाला वेदाभ्यासी ब्राह्मण भूख से पीड़ित न होने पावे। 
The king-should not tax the Brahmns who perform sacred rites & study Veds even when coffers have become empty and ensure that such Brahmans do not suffer from hunger.
The Brahman community is generally extremely poor and hand to mouth, unless until a Brahman turn to some other profession, service trading, agriculture etc. The Brahmans survive over the charity, donations, doles, gifts of the kind hearted, noble people or grants from the state. He relentlessly perform his job of training the society in virtues, mannerism, good behaviour, sacrifice, warfare etc. The worst possible aspect of free India is grant of reservations to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes to reach the highest jobs for which they are grossly incompetent.
यस्य राज्ञस्तु विषये श्रोत्रियः सीदति क्षुधा। 
तस्यापि तत्क्षुधा राष्ट्रमचिरेणैव सीदति॥7.134॥
जिस राजा के राज्य में वैदिक ब्राह्मण भूख से दुःख पाता है, उस राजा का राज्य भी उसकी क्षुधा से शीघ्र नष्ट हो जाता है। 
The state, kingdom, empire in which a Vaedik Brahman remain hungry losses its identity.
It happened during the regime of Buddhist, Muslim and the British empire. The congress party too lost significance on this account only. Jawahar Lal though a Muslim camouflaged himself as a Pandit and ruled India. His progeny too ruled free India and let the poor die of hunger. The fate of Maya, Mulayam and Karuna Nidhi were sealed. Mamta may also go out of power soon.
One remembers when he had to struggle for 7 years for a teachers job in Delhi though highly qualified and competent due to prevailing corruption in Delhi's education departments. Entire government machinery under Indira Gandhi (Its not her real name. In fact she was a devout Muslim) was corrupt including her ministers. The situation under Modi too is not that good. This man prefers to ignore the requests to him, though Hon. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Shri Lal Krashn Adwani Ji were quick and ready to resolve-solve, judicious-genuine complaints. Modi project Atal as his idol but fails to show his traits-qualities.
The Brahmns who deserve privilege & respect are pushed to the wall by the power hungry, leading to their exodus to foreign countries, where they are proving their mantle-might.
श्रुतवृत्ते विदित्वाऽस्य वृत्तिं धर्म्यां प्रकल्पयेत्। 
संरक्षेत्सर्वतश्चैनं पिता पुत्रमिवौरसम्॥7.135॥
राजा उसके वृतान्त को सुनकर उसके कालभेद के लिये धर्मरूप वृत्ति नियत कर दे और जिस प्रकार पिता अपने औरस पुत्र की रक्षा करता है, उसी प्रकार सर्वतोभावेन ब्राह्मण की रक्षा करे। 
Having learnt the pitiful condition of the Brahmn, the king should make proper arrangements, make grants in accordance of the Dharm-religion, so that the Brahmn sustain-survive; just like a father protect his adopted progeny.
संरक्ष्यमाणो राज्ञा यं कुरुते धर्ममन्वहम्। 
तेनायुर्वर्धते राज्ञो द्रविणं राष्ट्रमेव च॥7.136॥
राजा से सुरक्षित वह ब्राह्मण प्रतिदिन जो कुछ धर्मनुष्ठान करता है, उससे राजा की आयु, धन और राज्य की वृद्धि होती है। 
Religious practices, rituals, study of Veds (teaching & learning of scriptures, ascetic practices) done by the Brahmn under the protection of the state leads to enhancement of wealth, age and boundaries of the country-empire & the king. The king is protected by the blessings of the Brahmans.
Brahmans are continuously facing insult and are ignored by the successive regimes, soon after Maha Bharat. Let them rise and attain their glory.
Imposters like Nehru and Rahul are bringing slur-insult, blot for them.
Blessing are always beneficial given by any person irrespective caste or creed.
यत्किञ्चिदपि वर्षस्य दापयेत्क रसंज्ञितम्। 
व्यवहारेण जीवन्तं राजा राष्ट्रे पृथग्जनम्॥7.137॥
राजा अपने राज्य में छोटे व्यापार से जीने वाले व्यापारियों से भी कुछ न कुछ वार्षिक कर लिया करे। 
The king should collect revenue-tax from the small businessmen carrying out trading-business in his territory, annually which may be negligible in value.
However, those who earn handsomely must be taxed accordingly.
In India small & middle level traders-businessmen prefer not to pay tax. No record, no receipt, no tax (GST Or Income Tax). 
कारुकान्शिल्पिनश्चैव शूद्रांश्चात्मोपजीविनः। 
एकैकं कारयेत्कर्म मासि मासि महीपतिः॥7.138॥
कारीगरी का काम करके जीने वाले, लोहार, बेलदार और बोझा धोने वाले आदि मजदूरों से कर स्वरूप महीने में एक दिन काम करा ले। 
The king make it mandatory for the mechanics-skilled personal, artisans-labourers, black smiths, daily wagers etc. to work for him-the state for a day every month as tax.
नोच्छिन्द्यादात्मनो मूलं परेषां चातितृष्णया। 
उच्छिन्दन्ह्यात्मनो मूलमात्मानं तांश्च पीडयेत्॥7.139॥
कर न लेकर अपने मूल का उच्छेद न करे और अधिक लोभवश प्रजा का भी मूलोच्छेद न करे क्योंकि अपने और उनके मूलोच्छेद से स्वयं और प्रजा को पीड़ा होती है। 
The should neither adopt no tax or heavy tax policy, since no tax policy with abolish him and heavy tax policy due to greed will torture-ruin the general public. In either case ultimate sufferer is the king, since the public will flee the kingdom under heavy-unreasonable taxes and the kingdom will loose its identity.
In India the middle class and the salaried is the worst possible sufferer since he is bound to undue taxes for nourishing pot belied criminal-parasites sitting in parliament, assemblies.
तीक्ष्णश्चैव मृदुश्च स्यात्कार्यं वीक्ष्य महीपतिः। 
तीक्ष्णश्चैव मृदुश्चैव राजा भवति सम्मतः॥7.140॥
कार्य को देखकर कोमल और कठोर होना चाहिये, क्योंकि समयानुसार राजा को कोमल या कठोर होना सभी के हित में होता है। 
The king should adopt the policy of being soft or tough according to the gravity of the task. However, sometimes the king may be compelled to become harsh, which is essential depending upon the situation. In general one should be moderate like the strings of a music instruments having wires, which are neither too loose nor too tight.
Proper tuning of administration is a must-essential, at all levels.
अमात्यमुख्यं धर्मज्ञं प्राज्ञं दान्तं कुलोद्गतम्। 
स्थापयेदासने तस्मिन्खिन्नः कार्येक्षणे नृणाम्॥7.141॥
यदि प्रजाओं का कार्य देखने में मन न लगता हो तो राजा अपने स्थान पर धर्मज्ञ, प्रवीण, जितेन्द्रिय, सत्यशील, कुलीन और श्रेष्ठ मंत्री को नियुक्त करे। 
If the king do not find it interesting to look after the development work-tasks meant for the well being of the populace, he may delegate the task to some virtuous, expert, having control over sensuality, truthful, belonging to a noble family and the best minister. Its the duty of the king to supervise the welfare works for the state. He may take rounds in the absence of the workers, check quality etc. This will keep the workers alert and on their foot.
Prathvi Raj Chauhan neglected administration due to lasciviousness, but his minsters took care of of the state.
एवं सर्वं विधायेदमितिकर्तव्यमात्मनः। 
युक्तश्चैवाप्रमत्तश्च परिरक्षेदिमाः प्रजाः॥7.142॥
राजा इस प्रकार अपने कार्यों-कर्तव्यों की व्यवस्था करके दक्षता और सावधानी के साथ अपनी प्रजा की रक्षा करे। 
Its the earnest duty of the king to protect-take care of his citizens-subjects, populace with zeal, skilfully
विक्रोशन्त्यो यस्य राष्ट्राद् ध्रियन्ते दस्युभिः प्रजाः। 
सम्पश्यतः सभृत्यस्य मृतः स न तु जीवति॥7.143॥
जिस राज्य में राजा और मंत्रियों के सामने राज्य की प्रजा रक्षा के लिये चिल्लाती हुई भी डाकुओं से लुट जाती है, वह राजा जीता हुआ भी मरे हुए के समान है। 
The king is like a dead, in whose empire the populace is looted (cheated, defrauded, subjected to tortures-atrocities) in front of the king and the ministers by the dacoits.
Previous regime of Man Mohan Singh subjected the populace to loot & plunder and exploitation by the businessmen, congress party head (Sonia-an Italian) and its ministers. The subjects were left high & dry. It led to rise of Modi, who himself is not that capable as was projected. The tax rates are high, multiple taxes over same commodity continue to be there. Some of his ministers are tainted and do not enjoy good reputation. His partners from other parties are grossly incapable and deserve to be dropped at the first opportunity or at least their portfolios need to be switched to lesser significant departments like Paswan.
He is virtually a failure at economic front. He is wasting money over those who do not want to work. Continuance of reservation is worst as it employs inefficient people who shirk work and take bribery at all levels.
मोदी भले हो प्रधानमंत्री बन गया है, उसकी सोच एक चाय वाले, तेली-शूद्र जितनी ही है। वैसे उसने बहुत सारे अच्छे कार्य भी किये हैं और अब तक के सभी प्रधान मंत्रियों में (1,947 के बाद) श्रेष्ठ है। 
He is dead against the government employees and time and again shows his mind set in the from of cutting DA. He sucks the middle class which generally constitute of the Swarn-Upper Castes.
क्षत्रियस्य परो धर्मः प्रजानामेव पालनम्। 
निर्दिष्टफलभोक्ता हि राजा धर्मेण युज्यते॥7.144॥
क्षत्रिय का परम धर्म प्रजाओं का पालन करना ही है, क्योंकि प्रजाओं से निर्दिष्ट फल भोगने के कारण राजा उस धर्म से संबध्द होता है। 
Its the pious duty of the ruler to serve the populace (citizens, subjects) since he is placed to that high office by the common masses only. 
The non deserving from inferior castes too reach high positions in the administration but do not shun their low mentality and indulge in corruption. Any one who reach a office in administration no more is a Dalit, low caste, scheduled tribe or scheduled caste. He has to be dealt like ordinary civilians-masses the so called general category. Why this tag even after amassing wealth to the tune of 900-5000 crore rupees, may it be Khadge, Karuna or Maya-Mulayam-Lalu?!!
नितीश भी इसी श्रेणी-शूद्र में आता है, मगर लालू-मुलायम जैसे यादवों से श्रेष्ठ है। 
उत्थाय पश्चिमे यामे कृतशौचः समाहितः। 
हुताग्निर्ब्राह्मणांश्चार्च्य प्रविशेत्स शुभां सभाम्॥7.145॥
रात के पिछले पहर में उठकर, शौचादि क्रिया से निवृत हो संयत चित्त से अग्नि में हवन करे और ब्राह्मणों का पूजन कर राजा अपनी सुन्दर सभा में प्रवेश करे। 
यहाँ ब्राह्मण से तात्पर्य वेदपाठी, विद्वान्, सदाचारी व्यक्ति से है। 
The king should get up early in the morning before Sun rise-around 4 o'clock, fresh himself and perform sacrifices in holy fire with the help of Brahmns; offer them some money-gifts and enter the parliament-his court to sort out public's grievances. 
तत्र स्थितः प्रजाः सर्वाः प्रतिनन्द्य विसर्जयेत्। 
विसृज्य च प्रजाः सर्वा मन्त्रयेत् सह मन्त्रिभिः॥7.146॥
सभा में उपस्थित प्रजाओं-फरियादियों को संभाषणादि से प्रसन्न कर विदा कर दे। प्रजाओं के चले जाए के बाद मंत्रियों का साथ मंत्रणा करे। 
He should listen to populace and convince them that their problems will be sorted out, solved-resolved. Once the visitors have returned (convinced, satisfied), he should assign the complaints to the respective ministers to be sorted out within in a fixed frame of time. He should discuss the complaints with the ministers, seek their opinions-suggestions and considers them carefully-prudently.
फरियादी :: अभियोक्ता, मुस्तगीस, शिकायतकर्ता, फ़रियाद करने वाला, मदद के लिए प्रार्थना करने वाला, शिकायत करने वाला; complainant, accusant, plaintiff. 
Its a matter of grief that most of the Chief Ministers, even the Prime Minister shows that they are solving the problems of the common people. But in fact nothing happens; be it Modi or Yogi. They fail to reply even. This practice is just a show off. I sent my request to Modi. Reply came after 2 years. Problems remained unsolved. NDMC gave false replies proved through RTI. Now, I have sent the request again.
I am in touch with a person, who has personally handed over his application showing problem at the hands of RERA, G.B.Nagar Administration, ANSAL BUILDERS to Yogi thrice. Nothing has happened. I too submitted yet another application to Yogi, but is seems it too will be wiped off.
In India it takes 20-100 years to seek justice and still the judgement is against the plaintiff. The Supreme Court judges brought their grievances in the open as if the media will deliver justice to them. One of the communist party leaders was seen meeting the complaining judge giving it a political colour. The congress party was not far behind. Its true that the chief justice was assigning them cases according to his choice, but corollary to this is that they too desire their say in specific cases which raises eye brows!! There may be a chance that the 4 judges became scapegoat of political clout, followed by 2 later. There is no doubt that the judgements are not fair and free from flaws. Judge's fancy, bias and caprice prevails. One is sure that the system of appointing the judges is not fair and free from flaws. 
The collegium system is grossly unfair and deserve to be replaced by one in which judges are trained like IAS, IPS. Political interference should be eliminated.
गिरिपृष्ठं समारुह्य प्रासादं वा रहोगतः। 
अरण्ये निःशलाके वा मन्त्रयेदविभावितः॥7.147॥
राजा पहाड़ पर या निर्जन राजमहल के एकान्त स्थान में अथवा वन में सतर्क होकर मंत्रणा करे। 
The king should make consultations with the ministers at such places where there is no chance of leaking out. These places may a hill resort, secret chambers of the palace or isolated places in the forests. The entire proceeding must remain closely guarded secret-confidential.
यस्य मन्त्रं न जानन्ति समागम्य पृथग्जनाः। 
स कृत्स्नां पृथिवीं भुङ्क्ते कोशहीनोऽपि पार्थिवः॥7.148॥
जिस राजा के विचार को और अन्य लोग एक होकर भी नहीं जानते, वह दरिद्र होने पर भी सारी पृथ्वी को भोगता है। 
The king who do not reveal his secrets and the ideas in his mind before being implemented enjoys all comforts of the earth, even after having very little in his treasury.
Future plans must be safe guarded and implemented very carefully.There should be no leakage-pilferage of future plans.
In India decisions of the government at leaked at will.
The general perception in the minds of the public is that Vijay Mallya & Neerav Modi were allowed to flee with the help of central ministers. Lalit Modi was actively helped by the foreign minister & her daughter looked after his cases in the court.
जडमूकान्धबधिरांस्तैर्यग्योनान्वयोतिगान्। स्त्रीम्लेच्छव्याधितव्यङ्गान्मन्त्रकालेऽपसारयेत्॥7.149॥
बुद्धिहीन, गूँगा, अन्धा, बहरा, शुक-सारिकादिक पक्षी, बूढ़ा, स्त्री, मल्लेछ (इसाई, मुसलमान), रोगी और अंगहीन, इन सबको मंत्रणा करते समय हटा देना चाहिये। 
The idiots (morons, ignorant, foolish), dumb, blind, birds like parrots (who can speak like humans), old person, females, Mallechh (Muslims & Christians), diseased, the people with deficient limbs, must be removed from the conference room.
Secrecy must be maintained at all levels. In today's world the conference room must be free from bugging devices, the ministers & the servants working inside must not have microphones, mobiles, recording devices etc. Even internet deserve to be kept under strict control and watch. Chinese mobile phones, laptops,  wi-fi modem, have devices which transfer entire data to the manufacturing company or Chinese government's spying agencies. Some Indian army officers had these phones but it was detected and action taken immediately.
भिन्दन्त्यवमता मन्त्रं तैर्यग्योनास्तथैव च। 
स्त्रियश्चैव विशेषेण तस्मात्तत्रादृतो भवेत्॥7.150॥
ये लोग अपमानित होने पर गुप्त मन्त्रणा प्रकट कर देते हैं। वैसे ही शुक, सारिकादि पक्षी और विशेषकर स्त्रियाँ गुप्त मंत्रणा स्थान से दूर रखे।
Any one belonging to above categories may reveal secrets on being insulted. One with deficient organs usually reveal in order of gaining importance or recognition. Women can never any thing secret-confidential, due to their nature. Birds like parrot & canary copy human language and speak without being asked. History has proved that the people from the western world can not be believed.
Modi's government has women in most important portfolios. May the God protect the country.
मध्यंदिनेऽर्धरात्रे वा विश्रान्तो विगतक्लमः। 
चिन्तयेद् धर्मकामार्थान् सार्धं तैरेक एव वा॥7.151॥
मध्य दिन-दोपहर या अर्धरात्रि में अथवा जब चित्त शांत हो और शरीर क्लेश रहित हो, तब मंत्रियों के साथ या अकेला ही धर्म, अर्थ और काम का चिंतन करे। 
The king should think of Dharm (deliberation of duties, virtues, Varnashram duties) Arth (enhancement of treasure-wealth) and Kam (satisfaction of wordily requirements like sensuality, pleasure, comforts, dance, music, etc. etc.) alone or in the company of ministers at mid day, mid night or when his mind is at peace and the physique is free from ailments.
The king may attend social gatherings, public functions, religious celebrations in open house and cheer the public. Fool proof arrangements of security should be made at such occasions.
परस्परविरुद्धानां तेषां च समुपार्जनम्। 
कन्यानां सम्प्रदानं च कुमाराणां च रक्षणम्॥7.152॥
परस्पर विरुद्ध रहने वाले धर्मों का परिहार करे। कन्याओं का दान और कुमारों की रक्षा करने के उपाय सोचे। 
The king should reject the functions which are opposite of each other. He should help in the marriage of virgin girls and protect the youth from evils, bad company, criminalisation. 
The next generation should be educated, given thorough training in warfare, social works and the socially useful traits, trades etc. Talent, calibre, capability has to be ascertained before initiating one into a specific job. Artisan, skilled workers should be encouraged to seek professional training from their elders.
परिहार :: त्यागना, छोड़ना, दोष आदि को दूर करना; avoidance, rectification.
दूतसम्प्रेषणं चैव कार्यशेषं तथैव च। 
अन्तःपुरप्रचारं च प्रणिधीनां च चेष्टितम्॥7.153॥
दूसरे राज्यों में दूत भेजना और प्रत्येक कार्य के समाप्त करने के विषय में विचार करे। महल में रहने वाली रानियों, स्त्रियों के कार्यों पर निगाह रखे और दूसरे राज्य में भेजे हुए गुप्त दूतों के भेद लगाने के लिये दूसरे दूतों को नियुक्त करे। 
He should post detectives-spies in other countries and finish all deeds, functions, targets, goals, endeavours in assigned time (given time frame). He should be vigilant about the behaviour, working, functioning of the queens, women residing, employed in the palace. He should adopt counter spies i.e., a close watch has to be kept over the already working spies.
The queens often resort to conspiracy against the state, next in line to the throne-crown prince or various jobs inside & out side the palace. Over ambitious queen may try to over throw the king and try to gain control over the empire.
The queens often enter into sexual alliance with others, which has to be checked.
कृत्स्नं चाष्टविधं कर्म पञ्चवर्गं च तत्त्वतः। 
अनुरागापरागौ च प्रचारं मण्डलस्य च॥7.154॥
आठ प्रकार के कर्म, पञ्चवर्ग अनुराग, विरोध और राजाओं का रङ्ग-ढंङ्ग, यह सब अच्छी तरह सोचे (अर्थात किस राजा से सन्धि, किससे विग्रह, उनका प्रतिकार कैसे करना चाहिये, इन सब बातों को सोचे।
The king should thoroughly consider (analyses, perform) eight kinds of duties (eight fold business), dealing with five kind of servants, treaty, repulsion or enmity with the other kings.
आदाने च विसर्गे च तथा प्रेष निषेधयो:। 
पंचमे चार्थ वचने व्यवहारस्य चेक्षणे॥ 
दण्डशुद्धयोः सदायुक्तस्तेनाष्टगतिको नृप: 
आठ प्रकार के कर्म :: (1). प्रजाओं से कर लेना। (2). भृत्य और याचकों को यथायोग्य धन देना, (3). मन्त्रियों को किसी काम से भेजना, (4). अनावश्यक कार्यों से रोकना, (5). कार्य में संदेह होने पर राजा की आज्ञा को ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ मानना, (6). व्यवहारिक कामों को देखना, (7). पराजितों से उचित धन लेना और (8). किसी पाप के लिये प्रायश्चित करना ; ये आठ प्रकार के कर्म हैं। 
पञ्चवर्ग :: अमात्य, राष्ट्र, दुर्ग, कोष और सेना, ये पाँच प्रकृतियाँ ही पञ्चवर्ग हैं।
नौकर-चाकरों का विभाजन भी पाँच प्रकार का है :: (1). कपाटिक :- जो कपटी हो, दूसरे के मर्म को जानने वाला हो और अपने वेश को छिपाने में माहिर-प्रवीण हो; ऐसे चतुर व्यक्ति के साथ एकान्त में सलाह, मशवरा, आदेश करे या सन्देश ग्रहण करे, (2). उदास्थित :- भ्रष्ट सन्यासी के वेश-रूप में हो। उसे वैरी तथा प्रजा का सच्चा भेद देने के लिये नियुक्त करके, राजा एकान्त में उससे सभी भेदों को जाने; (3). गृहस्थ :- जो साधारण स्थिति का होने पर भी चतुर पवित्रात्मा हो, राजा उसकी वृत्ति निश्चित कर अपन गुप्तचर नियुक्त करे, (4). वाणिजक :- जिस बनिये के पास पूंजी न हो, मगर व्यापार करने में चतुर हो, उसे धन देकर व्यापार के बहाने अपने देश में या अपने देश के बाहर भेजकर उसके द्व्रारा गुप्त भेद-सूचनाएँ प्राप्त करे, और (5). तापस :- जो सन्यासी नीतिज्ञ हो और जीविका से हीन हो, उसे वृत्ति देकर उसे अपना गुप्त दूत नियुक्त करे और वह अपने कपटी शिष्यों के साथ त्रिकालज्ञ बना हुआ राजा के प्रति लोगों के मनोभावों को जानकर एकान्त में राजा से कहे। 
मध्यमस्य प्रचारं च विजिगीषोश्च चेष्टितम्। 
उदासीनप्रचारं च शत्रोश्चैव प्रयत्नतः॥7.155॥
मध्यम का प्रचार, विजिगीषू की चेष्टा और उदासीन तथा शत्रु का प्रयत्न; इन सब बातों को बड़े यत्न से सोचे। 
The king should consider the activities of the people of the three categories viz. first one who is neutral but capable of forcing compromise over two opposite-rival states and is capable of punishing them if they fail to carry out his dictates, as well as helping them in case they unite, the second one is intelligent, stable-determined, active and smart-sharp by nature and the third one is neutral but able to mediate between the above two categories side by side, ready to help or control both (neutral).
मध्यम :: वह व्यक्ति है जो शत्रु की विजय की इच्छा करने वाले राजा की भूमि से तटस्ठ और उन दोनों के मिल जाने पर अनुग्रह करने में और उस देशों में विभिन्नता होने से दण्ड देने में समर्थ हो। 
विजिगीषू :: वह शख्स है जो बुद्धि, उत्साह, गुण और स्वभाव से दृढ़ हो।
उदासीन :: ऐसा व्यक्ति जो वीजिगीषू और मध्यम, के मिले रहने पर अनुग्रह करने में और उनके न मिले होने पर निग्रह करने में समर्थ हो।
एताः प्रकृतयो मूलं मण्डलस्य समासतः। 
अष्टौ चान्याः समाख्याता द्वादशैव तु ताः स्मृताः॥7.156॥
ये मध्यम आदि संक्षेप से प्रकृतियाँ राजमण्डल की मूल हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त आठ और प्रकृतियाँ हैं। इस प्रकार कुल मिलकर बारह प्रकृतियाँ शास्त्र में कही गई हैं। 
मित्र, अरिमित्र, मित्र-मित्र, अरिमित्र-मित्र, पार्ष्णिग्रह, आक्रन्द, पार्ष्णिग्राहासार, अकान्दासार, ये आठ अन्य प्रवृतियां हैं। 
These traits described above constitute the core of administering a state. Other than these 8 more categories are there. 
अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः। 
प्रत्येकं कथिता ह्येताः सङ्क्षेपेण द्विसप्ततिः॥7.157॥
प्रत्येक भेद के मंत्री, देश, किला, कोष और सैन्य, ये पाँच प्रभेद और होते हैं। संक्षेप में इन्हें सबको मिलाकर 72 भेद हैं। 
There are 72 distinctions-divisions including 5 distinctions pertaining to the individual minister handling a specific department-ministry, the kingdom, the fortress, the treasury and the army.
अनन्तरमरिं विद्यादरिसेविनमेव च। 
अरेरनन्तरं मित्रमुदासीनं तयोः परम्॥7.158॥
राजा को अपने राज्य की सीमाओं से सम्बन्धित राज्यों के राजाओं और उनके सेवकों को शत्रु-प्रकृति जानना चाहिये। इनसे मिले राजाओं के जो राज्य हों उन्हें मित्र प्रकृति जानना चाहिये और इन दोनों के पर जो राज्य हो उसे उदासीन प्रकृति समझना चाहिये। 
The king should consider the states with common boundary-immediate neighbour and its servants as its enemy-foe and those which are touched by the boundaries of the enemy territory as friends and those kingdoms which are far away should be treated as neutral.
व्यस्तैश्चैव समस्तैश्च पौरुषेण नयेन च॥7.159॥
उन सभी राजाओं को साम, दाम, दण्ड और विभेद आदि उपायों से वश में करे अथवा केवल दंड या केवल साम से उन्हें वश में करे। 
All these states should be handled by carrot and stick policy i.e., convincing (treaty, compromise, meetings), paying off some money, (territory, gifts, even making marital relations), punishment (invading, conquering) and/or creating misunderstanding (conflict, internal differences, enmity).
संधिं च विग्रहं चैव यानमासनमेव च। 
द्वैधीभावं संश्रयं च षड्गुणांश्चिन्तयेत्सदा॥7.160॥
सन्धि (मेल-मिलाप), विग्रह, (विरोध), यान (शत्रु के देश पर चढ़ाई करना), आसन (उपेक्षण), द्वैधीभाव (बल का दो भागों में बाँटना) और संश्रय (शत्रु से सताये जाने पर प्रबल राजा का आश्रय लेना), इन छः गुणों को सदा सोचना चाहिये। 
The king should always keep six tenants of policy measures pertaining to the enemy :: (1). Compromise, treaty, alliance, (2). opposition, repulsion, retaliation, defeating in the war field, (3). attacking the enemy, (4). halting, stalling, stance, repulsion or just ignoring, (5). division of the army into two segments and (6). seeking help-protection from a strong ally in case of being troubled.
आसनं चैव यानं च संधिं विग्रहमेव च। 
कार्यं वीक्ष्य प्रयुञ्जीत द्वैधं संश्रयमेव च॥7.161॥
कर्तव्य के अनुसार ही आसन, आक्रमण, सन्धि, विग्रह, विभेद और संश्रय का प्रयोग करे। 
The king should resort to a particular tech-tics according to the situation like halting, attack-aggression, compromise-treaty, creation of differences or seeking help from a strong ally.
संधिं तु द्विविधं विद्याद्राजा विग्रहमेव च। 
उभे यानासने चैव द्विविधः संश्रयः स्मृतः॥7.162॥
सन्धि, विग्रह, यान, आसन, विभेद और संश्रय ये दो प्रकार के होते हैं। 
(1). Compromise, treaty, alliance, (2). opposition, repulsion, defeating in the war field, (3). attacking the enemy, (4). halting, stalling, stance, repulsion or just ignoring (5). creating differences and (6). seeking help-protection from a strong ally in case of being troubled; are of two types.
समानयानकर्मा च विपरीतस्तथैव च। 
तदा त्वायतिसंयुक्तः संधिर्ज्ञेयो द्विलक्षणः॥7.163॥
वर्तमान अथवा भविष्य में होने वाले लाभ की आशा से दूसरे राजा के साथ मिलकर जो आक्रमण किया जाता है वह समान-यान कर्मा और दोनों आपस में मिलकर अलग-अलग होकर जो आक्रमण करते हैं, वह असमान यान सन्धि है। यह दो प्रकार की है। 
The treaty which comes into force between two allies, meant to attack together or separately, over the rivals-enemy, due to common interest-mutual gains, is of two types with a view to gains at present or in future. 
स्वयकृतश्च कार्यार्थमकाले काल एव वा। 
मित्रस्य चैवापकृते द्विविधो विग्रहः स्मृतः॥7.164॥
कार्य की सिद्धि के लिये यथोक्त समय पर या असमय में ही शत्रु के जीतने की इच्छा से जो युद्ध किया जाता है, वह एक प्रकार का विग्रह है और अपने मित्र का किसी के द्वारा अपकार होने पर जो युद्ध किया जाता है वह दूसरे प्रकार का वीगर है, उसका बदला लेने के लिये विग्रह है। 
The war declared at an opportunate (auspicious, favourable) time or abruptly without cause, for gains to over power the enemy is of the first type; while a war initiated to take revenge for attacking-harming (opposition, repulsion, retaliation, defeating in the war field) an ally, is of the second kind. 
एकाकिनश्चात्ययिके कार्ये प्राप्ते यदृच्छया। 
संहतस्य च मित्रेण द्विविधं यानमुच्यते॥7.165॥
यान भी दो प्रकार के होते हैं, अत्यन्त आवश्यक कार्य में फंसे हुए शत्रु का देखकर उस पर अकेले आक्रमण करना अथवा स्वयं शक्य होने पर मित्र के साथ मिलकर चढ़ाई करना। 
The enemy can be attacked in two ways. Firstly, attacking alone when the enemy is busy in some essential (intricate, difficult) situation and secondly attacking him with the help of an ally when own condition is weak or the war is not feasible with own power-might.
शक्य :: शक्ति, सामर्थ, संभावना; possibility, potentate, potential, feasible.
क्षीणस्य चैव क्रमशो दैवात् पूर्वकृतेन वा। 
मित्रस्य चानुरोधेन द्विविधं स्मृतमासनम्॥7.166॥
दुर्भाग्य से अथवा पूर्व जन्म के पाप से जिस राजा की सम्पत्ति नष्ट हो गई हो, वह राजा शत्रु की उपेक्षा करे। यह एक आसन है और समृद्धशाली होते हुये भी मित्रों के अनुरोध से मित्रों के लाभार्थ शत्रु की उपेक्षा करे, यह दूसरा आसन है। इस तरह दो प्रकार के आसन होते हैं। 
The king who has lost his riches by virtue of the stroke of luck-misfortune or due to the sins of the his previous births, should prefer avoiding the enemy, as the first component of game plan-tactics. In case of being prosperous, he should discard the enemy on the recommendation of his allies for their benefit-gain, as a second part of game plan-tactics.
सेनापति :: सेनाध्यक्ष; commander, general. 
द्विधा :: दो भागों में विभक्त; in two ways, parts, two pronged, directions, uncertainty, amphibious. 
बलस्य स्वामिनश्चैव स्थितिः कार्यार्थसिद्धये। 
द्विविधं कीर्त्यते द्वैधं षाड्गुण्यगुणवेदिभिः॥7.167॥
कार्य और धन दोनों की सिद्धि के लिये सेनापति और राजा की स्थिति को द्विधा करना चाहिये। इस द्वैध को संधि आदि छः गुणों के जानने वालों ने दो प्रकार का कहा है। 
For the purpose of betterment of administration and prosperity, the functions of the king should be divided into two components i.e., the head of state and the army general-commander. The division of labour has been recognised in six parts (organs, folds) by the knowledgeable.
Traditionally, the armies in Indian states used to have the general and the king as two separate entities. However, the king worked as the supreme commander at all occasions. The king used to be an expert in war fare. At present the president is the supreme commander with three separate wings, army, air force and the navy. For some time India had a field marshal as well.
The government has created a new post of Chief of Defence Staff. General Vipin Rawat is the first incumbent to this post.
अर्थसम्पादनार्थं च पीड्यमानस्य शत्रुभिः। 
साधुषु व्यपदेशार्थ द्विविधः संश्रयः स्मृतः॥7.168॥
शत्रुओं से सताये जाने पर कार्य और अर्थ की सिद्धि के लिये किसी बलवान राजा का आश्रय लेना अथवा किसी शत्रु से सताये जाने की आशंका से किसी बलवान राजा का आश्रय घोषित कर देना, ये दो प्रकार का संश्रय कहा गया है। 
The protection sought by the king in case of being troubled by a strong enemy is of two types :- (1). accepting the patronage of a powerful ally & (2). declaring dependence over a powerful ally.
संश्रय :: संयोग, मेल, संबंध, लगाव, संपर्क, आश्रय, शरण, पनाह, सहारा, अवलंब, राजाओं का परस्पर रक्षा के लिए मेल, अभिसंधि, पनाह की जगह, शरण स्थान, रहने या ठहरने की जगह, घर, विश्राम की जगह, विश्राम स्थल-स्थान, उद्देश्य, लक्ष्य, किसी वस्तु का अंग, हिस्सा; asylum, protection, patronage, refuse, shelter. 
यदाऽवगच्छेदायत्यामाधिक्यं ध्रुवमात्मनः। 
तदात्वे चाल्पिकां पीडां तदा संधिं समाश्रयेत्॥7.169॥
यदि निश्चित रूप से सन्धि करने में अपना भला-लाभ समझे तो थोड़ा कष्ट और हानि उठाकर भी सन्धि कर ले। 
The king should opt for compromise-treaty, if he is sure-confirm that it will help him in future, even if some pain or loss is there.
The decision may be taken in the larger interest of the citizens. Present losses may turn into gains in future prosperity of the populace and the state.
यदा प्रहृष्टा मन्येत सर्वास्तु प्रकृतीर्भृशम्। 
अत्युच्छ्रितं तथाSSत्मानं तदा कुर्वीत विग्रहम्॥7.170॥
जब अपनी सारी प्रकृति (अर्थात मंत्री, अधिकारी वर्ग इत्यादि) पूरी तरह सन्तुष्ट हों और अपने शत्रु से बल में सब प्रकर से बढ़े-चढ़े हों तो विग्रह-युद्ध करे। 
If the king and his ministers, army generals & secret service officials are sure that his power is more as compared to the rival-enemy he should opt for war.
यदा मन्येत भावेन हृष्टं पुष्टं बलं स्वकम्। 
परस्य विपरीतं च तदा यायाद्रिपुं प्रति॥7.171॥
जब अपने सेनापति इत्यादि को भली-भाँति हृष्ट-पुष्ट समझे और अपने शत्रु को इसके विपरीत जाने, तब उस पर आक्रमण करे। 
The rival, (opposite, enemy) state should be attached if own army personnel are healthy, capable, alert and the enemy army is lazy, careless, lacks practice. 
यदा तु स्यात् परिक्षीणो वाहनेन बलेन च। 
तदासीत प्रयत्नेन शनकैः सान्त्वयन्नरीन्॥7.172॥
जब राजा अपने वाहन और सैन्य बल से क्षीण हो जाये, तो साम-दानादि नीति से शत्रुओं को धीरे-धीरे शान्त करे।
The king should adopt the policy of pacifying the enemy through diplomacy and by offering some revenue-gifts etc. gradually if he finds that his vehicular power has reduced and the army has become weak.
Generally, this policy is attributed to Achary Chanky, but the reality is mentioned above.
मन्येतारिं यदा राजा सर्वथा बलवत्तरम्। 
तदा द्विधा बलं कृत्वा साधयेत्कार्यमात्मनः॥7.173॥
जब राजा सब प्रकार से शत्रु को बलवान जाने तब सेना को दो भागों में विभाजित कर, एक भाग को किले में रखे और दूसरे भाग को सेना से लड़ने के लिये भेजकर, अपना कार्य-साधन करे। 
Having assessed-ascertained the strength of the enemy to be more-stronger than self, the king should divide the army into two fragments-sections keeping one in the fort and push the second component to fight the enemy directly, face to face.
As a third option, the enemy can be attacked from behind as well, when he is busy with the face to face combat.
यदा परबलानां तु गमनीयतमो भवेत्। 
तदा तु संश्रयेत् क्षिप्रं धार्मिकं बलिनं नृपम् ॥7.174॥
राजा जब अपने को शत्रु सेना के हाथ में जाने वाला समझे, तब वह शीघ्र ही किसी धार्मिक बलिष्ट राजा के आश्रय में चला जाये। 
The king should be quick to seek shelter-refuge, asylum under some virtuous-righteous king, who is strong enough to face the enemy if he find that he might be captured by the enemy army.
निग्रहं प्रकृतीनां च कुर्याद् योऽरिबलस्य च। 
उपसेवेत तं नित्यं सर्वयत्नैर्गुरुं यथा॥7.175॥
जिन दोषों से राजा को ऐसी विपत्ति पैदा हुई है और जिस शत्रु सैन्य से भय उत्पन्न हुआ हो, इन दोनों को निग्रह करने वाले राजा का आश्रय लेकर, उसकी गुरु की भाँति सब प्रकार से सेवा करे। 
The king should search the reasons for the evolution of such an intricate situation and the causes for the fear due to the enemy and take patronage-asylum under a king, who can resolve both these problems and serve him like a Guru.
When, even in that (condition), he sees (that) evil is caused by (such) protection, let him without hesitation have recourse to war. 
यदि तत्रापि संपश्येद्दोषं संश्रयकारितम्। 
सुयुद्धमेव तत्रापि निर्विशङ्कः समाचरेत्॥7.176॥
यदि संश्रय करने पर भी अपनी रक्षा न कर सके तो निःशंक होकर युद्ध करे। 
If its not possible to seek protection, he should fight with bravery-valour.
धर्म के अनुरूप युद्ध करते हुए प्राण गए भी तो स्वर्ग अवश्य ही मिलेगा। 
सर्वोपायैस्तथा कुर्यान्नीतिज्ञः पृथिवीपतिः। 
यथाऽस्याभ्यधिका न स्युर्मित्रोदासीनशत्रवः॥7.177॥
नीतिज्ञ राजा सभी उपायों से ऐसा कर्म करे जिनसे उसके मित्र, उदासीन और शत्रुओं की सँख्या न बढ़ने पावे। 
The king expert in diplomacy, policy matters should resolve that the number of his friends, neutral and the allies do not rise further.
As a prime minister Modi is successful in foreign policy, diplomacy, but is unable to contain-control the enemy (of the country) within like Congress, Communists & the Muslims. However, he is gross failure on economic front. He sucks money from the middle class & the Upper Castes & wastes it over those who are unfit for it, do not deserve, waste it, do not want to earn. He has given concessions to the industrialists as well, which are grossly harmful in nature. He waved off Rs.15 Lakh Crore in the form of loans & interest, borrowing due to Adani and other industrialists
How ever hard he may work to uplift the Muslims and the so called Dalits, they will never vote for him.
Still, he is the best amongest all the past prime ministers.
आयतिं सर्वकार्याणां तदात्वं च विचारयेत्। 
अतीतानां च सर्वेषां गुणदोषौ च तत्त्वतः॥7.178॥
उस समय भूत और भविष्यकाल के सभी कार्यों के गुण-दोष को राजा खूब ध्यान से विचार करे। 
The king should thoroughly examine-analyses the positive & negative side of the deeds-undertakings of the past and future, very carefully.
आयत्यां गुणदोषज्ञस्तदात्वे क्षिप्रनिश्चयः। 
अतीते कार्यशेषज्ञः शत्रुभिर्नाभिभूयते॥7.179॥
भविष्य के गुण-दोषों को, उपस्थित कार्यों का निश्चय कर शीघ्र पूर्ण करने वाला और बीती बातों के शेष भाग को समझने वाला राजा कभी शत्रुओं से पराजित नहीं होता। 
The king who understands & learns from the past experiences, finishes the works-compulsions at hand and executes the endeavours quickly never looses a battle-war.
यथैनं नाभिसंदध्युर्मित्रोदासीनशत्रवः। 
तथा सर्वं संविदध्यादेष सामासिको नयः॥7.180॥
जिस नियम से मित्र, उदासीन और शत्रु, कोई कभी उसे कष्ट न दे सके; ऐसे ही नियम से चलना चाहिये। संक्षेप में यही नीति है।
Political wisdom (policy, diplomacy) which prevents the pains (rigours, tortures, defeat) through the friends, foes or those sitting on the boarder line i.e., neutrals, should be adopted-practiced by the king. In short these are the guide lines for the prudent-intelligent king.
तदा तु यानमातिष्ठेदरिराष्ट्रं प्रति प्रभुः। 
तदाSनेन विधानेन यायादरिपुरं शनैः॥7.181॥
जब राजा शत्रु के राज्य पर चढ़ाई करने की तैयारी करे, तो आगे कहे हुए नियमों के अनुसार शत्रु राज्य पर धीरे-धीरे चढ़ाई करे।
When the king prepares to attack-conquer the enemy state-country, he should follow the rules mentioned here and advance slowly, gradually, cautiously, cautiously.
मार्गशीर्षे शुभे मासि यायाद्यात्रां महीपतिः। 
फाल्गुनं वाSथ चैत्रं वा मासौ प्रति यथाबलम्॥7.182॥
राजा शुभ अगहन के महीने में यात्रा करे अथवा अपनी शक्ति के अनुसार फाल्गुन या चैत के महीने में शत्रु राज्य पर चढ़ाई करे। 
अगहन :: November-December,  Hemant, हेमंत :: Late-Autumn, फाल्गुन :: February-March, Vasant :: वसंत, spring, चैत-चैत्र :: March-April, (Chaetr, वसंत, spring).
The king should select the months of either autumn or spring i.e., November -December, February-March, March-April.
The weather during these months is moderate i.e., neither too hot nor too cold. Its free from growth of fungus, virus, bacteria or mosquitoes. The soldiers can enjoy good health and physical fitness. Sensuality, sexuality, passions too do not perturb them during this phase.
This is applicable to Indian terrine. Else where the suitable time is spring. Rainy season, extreme hot, extreme cold, humid climate should be avoided.
अन्येष्वपि तु कालेषु यदा पश्येद् ध्रुवं जयम्। 
तदा यायाद्विगृह्यैव व्यसने चोत्थिते रिपोः॥7.183॥
जब अन्य महीनों में भी अपने विजय निश्चित दिखे और शत्रु संकट में फँसा हो तब अन्य महीने में भी युद्ध यात्रा कर देवे।
The king should invade the enemy when he finds him troubled-plagued with difficulties. He should not miss the opportunity of winning him during other months as well, when the enemy is careless, preoccupied with internal disturbances. Still he should never under rate-value him.
Gorilla war fare too may be adopted.
कृत्वा विधानं मूले तु यात्रिकं च यथाविधि। 
उपगृह्यास्पदं चैव चारान्सम्यग्विधाय च॥7.184॥
संशोध्य त्रिविधं मार्गं षड्विधं च बलं स्वकम्। 
सांपरायिककल्पेन यायादरिपुरं शनैः॥7.185॥
अपने दुर्ग और देश की रक्षा के लिये सेना के एक दल प्रबन्ध कर, यात्रा के उपयुक्त सभी समान साथ ले, शत्रु राज्य में भेद लेने ले लिये दूतों (गुप्तचर-जासूसों) को भेजकर त्रिविध मार्ग (जांगल-जंगल, आनूप-अनूप, आटविस-अपटक) का संशोधन करके और छः प्रकार के अपने सैन्य को संतुष्ट करके संग्राम नीति से धीरे-धीरे शत्रु की नगरी पर आक्रमण करने के लिये यात्रा करे। 
The king should depute a battalion for the safety of his fort and the country and keep all essential commodities for the travel during aggression with him. He should depute spies in the enemy region to seek day to day information pertaining to the reaction of the populace of the enemy country and the warfare. The aggression has to be carried out through land, water and Aerial routes. The engineering division should look after clearing the routes of all troubles, for the advancing forces. The six fold army-forces should include chariots, elephants, horses, arms-ammunition, eatables-food & cooking equipment, medicines, doctors-surgery equipment, boats-ships for aquatic routes & warplanes for aerial attack etc. Having made all necessary preparations he should advance smoothly.
At present Pakistan and Bangal Desh are causing great nuisance for India. In such a situation the forces should make endeavours to occupy Kashmir regions & Punjab in Pakistan, merge Kashmir with Kashmir-Indian territory, Punjab with Punjab & make Bangal Desh a state under India by the name of East Bangal. The will solve the problem of infiltration & intruders from these Muslim dogmatic-narrow minded countries countries.
तीन प्रकार के मार्ग अर्थात् एक :– स्थल, भूमि में, दूसरा :– जल, समुद्र वा नदियों में, तीसरा :– आकाश मार्गों को शुद्ध बनाकर (अर्थात् वृक्षादि काट कर तथा ऊँची नीची भूमि सम करके), भूमि मार्ग में रथ, अश्व, हाथी; जल में नौका और आकाश में विमान आदि यानों से जावे और पैदल, रथ, हाथी, घोड़े, शस्त्र और अस्त्र, खान–पान, औषधी आदि सामग्री को यथावत् साथ ले बलयुक्त पूर्ण करके किसी निमित्त को प्रसिद्ध करके शत्रु के नगर के समीप धीरे धीरे जावे।
भारतवर्ष में प्राचीन काल से ही युद्ध विद्या इतनी उन्नत थी कि प्रत्येक अवसर के लिये पृथक पृथक न्यूह रचना होती थी।
The detailed descriptions available in the scriptures clearly narrate the ultimate warfare prevailing in India, since ancient times. India has a written history of trillions of years including warfare, systems, though it used to be transmitted orally from one generation to next.
शत्रुसेविनि मित्रे च गूढे युक्ततरो भवेत्। 
गतप्रत्यागते चैव स हि कष्टतरो रिपुः॥7.186॥
जो मित्र छिपे-छिपे शत्रु की सेवा करता हो और जो नौकर पहले रूठकर चला गया होऔर फिर लौट आया हो, उससे सावधान रहे, क्योंकि ये सबसे कठिन (भयानक, बड़े, छुपे हुए) शत्रु होते हैं।
The king should identify and keep a close watch over the enemy in the grab of friendship and servants who deserted him due to some grievance and later rejoined, since they can turn out to be dreaded enemies.
The history describes numerous events in which the back stabbing resulted in defeat. Hidden enemies are more harmful than the visible ones.
दण्डव्यूहेन तन्मार्गं यायात् तु शकटेन वा। 
वराहमकराभ्यां वा सूच्या वा गरुडेन वा॥7.187॥
युद्ध मार्ग में राजा दण्ड व्यूह, शकट व्यूह, वराह व्यूह, सूचि व्यूह या गरुड़ व्यूह चले। 
The king adopt Dand Vyuh, Shakat Vyuh, Varah Vyuh, Such Vyuh or Garud Vyuh, five types of formations of columns of army which ensures protection from the attack by the enemy if gets information of the invasion.
The troops may acquire staff formation (i.e. in an oblong), wagon (i.e. in a wedge), boar (i.e. in a rhombus), pin (i.e. in a long line) or like a Garud-Bhagwan Vishnu's carrier in the form of a bird, (i.e. in a rhomboid with far-extended wings).
दण्ड व्यूह :: व्यूह-रचना, जो प्रायः डंडे के आकार की होती थी और जिसमें आगे बलाध्यक्ष, बीच में राजा, पीछे सेनापित, दोनों ओर हाथी, हाथियों के बगल में घोड़े और घोड़ों के बगल में पैदल सिपाही रहते थे; staff formation-in an oblong.
शकट व्यूह :: सैनिक व्यूह-रचना, जिसके दोनों पक्षों के बीच में सैनिकों की दोहरी पंक्तियाँ होती थीं; wagon-in a wedge, box or cart formation.
वराह व्यूह :: सैनिक व्यूह-रचना, जिसमें अगला भाग पतला और बीच का भाग चौड़ा रखा जाता था।
सूचि व्यूह :: सुईं के आकार वाला; Long line, needle formation.
गरुड़ व्यूह :: गरुड़ की आकृति वाला; Eagle formation, rhomboid with far-extended wings.
महाभारत युद्ध में व्यूह रचनाएँ :: (1). गरुड़-व्यूह, (2).क्रौंच व्यूह, Heron formation, (3).श्येन व्यूह, (4). सुपर्ण (गरुड़) व्यूह, (5). सारंग व्यूह, (6). सर्प व्यूह, (7). खड्ग सर्प व्यूह, (8). शेषनाग व्यूह, (9). मकर व्यूह :- Makar-Crocodile formation,  Two triangles, with the apices joined, (10). कुर्म (कछुआ) व्यूह, (11). वराह व्यूह, (12). महिष व्यूह, (13). त्रिशूल व्यूह, (14). चक्र व्यूह, (15). अर्धचन्द्र व्यूह, (16). कमल व्यूह, (17). उर्मि व्यूह, (18). मंडल व्यूह, (19). वज्र व्यूह, (20). चक्रशकट व्यूह, (21). शकट व्यूह, (22). सर्वतोभद्र व्यूह, (23). शृंगघटक व्यूह, (24). चन्द्रकाल व्यूह, (25). कमल व्यूह, (26). देव व्यूह, (27). असुर व्यूह, (28). सूचि व्यूह, (29). श्रीन्गातका व्यूह, (30). चन्द्र कला, (31). माला व्यूह, (32). पद्म व्यूह, (33). सूर्य व्यूह, (34). दण्डव्यूह, (35). गर्भव्यूह, (36). शंखव्यूह, (37). मंण्डलार्ध व्यूह, (38). हष्ट व्यूह, (39). नक्षत्र मण्डल व्यूह, (40). भोग व्यूह, (41). प्रणाल व्यूह, (42). मण्डलार्द्ध व्यूह, (43). मयूर व्यूह, (44). मंगलब्यूह, (45). असह्मव्यूह, (46). असंहतव्यूह, (47). विजय व्यूह। 






Please refer to :: (10.6).STAFF, SNAKE, CIRCLE, DETACHED ARRAY-VYUH;  KAUTILY ARTH SHASTR (10) कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र
SHRIMAD BHAGWAT GEETA (1-18) श्रीमद्भागवत गीता
यतश्च भयमाशङ्केत्ततो विस्तारयेद् बलम्। 
पद्मेन चैव व्यूहेन निविशेत सदा स्वयम्॥7.188॥
जिधर से राजा को भय की आशंका हो, उस ओर अपनी सेना को विशेषरूप से नियोजित करे और स्वयं पद्म व्यूह रचकर उसमें रहे। 
The king should organise the troops towards the expected-apprehension of danger-attack by the enemy and place himself in Padm-Lotus formation.
सेनापतिबलाध्यक्षौ सर्वदिक्षु निवेशयेत्। 
यतश्च भयमाशङ्केत्प्राचीं तां कल्पयेद्दिशम्॥7.189॥
सेनापति और सेनाध्यक्षों को सब दिशाओं में नियुक्त करे और जिस दिशा से भय हो उसी को पूर्व दिशा माने अर्थात उसी ओर आगे बढ़े। 
The king should appoint-post the supreme commander-general, in the most sensitive direction and depute heads of troops-battalions in all directions and move to the direction in which more fear is expected, considering as the major lead, which may be in the direction of the enemies capital.
गुल्मांश्च स्थापयेदाप्तान्कृतसंज्ञान्समन्ततः। 
स्थाने युद्धे च कुशलानभीरूनविकारिणः॥7.190॥
आप्त पुरुषों से युक्त सैन्य का एक भाग जिसमें युद्ध के संकेत जानने वाले और युद्ध विद्या में कुशल तथा डरपोक और विश्वासघाती न हों ऐसे योद्धाओं को शेष सैन्य के चारों तरफ से रक्षा के हेतु और शत्रु की चेष्टाओं को जानने के लिये नियुक्त करे। 
The king should appoint such officials who are well versed, knowledgeable, reliable & whose words are logical, authentic having the experts in understanding war intricacies, who are skilled, fearless. These loyal experts should surround the army columns from all sides to protect the army and keep a close watch over the enemy. 
आप्त पुरुष :: वह व्यक्ति जो तत्त्वों वस्तुओं आदि के यथार्थ रूप अच्छी तरह जानता हो और जिसकी उपदेशपूर्ण बातें प्रामाणिक मानी जाती हों; a well versed person-knowledgeable, reliable person whose words are logical, authentic.
संहतान्योधयेदल्पान्कामं विस्तारयेद् बहून्। 
सूच्या वज्रेण चैवैतान् व्यूहेन व्यूह्य योधयेत्॥7.191॥ 
यदि सैन्य सँख्या कम हो तो सबको एक साथ जुटाकर और सँख्या अधिक हो तो उसे फैलाकर सूची व्यूह रचकर उससे युद्ध करावे। 
In case the number of soldiers is less, they should move in a close formation while large army should be spreaded over large areas headed by individual commanders, in a pin-needle like formation.
Small units are normally meant for quick-fast actions like commandos, surgical strikes, guerrilla warfare.
स्यन्दनाश्वैः समे युध्येदनूपे नोद्विपैस्तथा। 
वृक्षगुल्मावृते चापैरसिचर्मायुधैः स्थले॥7.192॥
समतल भूमि में रथी और घुड़सवार सेना से, अनूप (जलमय) देश में नाव और हाथी पर सवार होकर, पेड़-पौधों और लताओं से भरे हुए स्थान में धनुषबाण से और स्थल भाग में ढाल, तलवार और बर्छों से युद्ध करे। 
Chariots and horse battalions should be deployed to fight in planes, areas submerges with water should seek the help of boats and elephants, jungles areas with wines and trees need the use of-adoption of bows and arrows, in clear hilly terrains-lands swords and shields, spears along with knifes have to be used.
कुरुक्षेत्रांश्च मत्स्यांश्च पञ्चालांशूरसेनजान्। 
दीर्घांल्लघूंश्चैव नरानग्रानीकेषु योजयेत्॥7.193॥
कुरुक्षेत्री, मत्स्यदेशीय, पाञ्चाल और माथुर सैनिक, ये लम्बे हों या नाटे, इन्हें सेना के आगे नियुक्त करे। 
The soldiers born in Kurukshetr, Matasy, Panchal and Mathur should be posted in the front row of the army irrespective of their height be them be tall or dwarf-short.
प्रहर्षयेद्बलं व्यूह्य तांश्च सम्यक्परीक्षयेत्। 
चेष्टाश्चैव विजानीयादरीन्योधयतामपि॥7.194॥
सेना रचना करके सेना को विजय के लाभ, युद्ध में सन्मुख मरने से स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति, भागने से नर्क में पतन, इत्यादि बातों से हर्षित करे और उसकी परीक्षा करे, शत्रु-सेना से लड़ते समय भी अपने सैनिकों की चेष्टा को देखे। 
Having made to assemble in various formations, desired by the situation; the king should encourage & explain the gains of victory to the soldiers, along with the accessibility of heaven after death and degradation to hells after escaping-running away from the battle ground. He should observe-examine them and check their movements, regularly, continuously.
उपरुध्यारिमासीत राष्ट्रं चास्योपपीडयेत्। 
दूषयेच्चास्य सततं यवसान्नोदकैन्धनम्॥7.195॥
शत्रु नगर के चारों ओर घेरा डाल दे, उसके राज्य को हर तरह से पीड़ा पहुँचावे। निरन्तर वहाँ का तृण, अन्न, जल और ईंधन नष्ट-भ्रष्ट करता रहे। 
The king should surround the capital of the enemy state and keep on destroying straw for the animals, food grains, water and the fuel continuously.
The foe-enemy should be compelled to bow/bend over his knees. Cutting off the supply line will make him surrender sooner of later depending upon the stocks, situation and the resistivity. The enemy along with his citizens, be frustrated as far as possible. If possible his armoury should also be destroyed. The ponds are contaminated-polluted so that drinking water supply is discontinued-cut off. The well water is poisoned. However, these measures should not be adopted as far as possible. These measures will force-make the citizens to pressurise the enemy king.
Pakistan is waging war since 1,947, against India. The successive congress governments had been avoiding punishing Pakistan. In fact the Congress governments had been encouraging China & Pakistan to attack India time & again; to remain in power. The so called seculars are not far behind. The seculars incite Muslims in India to rise against the government headed by hindutv supporters. Shiv Sena too is one such organisation. Raj Thakre too is grossly unreliable. Its the duty of a pious-virtuous government to turn Pakistan into rubble.
भिन्द्याच्चैव तडागानि प्राकारपरिखास्तथा। 
समवस्कन्दयेच्चैनं रात्रौ वित्रासयेत्तथा॥7.196॥
शत्रु के काम में आने वाले तड़ागादि जलाशयों का नाश करे, किले दीवार को तोड़-फोड़ डाले, परिखा-खाई, आदि मिट्टी से भर दे। इस प्रकार शत्रु की शक्ति को नष्ट करे और रात को भी नगाड़ा आदि बजाकर उसे भयभीत करे।
The king should adopt all sorts of tactics to harass the enemy by destroying his water resources like ponds and wells, breaking through the fort walls and filling of the trenches, chasm-moats with soil and continue beating of drums to tease-frighten the enemy and reduce his strength-power, will power.
The Muslims have been using all these tactics against Indians-Hindus as if they have read-learnt all these things. But the Hindus looks like ignorant and work by fancy, caprice, bias against them. They try to behave like Bhagwan Shri Ram & Krashn but forget they were the incarnation of the God-Almighty and they are just humble humans. Hindus have completely forgotten their glorious past, knowledge.
उपजप्यानुपजपेद् बुध्येतैव च तत्कृतम्। 
युक्ते च दैवे युध्येत जयप्रेप्सुरपेतभीः॥7.197॥
शत्रु पक्ष के जो अमात्यादि जो लोग फोड़ लेने योग्य हों, उन्हें वश में करके और उनके कार्य को जाने। विजय चाहने वाला राजा भय रहित होकर शुभ समय में युद्ध आरम्भ करे। 
The courtiers-ministers of the enemy who can be controlled, lured, bribed, made to dissent, instigated; be identified and all relevant information be sought-extracted from them, along with their manner-modes of working. The king desirous of victory should attack fearlessly in an auspicious hour.
साम्ना दानेन भेदेन समस्तैरथ वा पृथक्। 
विजेतुं प्रयतेतारीन्न युद्धेन कदाचन॥7.198॥
जहाँ हो शत्रु को साम, दाम या भेद, इनमें से किसी उपाय से या इन सभी उपायों से जीतने का प्रयत्न करे, परन्तु युद्ध से जीतने का प्रयत्न कभी न करे। 
Efforts should be made to conquer, win, overpower the foe-enemy through Sam, Dam or Bled but without attacking him. Appeasement, bribery or differentiation-tactics should be employed to weaken him, bend, bow-accept his defeat.
Please refer to :: MAHA BHART (3) WAR महाभारत युद्ध
अनित्यो विजयो यस्माद् दृश्यते युध्यमानयोः। 
पराजयश्च संग्रामे तस्माद्यु द्धं विवर्जयेत्॥7.199॥
युद्ध में दोनों पक्षों की जीत या हार का कोई निश्चय नहीं होता; इसलिये युद्ध नहीं करना चाहिये। 
Victory or defeat during the war is uncertain. Therefore, do not entangle in a war or at least avoid the war.
त्रयाणामप्युपायानां पूर्वोक्तनामसम्भवे। 
तथा पुध्येत सम्पन्नो विजयेत रिपुण्यथा॥7.200॥
परन्तु पूर्वोक्त तीनों उपाय :- साम, दाम और भेद असम्भव हों तब शक्ति सम्पन्न होकर, इस प्रकार युद्ध करे शत्रु को जीत सके। 
If its not possible to pacify-negotiate, barter-bargain or create differentiation with the enemy; the king should gather strength, prepare himself for the war & strike the enemy, so that he can win him. 
Its of no use to fight without proper preparations and capability. Pakistan & China are eye sore for India. North Korea, Iran & Iraq are trouble creators for America. Still neither India nor America should wage a war unless until fully prepared and timing is most opportunate. Anyone who can help the enemy should also be assessed properly. 
जिज्वा संपूजयेद् देवान्ब्राह्मणांश्चैव धार्मिकान्। 
प्रदद्यात्परिहारांश्च ख्यापयेदभयानि च॥7.201॥
शत्रु को  जीतकर देवता तथा धार्मिक ब्राह्मणों की पूजा करे और उन्हें भेंट देकर सर्वत्र अभय प्रदान करे। 
Having won-overpowered the enemy the king should worship the deities-demigods and offer gifts to them honouring them as well. The Brahmns should be assured safety-protection.            
सर्वेषां तु विदित्वैषां समासेन चिकीर्षितम्। 
स्थापयेत्तत्र तद्वंश्यं कुर्याच्च समयक्रियाम्॥7.202॥
जीते हुए राज्य के मंत्री आदिकों के संक्षेप से अभिप्राय को जानकर, उस राज्य की राजगद्दी पर उसी राजा के किसी वंशज को बिठावे (राज्याभिषेक करे) और उस समय के उपयुक्त कामों को करे।
जीते हुए राजा से प्रमाण अर्थात् प्रतिज्ञादि लिखा लेवे और जो उचित समय समझे तो उसी के वंशस्थ किसी धार्मिक पुरुष को राजा नियुक्त कर दे और उससे लिखा ले कि तुमको हमारी आज्ञा के अनुकूल अर्थात् जैसी धर्मयुक्त राजनीति है, उसके अनुसार चल के न्याय से प्रजा का पालन करना होगा, ऐसे उपदेश करे और ऐसे पुरुष उनके पास रक्खे कि जिससे पुनः उपद्रव न हो।
The winner should consult the ministers of the defeated king and appoint the next king from amongest the heirs of the defeated-vanished ruler and perform the related rites.
Bhagwan Shri Ram coronated Vibhishan over the throne of Shri Lanka and transferred the reins of Kishkindha Puri to Sugreev, after killing Bali. Bhagwan Shri Krashn's army under Arjun and Pradumn Ji too coronated the next of kin of the killed rulers. Where ever the king was still alive and had accepted the supremacy of the winners, he was allowed to continue after accepting tax from him. Some of the kings who were willing to be with the army of Bhagwan Shri Ram and Bhagwan Shri Krashn, were either appointed army commanders-generals or ministers in their courts.
राज्याभिषेक :: accession, coronation, enthronement, installation. 
प्रमाणानि च कुर्वीत तेषां धर्म्यान्यथोदितान्। 
रत्नैश्च पूजयेदेनं प्रधानपुरुषैः सह॥7.203॥
उस राज्य की प्रजाओं के यथोचित कामों का प्रमाण माने। नए अभिषिक्त राजा और प्रधान मंत्रियों को रत्नादि की भेंट दे।
और जो हार जाय उसका सत्कार प्रधान पुरुषों के साथ मिलकर रत्नादि उत्तम पदार्थों के दान से करे और ऐसा न करे कि जिससे उसका योगक्षेम भी न हो। जो उसको बन्दीगृह में भी रखे तो तो भी उसका सत्कार यथायोग्य रक्खे, जिससे वह हारने के शोक से रहित होकर आनन्द में रहे। उसको भागने न दे, किसी प्रकर का षड्यंत्र न करने दे। 
The winner should seek detailed information of the working (deeds, tasks, assignments) of the ministers, counsellors and offer gifts, in the form of jewels-ornaments to bring them to his fold.
आदानमप्रियकरं दानं च प्रियकारकम्। 
अभीप्सितानामर्थानां काले युक्तम्॥7.204॥
किसी की कोई चीज ले लेना अप्रियकर और देना प्रियकर होता है; तथापि समयानुसार लेना और देना दोनों ही श्रेष्ठ होते हैं।
संसार में दूसरे का पदार्थ ग्रहण करना अप्रीति और देना प्रीति का कारण है और विशेष करके समय पर उचित क्रिया करना और उस पराजित के मनोवाञ्छित पदार्थों का देना बहुत उत्तम है। पराजित राजा और उसके प्रजाजन, मंत्री आदि को कभी चिड़ावे नहीं, न हँसी और न ठट्ठा करे, न उसके सामने, हमने तुझको पराजित किया है, ऐसा कभी न कहे और न ही उसका अपमान करे। आप हमारे भाई, मित्र, सहयोगी हैं; आदि सम्बोधन करे। यदि पराजित राजा को कैद में भी रखे तो भी उसका पूरा मान-सम्मान रखे।
The seizure of desirable property which causes displeasure and its distribution, which causes pleasure, are both commendable, if they are resorted to, at the proper time.
Each is commended when done at the proper time. At a particular instance any gift however small it may be causes pleasure, while at another occasion, a precious gift, may not create pleasure at all. Hence, the seizing and giving away of property should be done after full consideration of the peculiarity of the time.
The winner should never insult or make fun of the looser. The looser should be given due respect and addressed like a friend, relative.
सर्वं कर्मैदमायत्तं विधाने दैवमानुषे। 
तयोर्दैवमचिन्त्यं तु मानुषे विद्यते क्रिया॥7.205॥
संसार सभी कार्य दैव और मानुष कर्म विधान अधीन है। इन दोनों में दैव कर्म विधान अचिंत्य है, पर मानुष का विचार कर सकते हैं।
All activities in this world-universe are governed by divinity (fate which are unfathomable) and human efforts. As far as the divine interference is concerned, one can not control it. But human indulgence, actions, efforts can be discussed.
अचिंत्य :: अज्ञेय, अचिंतनीय, जो कल्पना से परे हो या कल्पनीय न हो; beyond human control-divine, unfathomable, inscrutable, incomprehensible, enigmatic, incalculable, indecipherable, obscure, esoteric, abstruse, puzzling, cryptic, mysterious, mystifying, baffling, deep, profound, secretive. 
सह वाऽपि व्रजेद्युक्तः संधिं कृत्वा प्रयत्नतः। 
मित्रं हिरण्यं भूमिं वा सम्पश्यंस्त्रिविधं फलम्॥7.206॥
यदि शत्रु मित्र बनता हो, सुवर्ण देता हो, भूमी का कुछ भाग अर्पण करता हो तो, इस त्रिविध फल को पाकर सन्धि से युक्त होकर राजा वहाँ से लौट आये। 
If the foe turn into a friend, offer gold (ornaments, jewels) and a vast chunk-tract of useful land, the conqueror should return to his realm, having gained three fold.
पार्ष्णिग्राहं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य तथाक्रन्दं च मण्डले। 
मित्रादथाप्यमित्राद्वा यात्राफलमवाप्नुयात्॥7.207॥
राजमण्डल में पार्ष्णिग्रह और आक्रन्द पर अच्छी तरह विचार कर यात्रा करे। मित्र से या शत्रु से यात्रा का फल लेना ही चाहिये। 
The king should carefully sort out the foes who can attack him in his absence and those who might protect him in such a situation. His sole aim should be to gain as a result of the travel undertaken for war, conquering enemies.
पार्ष्णिग्रह :: किसी का सिद्धान्त मानने और उनके अनुसार चलनेवाला व्यक्ति, अनुवर्ती, अनुयायी, मुरीद, ऐसा राजा जो उसकी अनुपस्थिति में उसके पीछे से आक्रमण करता है; follower, a person who upholds a leader, cause, supporter, the enemy king who attacks in absentia.
आक्रन्द :: ज़ोर से विलाप, रुदन, ज़ोर की आवाज़, घोष, कोलाहल, शोर, ऊँचे स्वर से की गयी पुकार, आर्तनाद, करुण, पुकार, क्रोश, चिल्लाहट, चीख़, रोना धोना, विलाप, शोर, आडंबर, गर्जन, दहाड़, आवाहन, आराव, आवाज़, रोना, चिल्लाना, पुकारना, आह्वान करना, शब्द, चिल्लाहट, मित्र रक्षक, भाई, रोने का स्थान, पीठ पीछे, अनुपस्थिति में उसके पीछे से आक्रमण करने वाले को रोकने वाला; the king who protects the friendly state in absentia; crying-shouting in distress.
हिरण्यभूमिसम्प्राप्त्या पार्थिवो न तथैधते। 
यथा मित्रं ध्रुवं लब्ध्वा कृशमप्यायतिक्षमम्॥7.208॥
सुवर्ण या भूमि को पाकर राजा वैसे वृद्धि को नहीं पाता है, जैसे किसी तत्काल में दुर्बल किन्तु बढ़ने वाले ध्रुव मित्र को पाकर होता है।
The king does not progress that much by receiving gold or tract of land, as is being done by having a friend who is weak at present, but is sure to be capable-mighty and firm in future.
A firm and determined friend will come to rescue him in an hour of difficulty.
धर्मज्ञं च कृतज्ञं च तुष्टप्रकृतिमेव च। 
अनुरक्तं स्थिरारम्भं लघुमित्रं प्रशस्यते॥7.209॥
धार्मिक, कृतज्ञ, प्रसन्न चित्त और दृढ़ता से कार्यारम्भ करने वाला मित्र छोटा भी हो तो वह उत्तम है।
A religious (virtuous, righteous, pious, honest), grateful, cheerful friend who begins job-endeavour with firmness will prove to be excellent, may he be inferior at present.
The king should be able to recognise such friends-people, who are capable, reliable and helpful by nature.
प्राज्ञं कुलीनं शूरं च दक्षं दातारमेव च। 
कृतज्ञं धृतिमन्तं च कष्टमाहुररिं बुधाः॥7.210॥
विद्वान, कुलीन, वीर, चतुर, दाता, कृतज्ञ और धैर्यवान शत्रु को जीतना बड़ा ही कठिन होता है, ऐसा पण्डितों ने कहा है। 
The scholars-Pandits, experts in warfare opines that its very difficult to win an enemy, who is religious, has a respectable hierarchy-lineage-clan, brave, donor, grateful and has patience.
Its better to be in friendly terms-relations with such a person instead of having enmity.
आर्यता पुरुषज्ञानं शौर्यं करुणवेदिता। 
स्थौललक्ष्यं च सततमुदासीनगुणौदयः॥7.211॥
साधुता, सत्-असत् पुरुषों की पहचान, शूरता, निरन्तर दयालुता और दान शीलता; ये सब उदासीन के गुण हैं। 
Ascetic-sagely behaviour, identification of right & wrong (virtues & sin), bravery-valour, continued charity-donations are the characterises of equanimity (compassionate disposition, composed, neutrality).
क्षेम्यां सस्यप्रदां नित्यं पशुवृद्धिकरीमपि। 
परित्यजेन्नृपो भूमिमात्मार्थमविचारयन्॥7.212॥
जो भूमि अपने को सुखदायक हो, उपजाऊ हो, पशुओं की वृद्धिकारी हो, उस भूमि को अपने कल्याण के निमित्त राजा बिना विचारे ही छोड़ दे। 
The king should set aside the tract of land which is comfortable, fertile, helps in increasing-breeding the cattle, domesticated animals for his own sake. 
The fertile land should never be used for housing, building factories, industries, forgeries, trenches, roads, practice by armed forces etc. At present the government is blindly acquiring fertile, cultivated land for industrial purposes, housing etc. all over India, which will prove to be disastrous in log range. Green belts function as lungs for the breathing of big cities like Delhi, Calcutta etc. Growth of NCR is sure to be disastrous in due course of time. Its impact is clearly visible now. Smoke, dust, pollutants, fog, mist, poisonous gases have choked the sky of Delhi.
Delhi & Noida have achieved the notoriety of being the worst polluted cities in whole of the world. Year 2019-2020 will be remembered for this in addition to the coldest years (December, 2019 & January 2,020) as man made calamities during the last 108 years. This year 2,021-2,022 too the record is maintained.
आपदर्थं धनं रक्षेद् दारान् रक्षेद्धनैरपि। 
आत्मानं सततं रक्षेद्दारैरपि धनैरपि॥7.213॥
आपत्ति से बचने के लिये धन की रक्षा करे, धन से अधिक स्त्री की रक्षा करे और धन और स्त्री से अधिक, सदा आत्मरक्षा करनी चाहिए। 
The king should protect his wealth to get rid of troubles-difficulties. Queens should be gives priory in protection as compared to wealth. However, he should save himself at all costs. This is what has been stressed by Achary Chanky.
Achary Chanky has said that if the king survives he will be able to recover his empire and wife etc. Achary Chanky has summarised the policy matters by collecting the gist of prevailing policies in ancient India in his works (1). Chanky Niti and (2). Kautily's Arth Shastr, which too are present over these blogs.
सह सर्वाः समुत्पन्नाः प्रसमीक्ष्यापदो भृशम्। 
संयुक्तांश्च वियुक्तांश्च सर्वोपायान्सृजेद् बुधः॥7.214॥
एक साथ अनेक भीषण रूप विपत्तियों के आने पर उनसे बुद्धिमान विचलित न हो, किन्तु उनके प्रति सभी (सामादि) उपायों का एक साथ या अलग-अलग उपाय करे। 
The king should not be perturbed-disturbed by the simultaneous presence of several problems-difficulties and face-solve them together one by one by using the methods of reproach, differentiation, punishment etc.
One should never loose heart in an hour of difficulty and turmoil; with bravery, boldness.
उपेतारमुपेयं च सर्वोपायांश्च कृत्स्नशः। 
एतत्त्रयं समाश्रित्य प्रयतेतार्थसिद्धये॥7.215॥
उपाय करने वाला, उपाय का फल और सब उपाय (साम-दानादि) इन तीनों का पूर्ण रूप से विचार करके कार्य सिद्धि के लिए प्रयत्न करना चाहिये। 
The king should assign the solution of the problems to specific personnel, who would think over (meditate, analyse) the situation and try to resolve them by adopting specific premeditated measures, by estimating the outcome-results of the problem and its cure. The king himself, his ministers or other experts may be assigned the duty to handle the situation. Secrecy has to be maintained as far as possible-essential. 
एवं सर्वमिदं राजा सह सम्मन्त्र्य मन्त्रिभिः। 
व्यायम्याप्लुत्य मध्याह्ने भोक्तुमन्तःपुरं विशेत्॥7.216॥
इस प्रकार राजा पूर्वोक्त सभी बातों को विचार करके, नियमानुसार व्यायाम कर, मध्यान्ह कालिक क्रिया से निवृत होकर भोजन करने के लिये अन्तःपुर-रनिवास में जाये। 
The king should think over all matters, start physical exercise-Yog, settle the matters meant for the noon and proceed to his seraglio-the interior of the palace where the queens reside-abode of queens. Having thus consulted with his ministers on all these (matters), having taken exercise and having bathed afterwards, the king may enter the harem at midday in order to dine.
रनिवास :: रानी के रहने का स्थान या महल, अंतःपुर, घर या महल का वह भीतरी भाग जिसमें स्त्रियाँ रहती हैं, जनानखाना, कलत्रवास, हरम; Seraglio, the interior of the palace where the queens reside, abode of queens.
तत्रात्मभूतैः कालज्ञैरहार्यैः परिचारकैः। 
वहाँ आत्मीय, कालज्ञ, अभेद्य रसोइयों के बनाये हुए सुपरीक्षित सुस्वादु अन्न विषनाशक मन्त्रों से अभिमन्त्रित करके भोजन करे। 
The king should take meals inside the abode of queens, prepared by faithful-reliable & affectionate cooks, who are aware of the need of times and out of the reach of the enemy, pretested, tasty meals and neutralised by sacred enchants effective in destroying-vanishing all sorts of poisons present in the food. 
विषघ्नैरगदैश्चास्य सर्वद्रव्याणि योजयेत्। 
विषघ्नानि च रत्नानि नियतो धारयेत्सदा॥7.218॥
निश्चय रूप से हमेशा खाने की सभी वस्तुओं में विषनाशक औषध मिलावे और विषनाशक रत्नों को धारण करे। 
The food should be premixed-treated with anti dots against poisons-medicines which neutralise poisons and wear gems which destroys poison.
परीक्षिताः स्त्रियश्चैनं व्यजनोदकधूपनैः। 
वेषाभरणसंशुद्धाः स्पृशेयुः सुसमाहिताः॥7.219॥
गुप्तचरों द्वारा जिनकी परीक्षा की जा चुकी है और जिनके पास कोई गुप्त शस्त्र और विषलिप्त आभूषण तो नहीं है, यह सन्देह नहीं रह गया है, जिनके वेश और आभूषण शुद्ध हैं, ऐसी परीक्षित स्त्रियाँ बड़ी सावधानी से चामर, स्नान, पानादिक जल और धूप आदि से राजा की परिचर्या करें। 
Only such women-girls should be deployed to serve the king, who have been thoroughly examined by the spies-detectives, who do not possess secret arms, gems laced with poison, wearing pure-clean dress and ornaments to help him in bathing, serving blowing fans-fly whisk, water, incense sticks, perfumes etc.
चामर :: चौर, चँवर, चौंरी, मोरछल, याक की पूँछ से बना चँवर; fans made of peacock feathers, fly whisk made of Yolk hair. 
एवं प्रयत्नं कुर्वीत यानशय्यासनाशने। 
स्नाने प्रसाधने चैव सर्वालङ्कारकेषु च॥7.220॥
इसी प्रकार वाहन, शय्या, भोजन, स्नान, अनुलेपन, सभी अलंकारों के सम्बन्ध में परीक्षा करनी चाहिये। 
In this manner vehicles & carriages, bed & seat, bath & toilet, clothing & other adornments (decorations, embellishment, ornaments. sword, मुकुट, crown etc.) should be thoroughly examined-checked.
भुक्तवान्विहरेच्चैव स्त्रीभिरन्तःपुरे सह। 
विहृत्य तु यथाकालं पुनः कार्याणि चिन्तयेत्॥7.221॥
भोजन करके अन्तःपुर की स्त्रियों के साथ विहार करे और फिर अपने राज कार्य की चिंता करे। 
After lunch he should spend some time with the queens in the interior of the mansion and thereafter pay attention to the routine jobs pertaining to administration. As a king he has to resort to justice-law & order, safety, administration, diplomacy, state relations etc. which needs his final verdict-orders.
अलङ्कृतश्च सम्पश्येदायुधीयं पुनर्जनम्। 
वाहनानि च सर्वाणि शस्त्राण्याभरणानि च॥7.222॥
राजा स्वयं वेश-भूषा पहनकर सैनिकों, वाहनों, सभी अस्त्र-शस्त्रों और अलंकारों का निरीक्षण करे। 
After clothing (in military costumes-attires) himself the king should examine-inspect soldiers, vehicles, all weapons systems & installations and fixtures-adornments.
संध्यां चोपास्य शृणुयादन्तर्वेश्मनि शस्त्रभृत्। 
रहस्याख्यायिनां चैव प्रणिधीनां च चेष्टितम्॥7.223॥
गत्वा कक्षान्तरं त्वन्यत्समनुज्ञाप्य तं जनम्। 
प्रविशेद्भोजनार्थं च स्त्रीवृतोऽन्तःपुरं पुनः॥7.224॥
इसके बाद संध्योपासन करके, गृह के एकान्त स्थान में सशत्र बैठकर रहस्यभाषी चरों-जासूसों का गुप्त संवाद सुने। इसके बाद उन्हें आज्ञा देकर वहाँ से विदाकर दूसरे मकान में जा परिचारिका स्त्रियों के साथ भोजन के लिये पुनः अन्तःपुर में प्रवेश करे।
Duly armed king should move to the secluded conference room-chamber after performing evening worship-prayers to the Almighty and listen to the spies-detectives in coded language and then allow them to depart and move to the queens abode in the palace along with the female servants. 
तत्र भुक्त्वा पुनः किञ्चित् तूर्यघोषैः प्रहर्षितः। 
संविशेत्तु यथाकालमुत्तिष्ठेच्च गतक्लमः॥7.225॥
वहाँ बाजे के मधुर शब्दों से प्रसन्न होकर कुछ भोजन करके ठीक समय पर सोवे तथा भली-भाँति विश्राम करके समय पर उठे। 
The king should dine, taking light meals in the evening, with the queens, listening to light, sweet-pleasing music and sleep at the proper, opportunate, fixed timings and get up early in the morning after having a sound sleep and relaxing himself so that no fatigue is there.
एतद्विधानमातिष्ठेदरोगः पृथिवीपतिः। 
अस्वस्थः सर्वमेतत् तु भृत्येषु विनियोजयेत्॥7.226॥
शरीर आरोग्य रहने राजा स्वयं इन सब कार्यों का सम्पादन करे, किन्तु अस्वस्थ होने पर यह सब कार्य भृत्य (मंत्रियों, सहायकों) के हाथ में सौंपे। 
The king should perform all functions himself, but distribute his duties to various ministers, deputies, assistants etc., if he is indisposed-ill.
By the grace of the Almighty, Ganesh Ji Maharaj the chapter pertaining to state administration has been completed today, i.e, 09.02.2018, at Gledswood Hills, NSW, 2557, Sydney, Australia for the august readers.
The revision of this chapter has been revised completely today, i.e., 26.01.2022 at Noida by the grace of God and devoted the enlightened readers.
The subject matter is highly educative, valuable and has been adopted by Achary Chanky. Almost all those things which have written-commentaries over functioning of the state are available in it. 
(2). POLITICS IN INDIA भारतीय राजनीति :: CHANAKY NITI चाणक्य नीति
(3). MANU SMRATI (188) मनु स्मृति
Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ 
(बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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