By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
श्रीभगवानुवाच ::
अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः।
दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम्॥16.1॥
भय का सर्वथा अभाव, अन्तःकरण की अत्यन्त शुद्धि, ज्ञान के लिये योग में दृढ़ स्थिति और सात्विक दान, इन्द्रियों का दमन, यज्ञ, स्वाध्याय, कर्तव्य के पालन लिए कष्ट सहना और शरीर, मन तथा वाणी की सरलता उन्हें प्राप्त करने के लिये आवश्यक है।
Bhagwan Shri Krashn said that one who recognises HIM as the Ultimate, should be fearless, with extreme purity of innerself-psyche, extreme devotion in Yog for the sake of attaining knowledge-enlightenment, donation of goods acquired through pure-pious means & honesty, restraint-control over senses, performance of Yagy-ritualistic holy sacrifices in fire, self study of scriptures, bearing of pain-turmoil for conducting own duties (Varnashram Dharm with devotion to virtuous job), responsibilities and purity of body, mind & speech.

परमात्मा को पुरुषोत्तम जानकर अनन्य भक्ति भाव से ध्यान-पूजन करने वाले के मन में भाव, आचरण प्रभाव सहित दैवी सम्पत्ति का प्राकट्य होता है। जिस मनुष्य का मन-हृदय साफ-शुद्ध होता है, वह भयहीन-निर्भय होता है। उसके अन्तःकरण, आचरण और व्यवहार में अत्यन्त शुद्धि जरुरी है। वह पाप कर्म, दुष्टता से मुक्त है। उसने परमात्म तत्व, ज्ञान प्राप्ति के लिए योग धारण किया है और उसमें उसकी दृढ़ स्थिति है। उसे समता की प्राप्ति हो गई है। वह शास्त्रोचित माध्यम से अर्जित धन का उपयोग दान, लोक कल्याण के लिए करता है। उसका अपनी इन्द्रियों, मन, भावनाओं और इच्छाओं पर पूरा अंकुश-नियंत्रण है। वह यज्ञ, हवन, अग्निहोत्र, पूजा-पाठ, भजन-कीर्तन, भागवत कथाओं का अध्ययन-श्रवण जैसी शास्त्र सम्मत क्रियाएँ करता है। अपने ईष्ट-परमात्मा की प्राप्ति हेतु वह स्वाध्याय करता है, जिसमें वेद, पुराण, उपनिषद, वेदान्त, भागवत, रामायण, महाभारत, इतिहास आदि शामिल हैं। वह अपने शास्त्र सम्मत कर्तव्य-दायित्व का निर्वाह, धूप-ताप, विध्न-बाधा, कष्ट सहकर भी बगैर दुःखी-परेशान हुए प्रसन्नता पूर्वक करता है। इससे उसमें जो आत्मबल-तपोबल उत्पन्न हुआ है, उसका उपयोग वो श्राप-बद्दुआ, दूसरे को हानि पहुँचाने में कभी नहीं करता। उसका व्यवहार शुद्ध और छल-कपट, बनावट से रहित है। उसका शरीर, मन, वचन और अन्तःकरण शुद्ध-सरल हैं।
The Almighty elaborated the divine developments-modifications in the innerself-psyche of the devotee, who recognises HIM as the Ultimate, superior to the Kshar-perishable and Akshar-imperishable beings. The devotee becomes fearless, since his mind & heart are pure, unbiased, uncontaminated, unsmeared. His behaviour is soothing, calm and polite. He is always tolerant. He is free from sins, anger, enmity, ego etc. He practices Yog for the sake of the achievement of the gist (nectar, extract, elixir) of the God. He is firmly busy with his endeavour, goal, target of Liberation-emancipation. He has become equanimous. He earns through pious, pure, honest means and utilises the money for donations-charity, social welfare, welfare of the poor-needy, one in trouble-distress. He is always generous-liberal to one in need-distress. He is always willing to help anyone in trouble physically, financially. He has firmly controlled his emotions, passions, feelings, thoughts, ideas and directed them into the Almighty only. He performs rituals, Yagy, Hawan, Holy sacrifices in fire, prayers, recitation of God's glory, listens to sermons-stories pertaining to the God, visits holy places-shrines, temples etc. with only one motive that is happiness of the God. He reads, listens Bhagwat, Veds, Ramayan, Maha Bharat, Purans Upnishad, Vedant, History and other stories connected with social welfare. He performs all his duties (Varnashram Dharm) assigned by the scriptures without feeling worried or being disheartened. The strength-power and energy acquired by him through these means is not wasted by him in abusing, cursing or repressing anyone. His behaviour is free from artificiality. He is non deceptive. His body, mind and speech are always pure-pious. His innerself-psyche is pure.
अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्यागः शान्तिरपैशुनम्।
दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम्॥16.2॥
परमात्मा ने भक्त के अन्य गुण इस प्रकार बताये :- अहिंसा, सत्य भाषण, क्रोध न करना, संसार की कामना का त्याग, अन्तःकरण में राग-द्वेष जनित हलचल का न होना, चुगली न करना, प्राणियों पर दया करना, सांसारिक विषयों में न ललचाना, अन्तःकरण की कोमलता, अकर्तव्य करने में लज्जा, चपलता का अभाव।
The Almighty continued with the description of the qualities possessed by a devotee. He added nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, relinquishment-renunciation, absence of disturbance due to attachment and enmity, back biting-abstaining from malicious talk, kindness (pity, softness of heart, i.e., compassion for all creatures), shyness in doing undesired, freedom from greed, absence of fickleness to the list.
अहिंसा का तात्पर्य है, शरीर, मन, वाणी, भाव आदि के माध्यम से किसी का भी किसी भी प्रकार से अनिष्ट नहीं करना। संसार से विमुख होकर परमात्मा की तरफ चलना अहिंसा है। प्रत्येक परिस्थिति में स्वयं को काबू में रखकर क्रोध न करना। क्रोध हिंसा-अनिष्ट को जन्म देता है। सत्य भाषण करना। सांसारिक सुख, मोह, बन्धनों, कामनाओं, संग्रह आदि की इच्छा का त्याग करना। शान्त रहने से मन की हलचल, अन्तर्द्वन्द नहीं होते। साधक किसी की भी बुराई या चुगली नहीं करता। वह प्राणियों पर दया करता है। अलोलुप होकर किसी भी प्रकार के लालच से बचता है। उसके अन्तःकरण में सभी के प्रति कोमलता की भावना है और वह कठोर व्यवहार नहीं करता। वो ऐसे कार्य नहीं करता, जिनको करने से लज्जा महसूस हो या पछतावा हो। वह अपने कार्यों का सम्पादन सुचारु रुप से धैर्य पूर्वक करता है।
The devotee who is planning to assimilate in the Ultimate does not support violence, torture, teasing of any kind-anyone. In fact one who has started following the footprints of God is away from such activities. He exercise control over himself i.e., self restraint. He do not get angry or nourish ill will, anguish for any one. Anger leads to violence. He speaks the truth. He has deserted comforts, desires, attachments, accumulation (wealth, property). He maintains peace, tranquillity, solace of body, mind and soul. He is not perturbed under any kind of provocation. He is free from inner conflicts. He do not believe in back biting or defamation of anyone. He is a kind hearted person and takes pity over all beings. He is not a greedy person. His needs are limited. He do not become harsh, short tempered, furious or tough towards any one, under any circumstances. He maintains balance of mind. He performs in such a way that he does not become shy or hide his face from anyone by doing any anti social activity. He performs his duties with ease, comfort in a well planned-systematic manner.
तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचमद्रोहो नातिमानिता।
भवन्ति संपदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारत॥16.3॥
तेज, क्षमा, धैर्य, शरीर की शुद्धि, वैर भाव का न होना और मान को न चाहना, हे भरत वंशी अर्जुन! ये सभी दैवी सम्पदा को प्राप्त हुए मनुष्य के लक्षण हैं।
The Almighty addressed Arjun as Bharat Vanshi and said that spirit, energy, majesty-dignity, pardon, patience, purity of the body, absence of enmity-malice and lack of desire for honour-pride are the signs-characteristics of the devotee who has attained the divine virtues-qualities.
दैवी शक्ति से सम्पन्न महापुरुषों के चेहरे पर तेज-आभा प्रकट होने लगती है। उनको देखने मात्र से ही सुख-शान्ति का आभास-अहसास होने लगता है। उनमें क्षमा जैसे गुण स्वतः प्रकट हो जाते हैं। उनका व्यवहार धैर्य और शान्ति पूर्ण होता है। उनके अन्तःकरण और बाहरी आवरण-कलेवर, आचार और व्यवहार में शुद्धि दिखाई देने लगती है। उनका किसी व्यक्ति के साथ वैर भाव नहीं होता। वे अनिष्ट करने और चाहने वालों के प्रति भी समता का व्यवहार करते हैं और मन में क्रोध-अशान्ति को आने नहीं देते। उनमें यह इच्छा नहीं रहती कि उन्हें कोई मान-सम्मान-इज्जत बख्से। ये सभी लक्षण साधु, सन्यासी, तपस्वियों के हैं। वर्तमान काल के ढोंगियों-पाखंडियों को इनकी सहायता से आसानी से पहचाना जा सकता है।
One who has attained divinity has aura over his face. His company grants solace-peace instantly. He forgive-pardon even the gravest possible sinner. He is calm and composed. His behaviour is full of patience. His innerself and the physique are neat & clean. His behaviour reflects decency, purity and honesty. He do not nurse grievances towards anyone. He do not let anger, disturbance take him over. He is equanimous even towards those who wish to harm him. He never desire and allow anyone to show honour-respect, reverence towards him. These are the qualities-characteristics of sages, ascetics, saints. One can utilise these traits to distinguish between the real saints & the impostors of today.
The country is full of such preachers who mislead the innocent. Such people are more who preach Islam since the Muslims are generally illiterate-uneducated, ignorant. An idiot issues a Fatwa-doctrine and forces the masses to follow him. These Fatwa-doctrines are often misleading, torturous, notorious, inciting and drags the community to 15th century. They have no logic, reasoning, foundation. Hindus are also not far behind. They all do this for money, power politics.
दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च।
अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ संपदमासुरीम्॥16.4॥
हे प्रथानन्दन! दम्भ, घमण्ड, अभिमान, क्रोध, कठोरता और अविवेक आसुरी प्रवृति के मनुष्य के लक्षण हैं।
Bhagwan Shri Krashn called Arjun Pratha Nandan-Son of Pratha! He said that arrogance, ego-pride, anger, harshness-rigidness and imprudence are the traits-signs of demonic tendency-ignorance.
किसी भी प्रकार का दम्भ, अपने को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर प्रस्तुत करना, डींग हाँकना, अपने मुँख अपनी प्रशंसा करना, दर्प-घमण्ड, किसी भी प्रकार का अभिमान, क्रोध, कठोरता, अज्ञान-अविवेक, आसुरी सम्पत्ति, आसुरी प्रवृति, आसुरी प्रकृति के लक्षण हैं। असुर शब्द का प्रयोग उन लोगों के लिए हुआ है, जो केवल इन्द्रिय सुख, भरण-पोषण, संयोगजन्य सुख, आसक्ति तक सीमित हैं और परमात्मा से उनका कोई सरोकार नहीं है। उनमें दुर्गुण-दुराचार, असतत् स्वतः पैदा हो जाते हैं। इनमें वे लोग भी शामिल हैं, जो लोभ-लालच, प्रलोभन, भय, दिखाकर दूसरों को धर्म परिवर्तन करवाते हैं। आतंक पैदा करने वाले, जिहादि जैसे लोग भी आसुरी प्रवृति वाले हैं, जो भगवान् के नाम पर अत्याचार, अनाचार, लूट, हत्या, सत्ता परिवर्तन जैसे घिनौने अपराध करते हैं। उनका भगवान् या धर्म से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है।
Arrogance of any magnitude, kind, level is dangerous for the bearer. One should never project himself beyond what he is or his ability. Its inadvisable not to show off or self praise oneself. Ego-pride of any scale is harmful. One should never boast of himself. Anger-anguish are harmful and self destructive, torturous, leading to pain, turmoil, agony and multiple losses. Strictness, rigidness, harshness beyond limit, is dangerous, harmful. One should be moderate and adoptive to environment, atmosphere, society, culture. These are negative tendencies which are Demonic, Satanic, Devilish in nature, pertaining to monsters-giants as well. One, who is indulged in comforts, feeding himself, passions, sensualities, sexuality, without caring for the existence of God, society-others, is bound to acquire demonic characterises. Those who are involved in change of faith-religion through physical torture, force, money, allurements, too are Devilish. Those who pretend Jihad utilise terrorist techniques are the real Demons, Devils-Shaetan. These people will surely increase the population of hells and take birth as inferior species after release from the hell. There are the people who make use of religion for the sake of power. They too are progressing to infinite misery and pain in hells.
दैवी संपद्विमोक्षाय निबन्धायासुरी मता।
मा शुचः संपदं दैवीमभिजातोऽसि पाण्डव॥16.5॥
दैवी सम्पत्ति मुक्ति के लिये और आसुरी सम्पत्ति बन्धन के लिये मानी गई है। हे पाण्डव! तुम दैवी सम्पत्ति को प्राप्त हुए हो, इसलिये तुम शोक-चिन्ता मत करो।
The Almighty asked Arjun not to worry, since he had attained divine virtues-qualities leading to Salvation while those who earned demonic tendencies move to bondage-rebirth.
दैवी सम्पत्ति धर्म-कर्म, पूजा-पाठ, व्रत-उपवास, समाज सेवा, इन्द्रिय दमन, भगवत्भक्ति, सत्कार्य आदि से प्राप्त होती है। दैवी सम्पत्ति का अर्थ है, व्यक्ति को मुक्ति-मोक्ष की तैयारी। इसके विपरीत दुर्गुण, दुर्भावना, अहंकार, ममता, कामना, सकाम सिद्धियों की प्राप्ति, इच्छाएँ, भोग आसुरी प्रवृतियों को बढ़ावा देती हैं, जो कि बन्धनकारी पुनः-पुनः जन्म-मरण प्रदायक है। मनुष्य जन्म दैवी सम्पत्ति के लिए है और कर्म योग, ज्ञान योग तथा भक्ति योग इसमें सहायक हैं।
Its not difficult to gather divine virtues. One can easily mend his ways by resorting to prayers, worship, Yog, social service, repression of passions, sensuality, sexuality, lust, lasciviousness, speaking with calm in composed tone, good behaviour etc. One who has earned divine virtues is sure to pave his way to assimilation in God. Ego, allurements, desires, comforts, bad temperament, aggressiveness, violence, prayers with motive, always lead to demonic tendencies further leading one to rebirth. Human body is meant for making efforts for divinity. Karm Yog, Gyan Yog & Bhakti Yog are of immense help to achieve Liberation.
द्वौ भूतसर्गौ लोकेऽस्मिन्दैव आसुर एव च।
दैवो विस्तरशः प्रोक्त आसुरं पार्थ मे शृणु॥16.6॥
इस लोक में दो तरह के ही प्राणियों की सृष्टि हुई है :- दैवी और आसुरी। दैवी को तो मैंने विस्तार से कह दिया है, अब हे पार्थ! मुझ से आसुरी सृष्टि के बारे में विस्तार से सुनो।
Bhagwan Shri Krashn told Arjun by addressing him as Parth that there were only two types of creations, castes, divisions & that HE had described the divine (pious, virtuous, truthful, righteous, wise, enlightened) creations in detail at length and he was going to narrate about the demonic (ignorant) creations.
प्रकृति में दो तरह की सृष्टि हैं :- दैवी और आसुरी। दोनों शक्तियाँ एक दूसरे के विपरीत हैं। भूत सर्ग में सभी प्रकार की सृष्टि आ जाती है। परमात्मा का अंश चेतन है। प्रकृति का अंश जड़ है। जब तक चेतन अंश प्रकृति से जुड़ा है, वह आसुरी सम्पदा के अंतर्गत आता है। जैसे ही वह प्रकृति से विमुख होकर परमात्मा की ओर बढ़ता है, उसमें दैवी सम्पदा का प्रादुर्भाव हो जाता है। दुराचार, अनाचार, अत्याचार करने वाले परमात्मा से विमुख होते हैं और उनका पाप निरंतर बढ़ता चला जाता है। दैवी और आसुरी शक्तियाँ दोनों ही लौकिक हैं। अलौकिक अनन्त और अपार है। लौकिक की स्वतंत्र सत्ता नहीं है। जीव ने ही लौकिक को धारण कर रखा है। जब तक जीव की दृष्टि में संसार की सत्ता है, तभी तक लौकिक है। संसार की सत्ता न रहने से सभी कुछ अलौकिक है।
The nature has two types of creations acting in opposite directions. The first one tend to move towards the God, while the second one acts the other way round-the nature. The past creations govern both of them. The alert, enlightened, wise component is a the form of the Almighty. It leads one to imperishable-divinity. The segment which is rigid-inertial is governed by the nature and follows the dictates of ignorance-darkness, lethargies having demonic traits. The demonic character always moves one to perishable leading to long sequence of birth & rebirth. As soon as this component start moving to the God his character changes from perishable to imperishable-divine. Those who are busy in atrocities, torture, terrorism, teasing, assassination, murders, crimes, rape, snatching, frauds, Jihad, terrorism etc. etc. are the ignorant ones going to suffer in future. Their sin graph will continue to rise further and further. The organism is responsible to give strength to perishable character which is demonic, devilish, satanic. The moment one start ignoring the negative forces his freedom-Salvation is sure. He will start the journey to bliss-pleasure which is the Ultimate-divine. Divinity is infinite, imperishable.
प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च जना न विदुरासुराः।
न शौचं नापि चाचारो न सत्यं तेषु विद्यते॥16.7॥
आसुरी प्रकृति वाले मनुष्य को किसमें प्रवृत्त होना चाहिये और किससे निवृत्त होना चाहिये, वे नहीं जानते और उनमें न तो बाह्य शुद्धि, न श्रेष्ठ आचरण तथा न सत्य पालन ही होता है।
A person with demonic nature-tendency is not aware of the path-direction to be followed or to be rejected.
He lacks prudence, external purity, virtues, honesty and truthfulness.
आसुरी प्रवृत्ति वाले मनुष्य खान-पान, शिक्षा-दीक्षा, उचित-अनुचित, शुद्धि-अशुद्धि की पहचान और विवेक नहीं रखते। संस्कार जैसी चीजों का उनमें अभाव रहता है। उनका मार्ग निर्देशन भी सम्भव नहीं है। उनमें विवेक का नितान्त अभाव होता है। ऐसे व्यक्ति को देखने से भी पाप लगता है और अपवित्रता आती है। किसके साथ कैसा व्यवहार होना चाहिये, इसका आभास भी उन्हें नहीं होता। किस परिस्थिति में कैसा आचरण करना चाहिये, इसकी समझ-जानकारी उन्हें नहीं होती। शौचाचार, सदाचार, सत्य निष्ठा का उनमें सर्वदा अभाव ही रहता है। उन्हें भोगों, सुख-आराम, स्वार्थ सिद्धि के अलावा अन्य कुछ भी नहीं सूझता। उनकी निष्ठा लौकिक भी नहीं होती पारलौकिक-अलौकिक की तो बात नहीं करनी। शास्त्र की सोच-समझ उन्हें कतई नहीं होती। उनका आचरण उन्हें नरकों में घसीटता चला जाता है।
One having demonic traits-tendencies do not possess ability to decide what is right or wrong for him. What to eat or reject is not clear to him. He eat meat, consume wine and enjoy sex with other women. Purity, truthfulness, virtues carries no weight for him. He grossly lack virtues. Its not possible to guide him. He lacks prudence-capability to think and analyse. His sight is enough to generate sin in the on looker. He do not know how to behave with others, specially elders-enlightened. Piousity, good habit-conduct are far away from him. He just want comforts and satisfaction of his needs-desires. He may go to any extent for his personal gains. He is averse to good relations in this society. He do not maintain harmonious-congenial (अनुकूल, सौहार्दपूर्ण, suited, favourable, compatible, congruent, propitious) relations with others. He grossly lack orderliness. Neither he knows the scriptures nor try to listen to elders, scriptures, proper advice which carries him to hells.
असत्यमप्रतिष्ठं ते जगदाहुरनीश्वरम्।
अपरस्परसंभूतं किमन्यत्कामहैतुकम्॥16.8॥
आसुरी प्रवृति-प्रकृति के लोग कहा करते हैं कि संसार असत्य, बिना मर्यादा (decorum-code of conduct) के और बिना ईश्वर के अपने आप केवल स्त्री-पुरुष के संयोग से पैदा हुआ है। इसलिये काम ही इसका कारण है, इसके सिवाय और क्या कारण है (अर्थात अन्य कोई कारण हो ही नहीं सकता।)?
The ignorant-demonic says that the world is unreal, without foundation (basis-substratum, बुनियाद, आधार) & has appeared without the God, just by the relation of the man & woman. Therefore, sex is the basis of this world (or what else?!).
आसुरी प्रवृति के व्यक्ति इस जगत को मिथ्या बताते हैं। वो समझते हैं कि यज्ञ, हवन, तप, दान-पुण्य, ध्यान, स्वाध्याय, तीर्थ, व्रत आदि शुभ कर्म व्यर्थ, छलावा, बहकाने वाले, बकवास हैं। उन्हें धर्म, ईश्वर, लोक-परलोक में विश्वास नहीं है। उनके हिसाब से इस जगत को बनाने, चलाने वाला कोई है ही नहीं। पुण्य-पाप धर्म-अधर्म जैसी कोई चीज नहीं है। वे कहते हैं कि संसार महज स्त्री और पुरुष के संयोग-सहवास का परिणाम है। वे केवल काम-वषय वासना को ही संसार का हेतु-सर्वस्व मानते हैं।
The demonic person has no faith in the existence of God. For him the world is the creation of the sexual intercourse between male & female. The world has no foundation-basis or the support. All religious acts are to merely befool-cheat the common man-masses. Charity, donations, pilgrimage, holy sacrifices in fire, prayer-worship, self study-learning, fasting are useless or deceptive-bluffing. There is nothing like virtues, austerity, righteousness, piousity, honesty and the sin for them. For them sexual intercourse between male & female (हव्वा-आदम) resulted into the creation of the world. The world is meant for enjoyment only. In short they are atheists. For them sex is the only motive behind the creation & existence of world.
एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धयः।
प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माणः क्षयाय जगतोऽहिताः॥16.9॥
इस नास्तिक दृष्टि का आश्रय लेने वाले जो मनुष्य नित्य स्वरुप को नहीं मानते, जिनकी बुद्धि तुच्छ है, जो उग्र कर्म करने वाले और संसार के शत्रु हैं, उन मनुष्यों की सामर्थ्य का उपयोग जगत का नाश करने के लिये होता है।
One who is an atheist and do not believe in his own existence, has low intelligence & no vision, does cruel acts and is the enemies of the world (society, civilisation); utilise his calibre-capabilities for the turmoil-destruction of the world.
नास्तिक, आसुरी प्रकृति, प्रवृति वाला व्यक्ति भगवान्, कर्तव्य-अकर्तव्य, सदाचार, शौचाचार, प्रारब्ध, लोक-परलोक, पाप-पुण्य, दण्ड-विधान आदि को नहीं मानता। आत्मा या उसका चेतन स्वरुप को भी वह नहीं मानता। उसकी दृष्टि में जड़ ही सब कुछ होने से, उसका पतन अनिवार्य है। अल्प बुद्धि होने से वह सोचने-समझने में असमर्थ और विवेकहीन है। धन संग्रह, अनाचार, भोग के वह लालायित रहता है, कुछ भी कर सकता है और किसी भी सीमा तक जा सकता है। चोर-डाकू, पुलिस, बलवान का भय उसे हर वक्त लगा रहता है; परन्तु ईश्वर का भय उसे कदापि नहीं है। दूसरों का अहित, नुकसान करना और उन्हें परेशान करना उसे अच्छा लगता है। अपनी शक्ति, सामर्थ्य, पद, अधिकार का दुरुपयोग वह अन्य व्यक्ति का नाश करने में ही करता है। दूसरों का हक छीनना, जान से मारना, पशुओं को मार कर खा जाना, उसका स्वभाव है। उसकी बेजा हरकतों से दूसरों को कितनी और क्या परेशानी हुई, इसकी उसे कतई चिन्ता नहीं है। लब्बो-लबाब यह कि उसका स्वभाव और व्यवहार आतंकवादियों जैसा है।
He do not believe in the existence of God. Destiny, duty, virtues, this world or the other world, sin or piousity, rule of law, ethics-morality carries no weight for him. He do not recognise the soul and its impact over the organism. He is one with low intelligence and lacks capability to think, analyse, meditate. He is grossly imprudent. He is always ready to accumulate wealth by fair or foul means. He goes beyond limits for comforts, sex, passions. He is not afraid of the God but always worries about the thieves, dacoits, police and the mighty. He likes teasing, torturing, harming others. He utilises his calibre, power, might for the sack of eliminating others. He do not allow others to have their sovereignty, peace. Its easy for him to kill and eat the animals belonging to others. He is not bothered about the tension-trouble caused to others by his misdeeds. In short, he is like the terrorists who dance to the tunes of others.
President of Iran-Ebrahim Raisi, North Korea-Kim, Russia-Putin and China-Xi Jinping are more or less are bent upon killing millions of people in their neighbourhood without any justified reason and are terrorists.
काममाश्रित्य दुष्पूरं दम्भमानमदान्विताः।
कभी पूरी न होने वाली कामनाओं का आश्रय लेकर दम्भ, अभिमान और मद में चूर रहने वाले तथा अपवित्र व्रत धारण करने वाले मनुष्य मोह के कारण दुराग्रहों को धारण करके संसार में विचरते रहते हैं।
The people who depend upon the insatiable desires; remain filled with hypocrisy, pride and arrogance; holding impure, contaminated commitments, motives due to ignorance & illusion and keep on roaming over the earth, bearing impure motives-intensions.
आसुरी प्रवृति वाला व्यक्ति कभी भी पूरी न होने वाली कामनाओं का आश्रय लेते हैं। वे यह मानते हैं कि कामनाओं के बगैर कोई व्यक्ति तरक्की कर ही नहीं सकता। उनका यह भी मानना है कि जितने भी व्यक्ति नेता, पण्डित, धनी हुए हैं, उनके पीछे कामना ही है। वे दम्भ, मद, मान-अहङ्कार से ग्रसित रहते हैं। उनके इरादे कभी नेक-ठीक नहीं होते। उनमें दुराग्रह यथा जनसंहार, आग लगाना, लूटपाट तथा वर्णव्यवस्था, नियम-कानून को न मानना कूट-कूट कर भरा होता है। मूढ़ता, तामसी बुद्धि, अविवेक उनके मूल मंत्र अथवा चरित्र की पहचान हैं। सत्कर्म, सद्भाव और सद्विचारों का उनमें अभाव है। वे शास्त्र, ईश्वर, धर्म को न मानकर केवल काम-वासना के सहारे रहते हैं।
One with demonic tendencies depend over the desires which can never be fulfilled-satisfied. His concept is that no one can progress without desire-motive. His firm faith is that the leaders, scholars, wealthy are so, because they wanted to have these things. He is over taken by ego, pride, arrogance, hypocrisy. His targets are never pure pertaining to social welfare. He believe in destruction, mass murders, torching human settlements. He has no faith in Varnashram Dharm, rule of law and orderliness. He is full of arrogance, ignorance, idiocy, imprudence, negative thinking which constitute his personality, character, behaviour. He lack pious, virtuous, righteous, honesty, mutual love & affections, positive thoughts-ideas or constructive thinking. He has no belief-faith in God, religions or the scriptures; leading them to satisfaction of lust, passions, sexuality, sensuality, lasciviousness, immoral behaviour.
During the current era Muslims, British, Nazi, Communists, Fascists, political parties in India including TMC, Samajwadi, Congress & Shiv Sena are the examples of such people.
Iran Russia, China & North Korea are the worst example of this tendency. Afghanistan & Pakistan are the worst countries. During Kali Yug the number of such people will increase tremendously, but will perish ultimately.
चिन्तामपरिमेयां च प्रलयान्तामुपाश्रिताः।
कामोपभोगपरमा एतावदिति निश्चिताः॥16.11॥
वे मृत्यु पर्यन्त रहने वाली अपार चिन्ताओं का आश्रय लेने वाले, पदार्थों का संग्रह और उनका भोग करने में ही लगे रहने वाले और जो कुछ है, वह इतना ही है, ऐसा निश्चय करने वाले होते हैं।
A man with demonic tendencies is always perturbed-worried about the endless tensions-anxieties pertaining to accumulation of goods & commodities and their utilisation-consumption till devastation-death comes; considering them to be insufficient.
आसुरी प्रवृति वाले व्यक्ति की चिन्ताएँ प्रलय, अन्त, मृत्यु तक मिटती ही नहीं। उसे पारमार्थिक चिन्ता तो हो ही नहीं सकती। धन, सम्पत्ति, उपभोग और ऐश-आराम की वस्तुओं का संग्रह और उनका उपभोग ही उसका उद्देश्य होता है। उसे अपने धन-सम्पत्ति से सन्तुष्टि नहीं है और वह उन्हें अपर्याप्त मानता है। वह मृत्यु के पश्चात् पुनर्जन्म को न जानता है और न समझता है। परलोक उसकी दृष्टि में ढ़कोसला है।
One with demonic tendencies do not recognise rebirth. For him rebirth is a myth. He consider pleasure-enjoyment as the sole purpose of life. "Eat drink and be merry" is sole motto, for him. He earns and accumulates various goods for luxury, show off, display. He believes in consumption for the sake of pleasure, satisfaction-satiation of desires, lust-passions only. He is never satisfied with his possessions and wish to have more & more of every thing.
आशापाशशतैर्बद्धाः कामक्रोधपरायणाः।
ईहन्ते कामभोगार्थमन्यायेनार्थसञ्चयान्॥16.12॥
वे आशा की सैंकड़ों फाँसियों से बँधे हुए मनुष्य काम-क्रोध के परायण होकर पदार्थों का भोग करने के लिये अन्यायपूर्वक धन-संचय करने की चेष्टा करते रहते हैं।
One with demonic traits try to collect-amass wealth through corrupt, illegal, sinful acts-means for the sack of consumption, luxuries, comforts, sensual pleasures, tied with hundreds of knots of hope around his neck.
आसुरी प्रवृति वाले मनुष्य को हर वक्त आशा रहती है कि एक न एक दिन वो बहुत धनवान, प्रसिद्ध, निरोग, अजर-अमर हो जायेगा। इसके लिए वो छल-छन्द, प्रपञ्च, धोखा-धड़ी, पाप, अन्याय, निर्दयता का सहारा लेकर धन कमाने-संचय करने में जुटा-लगा रहता है। इच्छा-कामना पूर्ति न होने पर वह क्रोध से भर जाता है। उसे काम-सुख की आशा-लालसा ने जकड़ रक्खा है। हर ख्वाइश उसके गले में एक नई गाँठ, फाँस, फाँसी का फँदा बाँध देती है।
One suffering from demonic tendencies is always busy in collecting money, to fulfil his insatiable (अतृप्य, अतृप्त) desires. He can go to any extreme to do that. When he fails in satisfying his needs, he is filled with rage and becomes intolerable-uncontrolled. He is inclined to satisfy his lust, desire for more and wealth, comforts, luxuries. Each unfulfilled desire is like a noose around his neck.
In todays scenario every one is after money. People join politics and business with this motive. In Indian parents want their ward-progeny to become, doctor, engineer or an MBA-management expert because of their lust-hunger for luxuries-comforts. The engineer become corrupt & doctors behave like butchers. Ultimately, they become dreaded criminals and endanger the society.
इदमद्य मया लब्धमिमं प्राप्स्ये मनोरथम्।
इदमस्तीदमपि मे भविष्यति पुनर्धनम्॥16.13॥
आसुरी प्रवृति वाल व्यक्ति मनोरथ बनाता है कि उसने इतना सामान और धन इकठ्ठा कर लिया है और इतना करना बाकी है।
One with demonic tendency is always busy in thinking that he has earned amassed this much wealth and this much is still needed.
आसुरी तबियत का व्यक्ति सही-गलत सभी तरीकों से धन संग्रह करके भी असन्तुष्ट रहता है और सोचता है कि इतना और कमाना है। दैवी प्रवृति का व्यक्ति यह सोचता है कि प्राप्त हुए धन को जन मानस के उपयोग में किस प्रकार लाना है। One with demonic tendency is never satisfied with his possessions and crave for even more. He never thinks of the means through which the money comes to him. Murder, dacoity, loot, fraud, burglary, corruption, prostitution, terrorism, tax evasion, printing fake currency notes, are quite common with him. He is busy in cyber crimes. He will heck your mail or mobile and transfer all of your wealth into his account. Political parties collect trillions in their accounts through donations & dubious means, constituting of black money and then their heads transfer the booty in their personnel account in tax heavens.
Previous UPA-Congress regime indulged in numerous scandals and its head has trillions in her deposits. She has numerous bank accounts and unaccounted wealth. She did not spare the defence sector as well and compromised with countries security being a native of Italy and a Christian. She has no sentiments for India. She is supported by millions with demonic traits. She is always surrounded by the corrupt, without ethics, virtues, morality and honesty. She visits temples, churches and mosques just to deceive the God, what to talk of common masses. If you think that others are better than her, forget it.
They are equally corrupt, dishonest with a few exceptions. The wife of the chief minister (now in jail) in a centrally governed state-Delhi, has more than Rs.200 crore to her credit. Where has this money come from!? In their life time these people will not be able to use this money. One of the ex-chief ministers who had been a teacher once, has more than Rs. 5,000 crore in her and her relative's, brother's names. Yet another ex-chief ministers had been found guilty of disproportionate property in her name. These four people are women who have lust for ill gotten money. An ex-chief minister of UP and his son, who is presently chief minister, has trillions with them but still the thirst is not quenched. The political party at the centre need their support and they are roaming Scot free, but only till the crime graph of these demons is not levelled.
Another person, head of a regional party, former chief minister and a defence minister & his daughter have trillions with them. Former chief minister of Punjab too possess billions.
The ruling party too can not claim it to be clean, it has hawala leaders with it.
असौ मया हतः शत्रुर्हनिष्ये चापरानपि।
ईश्वरोऽहमहं भोगी सिद्धोऽहं बलवान्सुखी॥16.14॥
आसुरी प्रवृति वाला व्यक्ति अहँकार पूर्वक कहता है कि वह शत्रु तो हमारे द्वारा मारा गया और उन दूसरे शत्रुओं को भी हम मार देंगे। हम ईश्वर-सर्वसमर्थ हैं। हम भोग भोगने वाले हैं। हम सिद्ध हैं। बड़े बलवान और सुखी हैं।
One with demonic tendencies nurtures the false notions that he has killed his enemy and will kill rest of the enemies. He is God and capable of doing every thing. He is for enjoying pleasures, passions, sensuality, sexuality, lust, lasciviousness. He is successful, mighty and happy.
आसुरी प्रवृति से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति स्वयं को भगवान् मानता है और यह समझता है कि उसने अपने शत्रुओं का विनाश कर दिया और शेष बचे-खुचे शत्रुओं को वह मार डालेगा; क्योंकि वह समर्थ, बलशाली है। वह यह मानकर चलता है कि भोग, विलास, आमोद-प्रमोद उसी के लिये बने हैं। वह स्वयं को सिद्ध-कुछ भी करने में समर्थ-सक्षम समझता है। हिरण्यकशिपु, रावण और कंस भी इसी दुराग्रह से ग्रस्त थे और परमात्मा द्वारा मारे गये।
आज के युग में मुसलमान-इस्लाम आसुरी प्रवृति से बुरी तरह ग्रस्त हैं और हैवानियत का दूसरा नाम है। परन्तु इनका अन्त भी निश्चित ही है।
One with demonic, devilish, Satanic, evil traits, considers himself to be God and all powerful-capable. He thinks that he is mighty and has eliminated his enemy and is sure to kill rest of them. He thinks that all pleasures, luxuries are meant for him. He is to enjoy passions, lust, sensuality, sexuality. He is successful in doing what he wanted to do. Hiranykashipu, Ravan & Kans were over taken by this falls notion and were killed by the Almighty.
During the current cosmic era Muslims-Islamists possess demonic tendencies, are satanic & synonym to dreaded beast-animals.
आढ्योऽभिजनवानस्मि कोऽन्योऽस्ति सदृशो मया।
यक्ष्ये दास्यामि मोदिष्य इत्यज्ञानविमोहिताः॥16.15॥
हम धनवान हैं, बहुत से मनुष्य हमारे पास हैं, हमारे समान दूसरा कौन है? हम खूब यज्ञ करेंगे, दान देंगे और मौज करेंगे; इस तरह वे अज्ञान से मोहित रहते हैं।
They are illusioned-deluded by ignorance, leading them to consider them selves to be wealthy, with numerable people on their fold, boasting to be superior than others they pledge to hold numerous Yagy, holy sacrifices in fire added with rituals and to donate a lot of money and enjoy in all possible manner.
आसुरी प्रवृति वाले व्यक्तियों में अहङ्कार कूट-कूट कर भरा होता है। वे स्वयं को धन और शक्ति-सामर्थ्य से सम्पन्न मानते हैं। अपने पक्ष में बहुत से लोगों के होने का दावा करते हैं। वे बड़ी-बड़ी दान-दक्षिणाओं से युक्त बड़े-बड़े यज्ञ करवाने का वादा करते हैं। बढ़-चढ़कर बातें करना, डींग हाँकना, अपनी बड़ाई करना उनका स्वभाव है। मौज-मस्ती करने को तो वे सदा तैयार रहते हैं।
One with demonic traits is full of ego. He considers himself to be very wealthy, rich and capable, having the support of numerous people. They talk of holding holy sacrifices in fire added with rituals and prayers and to distribute lots and lots of money, cloths, food, domestic goods, cows, vehicles etc. to the needy, poor and the Brahmans-Pandits. "To boast of themselves", is a part of their habit. They are always ready, willing to enjoy in every possible manner. The sacrifices in fire made by them are meant for devilish-satanic purposes. They never desire of human welfare. Ravan and his flock used to hold regular Yagy, Hawan, prayers, ascetic practices but with dangerous motives. Such people perform prayers just to obtain demonic powers. The terrorist of today have all these traits. Heads of governments in ISIS ruled provinces, China, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia etc. have these tendencies. Russia under Communists suffered due to this reason only.
At present Russia's president is bent upon crushing Ukraine. More than 80 Lakh people have been displaced, thousands killed and many more are going to be subjected to this demonic tendency.
Idi Amin, dictator of Uganda practically ate meat of the women with whom he had sex. Amin's rule was characterised by rampant human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, nepotism, corruption and gross economic mismanagement. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is estimated by international observers and human rights groups to range from 1,00,000 to 5,00,000.
अनेकचित्तविभ्रान्ता मोहजालसमावृताः।
प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु पतन्ति नरकेऽशुचौ॥16.16॥
कामनाओं के कारण तरह-तरह से भ्रमित चित्त वाले, मोह जाल में पूरी तरह फँसे हुए तथा पदार्थों और भोगों में अत्यन्त आसक्त रहने वाले मनुष्य भयंकर नरकों में गिरते हैं।
Bewildered by many fancies, badly confused-illusioned by the multiple desires, badly struck in the allurements-attachments and attracted-addicted towards various commodities and sensuality, passions, comforts-luxuries people with demonic-devilish tendencies fall in various kinds of hells.
आसुरी प्रवृत्ति-हैवानियत मनुष्य को कभी चैन से बैठने नहीं देती। वह हर वक़्त इसी उधेड़-बुन में रहता है कि किस प्रकार कामनाओं, वासनाओं, जरूरतों की पूर्ति हो। उनका चित्त कभी शान्त-सन्तुष्ट नहीं रहता। वस्तुओं, सम्बन्धियों, नाते-रिश्तेदारों, पुत्र-पत्नी का मोह उनकी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति, उसे हमेशां कमाने-खाने में व्यस्त रखती है। इस सबके लिए वह तरह-तरह के झूँठ, कपट, धोखा-धड़ी, छल-छंद करता है और पाप कार्यों में लिप्त रहता है, जिससे उसे बेहद खतरनाक-भयंकर नरकों में गिरकर यातनाएँ झेलनी पड़ती हैं। वह इस बात की परवाह भी नहीं करता कि अगले जन्म या आने वाले वक्त में उसका क्या होगा!?
The illusioned suffering from demonic character is always busy designing ways and means to commit crimes, frauds, forgeries, scams, to gather wealth through dubious means-sins. He tries to satisfy the desires of relatives, son & wife for comforts, luxuries, money etc.
He is badly tied in earning money for them. He is prepared to go to any extreme including murders, dacoities, narcotics trade, buying selling women and pushing them into prostitution, phishing over the net-mobile to withdraw the money in the accounts of others. These acts are sinful and the doer is bound to remain in dreaded-torturous hells. The political class of today, is the worst possible in this category. The Britishers, Muslim invaders-intruders too fall in this class. Kim, Assad, Baghdadi, Putin, Chinese-Pakistani rulers and the rulers in India as well, are identical in this regard. They do all sinful acts without the inking of the thought of their future or the next birth.
Muslim & Sikh-Khalistani terrorists keep on planning new ways and means of mass murders-genocide. They do it to satisfy their lust, gain money and eye power in the territories under their control.
Those in power are often found to have close contacts with them and escape the clutches of the law due to their influence & position.
आत्मसंभाविताः स्तब्धा धनमानमदान्विताः।
यजन्ते नामयज्ञैस्ते दम्भेनाविधिपूर्वकम्॥16.17॥
अपने को सबसे अधिक पूज्य मानने वाले, अकड़ रखने वाले तथा धन और मान के मद में चूर रहने वाले वे मनुष्य दम्भ (अभिमान, अहम्, अंहकार, घमण्ड, अवज्ञा) से अविधि पूर्वक नाम मात्र के यज्ञों से यजन करते हैं।
Those with demonic traits consider them self to be more honoured reputed, respected than the others, are egoistic, full of arrogance and intoxication, due to wealth and falls pride, perform Yagy, Hawan, Ritualistic Holy Sacrifices in fire, without proper procedures & without abiding to the guidelines provided in the Shastr-scriputres, just for the sack of show business-to show off.
आसुरी प्रवृति से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति पद, मान, धन-सम्पदा के कारण स्वयं को दूसरों से ऊँचा-श्रेष्ठ और सम्मानीय मानने लगते हैं। साधु, संत, महात्मा, विद्वान व्यक्तियों, तपस्वियों से भी यह अपेक्षा करते हैं कि वे उनका आदर करें। उनमें अहङ्कार बढ़ता चला जाता है और स्वभाव में अकड़ आती जाती है। उनके धार्मिक आयोजन भी महज़ दिखावे के लिये होते हैं। उनके यज्ञ-हवन में शास्त्रोक्त विधि-विधान, भावना-भक्ति का अभाव रहता है। वे पूजा-पाठ भी दिखावे को करते हैं। उनका दान भी कुपात्रों के लिये ही होता है। वे दूसरों को मूर्ख और स्वयं को समझदार मानते हैं।
मोदी आडंबर, दिखावा ज्यादा करता है, त्रस्त-सताये गये लोगों की बात न सुनकर केवल-और केवल अपनी ही हाँकता रहता है (नरेन्द्र मोदी की तरह) अर्थात अंहकार ग्रस्त हो गया है।
रावण और उसका परिवार इस यज्ञों को पूरी निष्ठा और ईमानदारी से करता था; मगर अहम, अहङ्कार और दुर्भावना-दूसरों की हानि के भावना तो उनमें रहती ही थी।
The demonic, devilish, satanic person is full of arrogance, false pride, intoxication. He considers himself to be superior to others, because of the wealth & power-might possessed by him through deceit. His ego stops him from respecting-honouring the scholars, ascetics, saints. On the contrary; he would like them to honour-bless, garland him in front of the large crowds. With the increase in his possessions his arrogance goes on increasing, crossing all limits. He would perform rituals, prayers, Yagy, Hawan, Ritualistic Holy Sacrifices in fire, without proper procedures & without abiding to the guidelines of the scriptures, just for the sack of show business, to show off. He would visit shrines in helicopters, guarded by numerous security personnel & expect the priests to welcome him at the entrance in front of large gathering. He would like to reach the idols-statues of the deity by breaking the ques. He wish to be treated as a VVIP & even more important than the deity. He donates the ill gotten money to non deserving people. In today's scenario neo rich having multi millions, donate money which reaches the hands of terrorists. The result is obvious. He is sent to hell.
One finds Mamta, Modi, Rahul and the entire political stuff, visiting one after shrine due to political compulsions, neither faith nor respect.
They obtain land at subsidised rates from the government for opening charitable institutions like hospitals, schools, old age homes, inns, temples and run them as commercial organisations. Here they do not mind removing body parts in the hospitals, charge exorbitant fees in schools, make porn in temples, run sex trade in inns and what not!?
Proudy & arrogant Ravan born out of a Brahman performed all sacrifices in holy fire with love, devotion but with the desire to control others.
अहंकारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं च संश्रिताः।
मामात्मपरदेहेषु प्रद्विषन्तोऽभ्यसूयकाः॥16.18॥
वे अहंकार, हठ (persistence, stubbornness, obstinacy), घमण्ड, कामना और क्रोध का आश्रय लेने वाले मनुष्य अपने और दूसरों के शरीर में रहने वाले मुझ अन्तर्यामी के साथ द्वेष करते हैं तथा मेरे और दूसरों के गुणों में दोष दृष्टि रखते हैं।
These malicious people with demonic traits cling to egoism, obstinacy, arrogance, desire and anger and find faults with the qualities, traits, characteristics of the God who dwells in their own bodies and those of others.
अहंकार, हठ, घमण्ड, कामना और क्रोध आसुरी स्वाभाव के द्योतक हैं। शास्त्र में इन बातों का निषेध किया गया है। श्रुति और स्मृति परमात्मा की आज्ञाएँ हैं और उनकी अवज्ञा नहीं करनी चाहिये। ऐसा करने वाला व्यक्ति नरकगामी होता है। आसुरी स्वाभाव के व्यक्ति अपने और अन्य शरीरों में रहने वाले भगवान् में खोट-बुराइयाँ ही ढूँढते रहते हैं। वे स्वयं तो दुःखी रहते ही हैं, दूसरों को भी दुःख पहुँचाते हैं। वे भगवान् को पक्षपाती मानते हैं और साधु-सन्त, महात्मा, तपस्वियों को ढ़ोंगी कहते हैं। उन्हें संसार में अच्छाई दिखाई ही नहीं देती।
The people with demonic traits have egoism, obstinacy, arrogance, desire and anger and they keep on finding faults with the qualities, traits, characteristics of the God present in themselves and the others. The scriptures ask the people to have equanimous behaviour. The scriptures are available in various forms like one transferred from one generation to another and the other as memories. The Eternal, old Indian-Sanatan (Dharm) method of teaching and learning stressed over grasping & memorising the whole text and keep it in the memory and then hand it over to the next generation. The demonic people too followed this system in learning but in actions they followed the opposite direction. They never honoured the saints, sages, scholars, ascetics, learned, philosophers. They remain worried, full of sorrow and likes to torture, tease, harm others. They find fault with others, without looking to themselves (there is lack of soul searching, self analysis). They do not find goodness in others.
The demons too learnt Veds. At one stage they even stole them to prevent others to read them, but always gave wrong, negative interpretations of them.
At present numerous people are busy breaking traditions, cultural norms and defining the scriptures & Veds otherwise.
तानहं द्विषतः क्रुरान्संसारेषु नराधमान्।
क्षिपाम्यजस्रमशुभानासुरीष्वेव योनिषु॥16.19॥
उन द्वेष करने वाले, क्रूर स्वभाव वाले और संसार में अत्यधिक नीच, अपवित्र मनुष्यों को मैं बार-बार आसुरी योनियों में ही गिराता रहता हूँ।
The Almighty resolved that HE send the sinners, mean, wretched, impure-impious people with demonic traits who possess rivalry-hatred, cruelty, sinfulness for others, to Demonic-lower species again and again.
परमात्मा द्वेष करने वाले, क्रूर स्वभाव वाले, अत्यधिक नीच-अधम, अपवित्र मनुष्यों को बार-बार आसुरी योनियों (साँप, मगरमच्छ, कुत्ता, शेर, भेड़िया आदि) में ही भेजते रहते हैं। नर्क में वास से तो पाप नष्ट होते हैं, परन्तु नीच प्रवृति के मनुष्यों के संग-साथ से पाप बढ़ते हैं। अतः मनुष्य को अपने बच्चों के लालन-पालन में इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखना चाहिये। नौकरों के सहारे पलने वाले बच्चों में अच्छे संस्कारों का अभाव स्वाभाविक है। नौकरों के संस्कार अच्छे हैं, इस बात का प्रमाण मिलना मुश्किल है। आजकल ऐसा रिवाज़ हो गया है कि माँ-बाप बच्चे को सुधारने वाले शिक्षक को प्रताड़ित करने से बाज़ नहीं आते और परिणाम भी सामने आ जाता है।
The Almighty never delays in sending the cruel, notorious, dreaded criminals, murderers to hells & demonic species. Hell is certainly better than the company of the wretched, smeared, since hells cut off the sins, but company of the wretched, vicious, sinners, villains is sure to lead one to wrong direction. It has become a fashion to rush to school and hit the teacher, who ask the child to improve. The TV channels, news papers and the media make a lot of hue and cry and tarnish the image of the sincere teachers who try to improve the child. The child commit numerous mistakes which needs to be eliminated but the parents prevent this. The teacher in his zeal to improve the child, too cross the boundary-limit! The unworthy parents have to repent later throughout their life. As is the trend, the servants look after the child and invariably bad habits are passed on to the child. As one finds out; most of the criminals, terrorists, anti nationals, spoilt people were not groomed-reared properly, in their childhood. They are low on education, culture, virtues and morals. A certain segment of society following other religious practices, is taught demonic tendencies, traits, sinful acts from the very early childhood. A new trend has emerged. Innocent children are made to become human bombs, terrorists, out laws. They are trained to commit murders, rapes, loot, dacoity, invasion, burglary etc. etc. In Jhar Khand & Noida India, there are schools which train the youngsters to commit cyber crimes. Thousands of Nigerians over stays & commit cyber crimes, frauds, narcotics trade in India, almost everyday. Millions of wretched Rohingyas and Bangladeshis including Pakistanis have infiltrated in India. However, it is certain & is a prophecy that this segment of society will vanish sooner or later, automatically.
Young couples who are employed rarely feel the need to pay enough attention to their progeny. They send the child in infancy to creche to look after them. The values, culture, society of creche owners, servants are copied by the infants and remain as such throughout their life.
The teachers too are rarely good enough to educate children. Reservation has totally spoiled education and values. Now, the Brahmans find no place-priority in teaching profession. There is no place for values, morals, scriptures in the curriculum. The teachers, principals lack morality. The principal lack administrative, managerial, supervisory skills. The education is westernised. The syllabus was heavily in favour of the Mughal emperors (brutal killers-murderers), Muslims during Congress regime.
आसुरीं योनिमापन्ना मूढा जन्मनि जन्मनि।
मामप्राप्यैव कौन्तेय ततो यान्त्यधमां गतिम्॥16.20॥
हे कुन्ती नन्दन! वे मूढ़ मनुष्य मुझे प्राप्त न करके जन्म-जन्मान्तर में आसुरी योनि को प्राप्त होते हैं, फिर उससे भी अधिक अधम गति में अर्थात भयंकर नरकों में चले जाते हैं।
The Almighty addressed Arjun as Kunti Nandan and elaborated further. The ignorant-deluded with demonic traits do not desire of assimilation in the God and continue taking birth in demonic species, ultimately leading to fearsome-furious hells.
आसुरी प्रवृति के मनुष्य परमात्मा को प्राप्त करने के सुअवसर, मानव योनि में जन्म को व्यर्थ कर देते हैं और पुनः-पुनः हीन आसुरी योनियों में जन्म लेते हैं। आसुरी योनि (भूत, प्रेत, पिशाच, ब्रह्म राक्षस, कबन्ध-सिर कट जाने पर बचा हुआ धड़ जो चलने, फिरने में समर्थ होता है, चुड़ैल आदि) में जन्म, उनके पापों के भोग के लिए अपर्याप्त होता है और फिर उन्हें भयङ्कर नरकों से गुजरना पड़ता है। मानव शरीर प्राप्ति का उद्देश्य-अवसर केवल मात्र भगवत प्राप्ति हेतु है। यही वो दुर्लभ अवसर है जब मनुष्य अपने स्वभाव में परिवर्तन कर सकता है, क्योंकि स्वभाव देव योनियों में प्रवेश करके भी नहीं बदलता। इसीलिये मानव योनि को देव योनियों से भी श्रेष्ठ और दुर्लभ माना गया है।
One, who still possess demonic traits even after taking birth as a human being, wastes this opportunity-chance; is sure to fall in lower demonic species. Such people repeatedly take birth as low species carnivores-canines. There are others who move to species like ghosts, Dracula and experience pain, torture and sorrow while teasing others. These species too find inability to punish-modify them and they are further subjected to hells full of pains, turmoil, rigorous torture. The God is very kind, since he has awarded an opportunity to humans to mend their ways and assimilate in HIM. The basic traits of one remain unchanged even after a stay-stint in heaven. Its only the earth and birth as a human being which comes as God gift to refine, improve him self-our self. This is why the birth as a human being becomes superior to angles, demigods, deities, demigods of lower hue. One has to analysis-meditate and find faults with him to correct them and decide not to commit the earlier mistakes-sins. If he finds himself incapable of doing that, he should seek asylum, shelter, protection & help from the God.
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत्॥16.21॥
काम, क्रोध और लोभ; ये तीन प्रकार के नरक के दरवाजे जीवात्मा का पतन करने वाले हैं, इसलिये इन तीनों का त्याग कर देना चाहिये।
One must reject lust-sex, anger and greed-allurements; since these are the three doors to hell, leading to his downfall (or bondage).
काम का धर्म की मर्यादा में रहकर उचित मात्रा में सेवन नुकसान नहीं पहुँचाता। आसुरी प्रकृति के व्यक्ति काम-तृप्ति के लिए छल-छन्द, पाप, अत्याचार-दुराचार कुछ भी कर गुजरते हैं। ऐसा न होने पर उनमें क्रोध उत्पन्न होता है। कामना पूर्ति में लोभ का मिश्रण तो बना ही रहता है। अतः काम, क्रोध और लोभ मनुष्य को निम्न-हीन योनियों के अलावा नर्क में भी पहुँचा देते हैं; जहाँ से मुक्ति बेहद कठिन है।
Kam illustrates two tendencies :- extravagant desires and sexuality-lust. The utilisation of sex within the parameters-limits of Dharm-duty is good, tolerable, ethical but crossing the limits is sure to lead to downfall of one, like Ravan. Unaccounted battles have been fought over this issue and millions of people have been sacrificed to fulfil one's nasty desires. Failure to fulfil desire for sex generate anger. Occasional success leads to greed for more and all this is demonic behaviour. The cocktail of this is a dangerous combination which is sure to push one to the lowest species and the hells.
Dev Gouda-Ex Prime Minister of India's son and grandson are accused of exploiting more than 2,000 women sexually. Every now & then such incidents are reported.
एतैर्विमुक्तः कौन्तेय तमोद्वारैस्त्रिभिर्नरः।
आचरत्यात्मनः श्रेयस्ततो याति परां गतिम्॥16.22॥
हे कुन्ती नन्दन! इन नरक के तीनों दरवाजों (काम, क्रोध और लोभ) से रहित हुआ जो मनुष्य अपने कल्याण का आचरण करता है, वह उससे परम् गति को प्राप्त हो जाता है।
The Almighty addressed Arjun as Kunti Nandan and continued that one who works for his welfare, freed from the three doors to hells (Sex-Sensuality, Anger-Arrogance, Greed), attains Salvation i.e., the Ultimate abode.
काम (कामेच्छा और कामना), क्रोध तथा लोभ से मुक्त होकर मनुष्य को अपने भविष्य को सँवारना चाहिये। शास्त्र इन तीनों को तमोद्वार अर्थात नर्क का दरवाजा मानते हैं। मनुष्य सामान्यतया अपनी कमियों-बुराइयों को जानता है और वह इनसे मुक्त होने का प्रयास भी कर सकता है। इसी प्रयास के अन्तर्गत उसे परमात्मा की शरणागति लेनी चाहिये। अपनी कमियों से रुबरु मनुष्य को स्वाध्याय, भजन-कीर्तन, ध्यान (चिंतन, मनन), तपस्या, साधना, दान-पुण्य, भगवत भक्ति, तीर्थ आदि का सहारा लेना चाहिये।
शास्त्र इस बात का हामी है कि व्यक्ति केवल अपनी पत्नी के साथ ही शारीरिक सम्बन्ध रखे। उसके साथ भी सहवास केवल संतानोतपत्ति के हेतु ही करे। ऐसा व्यक्ति शास्त्र के अनुसार ब्रह्मचारी है।
Desire-need for sex, anger and greed leads one to hells. Therefore, he should make efforts to shun, get rid of them of his own. In case he is unable to control himself, he should seek asylum under the God. These three are the main gates to hells leading to his down fall. Normally, one is aware of his weaknesses. He can make efforts in this direction. Self study of scriptures, epics, history, Veds, Purans, Upnishad, Vedant, Brahmans is of immense use. He may resort to social service, helping down trodden-weak and the needy. Worship, prayers, observing fast, pilgrimage too are helpful.
The scriptures ask the man to have sexual relations with his wife only. He should mate only for the sake of progeny (one or two at the most). Such a person is Brahmchari-a celibate, according to the scriptures.
Helping one does not mean depriving others of their rights. The successive governments in India have been extending reservations to those without ability, calibre, skills, knowledge depriving the genuine, talented, qualified youth from all segments of society for the sake of votes. Last week saw a pitched bloody attack from the so called deprived-oppressed over others, stopping rails, roads, burning shops. The move was at the behest of congress and opposition parties. For obvious reasons this government-BJP, too did not take timely action measures. Those who tried to save themselves too were booked by the police.
Geed for power is behind such deliberate actions.
यः शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारतः।
न स सिद्धिमवाप्नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम्॥16.23॥
जो मनुष्य शास्त्र विधि को छोड़कर अपनी इच्छा से मनमाना आचरण करता है, वह न सिद्धि (अन्तःकरण की शुद्धि) को न सुख (शान्ति) को और न परम् गति को ही प्राप्त होता है।
One who defy the scriptures and follows his own whims-fancy (सनक), acts in his own way-fashion, does not attain purity of heart-perfection, solace, pleasure-bliss, comforts and Salvation-assimilation in the Ultimate-Almighty.
कुछ मनुष्य शास्त्र विधि की अवहेलना करके यज्ञ, दान, परोपकार आदि करते हैं, जो कि विविध प्रकार के फलों की प्राप्ति के लिए होते हैं। इससे उनमें बड्डपन की भावना जाग्रत होती है। इस समाज में बाहरी आचरण, आडम्बर को ही देखा जाता है; मन की भावना, दुर्गुण, दुर्भाव, दुराग्रह दृष्टिगोचर नहीं होते। आसुरी प्रवृति के व्यक्तियों के अन्तःकरण की शुद्धि नहीं हो पाती। उनमें देहाभिमान बढ़ता जाता है और उनके पतन का कारण बनता है। उनको मन में क्रोध, प्रतिरोध-प्रतिशोध की भावना होने से सुख, शान्ति की प्राप्ति भी नहीं हो पाती। वे अपने काम, क्रोध और लोभ से युक्त कर्मों के कारण परमगति से वंचित रह जाता है।
There are people who perform big acts of charity, donate huge sums of money, organise large scale sacrifices in fire to demonstrate their might and capability to satisfy their ego. They are honoured and admired by the masses, which fills them with pride and they consider themselves above the God-deities. This all is whimsical and for the sake of might, name, power & fame. They might achieve heavens, from which they have to fall-return ultimately. These demonic traits do not desert them and they lack purity of heart. Piousity, righteousness, virtuousness are not associated with their actions. This only lead to accumulation of pride and they keep on hovering between heaven and hell like a pendulum. The mixture of sex, fury and greed never allows them to reach the Ultimate.
तस्माच्छास्त्रं प्रमाणं ते कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ।
शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुमिहार्हसि॥16.24॥
अतः तेरे लिये कर्तव्य-अकर्तव्य की व्यवस्था में शास्त्र ही प्रमाण है, ऐसा जानकर तू इस लोक में शास्त्र विधि से नियत कर्तव्य कर्म करने योग्य है अर्थात तुझे शास्त्र विधि के अनुसार कर्तव्य करने चाहिये।
The Almighty stressed that Arjun should act according to the procedures-methods laid down (scriptural injunction) in scriptures, since he was capable of doing that.
प्राणों का मोह मनुष्य से कर्तव्य-अकर्तव्य, सभी कुछ करवा लेता है। यही कारण है कि व्यक्ति आसुरी सम्पत्ति में प्रवृत हो जाता है। क्योंकि अर्जुन दैवी सम्पत्ति को प्राप्त थे, उन्हें शास्त्र विधि के अनुरूप कर्तव्य पालन करने को कहा गया। मनुष्य पाप-पुण्य का निर्णय अपने हिसाब से कर लेता है, जो गलत है। सर्वथा स्वार्थ रहित मनुष्य पाप को प्राप्त नहीं होता। स्वार्थ, अभिमान और दूसरों का अनिष्ट करने-सोचने से भी पाप लगता है। केवल शास्त्र ज्ञान पर्याप्त नहीं है, उसे मनन करना-समझना और दिनचर्या में लाना भी जरूरी है। यह आसुरी स्वभाव को मिटाता है।
The Almighty explained that one who is selfish with respect to his life do not care for the scriptures. He interpret the scriptures in his own way. One has to perform according to the procedures-methods described in scriptures. Selfishness, ego-pride, teasing others; leads to sins. This refers to demonic tendencies as well. One should read the scriptures, understand them, meditate over them, discuss them, analyse them and then act for the sake of human welfare only, instead of personnel gains. Dogmatic views pertaining to epics, history, scriptures are the root cause of sin. Arjun had attained the goodwill of the God, deities, demigods and the human being alike; through his service of mankind, as and when he got a chance. He always considered the service of humanity superior to his own benefits-welfare. One who reads-learns and employs it in his daily life, is sure to attain divinity and the Almighty ultimately.
The Britishers termed scriptures as Mythology. Its understood that the scriptures are the systematic reservoirs of knowledge, history, worship methodology etc. Prior to them the Muslims tried to finish the vast reservoir of knowledge and recorded history by burning universities & libraries. Even today the Muslims and Christians are busy distorting the scriptures. I have found distorted version of scriptures over the internet and hence trying to correct a bit of it.
ॐ तत्सदिति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतासूपनिषत्सु ब्रह्मविद्यायां योगशास्त्रे श्री कृष्णार्जुनसंवादे दैवासुरसम्पद्विभागयोगो नाम षोडशोSध्यायः॥16॥
इस प्रकार ॐ तत् सत्-इन भगवन्नामों के उच्चारण पूर्वक ब्रह्म विद्या और योग शास्त्र मय श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतोपनिषदरुप श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवाद में दैवासुर सम्पद् विभाग योग नामक सोलहवाँ अध्याय पूर्ण हुआ।
In this manner the sixteenth chapter pronouncing-describing Om, Tat, Sat is completed, in the form of a conversation between the Almighty Shri Krashn and Arjun. It describes the demonic tendencies of the human beings. Divine traits like human welfare & the demonic traits are altogether opposite to one another.
Due to the grace-will of the Almighty the revision of this chapter has been completed today i.e., April 10, 2018 at Gledswood Hills, NSW, Sydney, Australia. Let the deities, Ganesh Ji Maha Raj, Bhagwan Ved Vyas and Maa Saraswati bless-give and strength and power to one to complete his mission.
Final revision of the text has been completed today i.e., 07.05.2024 at Noida-India due to the kindness, grace-will of the Almighty. Let the deities, Ganesh Ji Maha Raj, Bhagwan Ved Vyas and Maa Saraswati bless-give and strength and power to me to complete-accomplish the mission.

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा
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