Wednesday, September 16, 2015

DEATH, MEAT EATING, NON VIOLANCE :: MANU SMRATI (5) मनु स्मृति :: (मृत्यु, माँसाहार, हिंसा-अहिंसा, शुद्धि-अशुद्धि, शौच-अशौच, द्रव्य शुद्धि, स्त्री धर्म)

मनु स्मृति
(मृत्यु, माँसाहार, हिंसा-हिंसा, शुद्धि-अशुद्धि, शौच-अशौच, द्रव्य शुद्धि, स्त्री धर्म)
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
भक्ष्य पदार्थों में माँस के सेवन में दोष, वेद विहित हिंसा-अहिंसा, ज्ञान, तप, अग्नि आदि बारह शुद्धिकारक पदार्थ, अर्थ शुद्धि-ईमानदारी से धन कमाना-सबसे बड़ी शुद्धि, देह के बारह मल तथा स्त्री-पुरुष के सम्बन्धों का आदर्श रूप।
श्रुत्वैतानृषयो धर्मान्स्नातकस्य यथोदितान्। 
इदमूचुर्महात्मानमनलप्रभवं भृगुम्॥5.1॥
ऋषियों ने स्नातक के यथोक्त धर्म सुनकर अग्नि से उत्पन्न हुए महात्मा भृगु से ये कहा :-
After listening to the Dharm-duties of the scholar-graduate, the sages said this to the great soul Bhragu who was born out of Agni-fire.
एवं यथोक्तं विप्राणां स्वधर्ममनुतिष्ठताम्। 
कथं मृत्युः प्रभवति वेदशास्त्रविदां प्रभो॥5.2॥
इस प्रकार यथोक्त रीति से अपने धर्म में रत रहने वाले वेद-शास्त्रज्ञ ब्राह्मणों की मृत्यु कैसे होती है ?
The sages desired to know the manner in which the Brahmns, learned in Veds-scriptures and who were busy with their duties, die having completed their life span.
स तानुवाच धर्मात्मा महर्षीन् मानवो भृगुः। 
श्रूयतां येन दोषेण मृत्युर्विप्रान् जिघांसति॥5.3॥
मनु के पुत्र धर्मात्मा भृगु जी ने उन महर्षियों से कहा :- जिस दोष से मृत्यु, ब्राह्मणों को मारने की इच्छा करती है, वह सुनिये। 
Manu's son virtuous sage Bhragu asked the great sages to listen to the defect-drawback, weaknesses due to which the death was caused to the learned Brahmns.
अनभ्यासेन वेदानामाचारस्य च वर्जनात्। 
आलस्यादन्नदोषाच्च मृत्युर्विप्राञ्जिघांसति॥5.4॥ 
वेदों का अभ्यास न करने से, अपने आचार को छोड़ देने से, आलस्य करने से और दूषित अन्न खाने से मृत्यु ब्राह्मणों को मारने की इच्छा करती है। 
The Brahmn invite untimely death by neglecting the study-practice of Veds, deviating from the conduct meant for the Brahmns described in scriptures, becoming lazy and eating contaminated, stale, unhealthy food.
Death is imminent, but life span is increased by adopting suitable eating habits, exercise, performing Yog.
लशुनं गृञ्जनं चैव पलाण्डुं कवकानि च। 
अभक्ष्याणि द्विजातीनाममेध्यप्रभवाणि च॥5.5॥
लहसुन, गाजर, प्याज और गोबर छत्ता तथा अशुद्ध (माँस, मछली, अंडा; विष्ठा इत्यादि से होने वाले) पदार्थ, द्विजातियों के लिये अखाद्य हैं। 
Eating of Garlic, leeks and onions, mushrooms, meat, fish & eggs  and all plants which springing from impure substances like compost, rotten meat etc. are prohibited for Brahmns.
All plants have medicinal value-properties. If one has to take something as medicine its allowed. during emergency there is no restriction. Regular use of these things is definitely harmful for every one. Ayur Ved is the most advanced & developed medical science which can cure all ailments except death.
Please refer to :: AYUR VED आयुर्वेद(Chapter 1-14 & Cancer)
MEAT EATING माँसाहार
शेलुं गव्यं च पेयूषं प्रयत्नेन विवर्जयेत्॥5.6॥
पेड़ से निकला हुआ लाल गोंद या पेड़ के काटने पर जो गोंद निकलता है, लिसोड़े के फल, गाय का पीयूष दूध; ये सब यत्नपूर्वक त्याग दें। 
One should carefully reject the use of red gum-exudation from trees and juices flowing from incisions, the Cordia myxa and the first thickened milk of a cow, which she gives after calving; with firm determination to prolong longevity.
गोंद :: mastic, adhesive, dextrin, gamboge, glue, gum, mastic, exudation, mucilage.
लसोड़ा-बहुवार :: यह एक पेड़ है जिसे गोंदी, निसोरा, श्लेषमातक कहते हैं। इसके फल सुपारी के बराबर होते हैं। कच्चे लसोड़े का साग और अचार भी बनाया जाता है। पके हुए लसोड़े मीठे होते हैं तथा इसके अन्दर गोंद की तरह चिकना और मीठा रस होता है, जो शरीर को मोटा बनाता है।
लसोड़े के पेड़ बहुत बड़े होते हैं इसके पत्ते चिकने होते हैं। दक्षिण, गुजरात और राजपूताना में लोग पान की जगह लसोड़े का उपयोग करते हैं। लसोड़ा में पान की तरह ही स्वाद होता है।लसोड़ा की लकड़ी बड़ी चिकनी और मजबूत होती है। इमारती काम के लिए इसके तख्ते बनाये जाते हैं और बन्दूक के कुन्दे में भी इसका प्रयोग होता है।
वृथा कृसरसंयावं पायसापूपमेव च। 
अनुपाकृतमांसानि देवान्नानि हवींषि च॥5.7॥
अपने लिये पकाया हुआ कृसर संयाव (हलवा-जो गेहूँ का मैदा घी में भूनकर, दूध और गुड़ में सिद्ध किया जाता है), पायस (खीर), मालपूआ, यज्ञ माँस, देवताओं के निमित्त रखा हुआ अन्न और हवि, ये सब न खाये। 
One should not eat the fried wheat flour prepared in pure ghee-clarified butter i.e., Halwa, Kheer-rice cooked in milk & sugar-Jaggery, fried paste of flour mixed with sugar, meat (Read sweets) meant for sacrifices to the demigods-deities, food grain meant for the demigods-deities.
A Brahmn should never consume meat, fish or eggs.
अनिर्दशाया गोः क्षीरमौष्ट्रमैकशफं तथा। 
आविकं संधिनीक्षीरं विवत्सायाश्च गोः पयः॥5.8॥
ब्याई हुई गाय का दूध ब्याने के दस दिन बाद तक, ऊँटनी का, घोड़ी का और भेड़ी  तथा उस गाय का दूध जो ऋतुमती होने के कारण वृष को चाहती हो, जिस गाय के बछड़ा न हो, उसका भी दूध न पीये। 
One should not consume the milk of the cow which has given birth to calf for 10 days, cow which has not laid a male calf or the cow which wishes to be impregnated. The milk of camel, horse and the sheep too is prohibited.
The milk described here is difficult for human digestion. In rare cases this type of milk is used for medicinal purposes only, after dilution.
आरण्यानां च सर्वेषां मृगाणां माहिषं विना। 
स्त्रीक्षीरं चैव वर्ज्यानि सर्वशुक्तानि चैव हि॥5.9॥
भैंस को छोड़कर अन्य जंगली जानवरों का और स्त्री का दूध तथा विकृत हुए रसों (छाछ, मठ्ठा) को त्याग देना चाहिये। 
One should not drink the milk of wild animals, except buffalo. The milk of a woman too is prohibited, since its meant for the infants only. Butter milk which has turned sour & has acquired acidic taste too need to be rejected.
Generally curd is not eaten during rainy season. Curd and butter milk should not be consumed at night due to health reasons. Kadhi-gram flour cooked in sour butter milk, too is prohibited at night.
दधि भक्ष्यं च शुक्तेषु सर्वं च दधिसंभवम्। 
यानि चैवाभिषूयन्ते पुष्पमूलफलैः शुभैः॥5.10॥
कांजियों में दही और दही की बनी छाछ आदि और पानी में सिझाये फल, फूल, मूल आदि विकृत हों तो वो भी नहीं खाने चाहियें। 
One should not consume the extracts obtained through fermentation having turned sour-bitter more than the tolerable limits, including butter milk and sour curd. Similarly, fruits, vegetables, roots boiled and left over beyond a certain limit, become uneatable leading to constipation and other stomach diseases.
कब्ज :: अनेक रोगों का एक कारण उबालकर सिझाया प्याज, गुलाब के फूल, नरम सुपाच्च खाना, सभी प्रकार की हरी सब्जी, पका केला, कच्चा केला सब्जी में, केले के फूल की सब्जी, सभी तरह के साग, मूँग की दाल, रोटी के साथ शहद या गुड़, भोजन से एक घंटा पहले ठंडा भोजन हरीतकी-हरड़ और त्रिफला चूर्ण का प्रयोग करने से ठीक हो जाती है।
क्रव्यादान् शकुनान् सर्वान्तथा ग्रामनिवासिनः। 
अनिर्दिष्टांश्चेकशफान् टिट्टिभं च विवर्जयेत्॥5.11॥
कच्चे माँस खाने वाले (गिद्ध, चील, कौवा) और गाँव-घर में रहने वाले (कबूतर) आदि का माँस न खायें। जिनके नाम का निर्देश न किया गया हो ऐसे एक खुर वाले घोड़े और गधे आदि का माँस भी अभक्ष्य है। टिटहरी पक्षी का माँस भी वर्जित है। 
The vultures which eat raw meat, domestic birds like pigeon, horse & donkey are excluded from the category of animals-birds, whose meat is unfit for human consumption,.
कलविङ्कं प्लवं हंसं चक्राह्वं ग्रामकुक्कुटम्। 
सारसं रज्जुवालं च दात्यूहं शुकसारिके॥5.12॥
चटका, गौरैया, पपीहा, हंस, चकवा, ग्राम कुक्कुट-मुर्गा, बत्तख, रज्जूवाल, जालकाक, सुग्गा और मैना; इन पक्षियों का माँस न खायें। 
One should not eat the meat of carnivorous birds like Chatka, Sparrow-Gouraeya-domestic bird, Papeeha, Hans, village cock, swan, duck, Tittibha (Parra Jacana, Jal Kak) Crow, Rajjuwal, Parrot and Maena-Starling.
Humans normally do not eat the meat of carnivorous. 
प्रतुदाञ्जालपादांश्च कोयष्टिनखविष्किरान्। 
निमज्जतश्च मत्स्यादान् सौनं वल्लूरमेव च॥5.13॥
कठफोड़वा और जिनके चंगुल झिल्ली से जुड़े हों या जलमुर्गा, नख से विदीर्ण कर खाने वाला बाज आदि और पानी में डूबकर मछली खाने वाला पक्षी बगुला, वध स्थान का माँस और सूखा माँस वर्जित है। 
One should not eat the meat-flesh of the birds like Woodpecker, birds with web in their feet, Koyashti-a water bird, hawk-which cuts the meat with its claws, Wader-which dives in water to catch fish, meat from a Slaughterhouse and the dried meat.
This is just to remain healthy and live long. 
बकं चैवं बलाकां च काकोलं खञ्जरीटकम्। 
मत्स्यादान्विड्वराहांश्च मत्स्यानेव च सर्वशः॥5.14॥
बगुला, बलाक, द्रोणकाक, खञ्जन, मछली खाने वाला, जलजीव मगर आदि, ग्राम्य-शूकर और सब प्रकार की मछलियाँ न खायें। 
Wader, crane, the raven, the wagtail-a bird, fish eater, crocodile, village-pigs, and all kinds of fishes should not be eaten.
The village pig eats human excreta and the low caste-origin people eat it. Now  a days, even the well known meat suppliers supply the pig meat by labelling as a farm product like Essax Farm.
यो यस्य मांसमश्नाति स तन्मांसाद उच्यते। 
मत्स्यादः सर्वमांसादस्तस्मामत्स्यान्विवर्जयेत्॥5.15॥
जो जिसके माँस को खाता है, वो उसका माँस खाने वाला कहलाता है जो मछली खाता है वो सभी को खाने वाला होता है, इसलिए मछली न खायें। 
One who eats the flesh of an animal since he will be labelled-called the eater of the flesh of that particular creature-species, he who eats fish is an eater of every kind of flesh.
Water from the drains move to rivers, which carries it to the ocean. All sorts of dead bodies flow in rivers, drains and the ocean. They might be contaminated with deadly germs, virus, bacteria, fungus, microbes. As a matter of fact the Yamuna river flowing through Delhi carries deadliest carcasses and the sewer waste eaten by the fish in turn.
To be on safe side one should use only that food which is grown with the help of well water. Yamuna's contaminated water is used for farming. In Merrut vegetables are grown with the sewer water. One has seen farmers washing reddish in sewer water before bringing them to market for selling. The government is promoting the use of compost for farming, which is extremely harmful and dangerous.
Millions of people die after consuming pig, cow, fish and bird meat every year. These birds & animals eat all sorts of excreta, worms, insects and become the carrier of parasites, germs, viruses etc.
पाठीनरोहितावाद्यौ नियुक्तौ हव्यकव्ययोः। 
राजीवान्सिंहतुण्डांश्च सशल्कांश्चैव सर्वशः॥5.16॥
पाठीन, बुआरी और रोहित (रोहू) मछली हव्य-कव्य के लिये प्रशस्त कही गई है। राजीव, सिंह तुण्ड और चायते वाली सब मछलियाँ खाद्य हैं (माँसाहारियों-राक्षसों के लिये, ब्राह्मणों के लिये नहीं)। 
Three varieties of fish viz. Pateen, Buari and Rohit (Rohu, Labeo) Rohita are prescribed for offerings. Fish with Rajeev, Singh Tund and Chayte may be eaten without hesitation.
There is no doubt that eating of meat, eggs  and fish is dangerous. Its a second choice when no food is available and one has to survive during emergency. Scriptures have permitted consumption of meat for those who may remain attached to piousity, virtues, righteousness for the taste of meat. Had it not been so, they would have behaved like demons, beasts, Dracula, Satan.
Rig Ved prohibits sacrifice of animals, birds, humans.[ऋग्वेद 5.51.12] 
It asks the ruler to extradite-expel the meat eaters from the kingdom.[ऋग्वेद 8.101.15]
Atharv Ved desires the protection of animals.[अथर्ववेद 19.48.5]. 
It asks for the punishment to the violent.[अथर्ववेद 8.3.16]
Yajur Ved forbade killing of any organism and teaches non violence. [यजुर्वेद 12.32, 16.3]
Bhagwan Ram was a pure vegetarian.[सुंदर कांड स्कन्द 36 चौपाई  41]
Meat, fish, eggs are not meant for humans. The formation of the teeth of humans clearly shows that they are different from cannibals-canine animals. The length of cannibals intestine is 20 feet as compared to that of herbivorous and humans. The length of the intestine of herbivorous & humans is just 14 feet. Animals roam 40 to 120 kilometres in a day, consume red meat; while humans eat cooked meat and do not walk at all. Animals and humans both suffer from common disease. Animals are carriers of diseases, worms, germs, virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoan’s etc. They are found to spread brain fever, flue, plague chicken pox etc. Eating Beef or Pork invite infestation by parasites-worms.
शुष्क मांस का सेवन :- शुष्क यानी सूखे हुए मांस का सेवन करने से भी मनुष्यों की आयु कम होती है। सूखे मांस से यहां तात्पर्य है बासी या कुछ दिन पुराना मांस। जब मांस कुछ दिन पुराना हो जाता है तो वह सूख जाता है और उस पर कई प्रकार के खतरनाक बैक्टीरिया व वायरसों का संक्रमण हो जाता है। जब कोई व्यक्ति यह मांस खाता है तो मांस के साथ बैक्टीरिया तथा वायरस भी उसके पेट में चले जाते हैं और कई प्रकार के रोग उत्पन्न करते हैं। ये रोग मनुष्य की आयु कम करते हैं।
न भक्षयेदेकचरानज्ञातांश्च मृगद्विजान्। 
भक्ष्येष्वपि समुद्दिष्टान्सर्वान्पञ्चनखांस्तथा॥5.17॥
अकेले चलने और रहने वाले सर्पादि जीवों को, भक्ष्यों में कहे वे पक्षी जो परिचित न हों और पाँच नखवाले प्राणियों को न खाय। 
One should not eat the animals-organism which live alone like serpents, snakes, the birds which are unfit for eating and the animals like humans having five claws (nails, fingers, toes).
श्वाविधं शल्यकं गोधां खड्गकूर्मशशांस्तथा। 
भक्ष्यान् पञ्चनखेष्वाहुरनुष्ट्रांश्चैकतोदतः॥5.18॥
पञ्चनखियों सेह, साही, गोह, गेंडा, कछुआ और खरहा तथा एक खुर और दाँत वाले पशुओं में ऊँट को छोड़कर बकरे आदि भक्ष्य हैं, ऐसा कहा गया है। 
Its opined that among the five clawed porcupine, hedgehog, iguana, rhinoceros, tortoise and the hare-rabbit; among the one hooped and among the teeth bearing camel should not be eaten and while the goat etc may be eaten.
छत्राकं विड्वराहं च लशुनं ग्रामकुक्कुटम्। 
पलाण्डुं गृञ्जनं चैव मत्या जग्ध्वा पतेद् द्विजः॥5.19॥
गोबे छत्ता, ग्राम्य शूकर, ग्रामकुक्कुट, लहसुन, प्याज और गाजर जानकर खाने से द्विज पतित होता है। 
One who got birth in a upper caste family is degraded by eating mushrooms, village pig, village cock, garlic, onion-leek and carrot. 
The Brahmn should undergo penances immediately after consuming meat, fish eggs etc. and remain alert in future not to repeat the mistake.
These are Tamsik products which distort one's intelligence, prudence and power to think.
In due course of time the-twice born, became a trade mark-copy right of Brahmns, only. In spite of all odds Brahmns survived the onslaught by the Buddhists, Christian Missionaries & Muslims, especially Aurangzeb. Now, its the turn of so called secular and the reservationists. The inborn virtues in the Brahmns will let them survive this as well.
The British brought English in India to distort-break the ethnic thread, virtues, customs, rituals, culture, values, traditions. Now, this English is spreading the Indian culture, way of life all over the world. 
अमत्यैतानि षट् जग्ध्वा कृच्छ्रं सान्तपनं चरेत्। 
यतिचान्द्रायाणं वापि शेषेषूपवसेदहः॥5.20॥
उपरोक्त छः वस्तुओं में से कोई वस्तु बिना जाने खा ले तो कृच्छ्र सान्तपन या चान्द्रायण व्रत करे और शेष जितने अखाद्य कहे गए हैं, उनमें से कोई चीज खा लेने पर एक दिन का उपवास करे। 
If any of these 6 things discussed above are unwittingly, unknowingly-by mistake, eaten one should observe Krachchhr, Chandrayan Vrat-penance. If any of the other things which are forbidden are eaten then, one may observe a day's fast.
Please refer to :: VRAT-FASTING व्रत-उपवास
संवत्सरस्यैकमपि चरेकृच्छ्रं द्विजोत्तमः। 
अज्ञातभुक्तशुद्ध्यर्थं ज्ञातस्य तु विशेषतः॥5.21॥
ब्राह्मण को अज्ञात भक्षण के दोषशान्त्ययर्थ वर्ष में कम से कम एक कृच्छ्र व्रत करना चाहिये। किन्तु जिसने जानबूझकर खाया हो, उसे विशेष रुप से व्रत करना चाहिये। 
The Brahmn must observe Krachchhr Vrat-penance, at least once in a year to shun the sin of eating forbidden goods knowingly. But, if the forbidden goods have been eaten intentionally then he must observe special penances prescribed for such an offence by the scriptures.
The side effects of eating the forbidden goods are drastically reduced if one is able to consume cow's urine which is effective in cancer as well. However, the cow should not eat the waste lying over the streets. It should be properly fed and well maintained. Regular consumption of Ganga Jal is also a good remedy.
This is detoxification of the body.
यज्ञार्थं ब्राह्मणैर्वध्याः प्रशस्ता मृगपक्षिणः। 
भृत्यानां चैव वृत्त्यर्थमगस्त्यो ह्याचरत् पुरा ॥5.22॥
ब्राह्मण यज्ञ के निमित्त अथवा भृत्यों के रक्षार्थ प्रशस्त पक्षियों का वध कर सकते हैं, इसी कारण से अगस्त्य मुनि ने पहले ऐसा किया है। 
For the protection of the Yagy-sacrifices in holy fire, solemnised-performed by the Brahmns, some categories of birds can be killed-culminated since sage August had done it before. 
There are a number of meat eating bird which bring meat at the site of the Yagy. Vultures, crows, kites and some large birds may spoil the Yagy. Thus for the protection of the Yagy they have to be killed if they hover around.
In today's context, bird hit can destroy the aircraft.
बभूवुर्हि पुरोडासा भक्ष्याणां मृगपक्षिणाम्। 
पुराणेष्वपि यज्ञेषु ब्रह्मक्षत्रसवेषु च॥5.23॥ 
पहले ऋषियों और ब्राह्मण-क्षत्रियों ने जो यज्ञ किये उनमें भी भक्ष्य पशु-पक्षियों के माँस के पुरोडास हुए हैं। 
During the ancient times the sages and Kshatriy turned into Brahmns like Vishwamitr have sacrificed some birds and animals for the sake of oblations.
पुरोडास :: यज्ञ में दी जाने वाली आहुति, जौ के आटे की टिकिया, सोमरस; cake of ground barley offered as an oblation in fire, sacrificial oblation offered to the demigods-deities, Ghee-clarified butter is offered in oblations to holy fire, with cakes of ground meal.
यत्किंञ्चत्स्नेहसंयुक्तं भक्ष्यं भोज्यमगर्हितम्। 
तत्पर्युषितमप्याद्यं हविःशेषं च यद्भवेत्॥5.24॥
भक्ष्य (पक्वान्न) और भोज्य पायसादि पदार्थ जो श्रेष्ठ होंवे बासी होने पर भी घी, दही आदि से स्निग्ध करके खाने योग्य हैं। उसी प्रकार हवी का शेष बासी होने पर भी बिना घृतादि मिलाये खाने योग्य है। 
Eatables though cooked previously, sometime ago may be eaten by immersing them in curd and Ghee. Similarly, the food which remains unused after oblations, though prepared & preserved sometime ago, may also be eaten without mixing Ghee in it.
The food which is offered to feed Brahmns and guests is cooked in Pure Desi Ghee-clarified butter. It contains salt and sugar in addition to some spices, which serve the purpose of preservatives. Such food stored carefully, away from moisture, can be consumed for long periods like the biscuits of today. Puri, Pakwan, Pakoude, Kachoudi, Samosa, Parantha are some of these relishing, tasty healthy food.
चिरस्थितमपि त्वाद्यमस्नेहाक्तं द्विजातिभिः। 
यवगोधूमजं सर्वं पयसश्चैव विक्रिया॥5.25॥
यव, गेहूँ और मावे-खोया की बनी वस्तुओं का सम्बन्ध तेल-घी से हो तो वे बहुत दिनों तक खाने योग्य बनी रहती हैं और वे ज्यादातर ख़राब नहीं होतीं। 
Eatables made from barley, wheat and milk extract obtained by drying & frying it can be consumed over a long period of time if they are cooked in pure oil or Desi Ghee.
Puri, Kachouri, Samosa, Parantha, Pakoda, Malpua, Halwa etc. are some food items which have to be consumed within a day or two. Biscuits or Nan Khatai which have milk, curd or ghee as ingredients and are baked in oven can be used over a comparatively longer period of time.
These items cooked in Binoula-cotton seed oil, Sunflower oil or refined oils, Vanaspati Ghee should be rejected outright, since they are grossly harmful to humans. Mustard, Coconut, groundnut oil are traditional cooking mediums and are good for health.
एतदुक्तं द्विजातीनां भक्ष्याभक्ष्यमशेषतः। 
मांसस्यातः प्रवक्ष्यामि विधिं भक्षणवर्जने॥5.26॥
यहाँ तक द्विजातियों के भक्ष्या-भक्ष्य का सम्पूर्ण विचार किया गया है। अब आगे माँस खाने और छोड़ने की विधि का वर्णन किया गया है। 
The eatables consumed or discarded by the Brahmns have been discussed, so far. Next to it procedure for accepting or discarding meat has been described. 
प्रोक्षितं भक्षयेन्मांसं ब्राह्मणानां च काम्यया। 
यथाविधि नियुक्तस्तु प्राणानामेव चात्यये ॥5.27॥
मन्त्रों से पवित्र किया हुआ माँस खाना चाहिये। ब्राह्मण को जब माँस खाने की इच्छा हो तो वह एक बार माँस खा सकता है। रुग्ण अवस्था में अन्य आहार से प्रनात्यय होने के भय से खा सकता है। 
ऐसा केवल तभी करना चाहिये जब प्राणरक्षा हेतु यह अत्यावश्यक हो, अन्यथा कदापि नहीं। 
The Brahmn may eat meat once that is too when he is not able to restrain-control himself. The meat he has to consume should be treated with Mantr meant to purify it. He may also eat meat when he is ill and there is danger of being affected by some microbes and there is danger to life.
There are some Mantr used in rituals which can convert the meat into eatable vegetarian products by controlling the whole cycle of nature. There are Yogis who are found to be capable of converting anything into eatables of choice. In due course of time the track to trace their knowledge has been lost, but methodology is not lost. 
However a Brahmn must not eat meat unless-until its essential for protecting his life. Having eaten meat he should undergo sewer penances.
प्राणस्यान्नमिदं सर्वं प्रजापतिरकल्पयत्। 
स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव सर्वं प्राणस्य भोजनम्॥5.28॥
ब्रह्मा जी ने यह सब प्राणियों के लिये अन्न कल्पित किया है। स्थावर (अन्न, फल आदि), जंगम पशु-पक्षी आदि, सभी प्राणियों के भोजन हैं। 
Brahma Ji created food grain for each and every organism. The fixed living beings i.e., trees, plants, vegetation; serve as the food for the movable-animals and birds.
चराणामन्नमचरा दंष्ट्रिणामप्यदंष्ट्रिणः। 
अहस्ताश्च सहस्तानां शूराणां चैव भीरवः॥5.29॥
चरों का अन्न-भोजन (अचर :- तृण आदि), दाढ़ वालों का (व्याघ्र आदि) बिना दाढ़ के जीव हिरण आदि, हाथ वालों यानि मनुष्य का, बिना हाथ के जीव मछली आदि और शूरों का अन्न भीरु-डरपोक पशु-पक्षी हैं। 
Brahma Ji has evolved a food chain. The fixed organism constitute the food of movable, the food of the organism with jaws-claws are the animals without jaws-claws, the food of animals with the hands are the animals without hands and the food of the beast are the fearful-timid animals.
नात्ता दुष्यत्यदन्नाद्यान्प्राणिनोऽहन्य्ऽहन्यपि। 
धात्रैव सृष्टा ह्याद्याश्च प्राणिनोऽत्तार एव च॥5.30॥
खाने वाला जीव प्रतिदिन पचने खाने योग्य प्राणियों को खाकर  दोष-पाप का भागि नहीं होता, क्योंकि ब्रह्मा जी ने स्वयं ही खाद्य और खादक दोनों का निर्माण किया है। 
The food chain has been created by Brahma Ji-the creator, himself in such a way that the one who eats the next, is able to digest it. Therefore, one who eats the next in chain, does not commit a sin-crime and is not guilty-a sinner.
The carnivorous eat herbivorous and the herbivorous eat the vegetation. Basically the human body is devised as a herbivorous. So, when one eats animals, birds, fish egg etc., he earns sin.
Demons-Rakshas, Yaksh & Demigods too are blessed with hands, in addition to humans. Rakshas & Yaksh are meat eaters by nature and are therefore, considered to be sinners, Asur, wretched. Demigods do not eat meat and are therefore termed as Sur-pious.
यज्ञाय जग्धिर्मांसस्येत्येष दैवो विधिः स्मृतः। 
अतोऽन्यथा प्रवृत्तिस्तु राक्षसो विधिरुच्यते॥5.31॥
यज्ञ के निमित्त माँस-भक्षण की दैवी विधि है। इसके विरुद्ध माँस भक्षण की प्रवृत्ति राक्षसी है। 
There are procedures which allows the consumption of meat after going through divine procedure for ritualistic measures, which converts its nature from non vegetarian to vegetarian. Those who eat meat otherwise, follow the demonic path i.e., eat the raw or cooked meat without making a change in its basic nature.
Long ago some one described his meeting with a Yogi who instantly converted stools into sweet curd through the use of divine procedure enchanting some Mantr.
क्रीत्वा स्वयं वाऽप्युत्पाद्य परोपकृतमेव वा। 
देवान्पितॄंश्चार्चयित्वा खादन्मांसं न दुष्यति॥5.32॥
खरीदकर या स्वयं कहीं से लाकर या सौगात की तरह किसी का दिया हुआ माँस देवता और पितरों को अर्पित कर खाने वाला दोषी नहीं होता। 
The meat eater is not at fault-not to be blamed, if he has subjected it to divine procedures before presenting it to the Manes or the Demigods before consuming it; when he has either bought it or has been presented-gifted to him by some one.
Its better you avoid the purchase of meat-meat products, fish etc. or accept it as a gift.
नाद्यादविधिना मांसं विधिज्ञोऽनापदि द्विजः। 
जग्ध्वा ह्यविधिना मांसं प्रेत्यस्तैरद्यतेऽवशः॥5.33॥
विधि को जानने वाला ब्राह्मण सुखावस्था में अविधिपूर्वक माँस ने खाये, क्योंकि अविधि से माँस खाने वाले को जन्मान्तर में वे प्राणी खा जाते हैं, जिनका माँस उसने खाया था। 
The enlightened Brahmn who is aware of the divine procedure for the consumption of meat should never go against the methods described in scriptures and learnt by him, since if he does so he will be eaten by those animals whose meat has been consumed by him, in the following-successive rebirths.
न तादृशं भवत्येनो मृगहन्तुर्धनार्थिनः। 
यादृशं भवति प्रेत्य वृथामांसानि खादतः॥5.34॥
धन  निमित्त मृग मारने वाले को वैसा पाप नहीं लगता जैसा वृथा माँस खाने वाले को लगता है। 
The quantum of sin is not that great for killing a deer for money as compared to that which is earned by one by eating meat without any cause (reason, logic).
नियुक्तस्तु यथान्यायं यो मांसं नात्ति मानवः। 
स प्रेत्य पशुतां याति संभवानेकविंशतिम्॥5.35॥
श्राद्ध और मधुपर्क आदि रस्मों-रिवाजों में तथा विधि नियुक्त होने पर जो मनुष्य माँस नहीं खाता, वह इक्कीस जन्म तक पशु होता है। 
One who has accepted the engagement for eating sacred meat duly purified with Mantrs; but fails to eat it, becomes an animal in the next 21 incarnations.
He is a person who is non Brahmn and is a meat eater-non vegetarian.
असंस्कृतान् पशून्मन्त्रैर्नाद्याद्विप्रः कदाचन। 
मन्त्रैस्तु संस्कृतानद्यात्शाश्वतं विधिमास्थितः॥5.36॥
ब्राह्मण कभी मन्त्रों से बिना संस्कार किये पशुओं का माँस ने खाये, किन्तु यज्ञ में मन्त्रों से संस्कृत किये पशुओं का माँस खाये। 
यह रावण जैसे राक्षसों के लिये कहा गया है जो जन्म से ब्राह्मण, पूजा पाठ, तपस्या करने वाले मगर दुराचारी, भ्रष्ट हैं। 
The Brahmn must not eat the meat of the animals meant for the Yagy-sacred sacrifices without the recitation of Mantrs with due procedure, meant for the conversion of its form; but he may consume the meat of the animals which have been subjected to alteration of form through secret methodology.
Rishi August digested the demons in his stomach, who had converted themselves into vegetarian products to be served to him as lunch, before they could regain their original form as demons.
कुर्याद् घृतपशुं सङ्गे कुर्यात् पिष्टपशुं तथा। 
न त्वेवं तु वृथा हन्तुं पशुमिच्छेत् कदाचन॥5.37॥
घृत या मैदा का पशु बनाकर खाय, किन्तु कभी पशु को व्यर्थ मारने की इच्छा करे। 
If their is  desire to eat meat, one may opt for eatables made with wheat's fine flour and ghee, but should never dream-desire of killing any animal-organism.
During festival season Hindus buy animal toys made of raw sugar for eating or distributing amongest friends, relatives, neighbours, poor, servants, labour etc. 
यावन्ति पशुरोमाणि तावत्कृत्वो हि मारणम्। 
वृथापशुघ्नः प्राप्नोति प्रेत्य जन्मनि जन्मनि॥5.38॥
देवतादि के उद्देश्य के बिना वृथा पशुओं को मारने वाला मनुष्य मरने पर उन पशुओं की रोम सँख्या के बराबर जन्म-जन्म में मारा जाता है।
देवताओं का उद्देश्य है मानवता की रक्षा, अतः यदि कोई पशु (जैसे विषधर नाग-साँप, शेर, चीते, भेड़िया आदि) मनुष्यों को परेशान करता है, मारता है तो उसे मारने से पाप नहीं लगता।  
One who kills animals without justification gets rebirth as animal to be slaughtered as many times as there are hair on the body of the animal killed by him.
Normally, the animals killed by the beasts, carnivorous are those organism who killed the innocent animals, when they themselves were humans.
यज्ञार्थं पशवः सृष्टाः स्वमेव स्वयंभुवा। 
यज्ञस्य भूत्यै सर्वस्य तस्माद्यज्ञे वधोऽवधः॥5.39॥
स्वयं ब्रह्मा जी ने यज्ञ के लिये और सब यज्ञों की समृद्धि के लिये पशुओं का निर्माण किया है, इसलिये यज्ञ में पशुओं का वध अहिंसा है। 
मानवता की रक्षा हेतु पशु वध, यज्ञ स्वरूप है। आतताई, अत्याचारी, हमलावर की हत्या अनुचित नहीं है। इसीलिए फाँसी, सूली का विधान है। सेना, पुलिस इसी लिये है। आतंकवादियों का सफाया करके अमेरिका कुछ गलत नहीं कर रहा। 
Brahma Ji himself evolved the animals to be sacrificed in Yagy, so that they are released from their sins and get rebirth as humans in next births. Therefore, this sacrifice is not treated as violence. As such the animal to be sacrificed has to be beheaded in a single stroke.
The horse sacrificed during Ashw Medh Yagy used to be converted into Kapoor (Camphor, कपूर)  by enchantment of sacred Mantrs, by the holy-highly specialised priests.
ओषध्यः पशवो वृक्षास्तिर्यञ्चः पक्षिणस्तथा। 
यज्ञार्थं निधनं प्राप्ताः प्राप्नुवन्त्युत्सृतीः पुनः॥5.40॥
औषधियाँ, पशु, वृक्ष, पक्षी इत्यादि यज्ञ के निमित्त मारे जाने पर तदोपरांत उत्तम योनि में जन्म ग्रहण करते हैं।
Various Ayur Vedic medicines-herbs, trees, animals and birds killed for sacrifices in the Yagy are freed from these low species and get next birth in higher species, i.e., humans.
All herbs trees, animals and the birds have soul in them and got these births due to their accumulated sins in numerous previous births. Brahma Ji gave them an outlet to escape these painful species.
मधुपर्के च यज्ञे च पितृदैवतकर्मणि। 
अत्रैव पशवो हिंस्या नान्यत्रैत्यब्रवीन्मनुः॥5.41॥
मधुपर्क, ज्योतिष्टोमादि यज्ञ, पितृकर्म और देवकर्म में ही पशु हिंसा करनी चाहिये, अन्य कहीं नहीं, ऐसा मनु जी ने कहा है। 
Manu Ji has permitted ritualistic sacrifices of animals for Madhu Park, Jyotishtomadi Yagy, Pitr Karm and Dev Karm only. Else where its restricted-banned.
एष्वर्थेषु पशून्हिंसन्वेदतत्त्वार्थविद् द्विजः। 
आत्मानं च पशुं चैव गमयत्युत्तमां  गतिम्॥5.42॥
पूर्वोक्त कर्मों में पशु की हिंसा करने वाला वेदज्ञ ब्राह्मण अपनी और उस पशु की उत्तम गति सुनिचित करता है। 
The priest who is indebted with this job ensures that he along with the sacrificial living beings gets birth in excellent species i.e., humans and that is too in honourable families. 
The animals and birds along with the vegetation have to face this situation due to their deeds-Karm in previous births.
गृहे गुरावरण्ये वा निवसन्नात्मवान्द्विजः। 
नावेदविहितां हिंसामापद्यपि समाचरेत्॥5.43॥
कर्मनिष्ठ द्विज गृह में या वन में (अर्थात ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम, गृहस्थाश्रम या वानप्रस्थ आश्रम में भी) वेद विरुद्ध हिंसा न करे। 
A Brahmn who is devoted to Veds, should not involve himself in violence against the norms set-established by the Veds.
या वेदविहिता हिंसा नियताऽस्मिंश्चराचरे। 
अहिंसामेव तां विद्याद्वेदाद्धर्मो हि निर्बभौ॥5.44॥
जो हिंसा वेद विहित है और इस चराचर जगत में नियम है, उसे अहिंसा ही समझना चाहिये, क्योंकि धर्म वेद से ही निकला है। 
The violence which is essential and permitted by the Veds is non violence. Dharm -religious practices are embodiment of Veds.
If a venomous snake is there to bite one, he should kill him at once. If an intruder, terrorist is set to kill one, its essential to protect himself even if the enemy is killed. Killing the enemy in war is perfectly as per norms laid by Veds.  If carnivorous-beasts attack humans, its better to eliminate them.
योऽहिंसकानि भूतानि हिनस्त्यात्मसुखैच्छया। 
स जीवांश्च मृतश्चैव न क्वचित् सुखमेधते॥5.45॥
जो अपने सुख की इच्छा से अहिंसक जीवों को मारता है, वह इस जीवन में या जन्मान्तर में कहीं भी सुख नहीं पाता। 
One who kills in noxious-herbivores, the animals which do not harm humans, will not be comfortable in the present or next several births.
One may find hunters killing innocent animals, birds in the name of hunting game. There are others who kill the animals for meat. The sweepers burn the pig alive and then eat him. The butchers slaughter millions of animals everyday. The fish industry is surviving by catching and selling fish. All these people are bound to face hells and then move to inferior species in one after another births. All these people will take birth as animals several times and their slaughter is sure then.
यो बन्धनवधक्लेशान्प्राणिनां न चिकीर्षति। 
स सर्वस्य हितप्रेप्सुः सुखमत्यन्तमश्नुते॥5.46॥
जो जीवों को बाँधने, मारने या क्लेश देने की इच्छा नहीं करता, वह सब जीवों का हित चाहने वाला अत्यंत सुख पाता है। 
One who wish the welfare of all organism & do not want to tie, kill, pain or hold others gets Ultimate comforts.
Those who have pets or other animals and they pain them, they are cursed and they have to bear the out come of this sin. Those who torture or kill others are the greatest sinners and therefore, they undergo sorrow, tortures, punishments in hells. After release from the hells they have to meet the same treatment from the hands of others or will be eaten by carnivorous animals-beasts.
This is applicable to teachers who beat or punish their students, with the desire of their welfare. The student is unable to realise the fact-motive and invariable curse the honest, pious, virtuous teacher. It is the sole reason that no physical punishment was awarded to the disciples in the Ashrams. "Avoid the cane and spoil the child" came to India from the British. Its better if the teacher (he is not the Guru as per description in scriptures) leaves the child to his fate. These days the teacher is just an instructor.
यद्ध्यायति यत्कुरुते रतिं बध्नाति यत्र च। 
तदवाप्नोत्ययत्नेन यो हिनस्ति न किञ्चन॥5.47॥
जो जीव को दुःख-कष्ट नहीं देता, वह जिस धर्म को मन से चाहता है, जो कर्म करता है, जिस पदार्थ को चाहता है, वह उसे अनायास ही प्राप्त कर लेता है। 
One who do not torture, harm, pain others-organism, gets his desires fulfilled automatically. He gets success in his endeavours, gets the desired commodities and gets the opportunity of meeting the desired deities.
That's why a devout Hindu undergoes swear penances for killing insects or any organism even if it happened unknowing-unconsciously.
नाकृत्वा प्राणिनां हिंसां मांसमुत्पद्यते क्वचित्। 
न च प्राणिवधः स्वर्ग्यस्तस्मान्मांसं विवर्जयेत्॥5.48॥
जीवों की हिंसा बिना किये माँस उत्पन्न नहीं हो सकता। पशुओं का वध स्वर्ग प्राप्तयर्थ नहीं होता, इसलिये माँस खाना छोड़ देना चाहिये।  
Meat can not be obtained without killing animals. Its detrimental to the attainment of heavenly bliss. Hence one must not eat meat.
This is very clear verdict of the Veds. More than 45% of Britishers have stopped eating meat during the last 20 years after learning the scientific evidence of its harmful effects.  
Meningitis-a brain disease acquired by the humans comes from the cow. Several viral diseases & flue originate in birds. Primary host of Tape worms are pigs and cow. Most of the birds eat insects which transmit harmful microbes, germs, viruses, bacteria, fungus etc.  in the body of eaters.
समुत्पत्तिं च मांसस्य वधबन्धौ च देहिनाम्। 
प्रसमीक्ष्य निवर्तेत सर्वमांसस्य भक्षणात्॥5.49॥
माँस की उत्पत्ति और जीवों के वध-बन्धन को अच्छी तरह सोच समझकर, सब प्रकार के माँस भक्षण को त्याग देना चाहिये। 
One must reject eating of all sorts of meat by realising-understanding the origin of meat and bonding due to the killing of animals for meat.
The wise would quickly understand the implications of eating meat. It leads to acquisition of several incurable diseases leading to death and bonding of the soul for several reincarnations as inferior organisms.
Eating meat is demonic-Tamsik.
न भक्षयति यो मांसं विधिं हित्वा पिशाचवत्। 
न लोके प्रियतां याति व्याधिभिश्च न पीड्यते॥5.50॥
जो विधि को छोड़कर पिशाच की तरह माँस नहीं खाता वह संसार में सबका प्यारा होता है और रोग से पीड़ित नहीं होता। 
One who do not eat like a ghoul and follow the verdict given above becomes  a person revered-liked by all and do not fall ill.
पिशाच :: शवभोजी, प्रेत, भूत, हौवा, दुष्टआत्मा; ghoul, bogged, boggle, eidolon, gnome-a two legged creature which survives on meat comparable to Dracula, giants or demons.
अनुमन्ता विशसिता निहन्ता क्रयविक्रयी। 
संस्कर्ता चोपहर्ता च खादकश्चेति घातकाः॥5.51॥
पशु-पक्षी अथवा मनुष्य को मारने की आज्ञा देने वाला, उसके खण्ड-खण्ड करने वाला, मारने वाला, बेचने और मोल लेने वाला, पकाने वाला, परोसने वाला और खाने वाला-ये आठों ही घातक-गुनहगार हैं। 
All the 8 categories of people i.e., who orders killing-slaughter, who cut-chop it into pieces, the butcher-killer, seller, buyer, cook, who serves the meat and one who eats meat, are guilty-sinners.
स्वमांसं परमांसेन यो वर्धयितुमिच्छति। 
अनभ्यर्च्य पितॄन्देवांस्ततोऽन्यो नास्त्यपुण्यकृत्॥5.52॥
जो देवता और पितरों का पूजन किये बिना दूसरे के माँस से अपना माँस बढ़ाना चाहता है उससे बढ़कर दूसरा कोई पापी नहीं है। 
No one is a greater sinner than the person who want to increase his own flesh by eating the meat of others without worshipping the Manes and the demigods.
वर्षे वर्षेऽश्वमेधेन यो यजेत शतं समाः। 
मांसानि च न खादेद्यस्तयोः पुण्यफलं समम्॥5.53॥
प्रत्येक वर्ष, सौ वर्ष तक अश्वमेध करने वाला और जो बिलकुल ही माँस नहीं खाता है, इन दोनों का फल बराबर है।
One who perform Ashwmedh Yagy every year, for 100 years and the one who never eat meat; have the same quantum of reward.
It clearly shows that the one who do not eat meat is more virtuous than the kings who perform Ashwmedh Yagy-ritualistic horse sacrifice in which many wars are there and millions of soldiers are killed. The sin gathered by the killing of soldiers is too big to be countered.
Bhagwan Shri Ram & Shri Krashn too performed Ashwmedh Yagy but that were for eliminating the cruel, tortuous, barbarian, demonic kings & the demons too. Yagy performed by Yudhistar too had the same purpose.
फलमूलाशनैर्मेध्यैर्मुन्यन्नानां च भोजनैः। 
न तत्फलमवाप्नोति यत्मांसपरिवर्जनात्॥5.54॥
फल-मूल और मुनियों के हविष्यान्न खाने से वह फल नहीं मिलता, जो केवल माँस छोड़ देने से मिलता है। 
One will not get virtues-piousity by eating fruits, roots-rhizomes of trees-plants or the food eaten by the seers, which one can get just by discarding meat for ever.
SEER :: संत, पैग़ंबर, पैग़ंबर, सिद्ध पुरुष; ascetic, saint, prophet.
मांस भक्षयिताऽमुत्र यस्य मांसमिहाद् म्यहम्। 
एतत्मांसस्य मांसत्वं प्रवदन्ति मनीषिणः॥5.55॥
मैं यहाँ जिसका माँस खाता हूँ, परलोक में वह मुझे खायेगा। यही माँस का माँसत्व है, ऐसा पण्डितों का कहना है।
The scholars have said that the peculiarity of meat lies in the fact that one who has who has been eaten in this abode will eat the current eater in the next birth-abode.
न मांसभक्षणे दोषो न मद्ये न च मैथुने। 
प्रवृत्तिरेषा भूतानां निवृत्तिस्तु महाफला॥5.56॥
माँस खाने, मद्य पीने हुए स्त्री प्रसङ्ग करने में दोष नहीं है, क्योंकि प्राणियों की प्रवृति ही ऐसी है। परन्तु इससे निवृत होना महाफलदायी है। 
यह प्रकृत्ति चक्र का अंग-हिस्सा है मगर, पशुओं, राक्षसों, दानवों और यक्षों के लिये है। 
There is no impropriety in eating meat, drinking wine and sexual intercourse by the organism since its inborn tendency.
This postulate covers the animals, demons, giants and the Yaksh.
Organism includes each and every one who has taken birth and is sure to die. But the case of humans is different  and amongest them Brahmn is very-very special (sacred).Though this treatise is meant for all humans with Rajsik & Tamsik traits-characteristics, the Brahmns are supposed to maintain decorum-Satvik traits and follow the scriptures in To-To. But today's Brahmns are at par with Europeans, American etc.
प्रेतशुद्धिं प्रवक्ष्यामि द्रव्यशुद्धिं तथैव च। 
चतुर्णामपि वर्णानां यथावदनुपूर्वशः॥5.57॥
अब चारों वर्णों की प्रेतशुद्धि और द्रव्यशुद्धि यथाक्रम से कहता हूँ। 
Now, I shall describe-explain the procedure-methods for the sanctification of the deceased and the money earned  by the 4 Varns-categories of humans.
दन्तजातेऽनुजाते च कृतचूडे च संस्थिते। 
अशुद्धा बान्धवाः सर्वे सूतके च तथौच्यते॥5.58॥
दाँत निकल जाने पर और दाँत निकलने के पीछे चूड़ाकरण और उपनयन के अनन्तर बालक की मृत्यु होने पर सपिण्ड और समानोदक बान्धव अशुचि होते हैं और किसी का जन्म  होने पर भी उन्हें अशौच होता हैं। 
Impurity occurs after the death of teething of the infant and thereafter the occurrence of death of the child; after teething and observance of the rites called Chudakaran-tonsure and Upnayan-initiation (Janeu) ceremony due to which the close relatives become impure and similarly the birth of a child brings impurity. During this period, worship-prayers offered to God become invalid.
दशाहं शावमाशौचं सपिण्डेषु विधीयते। 
अर्वाक् सञ्चयनादस्थ्नां त्र्यहमेकाहमेव च॥5.59॥
दयादों को दस दिन तक मरना शौच होता है अथवा अस्थि संचय के पूर्व तीन दिन एक-रात अशौच होता है।  
The death of the heir brings impurity for a period of 10 days and three days before the collection of ashes including one night.
दयाद ::  उत्तराधिकारी, वारिस; heir. 
सपिण्डता तु पुरुषे सप्तमे विनिवर्तते। 
समानोदकभावस्तु जन्मनाम्नोरवेदने॥5.60॥
सातवें पुस्त सपिण्डता निवृति होती है। जन्म और नाम के न जानने पर समानोदक भाव निवृत होता है। 
The process of the elimination of the impact of the impurity has to be continued till the seventh generation, which has to be rectified even without knowing the names of the relatives.
यथेदं शावमाशौचं सपिण्डेषु विधीयते। 
जननेऽप्येवमेव स्यात्निपुणं शुद्धिमिच्छताम्॥5.61॥
सपिण्ड दयादों जो जैसे दस दिन का मृतक का अशौच का विधान है वैसे ही शुद्धि चाहने वाले सपिण्डों के लिये जन्म-सम्बन्धी अशौच का भी विधान है। 
The regulations of purification in both the cases i.e., death  and the birth of a child in the family meant for the heirs, are the same.
सर्वेषां शावमाशौचं मातापित्रोस्तु सूतकम्। 
सूतकं मातुरेव स्यादुपस्पृश्य पिता शुचिः॥5.62॥
मृताशौच सभी सपिण्डों को होता है, जनाना शौच माँ-बाप को ही होता है। किन्तु माता रात तक अपवित्र रहती है और पिता स्नान मात्र से ही शुद्ध होता है। 
Impurity on account of the death of a sibling remains with all of the progeny, while the impurity on account of birth is limited to the mother and father only. impurity of the mother persists till night, while the impurity of the father is washed away just by bathing.
निरस्य तु पुमाच्छुक्रमुपस्पृ श्यैव शुध्यति। 
बैजिकादभिसम्बन्धादनुरुन्ध्यादघं त्र्यहम्॥5.63॥ 
इच्छा से वीर्य स्खलन कर पुरुष स्नान करने से शुद्ध होता है। बीज के सम्बन्ध से परस्त्री में संतानोत्पत्ति होने पर तीन दिन तक अशौच होता है। 
One who ejects sperms, is cleansed after bathing. If it leads to progeny of some other's wife then it takes him three days to cleansed.
One should abstain from making sexual relations with a married woman. If this relation leads to progeny, he may never know the manner in which its brought up. Children born out of adulterous relations are never pious, virtuous. Its extremely rare when they are given given good virtues-ethics. If the woman happen to be one with high morals, values, ethics and is compelled by circumstances-situation to seek progeny from a virtuous person, the child might prove to be excellent like Vidur Ji, whose mother was impregnated by Bhagwan Ved Vyas on the orders of his mother under the tradition called Niyog.
अह्ना चैकेन रात्र्या च त्रिरात्रैरेव च त्रिभिः। 
शवस्पृशो विशुध्यन्ति त्र्यहादुदकदायिनः॥5.64॥ 
जो एक या तीन दिन के अशौचाधिकारी हैं, वे यदि मोहवश शवस्पर्श करें तो वे दस दिन में शुद्ध होते हैं और समानोदक तीन दिन में। 
Those who are entitled for purification within three days have to wait till the completion of 10 days, if they touch the dead body due to their love for the bereaved-dead. Those who are uncles, brothers etc. on father's side get purification within 3 days of the cremation of the dead body after returning from the cremation ground.
समानोदक :: सपिण्‍ड, तुल्‍यरूप, स्‍पष्‍ट, समान, सपरिणाम, समानान्‍तर, बराबर, अनुरूप, अभिन्‍न, युक्‍त, मित्र, सदृश; collateral kinsman, a distant relation on the father's side, parallel, resembling, comparable.
गुरोः प्रेतस्य शिष्यस्तु पितृमेधं समाचरन्। 
प्रेतहारैः समं तत्र दशरात्रेण शुध्यति॥5.65॥
गुरु के मरने पर उनका विगोत्र शिष्य दाहदि क्रिया करे तो वह उनके दाहक-वाहक सपिण्डों के समान रात में शुद्ध होता है। 
If the pupil-student who belongs to other lineage-Gotr, perform the last rites of the Guru-teacher in case the son or immediate relation is not present, he has to wait for 10 days like the members of the Guru's family. for purification.
रात्रिभिर्मासतुल्याभिर्गर्भस्रावे विशुध्यति। 
रजस्युपरते साध्वी स्नानेन स्त्री रजस्वला॥5.66॥
गर्भ स्त्राव होने से जितने महीने का गर्भ हो उतने रात में स्त्री शुद्ध होती है। यह व्यवस्था छह महीने तक के लिए है। रजस्वला साध्वी श्री रज निवृत होने पर स्नान से शुद्ध होती है।
In case of miscarriage of the foetus of up to six months the woman takes that many nights for purification. The woman undergoing periods get purification through bathing after the completion of the periods-menstrual cycle.
नृणामकृतचूडानां विशुद्धिर्नैशिकी स्मृता। 
निर्वृत्तचूडकानां तु त्रिरात्रात्शुद्धिरिष्यते॥5.67॥
मुंडन के पूर्व बालक की मृत्यु होने से दवादों को एक अहोरात्र और मुंडन के बाद उपनयन के पूर्व मृत्यु होने से तीन रात तक अशौच होता है। 
If the infant expires before the tonsure ceremony his immediate relatives-brothers etc. have to abstain from worship, prayers, auspicious activities, new ventures for one complete day and night. If the death occurs after tonsure but before sacred thread ceremony-Janeu; it constitute impurity for three days.
All religious activities, auspicious functions, marriages etc. are suspended for 3 days.
ऊनद्विवार्षिकं प्रेतं निदध्युर्बान्धवा बहिः। 
अलङ्कृत्य शुचौ भूमावस्थिसञ्चयनाद्ते॥5.68॥
दो वर्ष उम्र का बालक मर जाये तो बन्धुगण उसे फूल मालाओं से सजाकर गॉंव के बाहर पवित्र भूमि में रख कर उसका अस्थिसंचय न करें। 
If the child dies before acquiring the age of 2 years his dead body should be placed in the pious soil after decorating it with flowers, garlands. His bones should not be digged-excavated.
This place has to be maintained by the society so that no defalcation is allowed there and no garbage is dumped there. The body should be buried at such a depth that it can not be digged by jackals, foxes etc.
नास्य कार्योऽग्निसंस्कारो न च कार्यौदकक्रिया। 
अरण्ये काष्ठवत्त्यक्त्वा क्षपेयुस्त्र्यहमेव च॥5.69॥
अग्नि संस्कार न करें और न ही इसकी उदक क्रिया ही करें। उसे जंगल में लकड़ी के तरह त्याग दें और तीन दिन तक अशौच रखें। 
Neither the dead body has to be cremated-burnt, nor rituals like bathing in sacred water have to be performed. The body should be rejected like dead wood i.e., one should not show any sort of affection to it. A three days mourning has to be observed during which period no sacred-auspicious ceremony, function, celebration has to take place.
उदक क्रिया :: किसी के करने, अग्नि संस्कार के बाद घाट पर नहाना; bathing in a reservoir or flowing water-river after cremation of dead body.
नात्रिवर्षस्य कर्तव्या बान्धवैरुदकक्रिया। 
जातदन्तस्य वा कुर्युर्नाम्नि वाऽपि कृते सति॥5.70॥
तीन वर्ष से कम उम्र के बालक के मरने पर उसे जलाञ्जलि न दें। जिसके दाँत निकल आये हों और नामकरण हो गया हो, उसकी उदक क्रिया और अग्निसंस्कार करें। 
In case the child dies before acquiring the age of 3 years he should not be offered rituals connected with pouring of water. The child whose teeth have grown up and whose naming ceremony has been conducted, should be cremated.
जलाञ्जलि :: अञ्जलि में जल लेकर सूर्य भगवान् आदि देवताओं को अर्पित करना; hollowed palms filled with water offered to ancestors-deceased, a method of offering homage to the deceased in front of the Sun on the banks of a river, pond.
सब्रह्मचारिण्येकाहमतीते क्षपणं स्मृतम्। 
जन्मन्येकोदकानां तु त्रिरात्रात्शुद्धिरिष्यते॥5.71॥
सहपाठी (ब्रह्मचर्य के साथी) की मृत्यु से एक दिन अशौच होता है। समानोदकों के यहाँ पुत्र जन्म होने से तीन दिन अशौच रहता है। 
In case of the death of a classmate in the Guru's Ashram a period of condolence is observed for a day, during which teaching and learning process is suspended, no prayers to God are offered, no auspicious function-ceremony is performed. If a son is born in family of brothers impurity prevails for 3 days & nights. 
स्त्रीणामसंस्कृतानां तु त्र्यहाच्छुध्यन्ति  बान्धवाः। 
यथौक्तेनैव कल्पेन शुध्यन्ति तु सनाभयः॥5.72॥
अविवाहित कन्या वगदान के अनन्तर मर जाये तो उसका भावी पति और देवर आदि तीन दिन में शुद्ध होते हैं और उसके पितृ पक्ष वाले भी उसी पूर्वोक्त व्यवस्था के अनुसार अर्थात तीन दिन में शुद्ध होते हैं। 
If a girl dies after engagement her parental family and the would be husband-bridegroom and his brothers should observes purification measures for three days and nights.
अक्षारलवणान्नाः स्युर्निमज्जेयुश्च ते त्र्यहम्। 
मांसाशनं च नाश्नीयुः शयीरंश्च पृथक् क्षितौ॥5.73॥
मृतशौच में क्षार लवण (कृतिम नमक) न खायें।  तीनों दिन नदी या झील में स्नान करें, माँस न खायें, धरती पर अकेले न सोयें। 
During the mourning-condolence period, one should not eat the salt prepared through artificial means (i.e., by  the combination of acid and alkalies-bases). He should take bath in a river or pond-lake (one may take bath at home in tap water as well) for 3 days, should not eat meat-fish, meat products and should not sleep over the ground-floor alone i.e., away from others. 
असन्निधावेष वै कल्पः शावाशौचस्य कीर्तितः। 
असन्नि  धावयं ज्ञेयो विधिः संबन्धिबान्धवैः॥5.74॥
मृत शौच की यह विधि मृत पुरुष के सन्निधि (अर्थात एक स्थान में) रहने वालों के लिये कही गई है।  दूरस्थ बाँधवों की लिये निम्न विधि है :- 
This is procedure for mourning for those, who live together at a place where the deceased lived. For those relatives-kinsmen who live away from the deceased, the following procedure has been described :-
विगतं तु विदेशस्थं शृणुयाद्यो ह्यनिर्दशम्। 
यत्शेषं दशरात्रस्य तावदेवाशुचिर्भवेत्॥5.75॥
दशाहाशौच के भीतर विदेशस्थ दायाद की मृत्युवार्ता सुनने पर दशाह में जितने दिन बाकि रहें उतने दिन अशौच होता है। 
The relative-kin, who live away-abroad and learns after a few days about the death of his kin can observe mourning for the remaining days of the 10 days condolence period.
दशाह :: ऐसे धार्मिक कृत्य जो किसी मृत आत्मा की सद्गति के लिए मृत्यु के दस दिन तक किए जाते हैं; rites, rituals-practices observed for 10 days after the death of some relative.
अतिक्रान्ते दशाहे च त्रिरात्रमशुचिर्भवेत्। 
संवत्सरे व्यतीते तु स्पृष्ट्वैवापो विशुध्यति॥5.76॥
दशाह बीत जाने पर मृत्यु वार्ता होने से त्रिरात्रि शौच होता है। बीत जाने पर स्नान करने से शुद्धि होती है।
After the expiry of three days, one has to practice purification for 3 days. Thereafter, purification takes place just by bathing. 
In India, one is supposed to take bath everyday in the morning. One who is involved in austerities has to bathe trice or thrice a day.
निर्दशं ज्ञातिमरणं  श्रुत्वा पुत्रस्य जन्म च। 
सवासा जलमाप्लुत्य शुद्धो भवति मानवः॥5.77॥
दशाह के अनन्तर सपिण्ड दयाद का मरण या पुत्र जन्म का समाचार सुनकर मनुष्य उस समय शरीर में जो कपड़े हों, उनके सहित जल में स्नान कर लेने से शुद्ध हो जाता है। 
Bothers-kines, who gets the informative after 10 days of the death or the birth of a son become pure by bathing along with the cloths they are wearing.
बाले देशान्तरस्थे च पृथक्पिण्डे च संस्थिते। 
सवासा जलमाप्लुत्य सद्य एव विशुध्यति॥5.78॥
असपिण्ड (समानोदक) बालक के देशान्तर में मारे जाने की वार्ता (समाचार सुनकर) तुरन्त वस्र सहित स्नान करने से शुद्ध होता है। 
The distant relative who learns about the death of the child abroad, becomes pure just by taking bath along with the cloths, he is wearing.
This is to ward off the ill effects of vibrations, waves, gloom, generated in the atmosphere-cosmos due to the death of someone close, near & dear, relative, friend etc.
अन्तर्दशाहे स्यातां चेत्पुनर्मरणजन्मनी। 
तावत्स्यादशुचिर्विप्रो यावत्तत्स्यादनिर्दशम्॥5.79॥
दस दिन के भीतर यदि मरणा शौच में पुनः दूसरा मरण और जनना शौच में दूसरा जन्म (अन्य बच्चे का जन्म) हो जाये तो ब्राह्मण तब तक पूर्व के दशाहा शौच के पूरा होने तक अशुद्ध रहता है।
The Brahmn remains impure if second death or second birth occurs in the family, before the completion of the 10 days of mourning, until the first period of ten days has expired.
त्रिरात्रमाहुराशौचमाचार्ये संस्थिते सति। 
तस्य पुत्रे च पत्न्यां च दिवारात्रमिति स्थितिः॥5.80॥
आचार्य के मरने पर तीन दिन अशौच कहा गया है; किन्तु उसके पुत्र या स्त्री की मृत्यु होने पर एक अहो रात्र (रात) अशौच होता है, ऐसी शास्त्र की आज्ञा है। 
The scriptures asks to observe mourning-condolences for three day if the teacher dies, while in case of the death of teacher's wife's or his son's death; condolence for a day and night has to be observed.
श्रोत्रिये तूपसंपन्ने त्रिरात्रमशुचिर्भवेत्। 
मातुले पक्षिणीं रात्रिं शिष्यर्त्विग्बान्धवेषु च॥5.81॥
वेद शास्त्र का जानने वाला कोई पुरुष किसी के घर पर मर जाये तो उसको त्रिरात्रा शौच होता है। मामा, यज्ञ पुरोहित, बान्धव और शिष्य की मृत्यु होने पर पक्षिणी अर्थात दो दिन और एक रत का अशौच होता है। 
If an enlightened person who has the knowledge of the Veds & scriptures dies at one's place, he should observe mourning for three days & nights; while in the case of the death of his maternal uncle or the priest who performs families prayers-Yagy or brothers or the disciple, condolences for two days and one night should be held.
प्रेते राजनि सज्योतिर्यस्य स्याद्विषये स्थितः। 
अश्रोत्रिये त्वहः कृत्स्नमनूचाने तथा गुरौ॥5.82॥
जिसके राज्य में ब्राह्मण निवास करते हों, उस राजा की मृत्यु होने की वार्ता दिन को मिले तो सूर्य दर्शन पर्यन्त और रात को मिले तो तारे जब तक दिखाई दें, तब तक, अशौच रहता है। वेद शास्त्र न जानने वाला दिन में जिसके घर पर मरे, उसे सारा दिन और रात में मरे, तो सारी रात अशौच होता है। साङ्ग वेदाभ्यासी गुरु के मरने पर भी ऐसे ही, एक दिन या रात अशौच जानना चाहिये। 
Impurity-in auspiciousness prevails till Sun set if one gets the news of the death of the king in whose regime the Brahmns live-flourish, during the day. If the news is received at night it prevails till the stars are seen in the sky. If a person who is unaware of Veds or scriptures dies at one's place, he has to abstain from auspicious acts throughout the day. If such a person dies at night then inauspiciousness will prevail the whole night. Like wise, if the death of a Guru, learned, enlightened teacher, who is well versed with the scriptures occurs, one should abstain from all auspicious acts for the whole day or the whole night.
शुद्ध्येद्विप्रो दशाहेन द्वादशाहेन भूमिपः। 
वैश्यः पञ्चदशाहेन शूद्रो मासेन शुध्यति॥5.83॥
सपिण्ड के मरण या जन्म में ब्राह्मण दस दिन में, क्षत्रिय 12 दिन में, वैश्य 15 दिन में और शूद्र एक मॉस में शुद्ध होता है।
If the death or birth of of a sibling takes place in the family, Brahmn will attain purity in 10 days, Kshtriy will get it in 12 days, the Vaeshy will have it in 15 days and the Shudr will get it in one month.
As a matter of rule one should abstain from auspicious acts during this period. The impact of the death remains in the environment during the period described here in the form of vibrations-gloom.
न वर्धयेदघाहानि प्रत्यूहेन्नाग्निषु क्रियाः। 
न च तत्कर्म कुर्वाणः सनाभ्योऽप्यशुचिर्भवेत्॥5.84॥
अशौच के दिन बढ़ाने नहीं चाहिये और ना ही अग्निहोत्र की क्रिया में बाधा डालनी चाहिये। उस कर्म को करता हुआ भी सपिण्ड अपवित्र नहीं होता। 
One should not enhance-increase the period of the observance of mourning-condolences. The holy sacrifices in fire should prevail as usual immediate after the period of mourning is over. The sibling too do not face the ill effects of such measures i.e., Agnihotr-Hawan-Prayers.
If one is unable to hold Agnihotr-Hawan every day, he may opt for incense sticks, Dhoop Batti (धूप बत्ती-Pastille), a wick lamp by using pure deshi ghee, mustard oil, til oil etc.
दिवाकीर्तिमुदक्यां च पतितं सूतिकां तथा। 
शवं तत्स्पृष्टिनं चैव स्पृष्ट्वा स्नानेन शुध्यति॥5.85॥
चाण्डाल, रजस्वला, पतित, प्रसूति का, शव और शव के स्पर्शकर्ता को छूकर स्नान करने से शुद्धि होती है। 
One becomes clean by taking a bath after touching a Chandal (the Shudr, who helps in cremation in the cremation ground, (a menstruating woman, an outcast, a woman who has given birth to a child, a corpse (dead body) or one who has touched a corpse.
आचम्य प्रयतो नित्यं जपेदशुचिदर्शने। 
सौरान्मन्त्रान्यथोत्साहं पावमानीश्च शक्तितः॥5.86॥
स्नान आचमन आदि के बाद चाण्डाल आदि अपवित्र लोगों पर दृष्टि पड़े तो वह साध्य सूर्य का मन्त्र "उदुत्यं जातवेदसमीत्यादि" और यथाशक्ति पावमानी "पुनन्तु मां", इत्यादि) मन्त्र जपे। 
साध्य सूर्य मन्त्र :: ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः। ॐ घृणि सूर्याय नमः।  
पावमानी मन्त्र :: ॐ स्तूता मया वरदा वेद माता प्रचोदयंताम् पावमानी द्विजानाम्, आयुः प्राणं प्रजाम् पशुं कीर्तिम् द्रविणं ब्रह्मवर्चसं. मह्यम् द्वत्वा वृजत् ब्रह्मलोकं। ततो नमस्कारं करोमि। 
If one happen to see a Chandal or some impure-unclean person, he should recite the Sadhy Sury Mantr and practice Pavmani Mantr with effort.
नारं स्पृष्ट्वास्थि सस्नेहं स्नात्वा विप्रो विशुध्यति। 
आचम्यैव तु निःस्नेहं गामालभ्यार्कमीक्ष्य वा॥5.87॥
मनुष्य की मज्जा सहित हड्डी छूकर ब्राह्मण स्नान करने से शुद्ध होता है। सूखी हुई हड्डी छूने पर आचमन करके, गाय का स्पर्श कर या सूर्य को देखकर शुद्ध होता है। 
The Brahmn who happen to touch a bone with flesh-fat, is cleansed by bathing. If he touches a dry bone-bone without flash, he is cleansed by touching a cow or viewing the Sun.
आदिष्टी नोदकं कुर्यादा व्रतस्य समापनात्। 
समाप्ते तूदकं कृत्वा त्रिरात्रेणैव शुद्धयति॥5.88॥
ब्रह्मचारी अपने व्रत की समाप्ति पर्यन्त प्रेत की उदकक्रिया न करे। ब्रह्मचर्य समाप्त होने पर वह प्रेत को जलाञ्जलि देकर तीन रात में शुद्ध होता है। 
The Brahmchari-celibate should not perform last rites (shall not pour out libations) of the deceased, till he has completed his fast-vow. He should perform the rites after completion of the period of celibacy. He will attain purity-cleanliness after offering water to the deceased in three nights.
वृथासङ्करजातानां प्रव्रज्यासु च तिष्ठताम्। 
आत्मनस्त्यागिनां चैव निवर्तेतोदकक्रिया॥5.89॥
जिन्होंने अपने धर्म को छोड़ दिया हो, जो प्रतिलोम वर्ण शंकर हों, जो सन्यासी हो गए हों, जिन्होंने स्वेच्छा से आत्महत्या कर ली हो, उनको जलाञ्जलि नहीं देनी चाहिये। 
Those who have discarded their duties i.e., have deserted their Dharm-religion, born out of inter caste relations through a low caste, Varn origin woman,  one who has become-turned a recluse, a seer, one has committed suicide out of his own will-voluntarily, should not be offered homages.
Such people do not deserve last rites and water of libations.
When Yudhistar decided to cremate the dead remains of Vidur Ji, there was a voice from the heaven-Akashvani, which asked him not to perform the last rites and leave the body as such, Vidur Ji was a seer-a saint. Both Vidur Ji and Dharm Raj Yudhistar were incarnation of Dharm Raj-the deity of death (Dharm-religion).
पाषण्डमाश्रितानां च चरन्तीनां च कामतः। 
गर्भभर्तृद्रुहां चैव सुरापीनां च योषिताम्॥5.90॥
जो स्त्रियाँ पाखण्डी हों, स्वेच्छाचारिणी हों, गर्भ नष्ट करने वालीं तथा पति से द्रोह करने वाली हों, मद्य पीती हों, उनकी उदक क्रिया न करे। 
The women who are impostors (like Radhey Maa or have joined a heretical sect, lives in hermitage), loose character-wretched, prefers abortion of child in the womb, who revolt-act against the husband i.e., indulge in illicit relations, take wine-narcotics do not deserve last rites, homage or the water of libation.
This is applicable to those women who roam after the so called Sadhus-Sanyasis like Asa Ram, Gurmeet, Nirmal Baba or Ram Dev. Such women instead of caring their family, indulge in untoward activities and later blame the impostors. The women who joins camps against the will of their husband too are guilty. The women who are too bold & independent, give bold scenes (nudity) in films, act in theatre, cinema, fashion shows; too fall under the same category. The women who live in monasteries need not be cremated and offered homages. 
मठ :: विहार, आश्रम, भिक्षुणियों या वैरागिनों या संन्यासी का निवास, विहार, धर्मसंघ; monastery, cloister, convent, friary, monkery, nunnery, hermitage, minster.
आचार्यं स्वमुपाध्यायं पितरं मातरं गुरुम्। 
निर्हृत्य तु व्रती प्रेतान्न व्रतेन वियुज्यते॥5.91॥
आचार्य, उपाध्याय, पिता, माता, गुरु इनके शव ढ़ोने से ब्रह्मचारी का व्रत लोप नहीं होता। 
The celibacy of a celibate remain intact when he carries the dead remains of his teacher, father, mother, revered.
Achary, Upadhyay and Guru differ in rank & profile, status, knowledge but are revered for the student-disciple. Mother is first Guru followed by the father. Later when he joins Guru Kul, the teacher is Guru. Upadhyay is one who gives lessons at home as well. 
दक्षिणेन मृतं शूद्रं पुरद्वारेण निर्हरेत्। 
पश्चिमौत्तरपूर्वैस्तु यथायोगं द्विजन्मनः॥5.92॥
मृत शूद्र को नगर के दक्षिण द्वार से, वैश्य को पश्चिम द्वार से, क्षत्रिय को उत्तर और ब्राह्मण को पूर्व द्वार से श्मशान ले जाया जाता है। 
The dead remains-corpses of a Shudr are taken to cremation ground through South gate, that of Vaeshy from West, that of a Kshatriy through North and the dead body of the Brahmn has to be carried to cremation place through East Gate.
न राज्ञामघदोषोऽस्ति व्रतिनां न च सत्त्रिणाम्। 
ऐन्द्रं स्थानमुपासीना ब्रह्मभूता हि ते सदा॥5.93॥
राजाओं को सपिण्ड के मरण-जनन के अशौच का दोष नहीं लगता, क्योंकि वे इंद्र के स्थान का अधिकार पाये रहते हैं। व्रती (ब्रह्मचारी और चांद्रायण आदि व्रत करने वाले) और यज्ञ करने वाले को अशौच नहीं होता, क्योंकि वे ब्राह्मण के समान ये निष्पाप होते हैं। 
The king remains untainted being in the seat of Indr (king of demigods, the king is considered to be a representative of Bhagwan Vishnu) due to the birth or death of a sibling. Those who observe fasts like celibacy and Chandrayan Vrat, too are pure in addition to those who keep on performing Yagy, since they too become pure like Brahmns.
The status of Indr, the king of heaven, is attained only after performing 100 Ashw Medh Yagy-sacrifices, which is extremely difficult task.
राज्ञो महात्मिके स्थाने सद्यःशौचं विधीयते। 
प्रजानां परिरक्षार्थमासनं चात्र कारणम्॥5.94॥ 
राजसिंहासन पर विराजमान होने के कारण राजा की सद्य: शुद्धि कही गई है। प्रजाओं की रक्षा के लिये राजसिंहासन पर बैठना ही, इसका कारण जानना चाहिये। 
In case the king dies while occupying the throne, immediate complete-thorough purification is essential, since he protects the civilians-subjects.
The kingdom can not survive without the king and hence the next king is appointed immediately after the death.
डिम्भाहवहतानां च विद्युता  पार्थिवेन च। 
गोब्राह्मणस्य चेवार्थे यस्य चैच्छति पार्थिवः॥5.95॥
जिस युद्ध में राजा नहीं होता ऐसे युद्ध में जो मारे गए हों, वज्रपात से जिनकी मृत्यु हुई हो, राजा ने जिन्हें प्राण दण्ड दिया हो, गाय और ब्राह्मण के रक्षार्थ जिन्होंने प्राण दिया हो और राजा जिन्हें चाहता हो कि अशौच न हो तो उन्हें सद्य: शौच होता है।
Immediate-instant purification is prescribed for those who are killed in a war which is not patronised by the king, those who are killed by lightening, who are awarded death penalty by the king, the person who is killed while protecting a cow or a Brahmn and those who are liked by the king i.e., his kinsmen.
सोमाग्न्यर्कानिलेन्द्राणां वित्ताप्पत्योर्यमस्य च। 
अष्टानां लोकपालानं  वपुर्धारयते नृपः॥5.96॥
चन्द्रमा, अग्नि, सूर्य, वायु, इंद्र, कुबेर, वरुण और यम इन आठों लोकपालों का वास राजा के शरीर में होता है। 
The king is blessed with the traits, characterises, qualities of the demigods Chandr-Moon, Agni-fire, Pawan-air, Indr, Kuber, Varun and Yam.
The manner in which the king is considered to be an incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu being blessed with the power to protect the civilians-subjects, he is supposed to have the calibre to save the populace from natural disasters caused by these eight demigods.
लोकेशाधिष्ठितो राजा नास्याशौचं विधीयते। 
शौचाशौचं हि मर्त्यानां लोकेशप्रभवाप्ययम्॥5.97॥
राजा के शरीर में लोकपालों का अंश अधिष्ठित होने के कारण उसे अशौच का दोष नहीं होता, कारण मनुष्य का जो शौच-अशौच है, लोकपालों से ही उत्पन्न होता है और नष्ट होता है। 
The body of the king is the abode of the demigods which protects him from impurity after death and further the impurity or purity are induced and removed by the deities. 
उद्यतैराहवे शस्त्रैः क्षत्रधर्महतस्य च। 
सद्यः संतिष्ठते यज्ञस्तथाशौचमिति स्थितिः॥5.98॥
युद्ध में शस्त्रों के द्वारा क्षात्र धर्म से जो मारा जाता है, उसे उसी क्षण यज्ञ का फल और सद्य: शुद्धि प्राप्त होती है, ऐसा शास्त्र का सिद्धांत है। 
The scriptures states that one who is killed in the battle as per duties of the protector-Kshtriy, get instant impact of performing a holi sacrifice i.e., Yagy and gets complete purification.
विप्रः शुध्यत्यपः स्पृष्ट्वा क्षत्रियो वाहनायुधम्। 
वैश्यः प्रतोदं रश्मीन्वा यष्टिं शूद्रः कृतक्रियः॥5.99॥
ब्राह्मण श्राद्धादि कर्म करके दाहिने हाथ से जल छूकर, क्षत्रिय वाहन और वैश्य चाबुक या लगाम और शूद्र बाँस की लाठी छूने से शुद्ध होता है। 
Having completed the homage rites (condolences, mourning), the Brahmn is cleansed by touching water by his right hand, the Kshtriy has to touch his vehicle, the Vaeshy has to touch the goad or the nose-string of his horse or the oxen and the Shudr has to touch the bamboo stick to become pure-clean. 
एतद्वोऽभिहितं शौचं सपिण्डेषु द्विजोत्तमाः। 
असपिण्डेषु सर्वेषु प्रेतशुद्धिं निबोधत॥5.100॥
हे मुनिगण! यह अशौच मैंने सपिण्डों के मरने का कहा है। अब असपिण्डों की प्रेत शुद्धि कहता हूँ, सो सुनों। 
Hey sages-sears! I have described the method of purification of the Brahmns pertaining to the siblings. Now, listen to the procedure for purification when someone who is not a close relative, dies.
असपिण्डं द्विजं प्रेतं विप्रो निर्हृत्य बन्धुवत्। 
विशुध्यति त्रिरात्रेण मातुराप्तांश्च बान्धवान्॥5.101॥
असपिण्ड ब्राह्मण के शव को बान्धव की भाँति ढ़ोने से और मातृपक्ष के समीपी-करीबी सम्बन्धी (मामा, मौसी, बहन आदि) का शव ढोने से तीन रात में शुद्धि होती है।
It takes three nights to cleanse oneself if the Brahmn caries the dead remains of a Brahmn like his own brother and the close relatives from the mother's side (like maternal uncle, mother's sister and the sister).
यद्यन्नमत्ति तेषां तु दशाहेनैव शुध्यति। 
अनदन्न-न्नमह्नैव न चेत्तस्मिन् गृहे वसेत्॥5.102॥
मृतक को उठाने वाला यदि उसके सपिण्ड का अन्न खावे तो वह दस दिन में शुद्ध होता है। यदि अशौचान्न न खाये और उसके घर पर न रहे तो वह एक अहोरात्र में शुद्ध होता है। 
The Brahmn who carries the dead remains and eats the lunch hosted by the deceased's siblings-brothers, it takes him 10 days to cleanse. If he does not eat the food offered after cremation and does not stay in the decease's house, it takes him one day to cleanse.
अनुगम्येच्छया प्रेतं ज्ञातिमज्ञातिमेव च। 
स्नात्वा सचैलः स्पृष्ट्वाग्निं घृतं प्राश्य विशुध्यति॥5.103॥
सपिण्ड या असपिण्ड मृतक के पीछे-पीछे कोई अपनी इच्छा से जाये तो सचैल (वस्त्र सहित) स्नान स्नान के बाद अग्नि का स्पर्श और घी खा लेने से शुद्ध हो जाता है। 
Whether one is a sibling or not if he follows the corpses to the cremation ground, he is cleansed just by bathing along with the cloths worn by him and touching fire and eating Ghee-clarified butter.
It must be remembered that when the corpse are put to fire the smoke and the air gets contaminated and all the germs, viruses, bacteria, microbes which caused the death, spread in the atmosphere. Immediate bathing relieves one of these pathogens. Burying the dead is even more dangerous. The pathogens passes into the soil and each and every one who drink the water drawn from the soil is sure to be affected by the deceases the dead had.
One should always keep it in mind that Hindu traditions are supported by strong scientific basis and evidence too can be given if desired.
न विप्रं स्वेषु तिष्ठत्सु मृतं शूद्रेण नाययेत्। 
अस्वर्ग्या ह्याहुतिः सा स्याच्छूद्रसंस्पर्शदूषिता॥5.104॥
आत्मीय लोगों के रहते हुए मरे हुए ब्राह्मण को शूद्र से न उठवायें, क्योंकि शूद्र के स्पर्श से दूषित होने के कारण मृतक का वह दह्य शरीर स्वर्ग निमित्तक नहीं रहता। 
The dead body of the Brahmn should not be allowed to be carried by the Shudr, till the kin-relatives are available to perform the job, since the dead body become unfit for the purpose of  supporting the deceased's soul to the heavens (next abodes, incarnations).
ज्ञानं तपोऽग्निराहारो मृन्मनोवार्युपाञ्जनम्। 
वायुः कर्मार्ककालौ च शुद्धेः कर्तॄणि देहिनाम्॥5.105॥
ज्ञान, तप अग्नि, भोजन, मिट्टी, मन, जल, उपलेपन, वायु, कर्म, सूर्य और काल, देहधारियों को पवित्र करने वाले होते हैं। 
Enlightenment, asceticism (Yog, meditation, austerities), fire, pious vegetarian food, pure clay (soil-earth), psyche (virtuousness, righteousness, piousity, honesty), water, smearing of the body with cow dung, sandal wood paste, turmeric paste, air, pious deeds, Sun, time cleanse the humans.
सर्वेषामेव शौचानामर्थशौचं परं स्मृतम्। 
योऽर्थे शुचिर्हि स शुचिर्न मृद्वारिशुचिः शुचिः॥5.106॥
सब शौचों में अर्थ शौच को महर्षियों ने श्रेष्ठ कहा है, जो अर्थ (धन, द्रव्य) सम्बंध (मेहनत ईमानदारी से कमाया हुआ धन-सम्पत्ति) में शुद्ध है। केवल मृतिका और जल के स्पर्श से शुद्धि नहीं होती। 
The sears have said that one is clean-pure if he has earned money-wealth through pious, virtuous, righteous, honest means. To become pure just by washing with clay or water is not cleansing.
क्षान्त्या शुध्यन्ति विद्वांसो दानेनाकार्यकारिणः। 
प्रच्छन्नपापा जायेन तपसा वेदवित्तमाः॥5.107॥ 
क्षमा से विद्वान्, दान से अकर्म करने वाले, जप से गुप्त पातक, तप से वेद जानने वाले शुद्ध होते हैं। 
The enlightened is cleansed by forgiving-pardoning, donations cleanse those who perform forbidden activities, recitation of Almighty's names-stories cleanse hidden sins and asceticism cleanse those who are busy in learning Veds.
मृत्तोयैः शुद्ध्यते शोध्यं नदी वेगेन शुद्ध्यति। 
रजसा स्त्री मनोदुष्टा संन्यासेन द्विजोत्तमाः॥5.108॥
मल से दूषित पदार्थ मिट्टी और जल से शुद्ध होता है। नदी अपने प्रवाह के वेग से शुद्ध होती है। दूषित मन वाली स्त्री रज से और ब्राह्मण सन्यास धर्म से शुद्ध होता है। 
Goods-objects are cleaned by soil and water, river is cleansed by the increased speed of its flow, the woman is cleaned by the menstrual cycle and the Brahmn is cleansed by relinquishing, rejecting, abandoning the society.
Villagers in India use virgin soil for cleaning utensils and hands. This soil is yellow in colour and uncontaminated and is named Pili Mitti. This soil is mixed with cow dung to cover the flour. Cow dung carries various components which kills germs. Cleansing of the river is increased by the enhanced flow of its water's speed, which allow addition of more and more oxygen in it and ensures removal of undesired particles along with gases. The woman rejects the sperms in her vagina along with blood through menstrual cycle.
Normally, the villagers in India cleanse hands with the ashes obtained by burning cow dung as fuel. These days young boys & girls staying abroad just touch the disinfectants-sanitisers and believe that they are clean.
अद्भिर्गात्राणि शुद्ध्यन्ति मनः सत्येन शुद्ध्यति। 
विद्यातपोभ्यां भूतात्मा बुद्धिर्ज्ञानेनद्ध्यति॥5.109॥
शरीर जल से, मन सत्य से, जीवात्मा विद्या और तप से और बुद्धि ज्ञान से शुद्ध होती है। 
The body is cleansed by water, the psyche-innerself is purified by truthfulness, the soul is cleansed through learning-enlightenment and asceticism (virtuousness, piousity, righteousness, honesty, austerities) and the intelligence by learning-knowledge (learning, understanding & applying the knowledge of Veds).  
एष शौचस्य वः प्रोक्तः शरीरस्य विनिर्णयः। 
नानाविधानां द्रव्याणां शुद्धेः शृणुत निर्णयम्॥5.110॥
यह शारीरिक शौच-शुद्धि सम्बन्धी व्यवस्था का वर्णन था। अब विभिन्न प्रकार के पदार्थों की शुद्धि जिस तरह से होती है, उसका वर्णन करता हूँ, सुनिये। 
Till here the procedure-method of cleansing the body has been described. Now, let me discuss-describe the method for the purification of material objects.
तैजसानां मणीनां च सर्वस्याश्ममयस्य च। 
भस्मनाऽद्भिर्मृदा चैव शुद्धिरुक्ता मनीषिभिः॥5.111॥
सुवर्ण आदि धातुओं, मणियों और पत्थर के बने पदार्थों की शुद्धि भस्म, जल और मिट्टी से होती है, ऐसा पंडितों ने कहा है। 
The learned-wise have said that the metals like gold, gems and the good made from stone are cleaned-purified by using ashes, clay and water.
The metals are purified through various means & processes which involve the heating of metals with ashes having ingredients like coal, lime and various kinds of clay (containing various oxides, sulphides, nitrates etc.) and thereafter washed with water. The goldsmith uses borax (सुहागा) for removing other metals from it. 
निर्लेपं काञ्चनं भाण्डमद्भिरेव विशुद्ध्यति। 
अब्जमश्ममयं चैव राजतं चानुपस्कृतम्॥5.112॥
सोने का बर्तन, चिन्ना कलई, जल से उत्पन्न होने वाले शंख और मूंगा आदि पत्थरों के बने पात्र, चाँदी के सादे बर्तन, केवल पानी से हो शुद्ध होते हैं। 
The vessels made of gold or the ones which have a metal coating, vessels made from conch or corals, vessels made of silver are cleansed with water only.
If they are rubbed their polish will be removed and lustre-shinning will be lost. Gold and silver will be reduced in weight if some chemical is used for washing them.
अपामग्नेश्च संयोगाद्धेमं रौप्यं च निर्बभौ। 
तस्मात्तयोः स्वयोन्यैव निर्णेको गुणवत्तरः॥5.113॥ 
अग्नि और जल के संयोग से सोना और चाँदी उत्पन्न होते हैं; इसलिये दोनों की शुद्धि अपने उत्पादक (जल और अग्नि) के द्वारा ही श्रेष्ठ होती है। 
Gold and silver are produced by the combination of fire and water. Therefore, they are cleansed by fire and water.
Fire is fifth state of matter and water is formed by the combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the ration of 2:1. The technique the technique for the production of Gold & silver is secret and remain undisclosed. However, one thing is crystal-absolutely clear & i.e., that just by manipulating the number of electrons,  protons and neutrons one can get any metal. Radioactive elements may be used for this purpose.  
ताम्रायस्कांस्यरैत्यानां त्रपुणः सीसकस्य च। 
शौचं यथार्हं कर्तव्यं क्षाराम्लोदकवारिभिः॥5.114॥
ताँबा, लोहा, काँसा, पीतल, राँगा और सीसा, इनकी यथायोग्य खार, खटाई और जल से शुद्धि करनी चाहिये। 
Alkalies-bases or sour juices-substances are used to clean copper, iron, bronze, lead, brass and solder.
Solder is an alloy of tin and lead. Brass is an alloy of tin and copper. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin with additives like aluminium, manganese, nickel, zinc and sometimes along with non-metals or metalloids such as arsenic, phosphorus or silicon.
द्रवाणां चैव सर्वेषां शुद्धिरुत्पवनं 
स्मृतम्। प्रोक्षणं संहतानां च दारवाणां च तक्षणम्॥5.115॥
द्रव (घी, तेल आदि) पदार्थों की शुद्धि उत्पवन से अर्थात पवित्र कुश द्वारा उसके ऊपर का कुछ भाग फेंक देने से, दरी कम्बल आदि की शुद्धि पानी, कपड़े आदि के द्वारा पोंछने से और काष्ठ की बनी वस्तुओं की शुद्धि उस पर रंदा फेर देने से होती है। 
For purification of liquids pure Kush grass has to be used to remove the upper layer; carpets, blankets are cleaned with water and the wood is cleaned by using a plane to smooth the upper layer.
Ghee, oils-seed extracts are purified by heating them. If they are stored for a bit longer period they should be heated again. Blankets, carpets have to be cleaned with water, after socking them for some time.
मार्जनं यज्ञपात्राणां पाणिना यज्ञकर्मणि। 
चमसानां ग्रहाणां च शुद्धिः प्रक्षालनेन तु॥5.116॥
यज्ञ पात्रों की शुद्धि हाथ से झाड़ देने से होती है। यज्ञ कर्म में चमस, ग्रह आदि पात्रों की शुद्धि धोने से होती है।
Utensils-vessels used for performing sacrifices are cleaned by dusting (scrubbing, rubbing) and the vessels used for storing Som Ras are cleaned by washing-rinsing. 
चमस :: भोजन-सामग्री रखने का पात्र; Utensils-vessels used for storing food for sacrifices or otherwise. 
ग्रह :: सोमरस रखने का विशेष पात्र; A vessels-utensil specially made for storing Som Ras-a rejuvenating liquid used by demigods, misunderstood as wine or alcohol. 
चरूणां स्रुक्स्रुवाणां च शुद्धिरुष्णेन वारिणा। 
स्फ्यशूर्पशकटानां च मुसलौलूखलस्य च॥5.117॥
चरु अर्थात हवि बनाने का पात्र, स्रुक् और स्त्रुवा तथा स्भ्य (खड्गाका काष्ठ निर्मित विशेष पात्र), शूर्प, शकट, ऊखल और मूसल की शुद्धि गर्म पानी से धोने से होती है। 
The vessels used for preparing offerings-sacrifices, utensils having the shape of sword, winnowing-basket, cart, carriage, pestle & mortar are cleaned with warm water.
अद्भिस्तु प्रोक्षणं शौचं बहूनां धान्यवाससाम्। 
प्रक्षालनेन त्वल्पानामद्भिः शौचं विधीयते॥5.118॥
अन्न और वस्त्रों का ढेर स्पर्शादि दोष से दूषित होने पर जल छिड़कने से शुद्ध होता है और थोड़ी मात्रा में लेकर धोने से उसकी शुद्धि होती है।  
Food grains and cloths contaminated by touch are cleaned by washing them in water by taking them in small quantities.
On the occasion of prayers, the priests sprinkle small quantities of water i.e., drops over the food items and all those occupying their seats in the premises by reciting Mantr side by side.
चैलवच्चर्मणां शुद्धिर्वैदलानां तथैव च। 
शाकमूलफलानां च धान्यवत्शुद्धिरिष्यते॥5.119॥
स्पृश्य चमड़ों की और बाँस आदि के पत्तों की बनी वस्तुओं की शुद्धि वस्त्र की तरह और साग, फल, मूल की शुद्धि अन्न की तरह होती है। 
The leather which is touchable (like tiger and deer skin used for sitting during prayers) and the goods made of bamboo leaf  are cleaned just by sprinkling few drops of water over them along with recitation of Shuddhi Mantr. Vegetable leaves, fruits roods have to be thoroughly washed like food grains in small quantities. 
In today's context all vegetables which grow inside the soil like potatoes, carrot, onion, reddish, rhizomes or are irrigated with treated or untreated water must be washed thoroughly. The water from the drains or the rivers is highly polluted-contaminated with sewer, factory, power station, hospital waste, tanneries-leather processing units, animal blood and dead corpses. The crops which are produces with compost prepared from human excreta is unfit for human consumption.
The humans are passing through a horrible phases in which air & water are dangerously polluted. 
Those in power have failed to control-punish the guilty. At present DELHI & NCR are the worst possible regions of the world. The politicians like Kejriwal (Khattar CM-Haryana & Captain Amrinder Singh CM-Punjab) are worst possible notorious-culprits and just want to rule the inhabitants of the hell generated by them!
The central government ministers headed by Narander Modi too, are equally guilty since, they keep on extending undue subsidies to farmers having more than 20 Bighas of land, roughly 4 acres). Those farmers who burn stubble must be sewerly punished since, they are harming millions of residents  in Delhi & NCR). At present Delhi is the pollution city of the world.
I am suffering from cancer due to this reason, only. I neither smoke nor drink-consume wine.
कौशेयाविकयोरूषैः कुतपानामरिष्टकैः। 
श्रीफलैरंशुपट्टानां क्षौमाणां गौरसर्षपैः॥5.120॥
रेशमी और ऊनी कपड़ों की शुद्धि खारी मिट्टी से, नेपाली कम्बलों की रीठों से, सन के बने वस्त्रों की शुद्धि बेल से और अलसी के बने वस्त्रों की शुद्धि पीली सरसों के चूर्ण से होती है। 
Silk and woollen cloths are washed with the soil (called Rehi in native language) containing alkalies. Blankets procured and manufactured in Nepal are washed with Reetha-soap nut. Cloths made out of Jute are cleaned with Aegle marmelos. Cloths made from Alsi are cleaned with the power of mustard seeds.
क्षौमवच्छङ्खशृङ्गाणामस्थिदन्तमयस्य च। 
शुद्धिर्विजानता कार्या गोमूत्रेणौदकेन वा॥5.121॥
शंख, सींग, हड्डी तथा हाथी दाँतों की शुद्धि तीसी-अलसी से, सन निर्मित वस्त्र के समान ही है। इसमें गोमूत्र या जल का योग करना चाहिये। 
Conch, horns, bones and elephant tusks-ivory are cleaned with flex seeds, like the cleaning of jute cloths. However, water of cow's urine may be added-used along with it.
प्रोक्षणात्तृणकाष्ठं च पलालं चैव शुद्ध्यति। 
मार्जनोपाञ्जनैर्वेश्म पुनःपाकेन मृण्मयम्॥5.122॥ 
तिनके, लकड़ी और पुआल की शुद्धि जल छींटने से होती है। घर बुहारने से और लीपने से और मिट्टी का बर्तन पुनः आग में पकाने से शुद्ध होता है। 
Grass-straw, wood and paddy become pure by being sprinkled water over them. The house is cleaned by sweeping and smearing it with a mixture of cow dung and yellow soil. The earthen pots-vessels are cleaned by putting them in fire again.
मद्यैर्मूत्रैः पुरीषैर्वाष्ठीवनैः पूयशोणितैः। 
संस्पृष्टं नैव शुद्ध्येत पुनःपाकेन मृत्मयम्॥5.123॥
जिस बर्तन में मद्य, मूत्र, विष्ठा, थूक, लहू और मवाद लग जाये, वह पुनः आग से भी शुद्ध नहीं होता। 
An earthen ware-vessels, which have been smeared-contaminated with wine, urine, spit-saliva, faecal matter-excreta, blood or pus can not be purified even by backing them again.
संमार्जनौपाञ्जनेन सेकेनौल्लेखनेन च। 
गवां च परिवासेन भूमिः शुद्ध्यति पञ्चभिः॥5.124॥
झाड़ने, बुहारने, लीपने, गोमूत्र या गंगाजल आदि छिड़कने, ऊपर की कुछ मिट्टी खोदकर फेंक देने और गौओं को रखने से इन इन पाँच प्रकार से भूमि शुद्धि होती है। 
The land is cleaned by five methods namely :- whisking, dusting, shaking, brooming, sweeping, jolting, jerking, smearing it with cow dung, spraying cow's urine or water, removing the top soil and keeping cows over it..
पक्षिजग्धं गवाघ्रातमवधूतमवक्षुतम्। 
दूषितं केशकीटैश्च मृत्प्रक्षेपेण शुद्ध्यति॥5.125॥
जिस अन्न को साधारण पक्षियों ने जूठा कर दिया हो, गाय ने जिसे सूँघा हो, जिस पर किसी ने छींका हो, जिसमें केश और कीड़े पड़ गये हों, वह मिट्टी डालने से शुद्ध होता है। 
The food grain pecked by ordinary birds, smelled by the cow, sneezed by some one, hair or insects falls over it, is cleaned by scattering soil over it. 
One should ensure that the soil itself is clean and procured from a mine. During the current era, the air, soil and water are highly polluted.
यावन्नापैत्यमेध्याक्ताद् गन्धो लेपश्च तत्कृतः। 
तावन्मृद्वारि चादेयं सर्वासु द्रव्यशुद्धिषु॥5.126॥
किसी कपड़े आदि में विष्ठादिक अपवित्र वस्तु लग जाये तो जब तक उसका दाग और गन्ध दूर न हों, तब तक मिट्टी पानी से उसे शुद्ध करना चाहिये। 
If goods like cloth, jute, silk, wool which are smeared-stained by faecal matter or some impure substance, should be cleaned with clean soil, till the stains or foul smell is not removed.
The soil which contain alkalies in the top layer is utilised for this purpose. The cloth should be thoroughly shaken or rubbed and then dried the Sun light.
त्रीणि देवाः पवित्राणि ब्राह्मणानामकल्पयन्। 
अदृष्टमद्भिर्निर्णिक्तं यच्च वाचा प्रशस्यते॥5.127॥ 
देवताओं ने ब्राह्मण के लिये इन तीन वस्तुओं को शुद्ध कहा है। जिसकी अपवित्रता आँख से न देखी जा सके, जो जल से न धुल सके और जो ब्राह्मण की वाणी से प्रशस्त हो। 
The demigods have called three things pure-clean. The impurity of which is not visible through the eyes, which cannot be washed with water and which has been purified by the words of the Brahmn.
The Brahmn may be capable of reciting the Shloks which have purifying effect over the surroundings.
आपः शुद्धा भूमिगता वैतृष्ण्यं यासु गोर्भवेत्। 
अव्याप्ताश्चेदमेध्येन गन्धवर्णरसान्विताः॥5.128॥
धरती पर जल, यदि अपवित्र वस्तुओं से मिला हुआ न हो, गन्ध, वर्ण और रस से मुक्त हो, जो इतना हो कि अपनी प्यास बुझा सके, तो उसे शुद्ध समझना चाहिये। 
The water present over the ground, sufficient to quench one's thirst, free from smell-odour, colour and taste should be considered to be pure-fit for drinking.
In today's reference-context water should be free from invisible impurities like fluorides, heavy metals, arsenic, microbes etc. It should be added with chlorine or bleaching power-agent and allowed to settle in Sun light, as well. It may be subjected to filtration or reverse osmosis.
These days use of RO is increasing tremendously, though useful; yet it removes useful elements essential for the human body.
नित्यं शुद्ध: कारुहस्तः पण्ये यच्च प्रसारितम्। 
ब्रह्मचारिगतं भैक्ष्यं नित्यं मेध्यमिति स्थितिः॥5.129॥
माली का हाथ, बाजार में पसारकर रखे हुए पदार्थ और ब्रह्मचारियों को प्राप्त भिक्षा सदा शुद्ध हैं। 
The hands of the gardener-grower of vegetables, fruits, flowers or the peasant-farmer, goods spreaded in the open for selling and the alms received by the celibate are considered to be pure.
In today's context all fruits, vegetables must be washed thoroughly before consumption. They are laced with colouring substances, wax, chemicals for ripening and the dust, which keep on falling over them continuously which might have dust and charged particles or even radio active waste. The market place too has innumerable contaminating articles, filth scattered all over.
The gardens-orchards & the farming fields are nourished with the compost, which is not free from germs, virus, microbes. So, one should use his discrimination in this regard.
नित्यमास्यं शुचि स्त्रीणां शकुनिः फलपातने। 
प्रस्रवे च शुचिर्वत्सः श्वा मृगग्रहणे शुचिः॥5.130॥
स्त्रियों का मुख सदा शुद्ध होता है। पक्षियों द्वारा चोंच मारकर गिराया हुआ फल, दूध दुहने में बछड़े का मुँह और हिरण पकड़ने में कुत्ता शुद्ध होता है। 
The mouth of the woman is always pure-clean, a fruit which falls over the earth due to pecking of birds is pure and the mouth of the dog is clean while catching the deer.
This is true for the woman who do not eat undesirable items and is virtuous. The dog eats meat and the deer caught by it is for having meat for the hunter. So, for the hunter it may be treated to be pure, otherwise not.
In today's world do not apply this postulate to the women, in general.
श्वभिर्हतस्य यन्मांसं शुचिस्तन्मनुरब्रवीत्। 
क्रव्याद्भिश्च हतस्यान्यैश्चण्डालाद्यैश्च दस्युभिः॥5.131॥
कुत्तों के द्वारा मारे गये हिरण आदि का माँस और कच्चा माँस खाने वाले हिंस्र जन्तुओं और चाण्डाल-व्याध आदि के द्वारा जो हिरण आदि पशु मारा जाता है, उसका माँस शुद्ध है, यह मनुजी ने कहा है। 
The meat-flesh of the deer is treated as pure, which is killed by dogs, the Chandal, the hunter and the beasts who eats fresh meat-red meat, this is what has been said by Manu Ji.
It has already been said that one should not eat meat. The dog, Chandal, the hunter and the beasts are kept away from the kitchen where the food for the Brahmns is cooked. This para refers to the meat eaters of other castes, other than the Brahmns. Some Kshatriy and the Shudrs eat meat.
The Hindu society is passing through the phase in which Congress party & the Communists, Muslims advocate, preach meat eating. 
One may find advertisements for meat-egg eating over TV and the news papers, regularly.
ऊर्ध्वं नाभेर्यानि खानि तानि मेध्यानि सर्वशः। 
यान्यधस्तान्यमेध्यानि देहाच्चैव मलाश्च्युताः॥5.132॥
नाभि के ऊपर के जितने छिद्र हैं, सब शुद्ध हैं और उनके नीचे वाले सभी छिद्र अशुद्ध हैं। देह से निकले हुए मैल, पसीना भी अशुद्ध होते हैं। 
All the holes-cavities above the navel-stomach are pure and all other holes-openings below the navel are impure. The excretions from the body are impure.
Still one has to take bath every day and clean the teeth and the mouth. Ears and nose do need regular cleaning. The anus and the penis or the vagina have to be cleaned thoroughly, just swiping is not enough.
पढ़े-लिखे सभ्य व्यक्ति भी टिशू पेपर से गुदा को साफ करके स्वयं को स्वच्छ-साफ़ मान लेते हैं, मगर टट्टी तो लगी ही रह जाती है। अतः एक बार पानी से साफ़ करने का बाद, नहाते वक़्त साबुन से भी ठीक तरह से साफ़ करना बेहद ज़रूरी है। 
मक्षिका विप्रुषश्छाया गौरश्वः सूर्यरश्मयः। 
रजो भूर्वायुरग्निश्च स्पर्शे मेध्यानि निर्दिशेत्॥5.133॥
मक्खी के मुँह से निकले हुए छोटे जल कण, छाया, गौ, घोड़ा, सूर्य की किरण, धूल, धरती, वायु और अग्नि, स्पर्श में अशुद्ध होते। 
Minute droplets of water which comes out of the mouth of fly, shadow, cow, horse, rays of Sun, earth, dust, air and fire do not contaminate due to touch.
The fly which hover over excreta, polluted air, polluted dust or the cows who eat garbage are sure to cause trouble to anyone. The earth which is covered with waste is sure to cause trouble these days. The dumping grounds are the real worry for the residents who live nearby. What has been stated in the above para is a matter of those times when these things did not occur.
विण्मूत्रोत्सर्गशुद्ध्यर्थं मृद्वार्यादेयमर्थवत्। 
दैहिकानां मलानां च शुद्धिषु द्वादशस्वपि॥5.134॥
मल-मूत्र त्याग करने पर, देह से उत्पन्न बारह मलों (चर्बी, रक्त. मज्जा, मूत्र, विष्ठा, नाक-कान का मैल, कफ़, आँसू, आँख की कीच, पसीना) की शुद्धि के लिये प्रयोजन के अनुसार मिट्टी अथवा जल लेना चाहिये। 
On rejection of the urine and faecal matter from the body, a little quantity of earth-clay or  water for purification-cleansing should be taken as per requirement for cleansing 12 kinds of waste products emitted out of the body-listed below.
Water is a universal cleaning substance. Dissolved oxygen in water and free hydrogen present in it, can purify almost all impurities in due course of time, aided by the Sun light.
वसा शुक्रमसृग्मज्जा मूत्रविड्घ्राणकर्णविट्। 
श्लेश्माश्रु दूषिका स्वेदो द्वादशैते नृणां मलाः॥5.135॥
चर्बी, वीर्य, लहू, मज्जा, पेशाब, विष्ठा, नाक-कान के मल, कफ़, आँखों का कीच और पसीना ये मनुष्यों के बढ़ दैहिक मल हैं। 
Adipose-fat, semen, blood, marrow-pith, urine, faecal matter, cough-the mucus of the nose-phlegm, ear wax, tears, the rheum of the eye mire and sweat are the twelve impurities of human bodies.
एका लिङ्गे गुदे तिस्रस्तथैकत्र करे दश।
उभयोः सप्त दातव्या मृदः शुद्धिमभीप्सता॥5.136॥
शुद्धि चाहने वाले को चाहिये कि लिङ्ग में एक बार और मलद्वार में तीन बार, बाएं हाथ में दस बार और दोनों हाथों में सात बार मिट्टी लगाकर जल से धोये।
One who is desirous of being pure, should apply soil over the pennies once and thrice over the anus. He should apply soil over the left hand ten times and over both the hands seven times and then rinse all these with water thoroughly.Left hand is normally used for cleaning anus-excreta.
With the changing time, use of soap is most appropriate, since clean mud, clay, earth, soil is not available almost any where in cities. People are using sanitisers these days in stead of soap. Liquid soap is also used being very very effective in killing germs. In developed countries people use sanitary napkins or tissue paper, which is not a good method, since the excreta remains unwashed. Indians abroad have adopted themselves to this mode, probably because they do not know that before going to the temple, prayers, worship, deities, demigods, one should have thoroughly cleaned hims self.
Since, excreta remain struck to the body, one remains unpious-unclean, unfit for performing prayers, Pooja, Arti etc.
एतत्शौचं गृहस्थानां द्विगुणं ब्रह्मचारिणाम्। 
त्रिगुणं स्याद् वनस्थानां यतीनां तु चतुर्गुणम्॥5.137॥
यह शौच गृहस्थों का है, ब्रह्मचारियों को इसका दुगुना, वानप्रस्थों को तिगुना और सन्यासियों को चौगुना शौच करना चाहिये। 
The mode of cleaning-purification described above, is prescribed for the household. For the celibate the procedure should be double-twice that if it. For the recluse-wanderers it should be thrice and for the seers-saints it should be four times that of the household.
कृत्वा मूत्रं पुरीषं वा स्वान्याचान्त उपस्पृशेत्। 
वेदमध्येष्यमाणश्च अन्नमश्नंश्च सर्वदा॥5.138॥
मूत्र या मल करके शौचादि से निवृत हो, जातक वेद पढ़ना या भोजन करना चाहे, तो उसे आचमन करके इन्द्रियों के छिद्रों (आँख, कान, नाक, मुँह आदि) को स्पर्श करना चाहिये। 
One who is desirous of learning Veds or wish to take food after becoming fresh i.e., discharging urine or excreta, brushing his teeth, bathing, applying oil in hair & combing hair; he should sip some water and touch the eyes, nose, ears, mouth with wet hands.
त्रिराचामेदपः पूर्वं द्विः प्रमृज्यात्ततो मुखम्। 
शरीरं शौचमिच्छन् हि स्त्री शूद्रस्तु सकृत्सकृत्॥5.139॥
शरीर शुद्ध्यर्थ पुरुष पहले तीन बार आचमन करे और दो बार मुँह धोये, किन्तु स्त्री और शूद्र एक-एक बार आचमन करें। 
The male who wish to clean himself should sip water thrice and wash his mouth-face twice, but the woman and the Shudr may repeat this procedure only once.
शूद्राणां मासिकं कार्यं वपनं न्यायवर्तिनाम्। 
वैश्यवत्शौचकल्पश्च द्विजोच्छिष्टं च भोजनम्॥5.140॥
शस्त्रोक्त नियम के अनुसार रहने वाले शूद्र को महीने-महीने सर के बाल बनवाने चाहिये, जनन-मरण में वैश्य के समान शौच क्रिया करनी चाहिये और द्विज का उच्छिष्ट खाना चाहिये। 
The Shudr who follow the scriptures should get his head shaved or his hair trimmed every month. He should perform the purification rites like the Vaeshy-business class people. He should accept the food left over (in the kitchen) after serving the Brahmns.
It does not mean that he has to eat the left overs of the plate of the Brahmn. In fact no one should leave the food in the plate. One should take only that much food which he can eat. As a matter of auspicious practice these days hotels, restaurants and the virtuous families distribute the remaining food amongest the poor. They do not allow the food to go waste. They do not let it become stale or unworthy of eating.
One himself-a Brahmn, observed that the elders use to invite the Shudrs of the village as and when they had to organise a feast. The Shudr too were treated as honoured people. In one case it was seen that all members of 9 villages were fed honourably, without distinction of caste or creed. For one its really unbelievable of those, who talk of discrimination off and on to seek undue favours from government agencies.
However, it must be remembered that one must be clean (free from sweat, body odour, germs, virus, bacteria, fungus, microbes etc.), pious, prior to attending any public place-meeting, feast.
नोच्छिष्टं कुर्वते मुख्या विप्रुषोऽङ्गे पतन्ति  याः। 
न श्मश्रूणि गतान्यास्यं न दन्तान्तरधिष्ठितम्॥5.141॥
मुँह से निकले जलकण देह पर पड़ें, तो उनके शरीर जूठा नहीं होता। दाढ़ी मूँछ के बाल मुँह में प्रविष्ट होने पर वे जूठे नहीं होते और दाँतों के बीच में अटका हुआ अन्न मुँह को जूठा नहीं करता। 
Mouth does not become stale if the hair of the beard or moustache enters it. The food particle struck in the teeth do not stale the mouth. Droplets of water do not contaminate the body if they happen to fall over it. 
स्पृशन्ति बिन्दवः पादौ य आचामयतः परान्। 
भौमिकैस्ते समा ज्ञेया न तैराप्रयतो भवेत्॥5.142॥
दूसरों को आचमन कराते समय पैरों पर जल की बूँद पड़ें, तो उन्हें भूमिष्ठ जल के समान जाने, उनसे शरीर अपवित्र नहीं होता। 
The droplets of water which happen to fall over the feet, while helping other person to become pure, be treated as the water oozing from the ground and it will not contaminate the body.
उच्छिष्टेन तु संस्पृष्टो द्रव्यहस्तः कथंचन। 
अनिधायैव तद्द्रव्यमाचान्तः शुचितामियात्॥5.143॥
हाथ में कोई चीज लिये रहते यदि जूठे मुँह वाले से किसी तरह स्पर्श हो जाये तो उस चीज को बिना रखे ही आचमन करने से शुद्धि होती है।
If it happen to touch one with stale mouth, having something in hand, cleaning is done just by sipping a few drops of water-ablution, without putting off the good.
वान्तो विरिक्तः स्नात्वा तु घृतप्राशनमाचरेत्। 
आचामेदेव भुक्त्वाऽन्नं स्नानं मैथुनिनः स्मृतम्॥5.144॥
वमन और विरेचन (जुलाब लगने पर) स्नान करके घी पीयें। भोजन के पीछे वमन होने पर केवल आचमन करें। ऋतुमती स्त्री के साथ रमण करने पर स्नान करना चाहिये। 
In case of vomiting before taking meals or constipation one should drink Ghee-clarified butter. It vomiting takes place after taking meals one should wash-rinse the mouth and perform ablution. If one has intercourse with a woman undergoing periods he should take a bathe washing off his sex organs thoroughly.
सुप्त्वा क्षुत्वा च भुक्त्वा च निष्ठीव्योक्त्वाऽनृतानि च। 
पीत्वापोऽध्येष्यमाणश्च आचामेत्प्रयतोऽपि सन्॥5.145॥
वेद पढ़ने की इच्छा वाला व्यक्ति सोने, छींकने, खाने, थूकने, झूठ बोलने और पानी पीने के अनन्तर पवित्र हो तो भी आचमन करे। 
One who is desirous of learning Veds should conform to purity norms by adopting  ablution, in case of sleepiness, sneezing, eating, spitting, telling lies and drinking water,  even if he is already pure.
एष शौचविधिः कृत्स्नो द्रव्यशुद्धिस्तथैव च।  
उक्तो वः सर्ववर्णानां स्त्रीणां धर्मान्निबोधत॥5.146॥
यह सब वर्णों के अशौच की व्यवस्था और द्रव्य शुद्धि की विधि आप लोगों से कही। अब स्त्रियों के धर्म सुनिये। 
The procedure, rules, methods for the purification of all castes and the materials have been described. Now, listen to the duties-Dharm of the women.
बालया वा युवत्या वा वृद्धया वाऽपि योषिता। 
न स्वातन्त्र्येण कर्तव्यं किंचित्कार्यं गृहेष्वपि॥5.147॥
बालिका हो या युवती या वृद्धा स्त्री को स्वतन्त्रता (स्वछन्दता) पूर्वक घर का कोई काम नहीं करना चाहिये। 
Whether she is an adolescent, grownup or old, the female should not accept any responsibility of her own, in the family-house.
बाल्ये पितुर्वशे तिष्ठेत्पाणिग्राहस्य यौवने।
पुत्राणां भर्तरि प्रेते न भजेत्स्त्री स्वतन्त्रताम्॥5.148॥
स्त्री बाल्यकाल में पिता, यौवनावस्था में पति के और पति के परलोक सिधारने पर पुत्रों के अधीन होकर रहे। कभी स्वतंत्र (स्वेच्छाचारिणी) होकर न रहे (उसे जीवन पर्यन्त उनका संरक्षण, सहायता प्राप्त हो)। 
The woman should remain under the protection-shelter of the father in childhood, under the husband in her youth and after the death of the husband she should seek protection under the sons.
The uncivilised, indecent, criminal mind, treat women as a commodity for use as a sex object and therefore, she is always vulnerable to the poachers, who mislead, misguide, lure her to indecent jobs, acts, obscenity. They call it the freedom of women. They incite her to be bold and remain independent. The result is obvious, so many rape cases, abductions, murders, sale of women for prostitution, trafficking etc. etc. Though the time is changing fast, values are changing, but the mentality remains the same.
पित्रा भर्त्रा सुतैर्वापि नेच्छेद्विरहमात्मनः। 
एषां हि विरहेण स्त्री गर्ह्ये कुर्यादुभे कुले॥5.149॥
पिता, पति या पुत्र से अलग रहने की इच्छा न करे; क्योंकि इनसे अलग रहने वाली स्त्री दोनों कुलों (पिता और पति) को निन्दित करती है। 
The woman who deserts her father, husband or the sons, bring slur-bad name to her father and the husband's family-clan.
Such women do not deserve any respect in the society. Every one lucks at her with greed and contempt. Number divorce-separation cases is continuously in the rise. lust, Jihad ultimately leads to abduction, serious crimes & murders.
सदाप्रहृष्टया भाव्यं गृहकार्ये च दक्षया। 
सुसंस्कृतोपस्करया व्यये चामुक्तहस्तया॥5.150॥
स्त्री को सदा प्रसन्न रहकर दक्षता से साथ घर के कामों को संभालना चाहिये। नित्य व्यवहार में आने वाली सामग्रियों (आभूषण, बर्तन इत्यादि) को साफ़ रखना चाहिये और जहाँ तक हो सके कम खर्च करना चाहिये। 
The woman should look after family chores with expertise & efficiency, happily. She should maintain the domestic goods in good running-working and try to curtail the expenditure as far as possible.
Since ancient times, the women have been looking after the family. They were not over ambitious or expecting too much beyond limits. In today's context, the desires and expectations have gone up too high, many fold. The husband looks for an earning hand and staple-extra income. They want all comfort, amenities, luxuries. The wife joins late night parties, remains away from her husband for months, abroad or at distant place. Divorce, separation, living without marriage (live in relation), having multiple sex partners; is the order of the day for some. There is no question of virtues, morals or ethics.
यस्मै दद्यात्पिता त्वेनां भ्राता वाऽनुमते पितुः। 
तं शुश्रूषेत जीवन्तं संस्थितं च न लङ्घयेत्॥5.151॥
पिता या पिता की आज्ञा से भाई जिस पुरुष का हाथ थमा दे, जीवित अवस्था में शुद्ध हृदय से उसकी सेवा करे और उसके मरने पर धर्म का उलंघन न करे। 
She should serve the person to whom she has been married to, by the father or the brother over the directions of the father, as long as the husband is alive and thereafter she should live a virtuous, religious, pious life.
The woman should live her sons, discards advances by the other people and maintain her dignity, after the death of her husband. She should not remarry.People like Raja Ram Mohan Rai distorted the Hindu society and misguided it.
In today's context each & every one is blindly following the West (America, Australia, France etc.' where ethics, moral values do not exist all)
मङ्गलार्थं स्वस्त्ययनं यज्ञश्चासां प्रजापतेः। 
प्रयुज्यते विवाहेषु प्रदानं स्वाम्यकारणम्॥5.152॥
विवाह में इन दोनों पति-पत्नियों के लिये स्वस्त्ययन और प्रजापति के उद्देश्य से जो हवन किया जाता है, वह उनके कल्याण निमित्तक कर्म है। परन्तु वाग्दान के अनन्तर स्त्री पर स्वामी का अधिकार हो जाता है। 
The rites-rituals performed at the occasion with Hawan-sacrifices in holi fire are meant for the satisfaction of the deities, demigods & the creator Brahma Ji and are meant for the beneficial-auspicious marriage  of the couple. After the ceremony is over the woman is wedded to the husband.
The couple constitutes of two equally responsible-important person-entities. The male looks after the affairs of the family outside the home and the female takes controls of the family affairs. More responsibility is shared by the husband, therefore, he is the leader (पति). The family grows with mutual respect, faith and cooperation.
अनृतावृतुकाले च मन्त्रसंस्कारकृत्पतिः। 
सुखस्य नित्यं दातेह परलोके च योषितः॥5.153॥
मन्त्र-संस्कार द्वारा प्राप्त पति ऋतुकाल में और अनृतुकाल में स्त्री को यहाँ नित्य सुख देता है और परलोक में भी सुख देने वाला होता है। 
The husband obtained by the wife with the recitation of rites, rituals, sacred text; gives pleasure-comfort to the wife during mating season and thereafter as well, in this world and the next abode-birth simultaneously.
The knot is tied for many more births. The couple might be husband and wife earlier as well in previous births. The harmony, bond, ties, cordial relations established between them perpetuate for more incarnations till they attain Salvation due to their sacred, pious, virtuous, righteous behaviour, relations.
विशीलः कामवृत्तो वा गुणैर्वा परिवर्जितः। 
उपचर्यः स्त्रिया साध्व्या सततं देववत्पतिः॥5.154॥
यदि पति अनाचारी हो परस्त्री में अनुरक्त हो या विद्यादि गुणों से रहित तो भी साध्वी स्त्री को देवता की तरह अपने पति की सेवा करनी चाहिये। 
The pious-holi woman should not deviate from her righteous duties even if the husband is a wretched person attached to some other woman and is devoid of virtues, education; like a deity.
नास्ति स्त्रीणां पृथग्यज्ञो न व्रतं नाप्युपोषणम्। 
पतिं शुश्रूषते येन तेन स्वर्गे महीयते॥5.155॥
स्त्रियों के लिये न अलग यज्ञ है, न व्रत है और न उपवास है।  पति  की सेवा से ही वह स्वर्ग लोक में पूजित होती है।
The scriptures have not specified any separate Hawan, Yagy, Agnihotr, sacrifices, fasts or vows. Serving the husband grants her every thing and she is given a respectable place in the heaven, after her death.
Its sufficient for her to carry out family responsibilities with happiness, devotion and love to attain highest position in the three worlds i.e., heaven earth and the netherworld.
पाणिग्राहस्य साध्वी स्त्री जीवतो वा मृतस्य वा। 
पतिलोकमभीप्सन्ती नाचरेत्किंचिदप्रियम्॥5.156॥
स्वर्गलोक पाने की इच्छा वाली सुशीला स्त्री अपने जीवित या दिवंगत पति के लिये कुछ भी अप्रिय न करे। 
The virtuous woman who long-desire for heaven should not do any thing disliked by her living or deceased husband.
कामं तु क्षपयेद्देहं पुष्पमूलफलैः शुभैः। 
न तु नामापि गृह्णीयात्पत्यौ प्रेते परस्य तु॥5.157॥
पति के स्वर्गवास के बाद स्त्री पवित्र फल-फूल और कंद-मूल खाकर देह को क्षीण करे, परन्तु पर पुरुष का कभी नाम न ले (कल्पना, विचार ने करे)। 
The woman may eat fruits, flowers, rhizomes, roots or tumours, till she survive and reduce her weight (if good, regular food is not available, unfortunately) instead of looking for some other person after the death of her husband. It would keep her mentally, physically and spiritually fit and fine.
She should maintain her fidelity-purity-chastity and honour.
आसीतामरणात्क्षान्ता नियता ब्रह्मचारिणी। 
यो धर्म एकपत्नीनां काङ्क्षन्ती तमनुत्तमम्॥5.158॥
विधवा स्त्री पतिव्रता के उत्तम धर्मों का पालन करती हुई मरते दम तक, श्रमायुक्त और नियम पूर्वक ब्रह्मचारिणी होकर रहे। 
The widow should follow the tenants described in the scriptures for virtuous living for her, aided with regular routine work, deeds, responsibilities, forgiveness and chastity till death.
अनेकानि सहस्राणि कुमारब्रह्मचारिणाम्। 
दिवं गतानि विप्राणामकृत्वा कुलसंततिम्॥5.159॥
हजारों अविवाहित ब्रह्मचारी ब्राह्मण वंश वृद्धि के लिये पुत्र का उत्पादन न करके भी स्वर्गलोक को गए हैं। 
Thousands of unmarried Brahmn following chastity have gone to Heaven without having a son.
So, the widow can also attain heaven just by following virtuous-pious routine, without remarrying or having a son.
मृते भर्तरि साध्वी स्त्री ब्रह्मचर्ये व्यवस्थिता। 
स्वर्गं गच्छत्यपुत्रापि यथा ते ब्रह्मचारिणः॥5.160॥
जो पतिव्रता स्त्री पति के मरने के बाद ब्रह्मचर्य में स्थिर रहती है, वह पुत्रहीना होने पर भी ब्रह्मचारी पुरुषों की भांति स्वर्गलोक को जाती है। 
The woman who has been devoted to her husband and observes chastity even after his death reaches the heaven, like the chaste males in spite of being issue less or delivering a son. 
अपत्यलोभाद्या तु स्त्री भर्तारमतिवर्तते। 
सेह निन्दामवाप्नोति परलोकाच्च हीयते॥5.161॥
स्त्री सन्तान के लोभ में पति का अतिक्रमण करती है (अर्थात परपुरुष से व्यभिचार करती है), इस लोक में तो उसकी निंदा होती ही है और वह परलोक से भी भ्रष्ट होती है। 
The woman who makes illicit relation with other person for want of a son by discarding her husband, invite slur in this world and spoils her next births as well.
नान्योत्पन्ना प्रजास्तीह न चाप्यन्यपरिग्रहे।  
न द्वितीयश्च साध्वीनां क्वचिद्भर्तोपदिश्यते॥5.162॥
अन्य पुरुष से उत्पन्न वह पुत्र-सन्तान शास्त्र सम्मत नहीं है और दूसरे की स्त्री में उत्पादित संतान भी उत्पादक की नहीं होती। पतिव्रता स्त्रियों को दूसरे पति का उपदेश कहीं नहीं दिया गया। 
The child born out of illicit relations is not favoured by the scriptures or the learned and the producer-father of that child can not claim to be its progenitor. No where in scriptures such a relation of having second husband is favoured, prescribed, suggested.
During the current phase some woman enter into illicit relations with other males to avoid the torture of her in laws, where she is sure that her husband is incompetent-important. Dhratrashtr, Pandu and Vidur got birth through Bhagwan Ved Vyas. Pandu had 5 sons from demigods. Karn was also born out of such relations only. At one stage Vashishth had to enter into such relations in the clan called Ikshvaku Vansh. Now a days women contact sperm banks for progeny, tough its a sin. This tradition is called NIYOG PRATHA.
Both Kunti & Draupadi were called Chir Kumari-always virgin-pure. 
The virtuous woman is neither motivated-derived by sex nor by the lust. She just follow the dictates of her husband & is not a sinner.
Neither Vashishth nor Bhagwan Ved Vyas had sexual desires, inclination, motivation or attachment for the women. 
पतिं हित्वाऽपकृष्टं स्वमुत्कृष्टं या निषेवते।
निन्द्यैव सा भवेल्लोके परपूर्वेति चोच्यते॥5.163॥ 
जो स्त्री अपने गुणहीन पति को छोड़कर किसी अन्य श्रेष्ठ पुरुष को स्वीकार करती है, वह समाज में निंदनीय है। लोग उसे व्याभिचारिणी कहकर निन्दा करते है। 
The woman who discard-rejects her inferior husband for a better substitute-an excellent person, is condemned as a whore-prostitute or a woman of bad character. She do not get respect in the society.
In today's context such women are ministers, first lady of an advanced country, chief ministers of states and even prime ministers. The impact of western countries has cast its shadow over India. One found several girls who entered into sexual alliance with several person prior to marriage.
The current life style has turned a large population of male into infertile youth and still they marry. The results are obvious.
व्यभिचारात्तु भर्तुः स्त्री लोकेप्राप्नोति निन्द्यताम्। 
शृगालयोनिं प्राप्नोति पापरोगैश्च पीड्यते॥5.164॥
पर पुरुष के साथ व्यभिचार करने से स्त्री संसार में निन्दित समझी जाती है और मरने के बाद शृगाल (गीदड़ी) होती है तथा कुष्ठादि रोगों से पीड़ित होती है। 
The who is involved in sex with the other man is disgraced in the world and become a jackal in next birth and suffers from diseases like leprosy in the current birth. 
She may have venereal-sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, HIV etc. There is no one to look after her in old age and she gets a painful death.
पतिं या नाभिचरति मनोवाग्देहसंयुता। 
सा भर्तृलोकमाप्नोति सद्भिः साध्वीति चोच्यते॥5.165॥
जो स्त्री मन वचन और क्रिया से पति के विरुद्ध आचरण नहीं करती, वह पति लोक को जाती है और इस लोक में अच्छे लोग पतिव्रता कहकर प्रशंसा करते हैं। 
The virtuous woman who do act against her husband through deeds, desire, psyche-inner self, meets her husband in next birth as well and the society praises her as one who is devoted to her husband.
अनेन नारीवृत्तेन मनोवाग्देहसंयुता। 
इहाग्र्यां कीर्तिमाप्नोति पतिलोकं परत्र च॥5.166॥
इस नारी धर्म के अनुसार जो स्त्री तन, मन, वचन से पति की सेवा करती है, वह इस लोक में सुयश पाती है और मरने के बाद स्वर्ग सुख भोगति है। 
The virtuous woman who serves her husband with body, mind and pleasing words following the duties-Dharm of women described in scriptures gets honour-respect in this society and gets the comforts of heaven in next birth or gets heaven.
एवं वृत्तां सवर्णां स्त्रीं द्विजातिः पूर्वमारिणीम्। 
दाहयेदग्निहोत्रेण यज्ञपात्रैश्च धर्मवित्॥5.167॥
शास्त्रोक्त विधि से चलने वाली महिला यदि पहले मर जाये, तो धर्मज्ञ द्विज अग्निहोत्र और यज्ञ पात्रों के द्वारा उसकी दाह क्रिया करे। 
If a virtuous woman who had been following the dictates of the scriptures, dies before her husband, the husband who is a Brahmns should carry out all rituals, rites and procedures with the help of Agnihotr-holy sacrifices in fire with the help of vessels meant for Hawan-sacred sacrifices in fire and perform the last rites i.e., cremation.
भार्यायै पूर्वमारिण्यै दत्त्वाग्नीनन्त्यकर्मणि। 
पुनर्दारक्रियां कुर्यात् पुनराधानमेव च॥5.168॥
पति के पूर्व मरने वाली स्त्री को अंत कर्म में अग्नि दे चुकने के पीछे वह पुरुष पुनर्विवाह करके (श्रौत या स्मार्त) अग्निहोत्र ले। 
Having performed the last rites after the funeral, the Brahmn may marry again.
अनेन विधिना नित्यं पञ्चयज्ञान्न हापयेत्। 
द्वितीयमायुषो भागं कृतदारो गृहे वसेत्॥5.169॥
इस विधि से यथाशक्ति पञ्च यज्ञों को नित्य नियमपूर्वक करे, कभी उसे छोड़े नहीं और जीवन के दूसरे भाग में विवाह कर ग्रहस्थाश्रम में रहे।
Having entered marital alliance yet again, in the second half of his life i.e., youth-household, the Brahmn should continue to perform the 5 types of Yagy-Hawan-Agnihotr (prayers, worship, devotion to the God) throughout his life.
With the grace of the Almighty, chapter five of Manu Smrati, has been completed today i.e., 25.10.2017, at Gledswood hills, Sydney, Australia.
The text has been thoroughly revised and presented to the virtuous readers tod ay i.e., 2711.2019 at Noida with the grace of the Almighty, Ganesh Ji Maha Raj, Maa Saraswati and Bhagwan Ved Vyas.
Reviwe completed today i.e., 19.11.2021 at Noida.
हरी ॐ तत् सत। 
Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copy right and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ 
(बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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