

विषाद योग
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
गुणातीतं निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
उमासुतं शोकविनाशकारकं नमामि विघ्नेश्वरपादपपंकजम्॥
This treatise on Shri Mad Bhagwat Geeta is different than the other popular version in one regard i.e., the commentary is made by one, who is living in this cosmic era Kali Yug and himself is experiencing the truth, elaborated in it. I am is interacting with the creations of the Almighty, in this current era. The other attempts were made by those, who were sages, recluse, relinquished, learned people of the other world.
विषाद :: उदासी, अवसाद, खिन्नता, गम, शोक, निराशा, जड़ता, चेष्टाहीनता, सुस्ती, मनहूसियत, दुःख; gloom, melancholy, sullen, sorrowful, heart breaking, somber, sadness, inauspicious, uncanny, ill-omened, ill-fated, nostalgia, melancholia.
महा भारत का युद्ध पाण्डवों द्वारा अन्तिम उपाय के रूप में लड़ा गया। दुर्योधन के मन में युद्ध की प्रबल इच्छा थी और पाण्डवों के सामने मजबूरी और माँ कुन्ती के आदेश का पालन। यह युद्ध धर्म और अधर्म के बीच लड़ा गया। सभी ने युद्ध के भयावह परिणामों से कौरवों को आगाह किया। भगवान् श्री कृष्ण द्वैपायन-भगवान् वेद व्यास जी, ने भी अंतिम प्रयास हेतु धृतराष्ट्र से मुलाकात की और उसे समझाया। दया-ममतावश उन्होंने उसे दिव्य तक दृष्टि प्रदान करने की इच्छा व्यक्त की, ताकि वो स्वयं युद्ध की विभीषिका को देख सके। धृतराष्ट्र ने आग्रह किया कि वे दिव्य दृष्टि संजय को प्रदान करें। भगवान् वेद व्यास ने, भगवान् श्री कृष्ण के आदेश पर गीता को संवाद के रूप में प्रकट किया और इसको गणेश जी महाराज ने लिपिबद्ध किया। भगवान् वेद व्यास जब तक, अगले श्लोक की रचना करते, तब तक गणेश जी पहले श्लोक का अर्थ समझकर उसे लिख देते थे।
Dharm emerged from the heart of Brahma Ji. He was married to the daughter of Daksh Prajapati named Murti. He had 4 sons namely Hari, Krashn, Nar and Narayan. Nar and Narayan are the incarnations of Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu, residing in the abode called Vaekunth Lok. They moved to Badri Nath, a region under Kuru Kshetr for rigorous ascetics and profound meditation. Arjun got his birth from a fraction of Nar, while Narayan got the incarnation as Shri Krashn. Bhagwan Shri Krashn illustrated-showed his Broad, gigantic, large form to Arjun, in the battle field, where Bhagwan Shri Krashn from Gau Lok, Bhagwan Vishnu from Vaekunth Lok assimilated in him and presented the complete form to Arjun-who himself was an integral component of the divinity-eternity.
DHRASHT RASHTR धृतराष्ट्र :: Its the guilt which makes a man worry about the outcome of his vices, vicious-wicked deeds. He often return to the seen of the crime committed by him or try to keep him informed of the developments thereafter. He would try to acquaint himself of the results of his malicious designs. Dhrastrashtr was not an exception. He was blind since birth. He was uneducated, stubborn, extremely selfish, self centred and criminal minded crooked person. He nursed the grudge against his younger Pandu and his sons for not being the King, for which he was grossly unfit-disqualified; being blind.
It was the luck which provided him the guardianship of Pandu's sons to him. Instead of working as a caretaker, he considered himself to be the emperor and did his best to eliminate Pandavs. He made all efforts, so that his son Duryodhan could become crown price and take the reins of the empire, built by Pandu. He wanted to keep Pandavs off the administration by hook or crook.
His example is cited to prove that a person with physical-mental deficiency is born with crookedness. He can go to any extreme to gain importance, recognition, prominence, authority. He makes efforts to seek-draw the attention of other people. Soul searching comes but when its too late.
Dhrastrashtr is the name of a dreaded snake as well. Snakes are generally revengeful, he too was revengeful by nature. He took rebirth as Prathvi Raj Chauhan on account of some left over pious deeds of previous births and was blinded due to his own folly. Here too, he controlled the empire of his maternal uncle and did not return it back. In between he passed through hells, inferior species like insects and trees etc.
In spite of listening Whole Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, he did not change at all.
धृतराष्ट्र उवाच ::
धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः।
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत संजय॥1.1॥
धृतराष्ट्र ने पूछा :- हे संजय! धर्मभूमि कुरुक्षेत्र में एकत्रित, युद्ध की इच्छा वाले मेरे और पाण्डु के पुत्रों ने क्या किया?
O! Sanjay, describe the events, deliberations, occurrences and happenings between my sons and the Pandavs, who have gathered at holy place (Dharm Kshetr) are eager-desirous to fight-settle scores, at the battle field of Kurukshetr (place belonging to the Kuru's).
कुरुक्षेत्रे :- पूर्व कल्प-काल में हुए राजा कुरु ने इस 400 योजन भूमि को समतल करवाया था। यह भूमि पहले पहाड़ों से युक्त थी। वर्तमान काल में यहाँ वर्तमान चतुर्युगी में, राजा कुरु का शासन था, जो कि सूर्य वंश-इक्ष्वाकु वंश की शाखा ही थी।
समवेता युयुत्सवः :- युद्ध की इच्छा लेकर इकट्ठे हुए क्षत्रियों का समुदाय अपने स्वभाव के अनुरूप युद्ध के माध्यम से ही अंतिम निर्णय करने को उत्सुक था। यह माना जाता है कि धर्म युद्ध (वर्तमान में आतंकवादियों के जिहाद को धर्म युद्ध नहीं कहा जा सकता। ये तो उनका सत्ता हथियाने का औजार मात्र है।) में प्राण देने से स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है। यहाँ कुन्ती अपनी पुत्र वधु के अपमान और अन्याय का प्रतिकार चाहती थीं, कुन्ती के बाल खुले थे, दुर्योधन बगैर युद्ध के सुई की नौंक के बराबर भी भूमि देना नहीं चाहता था। कर्ण स्वयं को अर्जुन से श्रेष्ठ साबित करने और दुर्योधन के उपकार का प्रतिकार करना चाहता था। युधिष्टर धर्म के निर्वाह हेतु युद्ध में प्रवर्त हुए।
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव :- धृतराष्ट्र ने कभी भी पांडवों को अपना नहीं माना। वो स्वयं असमर्थ था; फिर भी नीति के विरुद्ध स्वयं को राज्य का अधिकारी मानता था और अपने बाद अपने पुत्र दुर्योधन को। पाण्डु बड़े ही महान सेनापति और राजा थे। उनके पुत्र देवताओं के अंश से उत्पन्न हुए थे। युधिष्टर स्वयं धर्म के अवतार थे। धृतराष्ट्र भीम से सदा ही रुष्ट रहता था; क्योंकि वे हर दृष्टि से दुर्योधन से श्रेष्ठ थे। राज्य की इच्छा से ही उसने पांडवों को अनीति से बार-बार मरवाने और राज्य से वंचित रखने के प्रयास किये।
किमकुर्वत संजय :- इस युद्ध में किस-किस ने क्या-क्या प्रयास किया सफलता हासिल की ?
Dhrastrashtr was inquisitive-eager to find out the outcome-result of the battle. He enquired from Sanjay-his minister & chariot driver, the outcome, developments, happenings in the battle field of Kurukshetr-the Dharm Kshetr, where his sons and the mighty sons of his younger brother Pandu had assembled, to settle the fate of the empire of Hastinapur and Indraprasth.
Dharm Kshetr :: In wider sense, it stands for land and the vagina. Its an ancient religious-holy place. Bhagwan Shiv destroyed the Yagy of Daksh Prajapati at Kankhal of this region, when he insulted him and his wife Man Sati-Daksh's daughter. It was only here that Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu took away the empire of three Loks-abodes of Heaven, Earth and Patal-nether world, from the mighty demon-Rakshas king Bahu Bali, as Vaman Avtar-incarnation and returned them to Dev Raj Indr. Sthanu Tirth, Shakti Sthal, are located here. Holy river Maa Bhagwati Saraswati flows through this region, at present under ground. Bhagwan Shiv removed the sins of wicked king Ven in his previous births, due to the efforts of his son Prathu. Selection of this place is justified due to these reasons.
KURU KSHETR कुरुक्षेत्र :: In one of the previous Kalp-Brahma's day, a mighty King called Kuru levelled this mountainous-hilly terrain, into plane field, measuring 400 Yojan. The current hierarchy is connected to Ikshawaku, Sury, Raghu dynasty, in which Bhagwan Ram took incarnation. No other place on earth was sufficient-capable to hold the battle, at this massive scale. This is the region, where three battles of Pani Pat have occurred. This is the region through which Kal Yavan & Alexander invaded India and the Muslims too entered India, only.
Daksh Prajapati evolved from the toe of the right leg and his wife got her birth from the left toe of Brahma Ji. They had 60 daughters. 13 of these were married to the sage Kashyap. These were divine creations. Brahma Ji entrusted the job of creating life through sexual intercourse to Maharshi Kashyap. Kashyap Ji moved to Kurukshetr and established his Ashram here and started ascetic-profound meditation at Himaly Parwat-Kashmir. Kashmir got its name from Kashyap. He created all life forms through his wives. He had some more wives, other than Daksh's daughters. These life forms include Demigods-Dev Gan, Daity, Giants, Rakshas-demons, Yaksh, Gandharv, Kinner, Snakes, Humans etc. In all 12 creations got birth which moved over 2 legs. These life forms moved to various abodes in the galaxies. This is the reason, this region is called Kshetr (vagina, क्षेत्र-योनि).
प्राचीन काल में महा प्रलय के बाद सभी जगह जल ही जल था। सभी चर-अचर नष्ट हो गया। तब उसी जल में प्रजाओं के बीज स्वरूप एक अण्ड उत्पन्न हुआ। कुरुक्षेत्र में स्थाणु तीर्थ, स्थाणु वट, संनिहित नाम का सरोवर ही वो स्थान है, जहाँ वो स्वर्ण अण्ड उत्पन्न हुआ और भगवान् श्री नारायण प्रकट हुए। उन्हीं से ब्रह्मा जी और ब्रह्मा जी से महेश उत्पन्न हुए। महेश को ही आदि देव कहा जाता है।
परमात्मा ब्रह्म की उत्पत्ति :: आप्-जल को ही नार एवं परमात्मा को तनु कहते हैं। परमात्मा ने जल में शयन करने के बाद जगत को अपने में लीन जान उन नारायण ने अण्ड को तोड़ दिया, जिससे ॐ ओम शब्द की उत्पत्ति हुई। इसके बाद पहले भूः दूसरी बार में र्भूव और फिर तीसरे स्थान पर स्वः ध्वनि की उत्पत्ति हुई। इन तीनों का नाम मिलकर भू र्भूव: स्वः हुआ।
उस सविता देवता-सूर्य का जो तेज (आदित्य-आदि में उत्पन्न हुआ, which took birth initially) अण्ड के तोड़ने से उत्पन्न हुआ, उसने जल को सुखा दिया। तेज से जल को सोखे जाने पर शेष जल कलल आकृति में बदल गया। कलल से बुदबुद हुआ और उसके बाद यह कठोर हो गया और भूतों को धारण करने वाली धरणी, धरती, पृथ्वी बन गया। जिस स्थान पर यह अण्ड स्थित था, वहीं संनिहित-सांनिहत्य नाम का सरोवर है।
सरस्वती नदी के उत्तर की ओर पृथुदक नामक तीर्थ के पास ब्रह्म योनि तीर्थ है, जहाँ पृथुदक में स्थित होकर अव्यक्त जन्मा ब्रह्मा जी, चारों वर्णों की सृष्टि के लिये आत्म ज्ञान में लीन हुए थे। सृष्टि के विषय में चिंतन करने पर उनके मुख से ब्राह्मण, भुजाओं से क्षत्रिय, दोनों उरुओं से वैश्य और पैरों से शूद्र उत्पन्न हुए।[श्री वामन पुराण]
इस लोक और परलोक में दो पैरोँ पर चलने वाली 12 प्रजातियाँ :: (1). देवता, (2). दैत्य, (3). सिद्ध, (4). गन्धर्व, (5). विद्याधर, (6). किम्पुरुष, (7). पितृ , (8). ऋषि, (9). मानव, (10): गुह्य, (11). राक्षस, और (12). पिशाच।[श्री वामन पुराण]
Mamka Pandavashch :- What has happened in the battle between my and Pandu's sons? He himself was blind and incapable and still nurtured the desire to rule the big empire. Pandu was a great warrior and capable mighty king. He had given a new identity to Hastina Pur. His sons were the incarnations of demigods and capable-mighty people, while Duryodhan was a rogue-cheat. Dhrastrashtr considered him, as the heir of that great empire built by Pandu. Dhrastrashtr considered Bheem to be a rival of Duryodhan being superior to him in each and every sense-respect, possessing the strength of 10,000 elephants. Dhrastrashtr silently watched, even conspired with Duryodhan & Shakuni in his wicked plans-designs to eliminate Pandavs, for the sake of kingdom.
Kimkurwat Sanjay :- Dhrastrashtr wanted to find out the deliberations in the battle field. He was aware that he was on the wrong, wicked side-turf, against Dharm-duties as a guardian, ruler, elder brother-caretaker.
Dhrastrashtr was aware of the fact that he was on the wrong side-path. He knew that Almighty Shri Krashn & the Dharm was with Pandavs and still he was curious to know the outcome of the war.
संजय उवाच ::
दृष्टवा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा।
आचार्यमुपसंगम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत्॥1.2॥
राजा दुर्योधन ने व्यूह रचना युक्त पाण्डवों की सेना को देखा और द्रोणाचार्य के पास जाकर यह वचन कहा।
Having observed the configuration-alignment of the army of the Pandavs in the battle field, king Duryodhan approached Dronachary-his teacher and said.
दुर्योधनस्तदा :- जब दोनों सेनाएँ युद्ध के लिये आमने सामने खड़ी थीं, उस वक्त तदा शब्द दुर्योधन के द्वारा की गई कार्यवाही को जानना है।
DURYODHANSTDA : Dhrastrashtr wanted to find out the positions, alignments, arrangements, settlements made by the two armies. Whether the accomplishment made by his armies were superior to that of the Pandavs or not?
तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं :- दुर्योधन ने दोनों सेनाओं की व्यूह रचना को देखा। उसकी सेना का आकार पाण्डवों की सेना से बहुत बड़ा था। फिर भी उसको यह मालूम था की वो अधर्मी है। भीष्म तो वचन बद्ध थे ही। अर्जुन उनकी सेना को पहले भी बुरी तरह मात दे चुके थे। वो आश्वस्त होना चाहता था। सेनाओं और सेना नायकों को राजा के सामने आने पर आश्वासन, साहस, हिम्मत प्राप्त होती है।
TU PANDWANIKM VYUDHAM :- Duryodhan viewed-watched the alignments of the two armies. The size of his army was enormous, very-very large, as compared to the army of the Pandavs, which was insignificant. He had the support of the Narayani Sena of Bhagwan Shri Krashn. He had no faith, respect, regard for the rules and regulations. His sole motto was to defeat-eliminate the Pandavs by hook or crook. He was a wretched person. His armies were defeated by Arjun earlier. Bhishm was bound by his own oath-bow to protect the throne of Hastina Pur. He wanted to be convinced-satisfied about his strength, power-might. The armies, soldiers, captains are reassured when they find the king standing along with them in the battle field.
राजा दुर्योधन :- धृतराष्ट्र अँधा था। दुर्योधन युवराज था। राज्य का सारा कार्य वही देखता था। युद्ध में भी कमान-बागडोर उसी के हाथ में थी।
RAJA DURYODHAN :- Duryodhan was crown prince. He was undeclared king. He had been regulating the empire, since his father was blind, incapable, incompetent. He himself was the supreme commander of the army.
आचार्यमुपसंगम्य :- दुर्योधन आचार्य द्रोण से जाकर मिला। उसका सेनापति भीष्म की अपेक्षा द्रोण से जाकर मिलना, यह जाहिर करता है कि उसके मन में द्रोण के प्रति शंका थी। द्रोण का अर्जुन से लगाव जग जाहिर था। सेनापति भीष्म ने व्यूह रचना की थी और उस पर द्रोण की राय भी जरूरी थी (second opinion)। यहाँ उसकी कूटनीति और चतुराई दिखती है।
ACHARYMUPSANGMY :- Duryodhan went to seek blessings of his Guru-teacher and a courtier. He wanted to be sure that Dronachary will continue to support him, since he liked Arjun more as compared to rest of the flock. In fact he wanted to be reassured, convinced by Dronachary. He wanted to find out whether the arrangements made by Bhishm were appropriate-sufficient or not. Second opinion was necessitated by the desire of winnings Pandavs. The fact is that he was a cunning, treacherous, wretched person and diplomatic in his behaviour at this juncture.
वचनमब्रवीत् :- दुर्योधन ने नीति संगत गम्भीर बातें कहीं जो कि आचार्य को पाण्डवों के विरुद्ध भड़काने वाली थीं।
VACHNMBRVEET:- Duryodhan uttered-discussed policy matters against the Pandavs in order to provoke-incite Dronachary.
Though Sanjay belonged to an inferior caste-Shudr, yet he enjoyed the status of a minister and was a faithful of the royalty, which clearly shows that the Shudr, so called oppressed, Dalit, too had high status depending upon their ability, traits, qualities unlike today when a person getting lowest marks is placed in high offices dominating higher castes having obtained much higher marks than him. Stupid women too enjoy the posts of chief minister or the head of a political party.
Out of the seven ministers of Emperor Yudhistar one was from Shudr community, who was respected-honoured by his community and capable of discharging his duties as a loyal minister.
पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम्।
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता॥1.3॥
हे आचार्य! आपके बुद्धिमान् शिष्य द्रुपद पुत्र धृष्टद्युम्न द्वारा व्यूहाकार खड़ी की हुई पाण्डु पुत्रों की इस बड़ी भारी सेना को देखिए।
He respect fully requested his teacher Dronachary to observe-view the mighty army of Pandavs arranged by his intelligent disciple (student) Dhrastdyumn-son of Drupad in circular files.
आचार्य :- यद्यपि यह एक सामान्य सम्बोधन है, फिर भी दुर्योधन का आशय स्पष्ट है। वह भेद-भाव की नीति का प्रयोग कर रहा है। आचार्य ने कौरवों, पाण्डवों के साथ-साथ धृष्टद्युम्न को भी अस्त्र-शस्त्र का ज्ञान प्रदान किया था। उसका तात्पर्य आचार्य को भड़काने-उकसाने, क्रोधित करने से था।
ACHARY :- Its a common-usual address to the teacher. But here Duryodhan used it as a sugar coated pill. He suspected Dronachary of his soft corner for the Pandavs-specially Arjun. He intended to create anguish-anger in his mind. Dronachary educated Kauravs, Pandavs and Dhrashtdyumn with equal attention, with out discrimination and vigour.
तव शिष्येण धीमता :- वो कह रहा है कि क्या इस लिये ही उसने आप से ज्ञान प्राप्त किया था कि वो आपके ही विरुद्ध शस्त्र उठाये? और आपने यह जानते हुए भी कि उसका जन्म आपका वध करने के लिए ही हुआ है, उसे ज्ञान प्रदान किया।
TV SHISHYEN DHIMTA :- He wished to irritate Dronachary by saying that if Dhrastdyumn had received education from him, to stand in front of him in the war. He reminded him that Dhrastdyumn got his birth just to kill him and still he taught him.
द्रुपदपुत्रेण :- द्रुपद की याद दिलाना और आचार्य को उकसाना एक ही बात है क्योंकि आचार्य द्रुपद द्वारा किये गए अपमान को कभी भुला नहीं पाये। यही एक मात्र कारण था जिसकी वजह से उन्हें दुर्योधन जैसे व्यक्ति को पढ़ाने के लिये मजबूर होना पड़ा और बाद में उसका पार्षद भी बनना पड़ा और इस वक्त सेना का एक अंग।
DRUPADPUTREN :- Dronachary could not swallow his insult by Drupad-his school mate. This was the sole reason, he agreed to impart education to Kauravs. He became Dhratrashtr's minister and now a commander in the army, ready for the war.
पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम् पश्य :- यद्यपि पांडवों की सेना दुर्योधन की सेना से 4 अक्षोणिनी कम थी फिर भी उसका उत्साह कौरवों से कहीं अधिक था। कौरव सेना में मतैक्य नहीं था। पांडवों की सेना इस प्रकार सज्जित थी कि उसका आकर बड़ा दिखाई दे। अब वो भड़काने की बात करता है और कहता है कि पांडवों को धृष्टद्युम्न को आपके विरुद्ध सेना का सेनापति नहीं बनाना चाहिये था। उसका आशय था कि धृष्टद्युम्न जैसे मोहरे को पीटना आपके लिये कोई बड़ी बात नहीं, यदि आप उत्साह पूर्वक मन लगा कर युद्ध करें।
PANDUPUTRANAMACHRY MAHTIM CHMUM PASHY :- The army of Pandavs was smaller to that of the Kauravs by 4 battalions. Still their moral was much higher than that of the army of the Kauravs. Kaurav's army had internal differences. The Pandav's army was arranged in such a manner that it gave the look of an organised, mighty-very large army. Duryodhan wanted to grew anger in Dronachary by suggesting that the Pandavs were educated by him and still they did not care for him, when they appointed Dhrastdyumn as the supreme commander, who took birth just to eliminate him. He stressed that it was easy for him to beat-defeat Dhrastdyumn easily, if he fought with full devotion and strength.
एतां पश्य :- हम लोग पाण्डवों की सेना को किस तरह विजय कर सकते हैं, इसका निर्णय आपको शीघ्र करना है।
[एक अध्यापक अपने शिष्य की अच्छाई और बुराई को अच्छी तरह समझता है। यहाँ तो द्रोणाचार्य थे जो कि स्वयं देव गुरु वृहस्पति के अवतार थे]
ETAM PASHY :- Duryodhan stressed that Dronachary had to take a quick decision to win the Pandavs army.
DRONACHARY द्रोणाचार्य :- Dronachary was the teacher of Duryodhan and knew exactly what he was saying. He was aware that Duryodhan was a wicked person and Dharm was not on his side. Internally, he was never in favour of Duryodhan, but for the sake of his son, he maintained his cool. He was an incarnation of Dev guru Brahaspati. He believed in clearing-paying off, the debt of the salt he had, from the Kauravs. (नमक का कर्ज चुकाना) Ashwasthama is an incarnation of Bhagwan Shiv. He was a staunch supporter, friend, fan and a king under Duryodhan. He was a great warrior-archer and courageous person. He used Brahmastr to kill Abhimanu's son Parikshit when he was in the womb. Dron did not give the knowledge of this weapon to Ashwasthama, since he did not consider him worthy of it. He learnt it secretly when the lesson was being imparted to Arjun. He killed the 5 sons of Draupadi after the war, when they were asleep. In fact Bhagwan Shiv asked Ashwasthama to kill all of them. But Bhagwan Shri Krashn protected the 5 Pandavs by keeping them with him. Ashwasthama was willing to perform any act for Duryodhan. The jewel (mani मणि) was removed from his forehead as a punishment for the cold blooded murders. He was spared from being killed, being a Brahman and AZAR (अज़र, ageless, one who never grow old), AMAR (अमर, immortal, imperishable). Duryodhan did his best to brain wash-provoke Dron by poisoning his brain.
द्रोणवध के लिये युधिष्टर से यह कहलवाया गया "अश्वस्थामा मृत्यो नर हो वा कुंजरो"। अश्वस्थामा मृत्यो के कथन के साथ ही तेज शंख ध्वनि की गई। आचार्य द्रोण ने हथियार रख दिये। वे "नर हो वा कुंजरो" को सुन नहीं पाये और द्रष्टद्युम्न ने उन्हें मर डाला। (नर-मनुष्य, कुञ्जर-हाथी)।
Duryodhan was cunning & crooked. He was nursed with the idea that he was the real king, being the son of Dhratrashtr the eldest Kuru. He was younger to Yudhistar and Dhratrashtr was blind, which disqualified them to become a king. From early childhood, he started playing dirty tricks to degrade, kill Pandavs. He proved to be an able administrator but could not enjoy the faith of the populace.
अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि।
युयुधानो विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथः॥1.4॥
धृष्टकेतुश्चेकितानः काशिराजश्च वीर्यवान्।
पुरुजित्कुन्तिभोजश्च शैब्यश्च नरपुङवः॥1.5॥
युधामन्युश्च विक्रान्त उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान्।
सौभद्रो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्व एव महारथाः॥1.6॥
इस सेना में बड़े-बड़े धनुषों वाले तथा युद्ध में भीम और अर्जुन के समान शूरवीर युयुधान-सात्यकि और विराट तथा महारथी राजा द्रुपद, धृष्टकेतु और चेकितान तथा बलवान काशिराज, पुरुजित, कुन्तिभोज और मनुष्यों में श्रेष्ठ शैब्य, पराक्रमी युधामन्यु तथा बलवान उत्तमौजा, सुभद्रापुत्र अभिमन्यु एवं द्रौपदी के पाँचों पुत्र; ये सभी महारथी हैं।
Pandav's army constituted of great-mighty warriors yielding big-large bows like Yuyudhan (Satyaki-cousin of Bhagwan Shri Krashn), Virat (the king of Virat) and Drupad (Draupdi's father), comparable to (as great as) Bheem and Arjun in archery and warfare. They include great heroes like Dhrasht Ketu (son of Shishu Pal), Chekitan (a warrior from Vrashni clan & the king of Kashi) and Puru Jit Kunti Bhoj (Kunti's brother) and the great king Shaeby (the father in law of Yudhishtar); well known-renowned warriors Yudhamanyu & strong, stout, powerful great warrior Uttamouja-the 2 Panchal warriors, Subhadra's (Bhagwan Shri Krashn & Bal Ram's sister) son Abhimanyu (incarnation of Moon's son) and Darupadi's 5 sons-all great warriors.
अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि :: ये सभी वीर बड़े-बड़े ऐसे धनुषों से युक्त हैं, जिनकी प्रत्यञ्चा-डोरी चढ़ाने में ही बहुत जोर-ताकत लगती है। बल में भीम के समान और पराक्रम, अस्त्र-शस्त्र की कला में ये अर्जुन के समान हैं।
ATR SHURA MHESHVASA BHIMARJUNSMA YUDHI :: All these brave warriors had such large bows which could be threaded only with might-great power-strength. They were at par in strength and bravery with Bheem having the strength of 10,000 elephants and comparable to Arjun in the use-knowledge of weapons (missiles, rockets, guns) which could be activated by using rhymes, Shloks, hymns, verses.
युयुधान :: युयुधान (सात्यकि) ने अस्त्र-शस्त्र की विद्या अर्जुन से सीखी थी। अतः नारायणी सेना का यह नायक भगवान् श्री कृष्ण के द्वारा सेना दुर्योधन को दिए जाने पर भी, दिल से अर्जुन के पक्ष में ही रहा। युयुधान अपने गुरु अर्जुन के साथ है, परन्तु आप से सर्वश्रेष्ठ धनुर्धर होने का वरदान पाकर भी अर्जुन आपके विरुद्ध खड़ा है। युयुधान की मृत्यु युद्ध समाप्त होने के बाद यादवों के आपसी वाद-विवाद में हुई।
YUYUDHAN :: Yuyudhan (Satyiki) learnt archery and Astr Vidya (weapons guided by hymns, rhymes, verses, either orally or mentally. Computer is too inferior to be compared to this technique. Its in an infant stage.) from Arjun. He was the commander of the Narayani Sena capable of eliminating any one, under Bhagwan Shri Krashn. Satyiki remained with Arjun even though his army was handed over to Duryodhan. Duryodhan complained to Dron that Satyiki was with his teacher but Arjun was standing in front of him, in spite of having the blessings to be the greatest archer in the world. Yuyudhan died in the clashes between the Yadavs, after the war.
विराटश्च :: विराट के यहाँ पाण्डवों ने तेरहवें वर्ष गुप्त वास का समय बिताया था। कीचक की मौत का पता लगने पर दुर्योधन को मालूम हो गया कि पाण्डव विराट में हैं। उन्हें सामने लाने के लिए उसने विराट के गौधन को अपहरण करने का प्रयास किया। परन्तु तब तक गुप्तवास का समय समाप्त हो चुका था। अर्जुन ने दुर्योधन की सारी सेना को बेहोश कर द्रोण और पितामह भीष्म के ऊपरी-अंग वस्त्र उतार लिए थे। दुर्योधन ने इसे उनके अपमान के रूप में दिखाने का प्रयास किया। मारा नहीं, इसका कोई वर्णन-जिक्र नहीं किया और विराट को एक अपराधी के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया। विराट अपने पुत्रों :- उत्तर, श्वेत शंख और सहित मारे गए थे। दुर्योधन यह भूल गया कि जो योद्धा द्रोणाचार्य, भीष्म जैसे महारथियों के कपड़े उतार सकता था, वो भगवान् श्री कृष्ण के सारथि बनने पर उनका क्या हाल करेगा!? युद्ध में यदि अर्जुन ने दिव्यास्त्रों का प्रयोग किया होता, जो कि नीति विरुद्ध था, तो महाभारत पहले दिन ही समाप्त हो गया होता।
VIRATSHCHAH :: Pandavs spent the 13th year of their exile under cover-in disguise, in the palaces of King Virat. His brother in law Keechak-commander in chief of the army was killed when he tried to entice-seduce Draupadi, by Bheem. Arjun had returned from Heaven-Indr Lok, after acquiring divine weapons. Keechak could not be killed, by none other than Bheem. Duryodhan sensed Pandavs presence in Virat and invaded it and tried to take the cows forcefully. At this juncture 13 years elapsed by the 4 calendars prevailing at that time. Arjun in the disguise of a Kinner-impotent, eunuch put the entire army of the Kauravs to sleep, defeating Karn miserably but leaving them alive-unharmed. He took off the upper garments of Bhishm Pitamah and Dron, for making dolls by the princess Uttra, who later got married to Abhimanyu-his son. Virat was killed in the war along with his 3 sons: Uttar, Shwet and Shankh. Duryodhan tried to provoke Dron reminding that incident and quoting it as an insult. Dron did not react but under stood the gimmick quickly. There is no doubt that Arjun an incarnation of Nar Rishi was the greatest warrior of his times with the support of Bhawan Shri Krashn. He did not kill any of the Duryodhan's captains in spite making them fast asleep.
द्रुपदश्च महारथः :: द्रुपद से पहले विराट का नाम इसलिए लिया गया, ताकि द्रोण चालाकी भाँप ना पायें। राजा द्रुपद के द्वारा किये गये अपमान ने ही द्रोण को हस्तिनापुर दरवाजे पर लाकर खड़ा कर दिया था। द्रुपद इस युद्ध में द्रोण के हाथों मारे गए।
DRUPADSHCH MAHARATHAH :: Duryodhan was trying to be clever and did not name Drupad before Virat, just to conceal his bad intentions. Drupad a school mate, had insulted Dron when he went to his court, considering him a friend for financial help. This incident drove Dron to the Kauravs, when Bhishm saw Dron picking up ball from the well, by using reed arrows. Both of them were educated by Bhagwan Shri Parshu Ram Ji. Drupad lost his life at the hands of Dronachary in the war.
धृष्टकेतु: :: धृष्टकेतु शिशुपाल का पुत्र था जो कि भगवान् श्री कृष्ण के हाथों सुदर्शन चक्र से मारा गया। धृष्टकेतु को गुरु द्रोण ने मारा। शिशुपाल दुर्योधन का मित्र था और अब दुर्योधन ने धृष्टकेतु को मूर्ख बताया क्योंकि वह भगवान् श्री कृष्ण के पक्ष में खड़ा था।
DHRASHT KETU :: Dhrasht Ketu was Shishu Pal's son who was killed by Bhagwan Shri Krashn with his Sudarshan Chakr. Dhrasht Ketu was later killed by Dronachary. Shishu Pal was friendly with Duryodhan. Duryodhan called Dhrasht Ketu a fool as he was in the army of the one, who had killed his father.
चेकितानः :: यादव सेना तो दुर्योधन की ओर से लड़ने को तैयार थी, परन्तु चेकितान भगवान् श्री कृष्ण के साथ ही रहा। वह दुर्योधन के हाथों मारा गया।
CHEKISTAN :: Yadav army-Narayani Sena, was ready to fight from the side of Duryodhan, but he remained with Bhagwan Shri Krashn. He was killed by Duryodhan.
काशिराजश्च वीर्यवान्: :: काशिराज एक महान योद्धा थे। वे शूरवीर और महारथी थे। दुर्योधन ने गुरु द्रोण से उनसे सावधान रहने को कहा। काशिराज युद्ध में मारे गये।
KASHIRAJASHCH VIRYWAN :: The king of Kashi (Varanasi, Banaras) was a great warrior. He was brave and controlled 10,000 archers (Maha Rathi, who's chariot leads 10,000 archers), simultaneously. He too died in the war.
पुरुजित्कुन्तिभोजश्च: :: पुरूजीत और कुन्तिभोज पाण्डवों के मामा थे। उनका दुर्योधन के साथ स्नेह था, परन्तु वो लड़े उसी के विरुद्ध। दोनों द्रोण के हाथों मारे गये। दुर्योधन ने कहा कि वो तो हमारे भी मामा हैं, फिर पाण्डवों की ओर ही से क्यों लड़ रहे हैं?
PURUJITKUNTIBHOJSHCH :: Puru Jit and Kunti Bhoj were maternal uncles of Pandavs. They loved Duryodhan, but fought from the side of Pandavs. They were killed by Dron. Duryodhan said that they were his uncles as well. Then, why did they sided with Pandavs?
शैब्यश्च नरपुङवः :: शैव्य युधिष्टर के श्वसुर थे। वे एक श्रेष्ठ व्यक्ति और बहुत बलवान थे। दुर्योधन दिखाना चाहता था कि वे भी सम्बन्धी हैं, परन्तु पाण्डवोँ के पक्ष में खड़े थे।
SHAVSHCH NRPUNGVAH :: Shaevy was the father in law of Yudhishtar. He was a noble and mighty person and a great warrior. Duryodhan portrayed that Shaevy was related to him as well, but was siding with Pandavs.
युधामन्युश्च विक्रान्त उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान्: :: युधामन्यु और उत्तमौजा पंचाल देश के बड़े बलवान और वीर योद्धा थे। उन्हें अर्जुन के रथ के पहियों की रक्षा लिये नियुक्त किया गया था। दुर्योधन इन दोनों को भी नज़र में लाना चाहता था। अश्वत्थामा ने इन दोनों को भी सोते हुए-नींद में मारा था।
YUDHAMANYUSHCH VIKRANT UTTMOUJASHCH VIRYWAN :: Yudhamanyu and Uttmouja were great-mighty warriors of Panchal (now Punjab). They were appointed to take care of-protect, Arjun's chariot's wheels. Duryodhan pointed them out to be the ones to be eliminated at the earliest. They were killed while sleeping with Pandavs sons, by Ashwatthama.
सौभद्र: :: भगवान् श्री कृष्ण की बहन सुभद्रा का पुत्र अभिमन्यु, चन्द्र देव के पुत्र का अवतार था। उसे चक्रव्यूह भेदना आता था। दुर्योधन ने आचार्य को चेताया कि वे उसे भी उतनी ही गम्भीरता से लें, एक बच्चे की तरह नहीं। अभिमन्यु को जयद्रथ आदि ने युद्धनीति के विरुद्ध घेर कर मारा। उसकी मृत्यु दुशासन के बेटे द्वारा सर पर गदा मरने से हुई।
SOUBHADR :: Abhimanyu-son of Bhagwan Shri Krashn's sister Subhdra, was an incarnation of the son of Chandr Dev-Som. He knew how to demolish-penetrate Chakr Vyuh (cyclic formation-arrangements of battalions and columns of the army). He knew how to enter but unaware of the method to come out of it. He was killed by hatching a conspiracy by 7 stalwarts of the Kauravs army, under Jae Drath, by Dushasan's son by striking the mac over his head against settled practice of law. Later Bhagwan Shri Krashn allowed Pandavs to use practices and principles unaccepted-recognised as war fare. Duryodhan was aware of his might and warned Dron against him.
द्रौपदेयाश्च: :: द्रौपदी के 5 पुत्र प्रतिविंध्य, सुतसोम, श्रुतकर्मा, शतानीक और श्रुतसेन थे, जिन्हें वो इसलिए मरवाना चाहता था, क्योंकि द्रौपदी ने भरी सभा में उसका मजाक बनाया था। अश्वत्थामा ने इन पाँचोँ को युद्ध समाप्ति के बाद सोते हुए-नींद में मारा था।
DRAUPDEYASHCH :: Draupdadi's 5 sons Prativindhy, Sut Som, Shrut Karma, Shtaneek and Shrut Sen were killed by Ashwatthama while asleep. Duryodhan wanted to kill them to tease Draupadi, who had insulted him in the open court by calling him :- Blind-the son of blind."अंधे का अँधा"!
सर्व एव महारथाः :: ये सभी शास्त्र और शास्त्र में प्रवीण और महारथी थे और अकेले ही दस हजार योद्धाओं के संचालन करने में समर्थ थे।
SARV EV MAHARATHA :: All these warriors are great, mighty, brave and seasoned and capable of guiding-heading 10,000 archers alone, at the same time, simultaneously. Trillions of soldiers took part in the battle and perished. The mighty kings belonging to Kshatriy community fought together & were eliminated for being cruel, torturous, wicked, sinners, vicious. First and second world wars were insignificant compared to the volume of soldiers killed. Divinity was deeply involved in it, since the Almighty himself appeared over the earth and regulated the events.
At present Putin of Russia is the greatest sinner, who has attached Ukraine followed by Shi Jinping of China and Kim of North Korea. They are communists who prefer to rule slaves. The populace in Russia, China and North Korea is just like slaves, unable to raise voice. Communism is the worst variant of capitalism. Hamas is not far behind.
अस्माकं तु विशिष्टा ये तान्निबोध द्विजोत्तम:।
नायका मम सैन्यस्य सञ्ज्ञार्थं तान्ब्रवीमि ते॥1.7॥
हे ब्राह्मण श्रेष्ठ! अपने पक्ष में भी जो प्रधान हैं, उनको आप समझ लीजिए। आपकी जानकारी के लिए मेरी सेना के जो-जो सेनापति हैं, उनको बतलाता हूँ।
O! The great Brahman! Let me name, elaborate, describe the chiefs-commanders in my army, on our side.
अस्माकं तु विशिष्टा ये तान्निबोध द्विजोत्तम: :: हे द्विज श्रेष्ठ! हमारी में उनकी सेना से अधिक योग्यता-विशिष्टता वाले सेनापति-महारथी हैं।
O! The great Brahman philosopher, enlightened, Guru, our army has more senior, experienced, mature, seasoned commanders as compared to the army of the Pandavs.
नायका मम सैन्यस्य सञ्ज्ञार्थं तान्ब्रवीमि ते :: मेरी सेना में भी जो विशिष्ट व्यक्ति, सेनापति, सेनानायक, महारथी हैं, उनसे तो आप परिचित हैं ही। वो कहना चाहता था कि पाण्डवों की तुलना में कौरव किसी भी तरह कमजोर नहीं थे। फिर भी नीति के अनुसार शत्रु को किसी भी तरह कमजोर नहीं समझना चाहिये। यहाँ यह भी प्रतीत होता है कि वो मन ही मन पांडवों से भयभीत था क्योंकि धर्म उसके पक्ष में नहीं था। पांडवों के साथ भगवान् श्री कृष्ण थे। हर अत्याचारी-दुराचारी जानता है कि वह गलत कर रहा है।
He was trying to press that his army was not weak as compared to the Pandavs. He said that the Guru knew all the mighty, brave, acknowledged, recognized warriors, commanders, captains in his army. Still, he was afraid of the Pandavs. He wanted assurance, reconciliation, assurance, encouragement, backup from the Guru. Every sinner-wicked know it for certain that he is on the wrong path. He is sure to be doomed.
Both the armies had mightiest commanders, some of them were armed with divine arms and powers which could vanish the entire earth in a matter of few seconds. Pandavs, Bhishm, Dron, Ashwasthama, Dhrashtdyumn were divine creations, who had incarnations to participate in the never before war to liquidate the evil-vice forces. Duryodhan was just appraising his Guru-the divine teacher an incarnation of Brahaspati-demigod's Guru, who knew everything better than Duryodhan-a serpent in his previous birth and a dreaded revengeful conspirator.
भवान्भीष्मश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्च समितिञ्जयः।
अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च॥1.8॥
आप-द्रोणाचार्य और पितामह भीष्म तथा कर्ण और संग्राम विजयी कृपाचार्य तथा वैसे ही अश्वत्थामा, विकर्ण और सोमदत्त का पुत्र भूरिश्रवा।
Duryodhan continued describing the main warriors :- You-Achary Dron, Bheeshm Pitamah, Karn, Krapachary-who is a winner of wars (brother in law of Dron, maternal uncle of Ashwasthama and one who would not die like Ashwasthama), Ashwasthama, Vikarn-Duryodhan's brother and Bhurishrwa the son of Som Dutt, are the main stalwarts-leaders. Though a great warrior, he did not mention his name.
भवान्भीष्मश्च :: आप आचार्य द्रोण और भीष्म पितामह, सेना में सबसे विशिष्ठ और महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति हैं। इस पूरे संसार में आपके समकक्ष तीसरा कोई भी व्यक्ति नहीं है। अगर आप अपनी पूरी शक्ति-ताकत लगा कर युद्ध करें, तो देवता, राक्षस, यक्ष और मनुष्य आदि में कोई भी ऐसा नहीं है, जो आपके सामने ठहर सके। उसको इस बात का भान-ज्ञान था कि दोनों ही उसके आचार-व्यवहार से खुश नहीं थे, बल्कि मजबूरी में उसका साथ दे रहे थे। पूरा संसार इस बात से विगत था कि भीष्म आबाल ब्रह्मचारी थे और उन्हें इच्छा मृत्यु का वरदान था। आचार्य की हत्या धृष्टद्युम्न ने तब की, जब उन्होंने शस्त्र त्याग दिये और भीष्म पितामह ने सूर्य के उत्तरायण होने पर, माता गँगा के आदेशानुसार प्राण त्यागे।
Both you and Bheeshm are the most important and significant person, who do not have a parallel in the whole world. If either of you fight with full force-strength deities, demons-Rakshas, Yaksh or the humans can not face-stand before you. You are famous-known all over the world. Bheeshm was an ascetic (celibate, chastity), since childhood, with the boon-blessing to "have death at his own will".
Dron was killed by Dhrashtdyumn and Bheeshm Pitamah left the human body when Sun turned to northern hemisphere-auspicious death, facing Bhagwan Shri Krashn.
कर्णश्च :: कर्ण शूरवीर है और पांडव सेना को विजय करने को अकेला ही काफी है। उसके सामने अर्जुन कुछ भी नहीं। सूर्य पुत्र कर्ण जन्म से ही कवच और कुण्डल लेकर पैदा हुआ था, जिनके रहते उसको मारना सम्भव नहीं था। परन्तु उसे भगवान् परशुराम का श्राप भी था कि जिस वक्त उसे अस्त्र-शस्त्रों की अत्यधिक-सर्वाधिक आवश्यकता होगी, वो उसके काम नहीं आयेंगे। उसका वध अर्जुन द्वारा हुआ।
Karn is brave and sufficient to win the army of Pandavs. Arjun carries no weight against him. He-the son of Sun was born with Kavach (divine Armour) and Kundal (rings) it was not possible to kill him, till these two were on his body. He had the curse of Bhagwan Shri Parshu Ram that the weapons and the art of war-training, he obtained from Bhagwan Parshu Ram, will desert him, when he will need them the most. He had the curse of Maa Prathvi-earth as well. He was killed by Arjun. He donated the Kavach and Kundals-ear rings when Indr Dev begged them as a Brahman, though he was warned in advance by his father, the Sun. He promised to Kunti-his mother that she would have 5 sons, whatever the result of war. He was the greatest donor of his time.
कृपश्च समितिञ्जयः :: कृपाचार्य चिरंजीवी हैं और हमारे परम हितैषी हैं। वे पराक्रमी और अजेय हैं। दुर्योधन को कर्ण पर इन तीनों से ज्यादा विश्वास था।
Krapachary could not be killed, being immortal like Ashwatthama being beyond the limits of death. He described him as a great warrior and one who could not be defeated. Duryodhan relied more on Karn as compared to him.
Here a point needs elaboration that Dronachary, his brother in law Krapachary and son Ashwasthama could not not go against his will. He could influence Bheeshm as well. Therefore, Duryodhan took the option of pleasing Dronachary through flattery.
अश्वत्थामा :: चिरंजीवी हैं और बहुत ही शूरवीर हैं। उन्होंने अस्त्र-शस्त्र विद्या आपसे सीखी है। यद्यपि द्रोणाचार्य अपने पुत्र को अपने प्राणों से ज्यादा प्यार करते थे; तथापि उन्होंने उसे शिष्य के तौर पर अर्जुन से श्रेष्ठ नहीं पाया। ब्रह्मास्त्र का ज्ञान देते समय उन्होंने कहा कि किसी परिस्थिति में इसे मनुष्यों पर नहीं छोड़ना। अश्वत्थामा ने उसका चलाना तो सीख गया, परन्तु उसे लौटाना उसके लिए संभव नहीं था, क्योंकि वो सात्विक प्रवृति का पालन नहीं कर पाता था। उसने उस अस्त्र को अभिमन्यु की पत्नी के गर्भ पर छोड़ दिया। गर्भ की रक्षा भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने की और अश्वत्थामा की मस्तक मणि निकाल ली गई।
Ashwatthama is immortal and a great warrior. He has learnt the art of war and weaponry from you. Though, Dron loved Ashwatthama more than his own life yet, he did not recognize him as virtuous learner-disciple as compared to Arjun. He imparted the knowledge of using Brahmastr to both of them, but cautioned them not to use it over the humans under any circumstances. He directed them to use restraint, even when it had to be used over any other species, due to its destructive powers. Ashwatthama was not righteous. He did not follow the Varnashram Dharm, meant for the Brahmans. He targeted Arjun with the desire to kill him and Arjun projected it just to hold Brahmastr launched by Ashwatthama. At this juncture Vyas Ji and Narad Ji came in between the two Brahmastr. Arjun recalled his Brahmastr but Ashwatthama failed to do it and redirected it to the womb of Abhimanuy's wife. Bhagwan Shri Krashn saved the unborn child. A jewel in the forehead of Ashwatthama was taken away from him and he was set free to roam over the earth.
विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च :: आप यह न समझें कि केवल पाण्डव ही धर्मात्मा हैं। हमारी सेना में भी मेरा भाई विकर्ण बड़ा धर्मात्मा और शूरवीर है। हमारे प्रपितामह शान्तनु के भाई बाहील्क के पौत्र तथा सोमदत्त के पुत्र भूरिश्र्वा भी बड़े धर्मात्मा हैं। इन्होंने भी बहुत बड़ी-बड़ी दक्षिणाओं वाले अनेक यज्ञ किये हैं। ये बड़े शूरवीर और महारथी हैं। दुर्योधन का भाव यह था कि उसकी सेना में दो चिरंजीवी तथा एक ऐसा व्यक्ति-भीष्म था, जिसे उसकी इच्छा के बगैर मारा नहीं जा सकता था।
Don't think that only the Pandavs have virtuous-righteous-pious people in their army, there is no dearth of virtuous people in our army. My brother Vikarn is a great warrior and religious-virtuous illustrious person. The grandson of the brother of our great grandfather Shantnu's brother Bahilk and the son of Bhurishrwa is also a very pious and religious person. He has organised many Yagy-holy fire sacrifices with huge donations. He is a great warrior too.
All these warriors were great stalwarts and capable of wining large armies single handily. War was fought with ultimate fierceness but after war they all used to meet and talk, normally, in the evening. Set rules were followed called Yuddh Dharm. But, Duryodhan and his army commodores broke all set rules, regulations, procedures, morality, established practices & traditions.
In present day world, Muslims and Europeans-Britishers did not follow any rules-regulation and butchered millions of innocent people. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan and Arab world do not believe in any aesthetics during war. No rules, all demonic actions-tendencies, barbarians, intruders, terrorism slaughter of human beings, abduction, looting, rape-selling of girls-women & children. Attempts to convert Hindus to their sinful sects-all these are sure to vanish them sooner or later, like the demons and Kauravs are the objectives of the Muslims-Islamists.
अन्ये च बहवः शूरा मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः।
नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः॥1.9॥
इनके अतिरिक्त और भी बहुत से शूरवीर हैं, जिन्होंने मेरे लिए जीवन की इच्छा-आशा का भी त्याग कर दिया है और जो अनेक प्रकार के शस्त्रास्त्रों से सुसज्जित और सब के सब युद्ध कला में अत्यंत निपुण हैं।
Other than these there are many more warriors who have deserted the desire for life for my sake and well equipped with arms & well trained in war fare.
अन्ये च बहवः शूरा मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः :: अभी तक मैने जिन लोगों के नाम लिए हैं उनके अलावा बाहील्क, शल्य, भगदत्त, जयद्रथ, जैसे बहुत से शूरवीर महारथी हैं जो मेरे लिए अपने जीवन का उत्कर्ष करने के लिए यहाँ आये हुए हैं। वे भले ही मर जाएँ परन्तु युद्ध भूमि से हटेंगे नहीं।
Other than these, who have been named by me, there are the warriors who are well equipped, trained, experienced and willing to sacrifice their lives for me like Bahilk, Shaly, Bhag Datt and Jai Drath.
नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः :: ये सभी लोग हाथ में पकड़ कर तलवार, गदा, त्रिशूल, आदि नाना प्रकार के हथियार-शस्त्र के उपयोग में सिद्ध हस्त हैं। फैंक कर प्रहार करने वाले बाण, तोमर, शक्ति, आदि अस्त्रों में भी निपुण हैं। ये युद्ध की विधा से परिचित-पारंगत हैं।
Other than these there are many more warriors, who are prepared-willing to sacrifice, their lives for my sake and they are well armed and experts in war.
They are experienced-well versed in using the weapons like sword, mac, trident held in the hand and the others are thrown like arrow, Tomar and Shakti in addition to he use of various Astr.
The trick failed to impress-please Achary Dron.
All those who had come to participate in the war were aware of the fact that their lives were at stake. They were under the impression that they would achieve heaven if they lose their life in the war, unaware of the fact that only those on the side of Dharm are entitled to this feat i.e., heaven, Swarg, not the criminal, terrorists, Yawan, Muslims or the Christians who inflict physical, mental injury to the innocent. Those who try to convert someone to his religion is equally guilty and goes to hells after death.
अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम्।
पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम्॥1.10॥
हमारी वह सेना पांडवों पर विजय प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ है, क्योकि उसके संरक्षक (उभय पक्षपाती) भीष्म पितामह हैं। भीम द्वारा रक्षित इन लोगों की यह सेना हमें जीतने में समर्थ है, क्योंकि इसके संरक्षक भीम हैं।
Achary Dron did not react to the utterances of Duryodhan-maintaining his cool, keeping quite, silence, which engulfed him with the feeling that his army protected and led by Bhishm is insufficient-incapable, since Bhishm is neutral, while Pandavs army can not be won, is beyond measure sufficient to defeat mine, since its headed-led by Bhim, its own commander.
अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम् :: द्रोणाचार्य को चुप देखकर दुर्योधन के मन में अन्याय और अधर्म पर चलते हुए विचार आया कि हमारी सेना बड़ी होने पर भी पाण्डवों पर विजय पाने में असमर्थ है, क्योंकि इसमें मतभेद हैं, एकता का अभाव है, उतनी निर्भयता-नि:संकोचता नहीं है, जितनी कि पांडव सेना में है। भीष्म पितामह उभय पक्षपाती हैं, उनके हदय में कृष्ण भक्ति और युधिष्टर की लिए प्यार व सम्मान है। अर्जुन पर बड़ा स्नेह है और वे पाण्डवों का भला चाहते हैं। वे हमारी सेना के सेनापति होकर भी अंदरुनी तौर पर पाण्डवों के साथ हैं। ऐसी दशा में हमारी सेना पांडवों से ज़्यादा समर्थ नहीं हो सकती।
Silence of Dron forced Duryodhan to think of his irreligiosity-unlawfulness. He thought that his army was incapable of winning Pandavs since it lacks coordination, unity, internal freedom and has hesitation as compared to Pandavs army.
पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम् :: पाण्डवों की यह सेना जीतने में समर्थ है, क्योंकि इसमें मतभेद नहीं हैं, एकमत है, संगठित है, भीम द्वारा रक्षित है। भीमसेन बचपन से ही दुर्योधन को हराते आ रहे थे, वो उसे उसके 100 भाइयों के साथ मारने की प्रतिज्ञा कर चुका थे और उसके जहर पिलाने पर भी जिन्दा रहे, उनमें 10,000 हाथियों का बल है और शरीर वज्र के समान है। दुर्योधन बचपन से ही भीम के बल और पराक्रम से भयभीत रहता था। इसलिए उसने कहा कि पांडव सेना भीम से रक्षित है।
The army of Pandav's is capable of winning, as it has no differences, united and protected by Bhim Sen. Bhim Sen had been defeating Duryodhan from childhood and was under oath to kill-eliminate his 100 brothers (including him) and survived even after being poisoned by him. He had the strength-potential of 10,000 elephants and his body was as strong as Vajr. Duryodhan was afraid of Bhim Sen's might-power and suffered from inferiority complex. Therefore, he thought that Pandavs army was safe-protected under him.
Duryodhan was aware of his weaknesses and the sin he was involved in-committing. His commandeers too knew that they were fighting against divine entities supported by the God himself. They were fighting a already lost battle. They knew that they could not win. Their moral were low.
अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिताः।
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षन्तु भवन्तः सर्व एव हि॥1.11॥
इसलिए सब मोर्चों पर अपनी-अपनी जगह स्थित रहते हुए, आप लोग सभी निःसंदेह भीष्म पितामह की ही सब ओर से रक्षा करें। आप सभी महारथियों की जिन-जिन मोर्चों पर तैनाती की गई है, उन पर मजबूती से स्थित रहकर हर तरीके से भीष्म पितामह की रक्षा करें।
Now, Duryodhan addressed all his stalwarts, commanders, mighty warriors that they should occupy their strategic positions and protect Bhishm Pitamah.
पितामह अपनी और सेना की रक्षा करने में समर्थ थे, फिर भी यदि यह कहा गया तो उसके पीछे एक मात्र कारण शिखंडी था, जिस पर पितामह किसी भी परिस्थिति में शस्त्र नहीं उठाने वाले थे। शिखण्डी पूर्व जन्म में काशिराज की वह कन्या था, जिसका विवाह नहीं हो सका तो उसने तपस्या की और भगवान् शिव से उनकी मृत्यु का वरदान माँगा।
Duryodhan directed all his captains to protect Bhishm Pitamah by occupying their strategic locations-positions, in best possible manner. Only reason for this order was Shikhandi, who was the 3rd daughter of Kashi Raj, whom Bhishm picked up for marrying Chitr Viry and Vichitr Viry his step brothers from Saty Vati, in her earlier birth. She requested Bhishm to marry her. Under oath Bhishm could not marry her. She went to forest and begun asceticism, meditation, chastity and prayers to seek boon from Bhagwan Shiv to kill Bhishm. In this birth she became Shikhandi, who was an impotent-Hizra-Kinner. Bhishm had vowed not to kill Kinner-Woman in the war. He was aware of Shikhandi's past identity.
Bhism Pitamah-great grand father, of both Pandavs & Kauravs, (son of Maa Bhagwati Ganga & Shantnu, an incarnation of Samudr, Ocean) was more than 150 years old when this war took place. His name was Dev Vrat as a child. He was a Vasu-demigod in his previous birth. He could easily kill Shikhandi as well, but cared for his vow not to raise arms over women, since he still considered Shikhandi as a woman. He was aware of Shikhandi's previous birth. Arjun was protected by Bhagwan Shri Krashn by inviting Hanuman Ji Maha Raj to guard his chariot by staying over the flag mast. As a matter of fact Arjun himself was capable of destroying the whole army of Duryodhan by using divine weapons, which he cared not to use them, at any point of time, except when Ashwatthama shot Brahmastr to counter it.
Please refer to :: CONCH'S CURING EFFECTS शंख ध्वनि से विघ्ननाश santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com
(दोनों सेनाओं के द्वारा शंख-ध्वनि SOUND OF SHANKH-CONCH BY BOTH ARMIES)
तस्य सञ्जनयन्हर्षं कुरुवृद्धः पितामहः।
सिंहनादं विनद्योच्चैः शंख दध्मौ प्रतापवान्॥1.12॥
कौरवों में वृद्ध बड़े प्रतापी पितामह भीष्म ने उस दुर्योधन के हृदय में हर्ष उत्पन्न करते हुए उच्च स्वर से सिंह की दहाड़ के समान गरजकर शंख बजाया।
The eldest and most effective amongest the Kauravs-Bhishm Pitamah, blew the conch, giving pleasure, reassuring Duryodhan with loud sound like a roar of lion.
तस्य सञ्जनयन्हर्षं :: भीष्म पितामह ने जब शंख ध्वनि की तो दुर्योधन के ह्रदय में हर्ष-खुशी का संचार हुआ। दुर्योधन एक निर्णायक युद्ध चाहता था, जिससे कि पांडवों का अस्तित्व मिट जाये और वह निष्कंटक हो जाये। शंख ध्वनि युद्ध आरम्भ करने की प्रक्रिया थी।
Blowing of conch gave pleasure to Duryodhan, who was eager to fight a decisive battle-war with the Pandavs, so that he could rule without any hurdles. Quarrelsome, wretched, notorious people find pleasure in fighting. Such people create opportunities, so that others can involve in infighting.
कुरुवृद्धः :: यद्यपि आयु की दृष्टि से बाहिल्क बड़े थे, तथापि मुख्य सेनापति होने, धर्म, ज्ञान, ईश्वरीय भक्ति, माँ गँगा के पुत्र होने-दैवीय सम्बन्ध, परशुराम जी के शिष्य होने और अनेकानेक युद्धों में विजय हासिल करने के कारण उन्हें ही वयोवृद्ध माना गया।
Bhishm Pitamah is designated as eldest by virtue of position, seniority, capability, Chief of the army, religiosity, chastity-asceticism, enlightenment, being a Vasu-Demigod in previous life and being the son of Maa Ganga (the divine connection), disciple of Bhagwan Shri Parshu Ram, winner of many-many battles and capability to fight and satisfy his mentor-Guru Parshu Ram in the fight, though Bahilk (Shantnu's brother-Bhishm's uncle), was the eldest amongest the Kauravs.
प्रतापवान् :: भीष्म पितामह ने अपनी प्रतिज्ञा के कारण विवाह नहीं किया, चित्रवीर्य और विचित्रवीर्य के विवाह हेतु काशिराज की कन्याओं का हरण करते वक्त सभी क्षत्रियों को पराजित किया। उनको शस्त्र और शास्त्र पर समान अधिकार था, इच्छा मृत्यु का वरदान था, परशुराम जी के शिष्य थे, मृत्यु शय्या पर भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने युधिष्टर से कहा कि यदि धर्म सम्बन्धी कोई शंका हो तो भीष्म पितामह से पूछ लो। इससे उनकी प्रतिभा और प्रभाव दृष्टिगोचर होता है।
Bhishm Pitamah did not marry due to the oath of serving and protecting the throne of Hastinapur so that his children could not claim the right over the throne. He abducted the three daughters of the king of Kashi for his step brothers, by defeating all the kings, who gathered there. He had full command over weaponry and scriptures. He was blessed by his father to leave the human body according to his own will-desire. He was the best disciple of Bhagwan Parshu Ram. Bhagwan Shri Krashn endorsed him, so that Dharm Raj Yudhister could satisfy his quarries related to Dharm, duty, mode-art of living, dealings with citizens.
पितामहः :: दुर्योधन की चालाकी ताड़ने के बावजूद भीष्म पितामह ने वात्सल्य भाव के कारण दुर्योधन का मन रखने (खुश करने को शंख बजाया), जबकि द्रोण चुप रहे।
Though Bhishm could see through the trick-cunning behaviour of Duryodhan, yet he blew the conch, just to satisfy, please-keep him happy. Both Dron and Bhishm were aware of his deceptive-notorious behaviour of Duryodhan.
सिंहनादं विनद्योच्चैः शंख दध्मौ :: शंख की आवाज ऐसी थी जैसी कि सिंह की गर्जना हो; जिसे सुनकर बड़े-बड़े पशु भी भयभीत हो जाते हैं।
The loud sound created by the conch was like the roar of the lion, enough to create terror in the big animals.
Traditionally Hindus never attacked any one unaware without warning, like the terrorists of today or the gorilla war fare, though they have thorough knowledge of it. They use it as and when compelled to do it and vanish the attackers at will closing all escape routes. Mayavi war fare was common with demons-giants. There are several instances when the normal humans were forced to use it and they did that. Ravan's son Megh Nad was an expert in this art. Ghatotkach too acquired the knowledge of it from his mother.
Earlier Muslims & the British and now Putin, they all use such means which are grossly against the humanity, virtues, ethics.
Shankh Dhwani-blowing of conch was to ascertain whether the opposite army was ready for attack. It encouraged the soldiers as well, who in turn blew their conchs to show their readiness-preparedness.
ततः शंखाश्च भेर्यश्च पणवानकगोमुखाः।
सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त स शब्दस्तुमुलोऽभवत्॥1.13॥
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नगाड़ा |
Soon after the blowing of conch by Bhishm, Kaurav army too, started blowing conchs, drums, cymbals and gongs in unison leading to production of echo and loud noise.
ततः शंखाश्च भेर्यश्च पणवानकगोमुखाः :: इसके तुरंत बाद कौरव सेना में शंख, भेरी, पणव, आनक-पखावज, गौमुख-नरसिंघा, भीष्म पितामह के शंख बजाने पर बज उठे। भीष्म पितामह ने शंख केवल दुर्योधन को आश्वस्त करने के बजाया था, ना कि युद्ध की धोषणा के लिये। ये सभी बाजे राजाओं के महल और मन्दिरों में शुभ कार्य दिन आरम्भ करने-होने पर बजाये जाते हैं।
Blowing of conch by Bhishm, followed by blowing of conchs, beating of drums, cymbals and gongs by Duryodhan's army.
सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त :: कौरव सेना में बहुत जोश था, क्योंकि वह निरन्तर युद्ध का अभ्यास और इंतजार कर रही थी। दुर्योधन ने पाण्डवों को वन में भेजकर युद्ध की तैयारी आरम्भ कर दी थी। वो स्वयं प्रतिदिन युद्ध का अभ्यास करता था। उसने 13 सालों में अनेक राजाओं और युद्ध की चाहत रखने वालों से सन्धियाँ की थीं। उसके मित्र और सलाहकार कर्ण, अश्त्थामा, शकुनि को युद्ध का बेसब्री से इन्तजार था। क्षत्रिय का स्वभाव उसे युद्ध में प्रवृत करता है। इसीलिये परशुराम जी को उन्हें 21 बार धरती से मिटाना पड़ा था। दूसरों पर शासन करना, दबाना, अत्याचार करना उनकी स्वभाविक प्रवृति है। क्षत्रिय को बचपन से ही सिखाया जाता है, घुट्टी में पिलाया जाता है कि युद्ध में मृत्यु, उसे स्वर्ग ले जायेगी (उसने स्वर्ग देखा ही नहीं है, जन्नत का सपना) युद्ध में पीठ दिखाना कायरता-जघन्य पाप है, आदि।
The Kaurav army was in great enthusiasm-preparedness, since Duryodhan had been preparing for the war relentlessly all these years, when Pandavs were in exile for 13 years. He entered into war treaties with like minded people (wretched, wicked, vicious, viceful having lust for war). The band was waiting for instructions to begin its job. The Kshatriy (Marshal-warrior castes) has a natural tendency-inclination to tease, rule, oppress others. Due to this reason Bhagwan Parshu Ram had to eliminate them 21 times from this earth.
They may suffer from ego problem & imprudence accompanied by arrogance.
From the early childhood infancy the Kshatriy is nurtured-nursed with the idea-misconception that his death in the battle field-war, will take him to heaven (which has not been seen by him, its only a dream, mirage). However, if one dies serving the society, protecting the innocents, he is sure to get Heaven after his death, if he dies during this operation.
Here the main point is that as per scriptures, only that person goes to heaven, after death, in a war-battle field, who has fought-sacrificed his life for a virtuous, righteous, pious cause, safety of his mother land, society, family against the oppressor, traitor, wretched, sinner, terrorist, jihadi, brutal murderer. The Muslim traitors, terrorists, invaders are indiscriminately killing the innocents, while covering their face to avoid recognition. Take the case of Alexander, the Roman who invaded India, will certainly serve their term in hell. They all deserve hell and will stay there for millions of years. Thereafter they take rebirth in lower species like insects.
At least one of the two parties fighting a war is at fault, like Kauravs. There are chances that both of them are over the wrong foot. Hence, they deserve hell.
स शब्दस्तुमुलोऽभवत् :: विभिन्न विभागों-टुकड़ियों में सनन्न-तैयार खड़ी कौरव सेना के शंख-बाजे और मुँह से प्रसन्नता की आवाजों ने बेहद भयंकर शब्द किया और आबाजें गूँजने-प्रतिध्वनित होने लगीं।
Various units, battalions, columns, divisions of the army, which were ready and waiting for the orders to fight; generated loud-furious sound-noises by using band-orchestra and mouth, depicting happiness which echoed and reverberated.
Various musical instruments were used to declare that the armies were ready for the war. The sound used to be loud and the soldiers were filled encouragement-courage. For some it was heart rendering, which discouraged them. Duryodhan was preparing for the war for 13 years, while the Pandavs were unprepared, still they had to accept the war, which was practically forced-thrust upon them.
ततः श्वेतैर्हयैर्युक्ते महति स्यन्दने स्थितौ।
माधवः पाण्डवश्चैव दिव्यौ शंखौ प्रदध्मतुः॥1.14॥
इसके अनन्तर सफेद घोड़ों से युक्त उत्तम रथ में बैठे हुए भगवान् श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन ने भी अलौकिक शंख बजाए।
Soon there after (in response to this), Arjun and Bhagwan Shri Krashn sitting over the great chariot (provided by Agni Dev, deity-demigod of fire) having white horses too, blew their divine conchs. The sound of these conchs was sufficient to create uneasiness, fear in the enemy.
ततः श्वेतैर्हयैर्युक्ते :: चित्ररथ नाम के गन्दर्भ ने अर्जुन को 100 धोड़े दिए थे। युद्ध में चाहे कितने भी घोड़े मर जायें, इनकी सँख्या उतनी ही बनी रहती थी। ये पृथ्वी, स्वर्ग या कहीं भी जा सकते थे। उन्हीं में से 4 सुन्दर और प्रशिक्षित घोड़े उस दिव्य रथ में जुड़े थे, जिसकी ध्वजा में कपि चिन्ह अंकित था। उसकी रक्षा स्वयं हनुमान जी कर रहे थे।
Gandarvbh named Chitr Rath gave 100 divine white horses to Arjun. The speciality about them was that, they would remain 100 in number even after the death of any number of horses. These horses were capable of going to any place in the universe, including the heavens. Out of these 100 horses, 4 beautiful and trained horses were yoked-deployed in the divine chariot driven by Bhagwan Shri Krashn.
महति स्यन्दने स्थितौ :: यह रथ बहुत विशाल था। यह अग्नि देव द्वारा अर्जुन को दिया गया था, क्योंकि उन्होंने अग्नि देव का अजीर्ण दूर करने के लिये उन्हें विलक्षण जड़ी-बूटियों से भरपूर खाण्डव वन को जलाने में उनकी सहायता की थी; इन्द्रदेव द्वारा की गई बरसात को रोक कर। नौ गाड़ियों में लदे वजन के बराबर अस्त्र-शस्त्र इसमें आ जाते थे और इसकी पताका एक योजन (1 योजन = 4 कोस, 1 कोस = 2 1/2 मील, 1 मील = 1.6 किलोमीटर) तक लहराती रहती थी। न इसमें बोझ था, ना कहीं अटकती थी और न ही कहीं रूकती थी। इस ध्वजा पर हनुमान जी महाराज विराजमान थे। इसके पहिये बड़े मजबूत और विशाल थे। यह सोने से मढ़ा था। उस सुन्दर और तेजोमय रथ पर भगवान् श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन के विराजमान होने से उसकी शोभा और बढ़ गई थी।
This chariot was very large gifted by Agni Dev for the help given to him by Arjun in engulfing-burning the Khandav Van jungle-forest, full of valuable herbs to cure indigestion, he had due to eating the offerings made by the devotees, made with ghee-clarified butter. It could store weapons equivalent to 9 carts. It was made of gold. Its wheels were very strong and large. The flag-mast over it, was more than 1 Yojan (1 Yojan = 4 Kos, 1 Kos = 2 1/2 mile, 1 mile = 1.6 km) or 10 miles in length (16 km). The flag was occupied by Hanuman Ji Maharaj. This flag had the speciality of being extremely light weight and did not struck any where in trees or any thing else.
The elegance-beauty of the chariot was enhanced by the presence of Bhagwan Shri Krashn and Arjun.
माधवः पाण्डवश्चैव :: "मा" माँ लक्ष्मी जी को कहते हैं और "धव" का अर्थ है पति; अर्थात लक्ष्मी पति नारायण। पाण्डव अर्जुन का सम्बोधन है, जो नर के अवतार थे। जहाँ नर-नारायण हैं, वहाँ श्री, विजय, विभूति और अटल नीति रहेंगी।
Ma stands for Maa Laxmi-the goddess of all glory, money, riches, comforts and Dhav depicts husband i.e., Narayan-Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu. The presence of Nar & Narayan ensures riches, victory, glory and firm righteous policy.
दिव्यौ शंखौ प्रदध्मतुः :: भगवान् श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन ने अपने दिव्य, अलौकिक, तेजोमय शंखों को बड़े जोर से बजाया। यद्यपि सेनापति धृष्टद्युम्न थे, तथापि सैन्य संचालन स्वयं भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ही कर रहे थे। अश्वमेध यज्ञ के अवसर पर भी युधिष्टर द्वारा प्रथम पूजन-अग्र पूजा उनका ही किया गया था, यद्यपि भीष्म पितामह उपस्थित थे और इसमें उनकी सम्मति थी। बाल्यावस्था से ही बड़े-बूढ़े, प्रबुद्ध जन उनकी बात का सम्मान करते थे। शिशुपाल, कंस, जरासंध, दुर्योधन, धृतराष्ट्र आदि नहीं। उनके कहने पर ही गोकुल वासियों ने देवराज इन्द्र की पूजा बंद कर दी थी।
Bhagwan Shri Krashn and Arjun blew their divine, eternal, lustrous conchs on a high note, volume, sound. Though, Dhrastdyumn was the commander in chief, yet in reality the army was acting over the, instructions, guidance, command of Bhagwan Shri Krashn. At the auspicious occasion of Ashwmedh Yagy, first celebrity of honour was Bhagwan Shri Krashn with the consent and advice of Bhishm Pitamah, though Bhishm was the eldest and honoured amongest Kaurav and Pandavs. Bhishm Pitamah was aware that The Almighty had landed over the earth to punish the guilty. From early childhood, elders, enlightened, honoured people respected his words. Shishu Pal, Kans, Jara Sandh, Duryodhan, Karn and Shakuni did not pay heed-attention to him and were doomed. People of Gokul stopped paying respect-honour to Dev Raj Indr on his advice.
Even if one happen to see the Almighty-God, he will not get the reward of this till he has devotion for him.
The conch of Bhagwan Shri Krashn resonated the three abodes and the demigods descended over the earth in Kurukshetr to witness the war. It generated fear in the army of Kauravs. Those who were aware of the identity of the Almighty bowed before Him at once and the imprudents waited for their death. The flag mast of the chariot of Arjun could be seen from a long distance. Even today the temple in Puri has a flag in the Jagan Nath temple which keep waving without casting shadow, a sign of divinity. Chariot driving was a great art which very few knew. The horses could pull at speeds much more than 100 kilometres per hours. Bhagwan Shri Krashn, Raja Nal and Madr Naresh, father of Pandu's wife Madri were expert in this art-field.
पाञ्चजन्यं हृषीकेशो देवदत्तं धनञ्जयः।
पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशंख भीमकर्मा वृकोदरः॥1.15॥
भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने पाञ्चजन्य, अर्जुन ने देवदत्त और भयानक कर्म वाले भीमसेन ने पौण्ड्र नामक महाशंख बजाये। इन तीन शंखों की मिली जुली आवाज कौरवों की सेना का दिल दहलाने वाली और पाण्डव सेना में ख़ुशी की लहर उत्पन्न करने वाली थी।
Bhagwan Shri Krashn master of all senses and aware of each and every activity in this universe blew his conch called Panchjany, Arjun blew his divine conch called Dev Dutt and Bhim the performer of unimaginable furious-dangerous deeds, blew his conch Pondr which was very large.
This loud and penetrating sound was sufficient to generate fear in Kaurav armies and happiness in the Pandav forces.
पाञ्चजन्यं हृषीकेशो :: हृषीकेश अंतर्यामी और सभी इन्द्रियों के स्वामी हैं। उन्होंने गुरु संदीपन के पुत्र की तलाश में समुद्र में बलराम जी साथ प्रवेश किया और समुद्र के कहने पर पञ्चजन नामक शंखरूपी राक्षस को मार कर उसको शंख रूप में गृहण किया था, इसलिए यह पाञ्चजन्य कहलाया।
Hrishikesh Bhagwan Shri Krashn, aware of each and every activity of the universe, controls all the sense organs of all creatures-organisms. He entered the ocean in search of the lost son of his Guru Sandipan, when Guru Mata asked him to bring her son back from the ocean, who was assumed-considered to be eaten by the demon named Panchjany, conch due to his shape and size. Bhagwan killed the Rakshas-Demon and kept his shinning, glowing, lustrous shell with him. This shell was named Panchjany after the demon.
Its impossible for the demigods-deities to bring back a person back to life, whose mortal remains are no more. This is possible for the God only.
देवदत्तं धनञ्जयः :: देवदत्त नामक शंख इन्द्र देव ने अर्जुन उस वक्त दिया था, जब वे निवात-कवच आदि दैत्यों के साथ युद्ध कर रहे थे। इस शंख की आवाज सुनकर शत्रु सेना घबरा जाती थी। राजसूय यज्ञ करते समय जब धन की आवश्यकता हुई तो अर्जुन ने अनेक राजाओं को जीत कर धन इकट्ठा किया था। इसलिए धनञ्जय कहलाये। (संस्कृत भाषा में नाम संज्ञा होते हुए भी व्यक्ति विशेष की विशेषता बतलाता है। भगवान् के सभी नाम उनके द्वारा किये गए किसी विशिष्ट कार्य के द्योतक हैं।)
Devraj Indr awarded the conch named Dev Dutt to Arjun, while he was eliminating the demons, Rakshas, giants called Nivat Kavach. Its sound was furious tearing through the hearts of the opponents-enemies army. Arjun was nick named Dhananjay because of his ability to win-defeat many kings in wars and collecting a lot of money for donation and rituals-ceremonies, in the Rajsuy Yagy performed by Yudhister.
पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशंख भीमकर्मा वृकोदरः :: पौण्ड्र नामक शंख बहुत विशाल था और भीम के नाम के अनुरूप था। भीम कर्मा उन्हें इसलिए कहा गया, क्योंकि उनके हाथों हिडिम्बासुर, जरासंध, बकासुर, जटासुर, कीचक जैसे असुर और बलवान व्यक्तियों को मारा गया। भीम को भूख बहुत लगती थी और वे शेष 4 पाण्डवों के भोजन के बराबर अकेले ही खाते थे, क्योंकि उनके उदर में जठराग्नि के अलावा वृक नामक अग्नि भी थी जो उनकी भोजन पचाने की क्षमता को बढ़ाती थी।
The conch shell named Pondr was very large and produced ear deafening irritating sound and matched Bhim's name. He was called Bhim because he killed many mighty people like Jara Sandh and Keechak in addition to various furious demons like Hidimbasur, Bakasur, Jatasur etc. Bhim felt strong hunger for food because of the presence of an addition digestive fire (enzyme called Vrak) besides Jathragni.
Blowing of conch by Bhagwan Shri Krashn indicated that ultimate devastation was about to begin and millions of people were sure to die in it. Burning of the dead bodies, regulating the flow of blood, clearing of the battle field at night, controlling the foul stench, keeping vultures away were mammoth tasks for which advance planning was essential on both sides. One can imagine the quantity of wood required for it and the quantum of heat generated by it!
Each and every conch had its own qualities and could be recognised through a distance. The conchs blown by Bhagwan Shri Krashn & the Pandavs generated spine-chilling trouble in the army of Kauravs.
अनन्तविजयं राजा कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः।
नकुलः सहदेवश्च सुघोषमणिपुष्पकौ॥1.16॥
कुन्ती पुत्र राजा युधिष्ठिर ने अनन्त विजय नामक और नकुल तथा सहदेव ने सुघोष और मणि पुष्पक नामक शंख बजाए।
King Yudhishtar-the son of Kunti, blew his conch Anant Vijay, Nakul blew his conch Sughosh and Sahdev his conch Mani Pushpak.
कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः :: पाण्डु की दो रानियाँ थीं। पहली कुन्ती-प्रथा और दूसरी माद्री। युधिष्टर कुंती के व नकुल और सहदेव माद्री के पुत्र थे।
युद्ध से पहले युधिष्टर राजा थे और बनवास की समाप्ति के बाद भी वे पुनः राजा हो गये। क्योंकि युधिष्टर राजा हैं और भगवान श्री कृष्ण के कृपा पात्र भी हैं, अतः शेष तीनों भाइयों ने भी शंख बजाकर युद्ध की सम्मति-सहमति प्रकट कर दी।
King Pandu had two queens. Kunti was his first wife while Madri was his second wife. Madri was an expert in chariot driving and war fare and was more near-close to him. Yudhistar got birth from Kunti and Nakul and Sahdev took birth from Madri. By blowing their conchs they approved-their consent for the beginning of battle.
Sanjay addressed Yudhistar as Raja-king, since he was the king before going to exile and was supposed to be the king after the exile was over and Sanjay could see due to his ability to see through the future, granted by Mahrishi Ved Vyas that he would be the king after the battle, again.
The Pandavs were divine people born out of the demigods. Kunti & Dropadi, both were Chir Kumari i.e., the women who's virginity was intact. The Pandu dynasty was a constituent of Chandr Vansh which in turn was a branch of Ikshwaku dynasty in which Bhagwan Shri Ram took birth. It was an unbroken chain. One of the kings in Ikshwaku dynasty (Vansh, clan) is still meditating on the orders of the Almighty and the chain will be revived at a later date. Their conchs too had divine impact sufficient to render the hearts of the enemy with fear.
सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त :: कौरव सेना में बहुत जोश था, क्योंकि वह निरन्तर युद्ध का अभ्यास और इंतजार कर रही थी। दुर्योधन ने पाण्डवों को वन में भेजकर युद्ध की तैयारी आरम्भ कर दी थी। वो स्वयं प्रतिदिन युद्ध का अभ्यास करता था। उसने 13 सालों में अनेक राजाओं और युद्ध की चाहत रखने वालों से सन्धियाँ की थीं। उसके मित्र और सलाहकार कर्ण, अश्वत्थामा, शकुनि को युद्ध का बेसब्री से इन्तजार था। क्षत्रिय का स्वभाव उसे युद्ध में प्रवृत करता है। इसीलिये परशुराम जी को उन्हें 21 बार धरती से मिटाना पड़ा था। दूसरों पर शासन करना-दबाना, अत्याचार करना उनकी स्वभाविक प्रवृति है। क्षत्रिय को बचपन से ही सिखाया जाता है, घुट्टी में पिलाया जाता है कि "युद्ध में मृत्यु, उसे स्वर्ग ले जायेगी (उसने स्वर्ग देखा ही नहीं है, जन्नत का सपना) युद्ध में पीठ दिखाना कायरता-जघन्य पाप है", आदि।
The Kaurav army was in great enthusiasm-preparedness, since Duryodhan had been preparing for the war relentlessly all these years, when Pandavs were in exile for 13 years. He entered into war treaties with like minded people (wretched, wicked, having lust for war). The band was waiting for instructions to begin its job. The Kshatriy (Marshal-warrior castes) has a natural tendency-inclination to tease, rule, oppress others. Due to this reason Bhagwan Parshu Ram had to eliminate them 21 times from this earth.
Here the main point is that as per scriptures, only that person goes to heaven, after death, in a war-battle field, who has fought-sacrificed his life for a virtuous, righteous, pious cause, safety of his mother land, against the oppressor, traitor, wretched, sinner, terrorist, jihadi, brutal murderer. The Muslim traitors, terrorists, invaders are indiscriminately killing the innocents, while covering their face to avoid recognition. Take the case of Alexander, the British who invaded India, will certainly serve their term in hell. They all deserve hell and will stay there for millions of years.
At least one the two parties fighting a war is at fault, like Kauravs. There are chances that both of them are over the wrong foot. Hence they deserve hell.
Blowing of conch by Bhishm, followed by blowing of conchs, beating of drums, cymbals and gongs by Duryodhan's army.
Various units-columns, battalions, divisions of the army, which were ready and waiting for the orders to fight; generated loud-furious noises by using band-orchestra and mouth, depicting happiness which echoed and reverberated.
Various musical instruments were used to declare that the armies were ready for the war. The sound used to be loud and the soldiers were filled encouragement-courage. For some it was heart rendering, which discouraged them. Duryodhan was preparing for the war for 13 years, while the Pandavs were unprepared, still they had to accept the war, which was practically forced-thrust upon them.
काश्यश्च परमेष्वासः शिखण्डी च महारथः।
धृष्टद्युम्नो विराटश्च सात्यकिश्चापराजितः॥1.17॥
द्रुपदो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्वशः पृथिवीपते।
सौभद्रश्च महाबाहुः शंखान्दध्मुः पृथक्पृथक्॥1.18॥
श्रेष्ठ धनुष वाले काशिराज और महारथी शिखण्डी एवं धृष्टद्युम्न तथा राजा विराट और अजेय सात्यकि, राजा द्रुपद एवं द्रौपदी के पाँचों पुत्र और बड़ी भुजा वाले सुभद्रा पुत्र अभिमन्यु; इन सभी ने, हे राजन्! सब ओर से अलग-अलग शंख बजाए।
Kashi Raj-the king of Kashi with excellent bow, great charioteer Shikhandi, Dhrashtdyumn, Virat, Satyaki-one who never faced defeat, king Drupad, all the 5 sons of Draupadi and Abhimanyu-Subhadra's son, with long arms, blew their conchs separately from all directions.
महारथी शिखण्डी :- पूर्व जन्म में वह काशी राज की कन्या था और इस जन्म में वह द्रुपद की कन्या बन कर पैदा हुआ था। स्थूला कर्ण नामक यक्ष ने उसे पुरुषत्व प्रदान किया। संसार उसे नपुंसक के रूप में जानता था और पितामह भीष्म उसे एक स्त्री ही समझते थे। इस तरह वो द्रोपदी और धृष्टद्युम्न की बहन हुआ।
He was the daughter of Kashi Raj in his earlier birth abducted by Bhishm to marry her, to either of his step-half bothers. In the current birth, he again took birth as the daughter of King Drupad, as sister of Draupadi and Dhrashtdyumn. Later, he was converted into a male by a Yaksh called Sthul Karn. Every one recognised him as an impotent-Kinnar. Bhishm Pitamah considered him to be a female and advised Arjun to place him before him as a shield, to retire him from the battle field.
अभिमन्यु :- अभिमन्यु सुभद्रा का पुत्र था। वह एक महान सेना नायक और अपने पिता अर्जुन के समान महारथी-शूरवीर था। उसकी भुजाएं बहुत लम्बी थीं। उसे अस्त्र-शस्त्र की शिक्षा स्वयं भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने प्रदान की थी। वह चन्द्र देव के पुत्र का अवतार-अंश था। चक्रव्यूह का संसाधन उसने माँ के गर्भ में ही सीख लिया था, जबकि अर्जुन सुभद्रा को चक्रव्यूह का भेदन समझा रहे थे। उसे इस व्यूह से निकलना नहीं आता था, क्योंकि सुभद्रा विधि समझते-समझते सो गई थीं। उसकी हत्या कौरव सेना के 6 महारथियों ने षड्यंत्र करके की थी। दुःशासन के पुत्र ने नियम के विरुद्ध उसके सर पर गदा से प्रहार किया, जिससे उसकी मृत्यु हो गई। इसी के दण्ड स्वरूप जयद्रथ को अर्जुन ने मारा।
He was the component-partial incarnation of the son deity-demigod Chandr-Moon, born with long arms. He learnt the art of penetrating into the cyclic formation of the army columns, while he was in the womb of his mother Subhdra. He could not learn the later part of relieving himself from the Vyuh, since Arjun stopped elaborating it further, as she fall asleep. He was trained in the use of weaponry by Bhagwan Krashn himself. He was killed by 6 stalwarts of the Kaurav's army through a conspiracy hatched by Jai Drath-who was killed by Arjun, the same day. Dushasan's son struck his head with the mac against rules of war.
संजय ने शंखनाद करने वालों में कौरव पक्ष से केवल पितामह भीष्म का ही नाम लिया, जबकि पाण्डव पक्ष के 18 वीरों के नाम लिये। यह दर्शाता है कि संजय स्वयं धर्म के पक्ष का आदर करता था। सूत-निम्न वर्ण में जन्म लेने के बावजूद संजय एक विद्वान और नीति कुशल व्यक्ति थे।
Sanjay named just Bhishm Pitamah, when the conchs were blown, while he named 18 stalwarts from Pandav's army, reassuring Yudhister of the result-consequences of war. While Duryodhan had been preparing for the war for 13 years, Pandavs had no opportunity for practice and preparations. Sanjay too honoured Yudhister and his side because of righteousness attached to them. He was a learned man in spite of his birth in a low caste family-Shudr.
It should be remembered that Emperor Yudhistar had one minister from a low origin-Shudr. A person with low origin could also ride to high posts through his labour and sincerity. It proves that the Britishers and Germans misinterpreted Manu Smrati. Karn himself was recognised as the son of a chariot driver but was elevated to the rank of army general and a king by Duryodhan.
The divinity descended over the earth to eliminate the rouge, sinful, deceit, viceful, wretched. Bhagwan Shri Krashn HIMSELF was Almighty. Pandavs were divine person. Kunti's sons Karn was from Bhagwan Sury Narayan, Yudhistar was incarnation of Dharm Raj, Bheem was the son of Pawan Dev and brother of Hanuman Ji Maha Raj while Arjun-son of Devraj Indr, him self was Nar Rishi an incarnation of God. Nakul and Sahdev were born as components of Ashwani Kumars-divine physicians (doctors) and sons of Bhagwan Sury from Madri. Kunti her self was a Nag Kanya. Balram Ji him self was an incarnation of Bhagwan Shesh Nag and Lakshman Ji during Ramavtar 17,50,000 years ago. Pradyumn Ji was Kam Dev (a component of Bhagwan Brahma & Chandr Dev), Ashwatthama is a component of Bhagwan Shiv and Bhagwan Ved Vyas is a component of Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu himself. Bhishm Pitamah was a demigod Vasu, Maa Ganga appeared as a woman. Sapt Rishis came to Bhism Pitamah as swans at the occasion of his departure from earth. Abhimanyu was the son of Chandr Dev. Whenever the Almighty descend over the earth he has four forms (1). Shri Krashn, (2). Bal Ram Ji, (3). Pradyumn Ji and (4). Aniruddh Ji, grand Son of Bhagwan Shri Krashn. During Ramavtar HIS four forms were :- (1). Shri Ram, (2), Bharat Ji, (3). Lakshman Ji and (4). Shtrughan Ji. Maa Devki and Maa Kaushlya were Almighty's mothers earlier as well. Rohini was Nag Mata in earlier birth. Vasudev Ji HIS father in current birth was his father as Kashyap Rishi earlier as well. Their conchs too were divine. Hanuman Ji Maha Raj is an incarnation of Bhagwan Shiv and was also present during the war but did not participate in it.
स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत्।
नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलो व्यनुनादयन्॥1.19॥
और उस भयानक शब्द ने आकाश और पृथ्वी को भी गुंजाते हुए धार्तराष्ट्रों-कौरवों के अर्थात आपके पक्षवालों के हृदय विदीर्ण कर दिए। सभी शंखों के संयुक्त-तुमुल उद्घोष ने कौरव सेना के ह्रदयों को विदीर्ण कर दिया और उनका उत्साह भंग कर दिया।
That reverberating (echoed and re-echoed in the earth and the sky) sound of conchs shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhratrashtr.
The tumultuous sound of the conchs penetrated through the hearts of Kauravs demoralising them.
धार्तराष्ट्राणां :: राजा के सम्मुख धार्तराष्ट्राणां कहना असभ्यता और अयुक्ति संगत लगता है। इससे यह जाहिर होता है कि यह शब्द वो लोग-आपके पुत्र, जिन्होंने अन्याय-अधर्म पूर्वक राज्य हथिया लिया था; के लिए आया है। इससे यह भी स्पष्ट होता है कि तेरह वर्ष के समय में पाण्डवों की अनुपस्थिति में उनकी सेना को भी दुर्योधन ने किसी तरह से अपने पक्ष में कर लिया था।
मनुष्य जब धर्म के पक्ष में-साथ होता है, सत्य के साथ होता है; उसे भय महसूस नहीं होता। पाप, अन्याय, छल-कपट से युक्त व्यक्ति के ह्रदय में चोर होता है और उसे हर समय डर बना रहता है। अतः मनुष्य को शारीरिक, वाचिक और मानसिक पाप से हमेशां दूर रहना चाहिये।
Use of this word in front of the king appears to be indecent and against etiquette. So, it represents those who had captured the kingdom of Pandavs through cunningness, wickedness, fraudulent means i.e., the sons, brother in law-Shakuni, Karn and Ashwatthama. It further elaborates the deceptive means adopted by the Kauravs to bring the Pandavs army to their fold in the period of 13 years by hook or crook, successfully.
One becomes fearless, when he follows the righteous, pious, virtuous, honest, holy path, associated with truth. On the other hand, if he is guilty, wicked, sinner, corrupt, dishonest, vulgar he is always shadowed by his misdeeds, wickedness, vicious acts. Therefore, one should avoid the sin through body-deeds, speech and thoughts.
Dhratrashtr was a king in his previous birth as well. He had a deer cub (हिरण शावक) in his garden. One day his cook needed meat to cook for him. The cook caught the cub and killed it in front of him obviously with his permission. This sin resulted in his blindness in the present birth. After passing through numerous inferior births, he took birth as Prathvi Raj Chauhan. He did not improve in this birth as well and abducted Jai Chand's daughter Sanyogita. He committed blunder by not killing Ghouri. Ghouri caught him, blinded him and took him away to Kabul. Sanyogita was thrown naked in front of the Muslims soldiers in Ajmer to be raped, by Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti (ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती)-the bastard who invited Ghori to India and converted 90,000 Hindus to Islam. No pious, righteous, virtuous Hindu should visit this unholy place.
A Hindu must not visit Muslim religious places.
(अर्जुन द्वारा सेना-निरीक्षण का प्रसंग)
अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वजः।
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डवः॥1.20॥
अर्जुन उवाचः :-
हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते।
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये रथं स्थापय मेऽच्युत॥1.21॥
हे राजन्-महीपते! शस्त्र चलाने की तैयारियों के दौरान अन्याय पूर्वक राज्य करने वाले राजाओं और उनके साथियों को व्यवस्थित रूप से खड़े देखकर, कपिध्वज अर्जुन ने हृषीकेश भगवान श्रीकृष्ण से कहा :- "हे अच्युत! मेरे रथ को दोनों सेनाओं के बीच में खड़ा कीजिए"।
Oh! The king-owner of land! During the course of preparations for launching weapons by your side (the Kauravs and their wretched associates, who were ruling different states) who had acquired the Pandav's kingdom-territories; standing in their respective positions; Arjun blessed by the flat mast protected by Hanuman Ji Maharaj besides his presence, requested Bhagwan Shri Krashn-Hrashikesh (Almighty who controls the sense organs), Achyut (The Almighty who is ready-willing to help his devotees) to take the chariot between the two armies.
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते :: शंख ध्वनि को युद्ध आरम्भ करने की सूचना समझकर दोनों पक्षों के लोगों ने अस्त्र-शस्त्र उठा लिये और अर्जुन ने भी अपना गाण्डीव धनुष हाथ में ले लिया जो कि उन्हें वरुण देव द्वारा प्रदान किया गया था।
The soldiers of both sides picked up their weapons-arms and Arjun also picked up his Gandeev-bow, gifted to him by Varun (deity, demigod of water).
व्यवस्थितान् धार्तराष्ट्रान् दृष्ट्वा :: दुर्योधन ने सेनाओं को देखा और भागा-भागा द्रोणाचार्य के पास गया, जबकि अर्जुन ने सेनाओं को देखा और गाण्डीव उठा लिया। जो भागा वो डरपोक-कायर और जिसने शस्त्र उठाया वो बहादुर था।
Duryodhan glanced the two armies and at once, realized the weakness of his side and quickly run towards Dronachary, while Arjun at once picked up his bow. Here, the theme is that Duryodhan was coward-fearful, while Arjun was brave.
धनुरुद्यम्य :: जाहिर है दुर्योधन भयभीत है और अर्जुन निर्भय, उत्साही और वीर थे।
Its clear-obvious that Duryodhan was coward-afraid and Arjun was bold, energetic and brave-ready to fight.
कपिध्वजः :: पवन देव ने अपने दोनों पुत्रों की भेंट कराने की इच्छा से एक दिन वनवास के दौरान द्रौपदी के सामने, एक सहस्त्र दिव्य कमल दल रख दिये, जिन्हें देखकर उन्होंने भीम से और फूलों की इच्छा जाहिर की। भीमसेन खोजते हुए कदलीवन में हनुमान जी के निवास तक जा पहुँचे। हनुमान जी ने उन्हें वरदान दिया कि वे भीमसेन के सिंह नाद को बढ़ा देेंगे और अर्जुन के रथ की ध्वजा पर बैठकर उनकी रक्षा करेंगे।
Pawan Dev, the deity-demigod of air wanted both of his sons to meet. He left one thousand divine Lotus flowers in front of Draupadi. Draupadi requested Bheem Sen to bring more flowers for her. She always asked only Bheem to fulfil her wishes, like killing of Keechak and washing of her hair with the blood of Dushashan, because of Bheem Sen's devotion, love, obsession for her. He smelled the scent of divine flowers and reached Kadli van (banana groove), the residence of Hanuman Ji Maharaj. There, he was blessed by Hanuman Ji that he would increase his strength in the battle along with positioning himself over the flag of Arjun. The moment he deserted the chariot, after the war was over, it burnt. Due to his love for Arjun Hanuman Ji met him at two earlier occasions to control his ego.
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये :: सेनाओं के बीच में रथ खड़ा करने का उद्देश्य स्पष्ट है। विरोधी की शक्ति-सामर्थ का आकलन व उन स्थानों को देखना, परखना, ताड़ना; जहाँ-जहाँ से हमला करना उचित और लाभप्रद है।
Its a practical approach to judge the capability-might of the opposition and observe its weaknesses and loose ends, for maximum gains-immediate results.
The divinity was at work. Arjun was loaded with divine arms & weapons. Hanuman Ji Maharaj was with him. Almighty was directing him. Arjun was instrumental in the hands of divinity. He had to perform according to the dictates of divinity being a part & partial of it. However, when his chariot was positioned between the two armies, the divinity found it mandatory to educate the masses-people going to take birth after Maha Bharat, since its going to be a very difficult-tough period.
The period of nearly 5,000 years was really a dark age in which knowledge of science & technology had almost disappeared. The kings lost morals and values. Buddhist had a field day be-fooling masses against the teachings of Bhagwan Buddh. The kings ate meat but talked of Ahinsa which never meant bowing before the enemy. Both Buddhism and Jainism were propounded by the Kshatriy & a Kshatriy can not teach cowardice.
During the current age when the Muslims are creating horror in India and else where the teaching and learning of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta becomes even more important-significant. Its essential to repel their designs and keep them under control. The time has to wipe them out-terrorists of the earth forever.
यावदेतान्निरीक्षेऽहं योद्धुकामानवस्थितान्।
कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यमस्मिन् रणसमुद्यमे॥1.22॥
हे अच्युत (भक्त वत्सल)! आप दोनों सेनाओं के मध्य में मेरे रथ को तब तक खड़ा रखिये जब तक कि मैं युद्ध क्षेत्र में डटे हुए, युद्ध के अभिलाषी इन विपक्षी योद्धाओं को भली प्रकार देख न लूँ। ताकि मैं जान सकूँ कि इस युद्ध रूपी व्यापार-उद्योग में, मुझे किन-किन के साथ युद्ध करना मुनासिब है।
Arjun requested Bhagwan Shri Krashn-one who is willing to do everything for his devotee, to move the chariot to the middle of the battle field, to enable him to have a look at those, who were against him and to evaluate those, who were capable-eager, ready to fight with him.
अर्जुन स्थिति का आकलन करना चाहते हैं और सोचते हैं कि कौरवों के पास ऐसी कौन सी सामर्थ्य पैदा हो गयी कि उन्होंने सन्धि तक से इंकार कर दिया। युद्ध में शत्रु को अपने से कमजोर समझने वाले अक्सर भयानक गलतियाँ कर बैठते हैं और उन्हें रोने-पछताने तक का मौंका तक नहीं मिलता। यहाँ अच्छी बात यह है कि अर्जुन को अपने हर शत्रु के बल का ज्ञान था। उन्हें भीष्म पितामह, आचार्य द्रोण और कृपाचार्प का अपने प्रति लगाव और प्रेम का आभास था और इसके साथ उनकी मजबूरी का आभास भी था। सबसे अधिक परेशानी-दुःख का विषय था, उनकी अपनी सेना का दुर्योधन के हाथों में होना, जिसको दुर्योधन ने 13 सालों तक पाला था; वह सेना नमक के कर्ज से दबी हुई थी। इसमें अधिकतम सेनापति, रथी, अधीरथी, महारथी ऐसे थे, जिनको अस्त्र-शस्त्र का ज्ञान स्वयं अर्जुन से मिला था। उससे भी ज्यादा परेशानी की बात तो यह थी कि भगवान् श्री कृष्ण की नारायणी सेना के विरुद्ध भी, उनको लड़ना था।
Arjun was aware of the capacity, might, ability, strength of every stalwart of enemies army. He wanted to discover the new entrants in Kauravs army, who had encouraged Duryodhan not to enter into a compromise-treaty. One who underestimate his opponents commit worst possible mistakes of his life, without having time to repent over them. Arjun was aware of the love, admiration and affection he got from Bhishm Pitamah, Achary Dron and Krapachary. The tragedy was that his entire army was now with Duryodhan, since it was he, who fed and trained them, for 13 years (debt of salt), including his own trained captains. The worst of it was that the Narayani Sena of Bhagwan Shri Krashn was also going to fight a grim battle with those who were on his side. This is such a tough situation that can baffle even the genius. The tug of war started in the soul-brain, heart, innerself created an extremely tough situation for him.
Arjun was fully aware of the strength & weaknesses of the enemy's army and his own side. Still he wanted to inspect both the sides physically. He wanted to find out the formation of the opposite side. He had to make up his mind where to strike and when to strike, whom to strike first and the last. He had to overcome his feelings, emotions, respect, love towards the soldiers who were to be killed by him. He had to analyses his own weaknesses as well. He had killed thousands of people earlier, but this time situation was extremely peculiar-typical. He could not skip-escape the war imposed-thrust upon him. It was a war between vice & virtue, falsehood & truthfulness, immorality & morality, Adharm & Dharm.
Putin-Russia imposed war over Zelensky-Ukraine and mercilessly killed millions of soldiers. His own Lakhs of soldiers are dead. Russia's economy is in shambles. Ukraine has started deep attacks over Russia. Horrified Putin rushed to Chechens Ramzan Kadyrov-dreaded butcher. He asked Modi to intervene and still attacked Kiev. He want talks on his own terms. America should allow Zelensky-Ukraine to penetrate deeper into Russia.
योत्स्यमानानवेक्षेऽहं य एतेऽत्र समागताः।
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः॥1.23॥
दुर्बुद्धि-दुष्ट बुद्धि दुर्योधन का युद्ध में हित-प्रिय चाहने वाले जो ये राजा लोग इस सेना में आए हुए हैं और युद्ध करने को उतावले हैं, इन सबको (युद्ध करने वालों को) मैं देख लूँ।
I want to see the kings who have come to help wicked-evil minded Duryodhan.
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः :: घृतराष्ट्र और उसके पुत्रों-दुर्योधन आदि ने, अपनी दुष्ट बुद्धि-प्रवृति वश, बार-बार उन्हें मारने-अपमानित करने, राज्य हड़पने के षड़यंत्र किये थे। नियम, धर्म, राजनीति के अनुसार आधा राज्य पाण्डवों को मिल जाना चाहिए था। परन्तु ऐसा नहीं हुआ, क्योंकि उसके सहयोगियों ने उसकी दुर्नीति का समर्थन किया और उसके साथ ही विनाश-नर्क के अधिकारी बन गये।
The sons of Dhratrashtr (Duryodhan etc.) made repeated efforts to kill-insult and snatch, acquire the kingdom of Pandavs, due to their evil-wicked mindedness. On the basis of established principles of politics-religion and the prevailing laws, the Pandavs should have been given, half of the kingdom. But it did not materialise, because the like minded accomplices of Kauravs supported them. They too got hell after their death.
योत्स्यमानानवेक्षेऽहं य एतेऽत्र समागताः :: इन युद्ध के लिए उतावले लोगों को, जिहोने अधर्म-अन्याय का पक्ष लिया है, वे हमारे सामने टिक नहीं पायेंगे और नष्ट हो जायेंगे।
These warriors who are eager to fight and have supported irreligiosity-injustice will not be able to stand before us and will parish.
There is always a conflict of interest between demigods & demons, virtues and the evil, righteous & the wretched, honest & dishonest. Duryodhan was nourished by Dhrastrashtr in such a way that he became too much ambitious, though he himself was incapable. Though Bhishm, Dron Krapachary were virtuous people they were not free to act. Bhishm was under vow, Dron & Krapachary had served the kingdom, Ashwatthama & Karn were under obligation of Duryodhan, Narayani Sena-Bhagwan Shri Krashn's army, had to fight against its master just to carry out his orders. Either way the criminal minded people had to die and reach the hell, while the virtuous were sure to attain heaven.
Its happening in the form of Russia Vs Ukraine & Israel Vs 3H i.e., Hamas, Hezbollah, Hutia. Iran is the main villain. Jews, Netanyahu & Zelensky, son of Dev Guru Brahaspati are fighting them.
संजय उवाचः ::
एवमुक्तो हृषीकेशो गुडाकेशेन भारत।
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये स्थापयित्वा रथोत्तमम्॥1.24॥
भीष्मद्रोणप्रमुखतः सर्वेषां च महीक्षिताम्।
उवाच पार्थ पश्यैतान् समवेतान् कुरूनिति॥1.25॥
संजय ने कहा :- हे भरत वंशी राजन्! निद्रा विजयी अर्जुन द्वारा कहने के अनुसार अन्तर्यामी भगवान् श्री कृष्ण श्रेष्ठ रथ को दोनों सेनाओं के बीच में भीष्म, द्रोण और समस्त राजाओं के सामने खड़ा दिया और कहा "हे पार्थ! युद्ध के लिए जुटे हुए इन कौरवों को देख"।
Sanjay said O! The Bharat Vanshi (born in the great-mighty Bharat clan)! The Almighty pervaded in each and every organism and knowing-understanding, their innerself moved the chariot, to the middle of the battle field in front of Bhishm Pitamah, Achary Dron and all the kings leading their respective armies; as desired by Arjun and said O-hey! Parth (the son of Pratha, a Nag Kanya and related to his father Vasu Dev Ji, as a sister); look at these Kauravs who have gathered here for the sake of war (to be killed)!
गुडाकेशेन :: गुडा का अर्थ है मुड़े हुए या घुँघराले और केश मायने बाल तथा गुडाका + ईश का तात्पर्य है निद्रा-नींद का ईश्वर-स्वामी अर्थात जिसका निद्रा पर काबू-आधिपत्य है। अर्जुन के बाल घुँघराले थे और उन्हें निद्रा पर काबू था।
Guda means twisted or curly and Kesh means hair. Gudaka stands for one who has won sleep-has command over sleep and Ish means God. Arjun had curly hair and he had command, controlled, won over sleep.
Christians use Ishu for Jesus Christ, i.e., God.
एवमुक्त :: जो सभी बन्धनों से मुक्त परमात्मा का भक्त है अर्थात मोक्ष का अधिकारी है। अर्जुन को निद्रा मुक्त कहा गया है। यहाँ तात्पर्य विषयों, सुख-भोग से मुक्ति है। ऐसे व्यक्ति की बात को भगवान् निवाहते हैं, स्वीकारते हैं, मान्यता देते हैं। अर्जुन ने वनवास के अन्तिम वर्ष का काल स्वर्ग में सशरीर बिताया था, जो कि एक मनुष्य-शरीरी के लिये असम्भव है और समस्त सुख-भोगों को ठुकरा दिया था। वे स्वयं नर थे, भगवान् के अवतार। फिर भी तर्क की दृष्टि से भी यह आवश्यक था कि भगवान् श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन परिस्थिति का आकलन कर लें।भगवान् को युद्ध का संचालन करना था और अर्जुन को युद्ध करना था।
Arjun is portrayed as an ascetic-with chastity and free from bonds-devoted to God, who deserved Salvation. He has been described as the one had won sleep, laziness, desire for comforts (he had been to heaven with the human-material body which is uncommon, rather impossible, visualising-experiencing all comforts-luxuries for one year and there too, he ignored-rejected, all these because of his being Nar-an incarnation of Almighty). One who has reached this stage becomes favourite of the God and the Almighty okays-fulfils his prayers. Logic says that the one who was going to control the warfare of Pandavs himself had to asses the situation personally and the one who had to fight too had to check-asses the situation.
ह्रषीकेश :: ह्रषीक समस्त इन्द्रियों का द्योतक है और इसमें ईश जुड़ते ही यह बन गया इन्द्रियों के ईश्वर-स्वामी और युद्ध क्षेत्र में भगवान् स्वयं अर्जुन की इन्द्रियों को संचालन करने वाले बन गये।
Hrashik means the master-controller of all sense organs and the addition of Ish with it means the God. The Almighty took the control of all the sense organs-senses of Arjun in his control.
भीष्मद्रोणप्रमुखतः सर्वेषां च महीक्षिताम् :: ह्रषीकेश ने उस स्थान को रथ खड़ा करने के लिए चुना जहाँ भीष्म, द्रोण और समस्त प्रमुख कुरु समर्थक राजा दृष्टिगोचर हो रहे थे।
Hrashikesh selected that site for positioning the chariot from where Bhishm Pitamah, Achary Dron and all important-main kings were visible.
उवाच पार्थ पश्यैतान् :: प्रभु ने अर्जुन से कुरूओं-कौरव और पाण्डव दोनों को देखने के लिए कहा, धार्तराष्ट्रान् नहीं कहा अर्थात केवल कौरवों को देखने के लिए नहीं कहा। अर्जुन ने कहा निरीक्षे, अवेक्षे परन्तु भगवान् ने पश्य कहा और एक निर्लिप्त को लिप्त-मोहित कर दिया, ताकि मानव कल्याण हेतु गीता का महान उपदेश दिया जा सके। मोह उत्पन्न होते ही अर्जुन के भाव में बदलाव जरूरी था और वो हुआ।
The one who controlled all the sense organs, asked Arjun to see the Kurus i.e., both Kauravs and Pandavs, not "Dhartrashtran" which represented Kauravs alone. Arjun said Niriksh (inspect), aveksh (evaluate) but Bhagwan Shri Krashn said pashy (observe, see-so that you can not blame me, later) and indulged the one who had cut all bonds and become neutral and had come under the fold, shelter-asylum of the Almighty; so that this great treatise-SHRIMAD BHAGWAD GEETA श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता could be elaborated for the welfare of the humans specially during the Kali Yug-present cosmic era.
Its meant for the entire human race not just the Hindus.
Though Arjun was an incarnation of Nar Rishi, he had forgotten his real identity as Nar, who kept his bow & arrow ready to fight with the attackers. He fought Prahalad Ji, the demon king and devotee of Bhagwan Vishnu, who was made to realise that even the ascetics should be prepared to protect them selves. The Rishis-ascetics were mercilessly killed and eaten by the demons & giants earlier waiting for the God to come and protect themselves.
Whenever & where ever we worship the idols, pictures of Trinity, demigods-deities, their arms and ammunitions are shown with them. Why did we forget and did not protect Som Nath, Takshila?!
Why were we enslaved by the traitors like the Muslims & the Britishers-Europeans?!
Realise understand that we are Hindus and capable of fighting terrorism, Naxalites, Maoists, separatists.
It was a lesson for them. Even the Buddhist and Jains nurtured wrong notions of peace and non violence. Gandhi showed the opposite way to Hindus making them weak and cowards. If one wants to live with peace he must be ready to counter the attackers, invaders, looters, terrorists, rapists, dacoits etc. etc.
The British killed 17,32,000 Hindus during the struggle for freedom and still the congress claimed that the freedom was attained through peaceful means. There is no doubt that Gandhi played his role in India's struggle for freedom, but his policies were grossly in favour of Muslims. The contribution of Subhash, Bhagat Singh, Chandr Shekhar, Sukh Dev, Lajpat Rai etc. was more valuable than his.
The Hindu has to fight back the Muslim, criminals, terrorists, intruders still present in India occupying the temples and converting them. Muslim deserve to be vanished for Hindustan-Bharat.
तत्रापश्यत्स्थितान् पार्थः पितृनथ पितामहान् आचार्यान्मातुलान्भ्रातृन्पुत्रान्पौत्रान्सखींस्तथा;
श्वशुरान् सुहृदश्चैव सेनयोरुभयोरपि॥1.26॥
इसके बाद पृथा पुत्र अर्जुन ने उन दोनों ही सेनाओं में स्थित पिताओं (ताऊ, चाचा), पितामह (दादा, परदादा), गुरुओं, मामाओं, भाइयों, पुत्रों, पौत्रों, मित्रों, ससुरों और सुहृदों को भी देखा।
After this Pratha's son Arjun perceived-looked at the uncles (father's brothers), grand fathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons friends, fathers in law and those those who were sympathetic to him, Pandavs in both the armies.
उस विशाल जन समूह में अर्जुन की दृष्टि सभी कुरुओं पर पड़ी। वे सभी तो अपने ही थे। भूरिश्र्वा पिता के समान, भीष्म, सोमदत्त आदि; पितामह भीष्म, आचार्य द्रोण, कृप आचार्य (गुरु, अध्यापक), पुरुजित, कुन्तिभोज, शल्य, शकुनि मामा, भीम, दुर्योधन आदि भाई, अभिमन्यु, घटोत्कच, लक्ष्मण अपने और भाइयों के पुत्र, पौत्र, अश्वत्थामा आदि मित्र, द्रुपद, शैव्य आदि श्वसुर और सात्यकि, कृतवर्मा जैसे सुह्रद भी मौजूद थे। यह एक जटिल-गूढ़ परिस्थिति थी, जो किसी भी व्यक्ति को विचलित कर सकती थी और ऐसा ही हुआ भी।
This was a very difficult, intricate-typical situation, which could mobilise-disturb any one. Arjun saw the large conglomerate-assembly of humans which included all Kurus (Kaurav and Pandavs) who were his own (for the name sake). Bhurishrwa was like his grand father, Bhishm, Som Dutt were like-equivalent-comparable to grand fathers, Dron and Krap were Guru-teachers, Puru Jit, Kunti Bhoj, Shaly, Shakuni maternal uncles, Bhim, Duryodhan, brothers, Abhimanyu, Ghatotkach, Lakshman, his own and brother's son and grandsons, Ashwatthama a friend-classmate, Drupad, Shaevy father in law and neutral-diligent people like Satyaki, Krat Verma.
One has to fight his own people throughout the life. Brothers occupy the ancestral property, cash valuables and what not! The lessee eyes the house to capture. The clerks eye the pocket for bribes. Those who blocked promotions for 32 years, too were my own colleagues. The officials who blocked the pay scales were also co workers. The inferiors, juniors who got promotions were also in the same department. The political party which looted the nation for 60 years is also Indian created by Britishers and ruled by an Italian. Those criminals who are members of parliament, assemblies, councils are also Indians, The thugs, dacoits, cheaters, fraudsters, murderers, rapists too are Indians. The policemen, bureaucrats, politicians judiciary which is incapable and too much corrupt too is Indian. One has to fight back all these all the time if he has to live, survive. The Muslims and scheduled casts, scheduled tribes, OBC's who are dragging the nation into dark age too are Indians. One should get up-rise and put both the Muslims and the so called down trodden to their deserving status.
तान्समीक्ष्य स कौन्तेयः सर्वान् बन्धूनवस्थितान्।
कृपया परयाविष्टो विषीदत्रिदमब्रवीत्॥1.27॥
अपने-अपने स्थान पर उपस्थित सभी बंधुओं को देखकर वे कुंती पुत्र अर्जुन अत्यन्त करुणा-दया से युक्त होकर शोक-विषाद करते हुए, यह वचन बोले।
Kunti's son Arjun looked at the brothers and relatives & was filled with compassion, pity, kindness and spoke with grief (pain, sorrow).
तान् सर्वान्बन्धूनवस्थितान् समीक्ष्य :: उन लोगों को जिन्हें पहले देखा था, के अतिरिक्त अर्जुन ने बाहील्क आदि पितामह, धृष्टद्युम्न, शिखण्डी, सुरथ आदि साले, जयद्रथ आदि बहनोई सहित, अनेक सम्बन्धियों को दोनों सेनाओं देखा।
Other than those who were perceived-seen earlier, Arjun saw Bahilk etc., great grand fathers, Dhrastdyumn, Shikhandi, Surath etc. (brother in law-wife's brother's), Jae Drath etc. (sister's husbands) and many more relatives in the two armies.
स कौन्तेयः कृपया परयाविष्टो :: वे कुन्ती पुत्र इन लोगों को सामने देख कर दया से भर गये, क्योंकि जिस सेना का संचालन स्वयं भगवान् के हाथ में हो, उनका बचना नामुम्कीन-असम्भव था। इसका तात्पर्य कायरता तो कदापि नहीं हो सकता! हाँ अर्जुन विचलित अवश्य हो सकते हैं। झिझक अवश्य पैदा हो सकती है और फिर माँ का आदेश भी तो निभाना ही था।
He, the son of Kunti was filled with compassion, pity, kindness, because he was aware that the army which was controlled by Bhagwan Shri Krashn was sure to win and the elimination of warriors was certain, irrespective of the side. This does not mean cowardliness. Arjun could be disturbed. He could hesitate, but carrying out of the mother's order was supreme.
विषीदत्रिदमब्रवीत् :: अर्जुन विषादग्रस्त-किंवकर्तव्यविमूढ़, हो गये। इन्हें मारूँ या न मारूँ! की दुविधा की स्थिति पैदा हो गई। क्या हम जीवन भर शर्म, अत्याचार, अन्याय और कायरता का तगमा-कलंक लेकर जियें!? और अगर हम इन्हें बख़्श देते हैं, तो संसार हमें कायर कहेगा और हमारे नाम पर थूकेगा। मरने वालों के लिए शोक बाद में किया जाता है, मरने से पहले नहीं।
And here Arjun becomes indecisive-confused. He was unable to decide, whether these people deserve mercy or not, should be killed or allowed to survive. Should we continue to bear the burden of shame, torture, injustice or cowardice if we spare them, history will label them "cowards". Condolences are offered after the death nor prior to it.
One is filled with compassion, pity and his heart has a lot of sympathy; when he has to deal with his youngers who have snatched his belongings, parental property and hard earned wealth. But he has to control his emotions. He should remember that he has progeny as well. He sacrifices his life for the relatives, youngers, friends, but what have they given to him in return?! They are not sympathetic to him even at the stage he is growing old, what to talk of help or support. So, there is no need to be emotional at all. Deal with them as a normal criminal.
अर्जुन उवाच ::
कृपया परयाऽऽविष्टो विषीदन्निदमब्रवीत्।
दृष्टेवमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम्॥1.28॥
सीदन्ति मम गात्राणि मुखं च परिशुष्यति।
वेपथुश्च शरीरे में रोमहर्षश्च जायते॥1.29॥
गाण्डीवं स्रंसते हस्तात्वक्चैव परिदह्यते।
न च शक्नोम्यवस्थातुं भ्रमतीव च मे मनः॥1.30॥
(मोह से व्याप्त हुए अर्जुन के दयालुता, स्नेह और शोक युक्त वचन) अर्जुन बोले :- हे कृष्ण! युद्ध क्षेत्र में डटे हुए, युद्ध के अभिलाषी इस स्वजन समुदाय को उपस्थित देखकर मेरे अंग शिथिल हुए जा रहे हैं, मुँह सूखा जा रहा है, शरीर में कँप-कँपी हो रही है एवं रोमांच-रोंगटे खड़े हो रहे हैं। हाथ से गाण्डीव धनुष गिर रहा है और त्वचा भी जल रही है। मेरा मन भ्रमित सा हो रहा है और मैं खड़ा रहने में भी असमर्थ हूँ।
Arjun narrated his state, condition, experience to Bhagwan Shri Krashn :- Having looked at the relatives and own people in the battle field desirous of war, my organs are becoming motionless, still, rigid stationary, mouth is becoming dry, whole body is trembling, hairs are straightened, bow-Gandeev is falling-slipping out of my hands, skin is etching-burning and I am getting confused, indecisive, mind-innerself is up set and I am unable to stand.
युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम् :: अर्जुन सबको स्वजनम् कह रहे हैं और दोनों पक्षों में भेद नहीं कर रहे हैं। यद्यपि धृष्ट्रराष्ट्र ने समवेता युयुस्तव:, मामका: और पाण्डवा कहा था, जो कि भेद दर्शाता है। धृष्ट्रराष्ट्र को केवल अपने पुत्रों की चिन्ता है, परन्तु अर्जुन के सामने सबके नष्ट होने की दुविधा है।
Arjun has been looking at the entire army as his own friends and relatives which had placed him in suspense, while Dhratrashtr had a microscopic-myopic vision of only his sons. He was not only blind, his brain too did not work rationally.
दृष्टेवमं स्वजनं :: दुर्योधन के मन में केवल एक विचार था कि राज्य पर अधिकार बनाये रखने के लिये युद्ध में कोई भी मरे या जिये। परन्तु अर्जुन के मन में इतने सारे लोगों को मारकर राज्य हासिल करने से होने वाले पाप की चिन्ता हो गई।
उस पाप के बोझ का अहसास अर्जुन पर भारी पड़ गया। उन्हें चिन्ता, दुःख, पाप बोध ने ग्रस लिया और इसका परिणाम स्वरूप उनके अंग शिथिल हो गये। मुँह सूखने लगा। शरीर थर-थर काँपने लगा। रौंगटे खड़े हो गये। रौंगटे भय, ठण्ड और परमात्मा के अहसास से खड़े होते हैं। भय उन्हें था नहीं, ठण्ड का प्रश्न ही नहीं और एक मात्र कारण बचा परमात्मा की मौजूदगी का अहसास। गाण्डीव हाथों से छूट गया। शरीर में जलन होने लगी। मन भर्मित हो गया। उन्हें मूर्छा का आभास होने लगा और इसका एक मात्र कारण था, उनका धार्मिक होना।
Duryodhan had only one motive-thing in his mind i.e., elimination of Pandavs, while Arjun got struck with the idea-thought of mass killings and the burden of sin, he would have, after that.
The thought of the accumulated sins after so many killings, over powered Arjun. He was over powered by the grief, sin, worry and this led to loosing of control over his body. His throat became dry, body started trembling. The body experienced curl-thrill in his body hairs-pores due to ecstasy. This could not be due to fear-horror of extreme-biting cold. His mind immediately concentrated-convulsed in the Almighty, who was the driving force in him and all others, who were participating in the warfare-the one who had taken the incarnation to wipe off-eliminate the sinners, from the surface of earth, as per the request-desire of mother earth. This is a rarest of rare stage, attained by the ascetics-devotees, when they surrender themselves to the dictates of the Almighty (deep, staunch meditation-regression) and feels relieved. Arjun felt semi consciousness. His brain was over powered by the illusion of the Almighty. His devotion, piousness, virtuousness, honesty, religiosity, righteousness was behind this ultimate state, leading to Salvation. The famous bow-Gandeev slipped out of his hands. This generated itching burning sensation, throughout his body, leading to recovery.
The sinner does not think of the consequences of what he has done or what he is going to do. Its not that the inner voice, innerself does not alarm them, but they just prefer to ignore it. Slowly and gradually they graduate in committing sin, frauds, cheating, bluffing, murdering etc. etc. which results into untimely death associated with misery, pain, sorrow but no repentance leading them to hells.
Putin, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hutia, Iran, terrorists are mercilessly killing millions of people, unafraid of the sin and its impact over them leading to hells and low species for next millions of years.
निमित्तानि च पश्यामि विपरीतानि केशव।
न च श्रेयोऽनुपश्यामि हत्वा स्वजनमाहवे॥1.31॥
हे केशव! मैं लक्षणों (शकुनों) को भी विपरीत ही देख रहा हूँ तथा युद्ध में स्वजन-समुदाय को मारकर श्रेय, लाभ, कल्याण भी नहीं देखता।
O! Keshav I am observing bad omens and do not find any gain, welfare-benefit, enhancement of reputation-honour by killing own relatives-friends in the war. (This war appears to be counter productive.)
निमित्तानि च पश्यामि विपरीतानि केशव :: जो भी लक्षण प्रकट हो रहे हैं, वे अशुभ की ओर इशारा कर रहे हैं (पूर्व सूचना-ऐसा अशुभ तो होगा ही)। उल्कापात, असमय ग्रहण लगना, भूकम्प आना, पशु-पक्षियों का भयंकर बोली बोलना-कोलाहल, चन्द्रमा के दाग मिट जाना, रक्त की वर्षा होना, पशु-पक्षियों द्वारा अपने से भिन्न जाति के बच्चे पैदा करना आदि अनर्थ-तबाही की ओर इशारा करते हैं। मेरा मुँह सूखना, गाण्डीव का गिरना, शरीर का शिथिल होना, उत्साह होना, संकल्प-विकल्पों का ठीक न होना, कम्पन होना आदि अच्छे लक्ष्ण नहीं हैं। सामान्यतया देखा जाता हैं कि पुच्छल तारे का दिखना, कुत्ते-सियार, बिल्ली का रोना, पक्षियों का कोलाहल, साँप का सर्दी में बिल से निकलना, इन्द्रधनुष का पूरा दिखना, दो-दो इंद्रधनुष दिखना आदि जब भी कभी होता है, भयानक बरबादी, तबाही, महामारी लेकर आता है।
The omens which are appearing indicate misfortune-devastation. Meteorite-cosmic showers, untimely eclipse, earth quake, fearful, dangerous, terrible sounds by the birds-animals, loss of black spots of the moon, rain of blood, excreta and suppurate-pus, giving birth to different species by the animals and birds, indulgence of humans in sex during the day-openly, points to destruction-devastation. Drying of my mouth-lips, excessive sweat, falling of Gandeev (bow) from my hands, sudden loss of strength-weakening of body, trembling of body, maladjustment of various permutations and combinations goals, targets, indecisiveness, are not good omens. Its a common observation-feature that the citing of comets, weeping-growling of jackals and dogs in the residential areas, disturbing sounds by animals, weeping of dogs, cat, siting Indr Dhanush, two helices of Indr Dhanush at one occasion, coming out of snakes from the burrows during winters, are associated with massive-furious destruction-calamity.
न च श्रेयोऽनुपश्यामि हत्वा स्वजनमाहवे :: अपने बन्धु-बान्धव, गुरु-ब्राह्मण की हत्या महापाप लगाने वाली है। गुरु-ब्राह्मण को मरने से तो ब्रह्म हत्या तक लग जाती है। इसका परिणाम अत्यंत भयावह नरकों में जाना है। यह तो सत्य है कि अकारण-व्यर्थ की हिंसा नरक प्रदान करती है, परन्तु जो अत्याचार को सहता है, उसको भी बदनामी-बुराई झेलनी पड़ती है। निमित्तानि पश्यामि और श्रेय: अनुपश्यामि दोनों ही दिखाते हैं कि शकुन और बुद्धि युद्ध में विनाश की ओर इंगित करते हैं।
Killing of any organism, own relatives, friends, teacher, philosopher, Brahman-enlightened earns extreme sin. Killing-murdering the Guru-Brahman leads to Brahm Hatya-extreme curse (vicious cycle of punishment). These acts leads the doer to extremely dangerous hells. Its a fact that unnecessary, useless killing, violence, awards hells.
The murder of innocent people, by the terrorists, war thrust upon Ukraine by Russia-Putin is sure to send these people to hells. Hamas, Hutia and Hezbollah will meet the same fate.
Its equally true that the one who bear with torture-insult too undergo undesirable (inflicted with) defamation leading to hiding-shying away from the society, dejection, suicide etc.
Both NIMITTANI PASHYAMI and SHREYH ANUPASHYAMI illustrates that bad omens and thinking-intelligence, indicates-foretells destruction of both sides.
Please refer to :: BAD-GOOD OMENS शुभ अशुभ शकुन santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com
The nature gives advance information pertaining to natural calamities, devastation, inauspicious happening. Those with insight, intuition, farsightedness too get advance signals. Some people see the future inauspicious happening in dreams, as well. Those who understand them escapes destruction. I have personally experienced the validity of this fact several times, from my early childhood. Weeping of dogs and cats near the house is always inauspicious.
न काङ्क्षे विजयं कृष्ण न च राज्यं सुखानि च।
किं नो राज्येन गोविंद किं भोगैर्जीवितेन वा॥1.32॥
हे कृष्ण! मैं न तो विजय चाहता हूँ और न राज्य तथा सुखों को ही। हे गोविंद! हमें ऐसे राज्य से क्या प्रयोजन है अथवा ऐसे भोगों से और जीवन से भी क्या लाभ है?
Oh Krashn! I do not desire victory, empire-state, pleasures-comforts. Oh Govind! What is the purpose of seeking such luxuries or the survival, living, life?!
न काङ्क्षे विजयं कृष्ण न च राज्यं सुखानि च :: पांडव युद्ध के मैदान में विजय या राज्यांक्षा से नहीं आये थे। उन्हें भोगों-सुख की लालसा भी नहीं थी। उन्होंने वन में सन्यासी-तपस्वी के समान जीवन व्यतीत किया था। अर्जुन तो सशरीर स्वर्ग हो आये थे। 5 गाँवों की तो क्या, वो पूरी पृथ्वी विजय में सक्षम थे। उन्होंने पहले भी अनेक युद्धों में सफलता पाई थी। वे अश्वमेध यज्ञ कर चुके थे। वे और द्रौपदी दिव्यात्मा थे। उनका युद्ध के मैदान में उतरना माँ की इच्छा को पूरा करना, अन्याय को मिटाना और द्रौपदी की कसम को निभाना था। इस हालत में भी वे बर्दाश्त के लिए तैयार थे। उनका व्यक्तित्व ऐसा था कि वे बिना किसी शिकायत के संतुष्टि की चरम सीमा पर पहुँच चुके थे।
The plain truth was that Arjun or the Pandavs had no desire for victory, the empire or pleasures. They had lived in the dense forests like a hermit-sage in their youth. They were capable of winning entire earth instead of asking for a little piece of land, just 5 villages. They had successfully met a number of battles and carried out Ashwmedh Yagy which was a distant dream for Kauravs. The Pandavs and Draupadi were incarnations of divine souls, demigods-deities. Draupadi was Indrani in her last 7 births and a Brahmani thereafter. Their quest was for justice and carrying out mother's orders and fulfilment of Draupdi's vows. Still they were ready to settle for the insult meted out to them. They were the personalities who had reached contentment without resentment.
किं नो राज्येन गोविंद किं भोगैर्जीवितेन वा :: कोई भी कैसा भी सुख भोग हो वो बिना आत्मियों के नीरस, स्वादहीन, बेमतलब, व्यर्थ होता है। युद्ध के उपरान्त विधवा स्त्रियों, अनाथ बच्चों, असहाय बीमार बूढ़े माँ बाप के सिवाय और क्या होगा? अन्तहीन दुःख, रुदन, क्रन्दन, आहें, बददुआ और क्या?! हमें और अधिक चिन्ता होगी।
गोविन्द! गौ और इन्द्रियों को तुष्ट करने वाला मनुष्य यदि भगवान् को सन्तुष्ट करता है तो उसकी संतुष्टि स्वतः हो जाती है। इस प्रसंग में अर्जुन कह रहे हैं कि युद्ध के पीछे उनका उद्देश्य इन लोगों को सन्तुष्ट-प्रसन्न रखना है।
No comfort-pleasure, luxury is useful, meaningful, justified, in the absence of own people. What would be left after the war, widows, orphans, helpless old sick-ill old people?! There would be endless sobs, tears, misery, cold deep breaths, curses and what else?! We will have more tensions-troubles.
Govind means the Almighty who keeps the cows and senses of devotees happy when they devote themselves to HIM. Here the reference is there to say that Arjun had the inclination of keeping all these people happy.
A disheartened person may either run away from life to become an ascetic or commit suicide. Bhagwan Shri Krashn has said that one should never lose hope. He should keep on making efforts throughout his life, honestly-piously. At least he may be able to bear the result of the sins of his previous innumerable births. One must fight back if provoked, carefully, wisely, prudently, rationally. Its not only the Muslim or Christian who wish to over power him. His own people keep on eyeing his wealth, properties, riches. Even the government is not far behind which keep on imposing unreasonable taxes to support the reservationists and feed more than 55,000 politicians-VIP's. The politicians are more or less parasites and a curse-burden over the country. Criminals do keep a close watch over him.
Don't be afraid, have faith in God, remember him. Sooner or later, success will knock at your door.
येषामर्थे काङक्षितं नो राज्यं भोगाः सुखानि च।
त इमेऽवस्थिता युद्धे प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा धनानि च॥1.33॥
हमें जिनके लिए राज्य, भोग और सुखादि अभीष्ट हैं, वे ही ये सब धन और जीवन की आशा को त्यागकर युद्ध में खड़े हैं।
Those for whom, we are seeking-desiring empire, pleasures (comforts, riches, luxuries, accomplishments) are standing here by rejecting their hope for survival-life.
येषामर्थे काङक्षितं नो राज्यं भोगाः सुखानि च :: हम राज्य-सुख-भोग अपने व्यक्तिगत सुख हेतु नहीं चाहते, अपितु कुटुम्बियों, प्रेमियों, मित्रों, आचार्यों, पिताओं, पितामहों, पुत्रों, प्रपोत्रों के लिए चाहते हैं। वन में पैदा हुए, वनवास भोगा, ना सुख की आदत न अभ्यास। तपस्वियों का जीवन व्यतीत करने वालों का इनसे क्या और कैसा लगाव हो सकता है? वे राजा जनक के समान जीवन मुक्त थे।
We do not want kingdom, comforts, pleasures for ourselves, instead they are meant for relatives, family members, affectionate, friends, teachers, fathers, grandfathers, sons and grand sons. They were born in the jungles and lived in jungles during exile, did not experience pleasures & became habitual of living without comforts. Those who lived like ascetics, sages could not have attachment for such things. They were relinquished, detached, liberated like King Janak.
त इमेऽवस्थिता युद्धे प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा धनानि च :: ये सब यहाँ, अपने प्राणों का उत्सर्जन, हमारे हेतु करने के लिये, खड़े हुए हैं। इन्हें धन, सुख, प्राणों की तृष्णा नहीं है। ये मर भले ही जाएँ, मगर मैदान नहीं छोड़ेंगे और अगर ये ही नहीं होंगे, तो युद्ध विजय करके ही क्या होगा?
All of them have assembled here for sacrificing their lives for us. They are free from the desire of riches, comforts, life. They will prefer to die, instead of fleecing the battle field. And if they are not there, what for are we going to win the war?!
Kali Yug is in reality a very difficult-tough period as far as norms, virtues, ethics, values, morals, standards are concerned. Close relatives, brothers, sons and even daughters do not mind killing the person who brought them up, nurtured, nourished, earned for them, by doing a lot of labour for them. The progeny acquire the self earned property of the parents by hook or crook and expel them from it, forcing them to fight court cases which normally takes 20-25 years in India due to worst laws copied unmindful from America, Britain or European counties by the imprudent law makers setting traditions, Nayay Shastr, Manu Samrati & Kautily's Arth Shastr aside.
Indian constitution was written by those who were ignorant people with low intelligence, imprudent.
Please refer to :: TRAUMATISING-HUMILIATING PARENTS माँ बाप की दुर्गति करना bhartiyshiksha.blogspot.com
आचार्याः पितरः पुत्रास्तथैव च पितामहाः।
मातुलाः श्वशुराः पौत्राः श्यालाः संबंधिनस्तथा॥1.34॥
गुरुजन, ताऊ-चाचे, लड़के और उसी प्रकार दादे, मामे, ससुर, पौत्र, साले तथा और भी संबंधी लोग हैं।
Those who are standing before me are Achary (Guru Jan, elders, by virtue of enlightenment and longevity), people equivalent to father, son, grand fathers, mothers brothers, grand children and various other relatives etc.
कोई भी कार्य पुण्य-पाप या मिला-जुला फल दे सकता है और इसका निर्धारण इरादे-मानसिकता के द्वारा तय होता है। शस्त्र संसाधन से पहले ही अर्जुन स्पष्ट कर लेना चाहते हैं कि उनका कार्य किस श्रेणी में आयेगा और उसका फल क्या होगा? कौरव सेना दुष्टों-विकृत मनोवृति वालों-अपराधिक प्रकृति वालों से भरी पड़ी थी, जो कि सम्बन्धी भी थे। अशुभ शकुन पूर्व सूचना दे चुके थे कि विनाश तो होना ही है।
Here Arjun wish to clarify the motive-intention behind killing the vast conglomeration-gathering of warriors. The same activity becomes either sin or virtue depending upon the intention-motive of the performer. Arjun wanted to be clear & firm through assurance from the Almighty about the nature of his deeds? The vast army of Kauravs constituted of the wicked people with criminal intentions-defective mind set. The bad omens had already clarified that the elimination of vast majority of the sinners will prevail.
The same person may be identified by numerous people in different manners, like he is a son, grand son, great grand son, father, brother, teacher, guide, relative, husband, fighter, uncle etc. He may turn into dreaded enemy at one or the other stage of life. In a fit of anger one may oppose-may become against him in an inappropriate manner. One should calm down first and think of the consequences of his action. It may be a crime and a sin as well. One must not commit either a crime or a sin. Its not possible to punish each and every one who troubled, tortured, teased him at one or the other stage of life. He has to tolerate and make compromises. However, if its essential to punish the guilty and he is capable, he should find ways & means for his own safety-protection and the dependants. He may look to associates as well, who too are sufferers. One should neither be rash nor be lazy. One must keep his head cool and act. All actions-strikes should be well planned, meticulous.
In today's period, its increasingly becoming difficult to punish the criminal, guilty due to flaws in law and support from the politicians, police and the bureaucracy-administrative set up. Thus, it needs meticulous planning to eliminate such people. The judiciary too is on their side.
Kejriwal has been granted bail. He came to court several times to derail justice successfully. Ignoring more than 60,000 cases in the Supreme Court, he was heard!
एतान्न हन्तुमिच्छामि घ्नतोऽपि मधुसूदन।
अपि त्रैलोक्यराज्यस्य हेतोः किं नु महीकृते॥1.35॥
हे मधुसूदन! कौरवों द्वारा मुझ पर प्रहार करने या तीनों लोकों (स्वर्ग, धरा-पृथ्वी और पाताल) का राज्य मिलने पर भी मैं इनको मारना नहीं चाहता, फिर क्या पृथ्वी (हस्तिनापुर) के लिए ही इनको मारूँ?
Oh Madhu Sudan! The killer-liberator of Madhu (Daety, giants, demon), I am not interested-eager to attain the empire constituting of the three abodes-Loks (Heaven, residence of deities-demigods, earth-residence of humans and Nether world Patal-residence of demons, giants, Rakshas) and therefore, I have no desire to fight for this small piece of land called Hastinapur.
मधुसूदन MADHU SUDAN :: भगवान् श्री कृष्ण को मधुसूदन इसलिए गया, क्योंकि उन्होंने मधु नामक दैत्य को मारा, जो कि लोगों को अपना आहार बनाता था। अर्जुन शायद ये नहीं जानते थे कि दुर्योधन भी मनुष्यों को अपने मित्र राक्षस का आहार बना देता था। अर्जुन को त्रिलोकी की आवश्यकता नहीं थी। वे निर्लिप्त थे। फिर उन्हें खाली हस्तिनापुर के लिए युद्ध करने की जरूरत ही कहाँ थी!? यहीं से भगवान् श्री कृष्ण को उन्हें समझाना था कि आवश्यकता कहाँ और क्या है!?
अर्जुन के मन-मस्तिष्क में करुणा का संचार हुआ, क्योंकि शस्त्र धारण करने के बावजूद, वे नर हैं; परन्तु इस बात से अनभिज्ञ हैं कि परमात्मा ने सम्मुख खड़े सम्बन्धियों को काळग्रस्त कर दिया है और अब तो केवल लौकिक दृष्टि से दिखावा ही शेष है।
मनुष्यों के लिये यह समझना आवश्यक है कि मुसलमान-इस्लाम राक्षसी प्रवृत्ति के हैं और इसीलिये उनको नष्ट करना जरूरी है।
Madhu Sudan was a demon-giant who used to kill humans for his meals. He was killed-liberated by Bhagwan Shri Krashn and so the name-Madhu Sudan. Arjun was unaware of the fact that Duryodhan used to feed a Rakshas-demon, who was his friend, with the prisoners-convicts. Arjun was unattached-liberated without the desire to conquer the three abodes :- Heavens, Earth and the Nether world-Patal. He would not fight for a small piece of land called Hastina Pur at the cost of the life of billions of acquaintances.
The Almighty had developed a state where Arjun was eager to know the intricacies of the acts performed simultaneously by the people ready to encounter each other. From here on wards the mystery-intricacies of life, birth and rebirth, Karm-deeds and their outcomes, results, rewards, fruits was going to be explained for the benefit of those who have taken birth in Kali Yug-the present cosmic era.
Arjun was full of pity towards the people who were to confront him, unaware of the fact that their lives were shortened by the Almighty and what was going to happen was, just a stage show.
When one is deceived, cheated by his close relatives (friends, progeny), he becomes grossly demoralised, confused, frustrated, hopeless and find no way to come out of the intricate situation. His affection for the fraudsters prevent him from taking harsh-strict action. In this situations he should not be swayed by emotions, become bold, courageous and strike back with full force-vigour and bring the culprit to their knees. He may forgive them if they relent and behave; but he should remain alert, cautious in future. He should not commit this type of mistake again in future.
निहत्य धार्तराष्ट्रान्न का प्रीतिः स्याज्जनार्दन।
पापमेवाश्रयेदस्मान् हत्वैतानाततायिनः॥1.36॥
हे जनार्दन! धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्रों को मारकर हमें क्या प्रसन्नता होगी? इन आततायियों को मार कर तो हमें पाप ही लगेगा।
Oh Janardan! Will there be pleasure-happiness?! Killing of these tyrants-oppressors will generate sin and loss of virtue for us.
अर्जुन ने पूछा कि इन आतातियों को मारकर हमें क्या प्रसन्नता मिलेगी? उनको मारने से शोक-पश्चाताप सताता रहेगा। उनकी याद आयेगी और उनका अभाव खटकेगा।
आग लगाने वाला, विष देने वाला, शस्त्र से हत्या को तैयार, धन का हरण करने वाला, जमीन छीनने वाला और स्त्री का हरण करने वाला आतताई है (वर्तमान में आतंकवादी, राजनीतिबाज) और दुर्योधन में ये सभी दुर्गुण थे। शास्त्र की व्याख्या को समझना भी जरूरी है। एक ओर कहा जाता है कि आताताई को मारना पाप नहीं है और दूसरी ओर मारना उचित होते हुए भी इस प्रक्रिया को उचित नहीं ठहराया गया है।
अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l
यदि अहिंसा परम् धर्म है, तो धर्म के लिए हिंसा अर्थात् कानून के अनुसार हिंसा भी परम् धर्म है। अहिंसा मनुष्य का परम धर्म है और धर्म की रक्षा के लिए हिंसा करना उससे भी श्रेष्ठ धर्म है।
अहिंसा परम धर्म है, ऐसा कहा गया है; परन्तु यह सामान्य व्यक्ति और सामान्य परिस्थिति के लिये है न कि दुष्ट व्यक्तियों के लिये। भगवान् राम ने रावण और असंख्य राक्षसों को मारा, वर्णाश्रम धर्म से विचलित को मारा, ताड़का-स्त्री को भी मारा। पाप है तो उसका प्रायश्चित भी है।
Arjun wanted to understand, if he would gain happiness by the killing-elimination of the tyrants-oppressors (present day terrorists and the politicians indulged in dirty politics-reaching peaks by killing innocent people). Repentance will trouble him after wiping them off. They will come to his memory and their absence will also haunt him.
One who indulge in burning (property, humans-creatures), poisoning, killing-murdering with the help of weapons or otherwise, snatching (rape, looting, defrauding, cheating money, snatching property-land by hook or crook, defrauding, abrogation, abduction of woman, wife-daughter) etc., is termed as tyrant (oppressor, terrorist). Duryodhan had all these evils, traits-defects. Here Arjun was unable to understand the theme-spirit, basis behind the scriptures, which permits the killing of tyrants, on the other hand, it does not hold the procedure and restraint their killing. The state, king, judiciary is justified to punish such people. It has been stated that "AHINSA PARMODHRMA" Non Violence is ultimate religion. One should be aware that this is meant for the common citizen, under normal circumstances, only. The does not apply to the wicked-wretched. Bhagwan Shri Ram killed Ravan and other demons-giants, along with those who did not stick to the Varnashram Dharm. He Tadka too who was a woman. If there is sin, there is penance, atonement, penitence-remorse.
Gandhi permitted killing of innocent Hindus by the Muslims, but as soon as the Hindus retaliated, he sat on Dharna, Anshan. We can not afford people of such duel mentality-personality.
Wrong interpretation of scriptures leads one to believe that one should not kill any one. Manu Smrati clearly says that guilty must be punished. It does not absolve even the Brahman if he is a murderer-killer. Buddh or Maha Veer never asked to forgive the terrorists, violators, rapists, killers. A stupid like Gandhi recited an incomplete Shlok of Geeta and led to the merciless killing of more than 17,32,000 Hindu freedom fighters by the British and millions of innocent Hindus during partition by the Muslims. Still the Congress Party headed by a half Muslim half Christian preaches this stupid idea to Hindus. One should not tolerate beyond a certain limit, since trouble, tortures, pains, sorrow, death are prefixed by the destiny. But while repelling the culprits-criminals, he should be prudent-vigilant, careful. Never share-disclose your plans to unreliable-unfaithful.
तस्मान्नार्हा वयं हन्तुं धार्तराष्ट्रान्स्वबान्धवान्।
स्वजनं हि कथं हत्वा सुखिनः स्याम माधव॥1.37॥
अतएव-इसलिये हे माधव! अपने ही बान्धव धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्रों को मारने के लिए हम योग्य नहीं हैं, क्योंकि अपने ही कुटुम्ब को मारकर हम कैसे सुखी होंगे?
Therefore, Oh Madhav (Krashn)! We are not qualified, competent, deserve to kill our own brothers-sons of Dhratrashtr and other relatives. How can we gain peace-comfort by killing the people of our own clan-decedents?!
अर्जुन भगवान् श्री कृष्ण को माधव कहकर सम्बोधित कर रहे हैं। माधव अर्थात लक्ष्मी पति भगवान् श्री हरी विष्णु। शास्त्र कहता है कि राजा में भगवान् विष्णु का अंश होता है और दुर्योधन को तो लक्ष्मी और सरस्वती दोनों की कृपा प्राप्त थी। ऐसे में शास्त्र को जानने वाले अर्जुन दुर्योधन पर शस्त्र उठाने और प्रहार करने से पहले अनुमति तो लेंगे ही। वो स्वयं को आताताई का वध करने के अयोग्य कह रहे हैं और स्वधर्म-क्षत्रिय धर्म से विमुख हो रहे हैं। अर्जुन मोह जनित बातें कह रहे हैं और मोह विवेक को हर लेता है। अशुभ शकुनों ने पहले ही यह स्पष्ट कर दिया था कि श्री अर्थात लक्ष्मी जी ने और माँ सरस्वती ने दुर्योधन को तज दिया था अर्थात अब उसमें से विष्णु का अंश निकल चुका है और वह एक सामान्य अपराधी के समान दण्ड के योग्य है।
Arjun addressed Bhagwan Shri Krashn as Madhav purposely. Madhav means the husband of Goddess Maa Bhagwati Laxmi. As per scriptures the king has a component of the nurturer Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu. Duryodhan was an exception with the blessings of both Maa Laxmi and Maa Saraswati-a rarest of rare combination, like Rawan. Under these circumstances, one who knows the scriptures, enlightened will definitely-to be sure, will seek the permission of the master-the Almighty bodily present in front of him. When Arjun says that he is incompetent-unqualified to kill the Kauravs, he shows the illusion cast over his intelligence, since he is distracting from his duties as a Kshatriy-the duties of marshal castes. Bad omens had already declared that the time to eliminated the villain-wicked Duryodhan had come. Both Maa Laxmi and Maa Saraswati had discarded Duryodhan and the Kauravs. The nurturer Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu too had rejected them all and they all were parallel, comparable, equivalent to ordinary criminals-murders waiting for the sentence-punishment.
One must not kill innocent, helpless, unarmed person, child, women or aged. But the enemy must not be spared. Ratan Singh had the opportunity to kill Khilji and Prathvi Raj Chauhan was also in a position to arrest and kill Ghori. A wicked sinner, terrorist, intruder, rapist, enemy whether armed or unarmed must be eliminated. Its not a sin to eliminate the person who is bent upon killing others without logic-reason, cause.
यद्यप्येते न पश्यन्ति लोभोपहतचेतसः।
कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं मित्रद्रोहे च पातकम्॥1.38॥
कथं न ज्ञेयमस्माभिः पापादस्मान्निवर्तितुम्।
कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं प्रपश्यद्भिर्जनार्दन॥1.39॥
यद्यपि लोभ के कारण जिनका विवेक विचार लुप्त हो गया है, भ्रष्ट चित्त वे लोग कुल के नाश से उत्पन्न दोष को और मित्रों से द्वेष करने से होने वाले पाप को नहीं देखते, तो भी हे जनार्दन! कुल के नाश से उत्पन्न दोष को जानने वाले हम लोग इस पाप से निवृत होने का विचार क्यों नहीं करें?
Though, these people who have deviated, distracted, lost the sense of rationality due to greed, do not realize, understand, see, observe the gravity of the sin due to evolve by the killing of own people, clan, decedents and sin by virtue of opposing, resisting, envy, treachery with the friends, yet we, who are aware of the facts should not avoid-keeping aloof from the defect arising out of this mass murder.
एक क्षत्रिय से यह अपेक्षा नहीं की जाती कि वह युद्ध या द्यूत-जूए की चुनौती, निमन्त्रण-ललकार को अस्वीकार करेगा। सम्राट युधिष्टर ने दुर्योधन के जूए के निमन्त्रण यह कहकर ही स्वीकार किया था। उसका परिणाम भले ही छल से था, उनके सामने आ गया। जूआ ना खेलकर उसके दुष्परिणाम से बच सकते हैं, परन्तु युद्ध की चुनौती स्वीकार न करने का सीधा मतलब है, हार मानना, दासता स्वीकार करना।
किसी भी प्रकार का जूआ यथा लाटरी, स्टॉक-शेयर मार्केट, बिटकॉइन, शर्त लगाना, घुड़दौड़ सट्टेबाजी, मैच में सट्टेबाजी किसी को भी कभी भी बर्बाद सकते हैं।
लोभ मनुष्य को ऐसे कार्य करने की प्रेरणा देता है, जिनसे उसकी लालसा, इच्छाएँ, उम्मीदें,अपेक्षाएँ निरन्तर बढ़ती चली जाती हैं और वो परिणाम की चिंता किये बगैर उनकी पूर्ति के लिये शह-मात, छल-छन्द, प्रपञ्च, षड़यंत्र, चालें चलता रहता है, जिनमें उसे कामयाबी मिलती है तो सुख-अहंकार का अनुभव करता है और नाकामयाबी से दुःख का अनुभव करता है। जो वस्तु आकर चली जाती है, वो मनुष्य के मन-चित्त में ज्यादा निराशा उत्पन्न कर देती है। लोभ, इच्छाएँ, अपेक्षाएँ अन्त हीन हैं और दुःख का कारण हैं।
कुल नाश होना अति दुष्कर-हानिकारक माना गया है। इससे पित्तरों को पानी देने वाला नहीं रहता। वंश वृद्धि रुक जाती है जो कि स्वयं में एक पाप है, अगर जान-बूझकर किया जाये। परन्तु एक ना एक दिन अन्ततोगत्वा तो कुलनाश-वंशनाश होना है ही। अर्जुन को दुर्योधन का लोभ-लालच तो दिखा परन्तु अपना मोह-अहँकार (अच्छाई का) नहीं दिखा।
आजकल जो लिवइन चल रहा है, वह वर्णसंकरों को पैदा करता है, पाप भी है।
A Kshatriy-warrior is generally not expected to refuse the invitation either for war or gambling due to his ego-pride. Prudence is essential in such situations. All sorts of gambling is like suicide. Investment in stock market, Bitcoin or chit fund companies may ruin the investor. One may refuse to participate in gambling, without side effects, but refusal to accept challenge for war may lead to acquisition of kingdom, slavery, imprisonment, death. Emperor Yudhishtar accepted the invitation for gambling by Duryodhan by quoting this only, though he had escape routes, as well. But, he had a bad taste for gambling, being an expert. But he was cheated and exiled for 13 years with brothers and Draupadi, which resulted in the present state of affairs.
Duryodhan cheated Yudhistar with the help of his maternal uncle Shakuni-king of present Afghanistan-Kandhar successfully and this enhanced-induced greed in him for further extension of exile for Pandavs. Greed induces desires-expectations which keep on increasing-boosting. One keeps on doing all sorts of mischief, undesirable tactics, designs, acts, conspiracy. Success fills him with pleasure leading to pride and failure, which further lead to grief, sorrow, painful end. Greed and desires are endless.
Elimination of the clan, descendants, hierarchy is considered to be a great obstruction in Salvation of the entire chain of ancestors. It further leads to obstruction in prayers-peace meant for the deceased family members. Immediate impact of the stopping of the chain of the clan, if it is done knowingly-wilfully; is disaster, leading to hells. Yet, ultimately, on the dooms day, it is sure to happen. Arjun could see the greed of Duryodhan but he did not see-realize his own folly of attachment and pride of being a saintly person.
Greed and envy are the factors which leads to innumerable crimes like controlling others share in inherited property, forgery for acquiring property-wealth belonging to brothers, relatives. Quarrel, murders are quite common. Though the sinner is sure to be punished in one or the other birth, one convinces himself by saying that it might be the result of the sins-injustice done by him in some previous birth. The situation becomes really peculiar when the younger brothers wish or virtually compel the eldest-Me, to fight the case in the court to get their share in the parental property under the control of the youngest, who tried to kill father by pouring kerosene over him and ultimately smashed his head with the wall to acquire property and keep on maintaining cordial relations with him fully aware of his crime punishable with death penalty. The will prepared by him clearly shows forgery (technical errors, non matching of signatures, non registration of will) and if contested, he is sure to be sent to prison for 7 years. My real brother Rajesh Bhardwaj did this.
Its not possible to obtain justice in India, since it takes 20-25 years to decide a case and no one is sure of surviving till then, which makes many people to bear the tortures and remain silent. The judiciary itself is corrupt, since the judges are appointed through collegium.
कुलक्षये प्रणश्यन्ति कुलधर्माः सनातनाः।
धर्मे नष्टे कुलं कृत्स्नमधर्मोऽभिभवत्युत॥1.40॥
कुल के क्षय से सनातन कुल-धर्म नष्ट हो जाते हैं तथा धर्म का नाश हो जाने पर सम्पूर्ण कुल को अधर्म दबा लेता (इसके साथ ही पाप भी बढ़ जाता) है।
With the receding of the family size family norms-sacred religious practices, rituals, piousity, mores, traditions along with Varnashram Dharm are lost-perish and the clan-descendants are suppressed by Adharm-irreligiosity. The entire clan is burdened with sins.
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प्रत्येक वर्ण, कुल, जाति के लिये नियम-धर्म हैं, जिनको स्वभाविक रूप से मानना चाहिये। युद्ध की विभीषिका सभी धर्मों का नाश कर देती है। विधवाएँ, अनाथ बच्चे, वृद्ध बेसहारा हो जाते हैं और ऐसा कुछ करने को मजबूर हो जाते हैं जो कि अनर्थकारी है। संकर जातियों-आचारहीन लोगों का उदय होता है। बच्चों को ज्ञान-अच्छी शिक्षा देने वाला कोई नहीं रहता। मर्यादा भंग हो जाती है। स्त्रियां स्वेच्छाचारिणी हो जाती हैं। सर्वत्र व्यभिचार व्याप्त हो जाता है और लोग इसमें लिप्त हो जाते हैं। संस्कृति का विनाश-ह्रास हो जाता है। पितरों को पानी देने वाला, श्राद्ध करने वाला नहीं रहता। मृतात्मा भूत-प्रेत-पिशाच योनियों से मुक्त नहीं हो पातीं।
Every caste, clan, species, chain has its basic concepts-religious practices, which are followed-honoured traditionally. War leads to loss of all religions practices, rituals, traditions, sacred sacrifices etc. Widows, orphans, old people are left without support and are subjected to such deeds, which leads further deterioration, destruction, loss, immorality. Hybrid castes with no norms come up. Illegitimate children are born spoiling the basic structure of the society. The society becomes directionless. No one is available to educate the children-off springs. Norms-standards are lost. Women becomes too independent-free. Chastity becomes meaningless. Morals-character takes a back seat and becomes irrelevant-meaning less. Culture is lost. There is no one to make offerings for the sake of the deceased-ancestors. The deceased is unable to free him self from the ghost-spirit form.
Any one who do not abide by the Varnashram Dharm, righteousness, ethics, morality, values, piousness is bound to perish. Islam is bound to perish, being Devilish-demonic. People like Jakir Nayak, Dawood, Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi, Vijay Mallya are on the run. But sooner or later they will meet their fate and doom. Lalu, Maya, Mamta, Man Mohan, Mulayam, Sonia-Rahul, Akhilesh, Stalin, Thakre etc. etc., all are bound to be punished, may be in the next abode-birth. The Shudr committing atrocities over the Sawarn are sure to doom, repent and go to hell.
अधर्माभिभवात्कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः।
स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु वार्ष्णेय जायते वर्णसंकरः॥1.41॥
हे कृष्ण! अधर्म-पाप के अधिक बढ़ जाने से कुल की स्त्रियाँ अत्यन्त दूषित हो जाती हैं और हे वार्ष्णेय! स्त्रियों के दूषित हो जाने पर वर्ण संकर उत्पन्न होता है।
Enhancement of irreligiosity, (wickedness, vices) leads to loss of virtues, morality, ideals, respect, self esteem of women giving birth to illegitimate-cross breed, bastards, hybrid children.
स्त्रियों में काम-वासना की मात्रा अधिक पाई जाती है। इसलिये उनका स्वछन्द होना अनुचित और पाप को बढ़ावा देने वाला होता है। जब कोई देखने-सँभालने वाला नहीं होता तो स्त्रियाँ दुराचार में लिप्त हो जाती हैं। सात्विक से तामसिक की ओर बढ़ जाती हैं। उनका चारित्रिक-नैतिक पतन हो जाता है। शास्त्र मर्यादा, कुल मर्यादा, आचरण शुद्धि-अन्तः करण शुद्धि से रहित-विवेक शून्य हो जाती हैं। इसका परिणाम वर्ण संकर बच्चों का पैदा होने में होता है।
बच्चों में माँ-बाप के गुणसूत्र, डी.एन.ए. और जींस होते हैं और उन्हीं के द्वारा उनके पूर्वजों के अनुवांशिक गुण-दोषों का निदान किया जाता है। पारिवारिक बीमारियों-प्रवृतियों का निदान-संचालन भी उनके द्वारा ही होता है। एक प्रयोग में अमेरिका में 6 लाख लोगों के जैनेटिक मैप का स्कैटर डायग्राम प्लाट किया गया तो पाया गया कि वे स्पष्ट रूप से 4 भागों में (ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य और शूद्र) बँटे थे।
Quantum of sex (lust, sexuality, sensuality, passion) in women is 8 times more as compared to the men, according to Achary Chanaky. Their independence-freedom leads to sin. They become vulnerable to attack by sex hunters-poachers. When there is no one to take care (look after) of them, they indulge in illicit relations. They deviate from virtuousness and indulge in wickedness, wretchedness, vices, flirtations-moral turpitude, immorality, characterlessness, prostitution. They forget culture, morality, piousness, scriptures, family background, reputation, prestige, common sense. The result is obvious :- Illegitimate children, sycophants, criminals, abnormal, mental wrecks, anti socials, impotent. Generally, they remain in bad company with the people having loose morals and learn what ever bad they observe. It may result in mutations as well.
Chromosomes, DNA and genes are the carriers of the characterises of the parents from one generation to the next. One can easily identify the race, species, inheritance of the off springs. Genetic diseases can be easily found in the children. As a consequence of it, one is advised not to marry either in close relations like South Indians or out of caste.
A study conducted over 6 Lakh people in America showed that they could be placed in 4 distinct groups (comparable to Brahman, Kshatriy, Vaeshy and Shudr) on the basis of the results of their DNA tests and scatter diagram.
The Kali Yug will witness loss of culture, values, ethics, morals. More & more women will be lured to stay out of wed lock, family way, live in relations. This will lead to the birth of hybrid children who will be mentally unsound, psychic-Like Rahul. They will not be able to trace their family back ground-roots, culture. People will migrate freely all over the world and will lack attraction for their country. They will observe religion just for the sake of formality. They may not be aware of life after death, next birth, Moksh, Salvation, emancipation, Liberation or Assimilation in the Almighty. People will worship the devil, Satanic-evil forces as Muslims. This will continue for around 4,80,000 years. The Swarn-upper castes will have to bear with insult, tortures but will be rescued by the Almighty in the form of tenth incarnation as Kalki Avtar. The phase has already started in India and wretched people -so called Dalit, are taking over the reins of power. In fact it begun when the Muslims put their foot over this soil, followed by Christians.
Mohan Bhagwat, though himself a doctor says that the DNA of Hindus & Muslims is same, grossly unfortunate-false.
संकरो नरकायैव कुलघ्नानां कुलस्य च।
पतन्ति पितरो ह्येषां लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रियाः॥1.42॥
वर्णसंकर कुलघातियों को और कुल को नरक में ले जाने वाला होता है। लुप्त हुई पिण्ड और जल की क्रिया वाले अर्थात श्राद्ध और तर्पण से वंचित, इनके पितर लोग भी अधोगति को प्राप्त होते हैं।
The mix breed (One whose caste can not be ascertained, defined, fixed) leads the Pitre, Manes, ancestors to undefined hells, by degrading-isolating them. The PITRE-MANES (root, basic, original ancestors), from whom the clan-caste chain begun, are left without offerings-prayers for their clemency, relief, worship, leading to their downfall to difficult hells.
आज के युग में नौजवान लड़कों और लड़कियों को यह समझाना बहुत मुश्किल है, क्योंकि यह कलयुग है और फिर उनमें ऐसों की सँख्या बहुत है, जो स्वयं इस तरह से पैदा हुए होंगे। वर्णसंकर (अवैध, हरामी, हरामजादा, मुसलमान) में धार्मिक बुद्धि का नितान्त अभाव होता है। मर्यादा, कुलधर्म, धर्म वे ना तो जानते हैं और ना ही समझना चाहते हैं। उन्हें ऐसा कुलघाती कहा जा सकता है, जो पितरों को पिण्ड दान-तर्पण श्राद्ध और पानी तक अर्पित नहीं करेगा और वे अधोगति को प्राप्त होंगे। पितृ गण दो प्रकार के हैं :- आजान और मर्त्य। आजान पितृलोक में हैं, परन्तु मृत्युलोक से मर कर गए पितर-पितृ मर्त्य हैं; जिनका पतन होता है। कुटुंब-सन्तान से सम्बन्ध रहने के कारण, उनको श्राद्ध-तर्पण-पिण्ड दान-पानी की आशा होती है।
Its extremely difficult to explain-elaborate, to the young generation, the importance of rituals like :- holding of Shanti path [clemency rituals], prayers for the peace of the deceased, Shraddh, terahveen (thirteenth day, Barsi-annual ceremonies, offerings to Brahmans, poor, needy, after the death of the parents-grand parents, since they are born in Kali Yug & they may not be aware of the family tradition. Still this postulate is meant for those who are born out of illicit relations, between the parents from two diversified castes, religions, regions, countries in the name of love affair-marriage (leading to divorce sooner or later) or those who produce children by living together, without marriage and illicit-forced relations.
The cross breed is (bastard, scoundrel, illegitimate, Muslims) without piousness, virtues, religiosity, family norms, traditions. They are generally termed as those, who lead their family tree to termination-fatal end. They will not hold prayers, make offerings, visit holy places for the peace, liberty, Salvation of their ancestors, fore fathers, Manes, unaware of the facts-traditions, scriptures. Their ancestors-Pitre are sure to lead to hells.
Pitre are of two categories :- First one are present in the divine abodes and next are those who deceased over the earth. The second category will be the victim of the absence of these proceedings by their off springs. Whether one is born normally or through illegitimate relations; must hold prayers for the liberation-peace of the deceased soul, of their departed parents-grand parents.
The fashion of live in relation is on the rise. The child born out of this relation is generally socially unacceptable and lacks virtues, morals, ethics. He is mentally imbalanced. A new group is appearing in the society by the name of cosmopolitan, as a consequence of this.
Bastard, scoundrel, illegitimate born as an outcome of rape, illicit relations is always dangerous for those who are intentionally involved in it; since, they will have to remain in hells for a very long period of time as a consequence of it. Majority of Muslims all over the world born out of the illicit relations will led to abolition of Islam sooner or later. The impact is seen clearly in their large scale migration to Europe and else where. But the countries which are giving them shelter and allowing to build mosques and worship Islam are committing a grate blunder for which they will have to repent sooner or later.
दोषैरेतैः कुलघ्नानां वर्णसंकरकारकैः।
उत्साद्यन्ते जातिधर्माः कुलधर्माश्च शाश्वताः॥1.43॥
इन वर्णसंकर कारक-पैदा करने वाले दोषों से कुलघातियों के सनातन-सदा से चलते आये, कुल-धर्म और जाति-धर्म नष्ट हो जाते हैं।
The defects which create these cross breeds, distort the ancient Varnashram Dharm of clans, descendants, segregating the populations leading to the diminishing, vanishing, loss of varied casts, groups traits, practices.
वर्ण और जाति प्रथा मानव जाति की उत्पत्ति से ही जारी है। कश्यप ऋषि से मैथुनी सृष्टि से समस्त प्राणियों और मनुष्यों का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ। इसका वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण और आधार है। मनुष्यों में 23 जोड़े गुणसूत्र-क्रोमोसोम्स पाये जाते हैं, जिनको परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है, जिससे नई जातियाँ-जीव उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं। इसके प्रमाण उपलब्ध हैं। मनुष्यों के व्यवहार को क्रोमोसोम्स पर पाये जाने वाले जीन्स के आधार पर तय किया जा सकता है।
समूह का व्यवहार और उसमें रहने वालों का बहुत गहरा सम्बन्ध है। जाति-वर्ण, काम-धन्धे का मूलाधार है। किसी भी जाति और परिवार में पैदा हुए बच्चे अपने पैतृक कार्य को अधिक आसानी से सीख और अधिक कुशलता से कर सकते हैं।
The caste system is ancient-since the beginning of evolution on earth by Kashyap Rishi through intercourse. It is perfect and has a scientific basis. Number of chromosomes and the genes present over them, determine the characteristics of a species. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, which can be altered to create new species-living beings. It can be proved-demonstrated that human behaviour too has its seeds in the genetic structure over the chromosomes.
Traits of various individuals can be analysed by studying the group behaviour. Behaviour of different people belonging to various castes and sub castes, too show remarkable similarities. There are practical advantages of this system as the progeny of one caste learns the parental skills much quicker-with remarkable ease.
A person born out of illicit relations, inter caste marriages do not follow the cultural values, ethics. He is not recognised as a member of either of the two sides-communities of marriage partners. Scientifically, there is a mutation in genes found over the chromosomes. New features are seen in him physically. There may be sizeable changes in intelligence level as well. Normally, such progeny do not command any respect in the society. Family norms, etiquette are lost completely. Indians are quick in following western system-style of living together without marriage. Majority of people in Australia do not accept wed lock. The results are obvious.
Wife of king of Mathura Ugr Sen, went to her father in spite of refusal to allow her to go. She was seen on her way, by a Yaksh. He established sexual relations with her, as a result of which Kans (Kal Nemi) was born & the whole world knows his story. He was later killed by Bhagwan Shri Krashn.
लिव इन नाम की बीमारी धीरे-धीरे बढ़ती रही है। टीवी, फ़िल्म आदि इसका प्रचार और प्रसार कर रहे हैं। राजनीति बाज़ भी पीछे नहीं हैं। इसका दुष्परिणाम सभ्यता, रीति-रिवाजों का काल बनेगा।
Women in love in relations are comparable to prostitute and whores.
Such people do not believe in culture, values, morals, ethics, society norms.
उत्सन्नकुलधर्माणां मनुष्याणां जनार्दन।
नरकेऽनियतं वासो भवतीत्यनुशुश्रुम॥1.44॥
हे जनार्दन! जिनका कुल-धर्म नष्ट हो गया है, ऐसे मनुष्यों का अनिश्चितकाल तक नरक में वास होता है, ऐसा हम सुनते आए हैं।
Oh Janardan! We have heard-learnt that those who have lost the Kul Dharm (duties, essentials jobs pertaining to their Varnashram Dharm) of their ancestors have to spend a long period in hells.
विवेक, बुद्धि, तर्क मनुष्य को, वो सभी कार्य करने से रोकते हैं, जो मनुष्य को नर्क गामी बनाते हैं। बुद्धि उसे कुल धर्म से भटकने से भी रोकती है। ये उसके ऊपर है कि वो इनको सुने या ना सुने। अंतरात्मा की आवाज यही है। मद में अँधा हुआ मानव इसको दर किनार देता है। प्रवचन, उपदेश, मार्गदर्शन, उचित राय, शिक्षा मनुष्य को गुरु, पूर्वज, वृद्ध, साधु-सन्यासी, महात्मा, पुजारी, परिपक्व लोगों से समय-समय पर मिलते है। जो इसका अनादर करता है, वो अपने लिए नर्क के दरवाजे खोल लेता है। धन, काम-वासना, क्रोध, मद-अहंकार, बुरी संगत, निरादर, तिरस्कार, असफलता, ईर्षा, अपमान अक्सर मनुष्य को नर्कगामी बना देते हैं। जो भक्त हैं, सत्य-नेक राह पर चलते हैं, उन्हें किसी बात की चिंता नहीं रहती। उनकी रक्षा तो स्वयं प्रभु जनार्दन श्री कृष्ण करते हैं।
Prudence is gifted to each and every individual by the Almighty. It cations him, as and when he drifts away from his family norms-trade of the ancestors. Deviation from traditional practices-family occupation results in subjection to tortures in hells. It's up to him to utilize it or not. Some call it the inner voice, others call it the call of soul or just psyche. One usually ignores it, when he is blind with the self motive or is self centred. It comes to us in the form of guidance (advice, preachings) of saints, elderly, experienced, sages, priests, matured people-recluse. Money and sex are the major motives, which generally compel one to commit mistakes-folly, which drive him to sin, vices, wickedness, hells. Ego-falls pride is another constraint, which do not let one utilize his common sense, prudence, intelligence-brilliance to rectify the errors in his mental make up. Attachments, greed, desire for comforts, envy, enmity, wickedness, evil-bad company, censure, scolding, reproach, disrespect, disdain, insult, rejection, failure may lead one to commit sinful acts, vices, wretched deeds, which may put him in hells. The pious, virtuous, righteous, honest, truthfulness, religious, detached, devoted to the Almighty has nothing to fear-worry.
Please refer to :: HEAVEN-HELL स्वर्ग-नरक santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com hindutv.wordpress.com
Majority of people amongest the Hindus are either illiterate or ignorant. They are easily be fooled by impostors, who adopt each & every trick to extract money from the innocent people. The translation of scriptures, Veds, Purans, Itihas, Upnishads is grossly defective, inappropriate, incorrect. Translation done by Britishers & even Max Muller is almost vague, biased. Books written by Britishers contain defamatory content against the Hindus. They labelled it Mythology. Christian missionaries and Muslim preachers are continuously preaching against Hinduism. Blasphemy is seen in almost every writing by these preachers. Muslims and Christians do not accept what has been said in the scriptures. Hindi translation by the Geeta Press Gorakh Pur is almost authentic-reliable. Some believe in rebirth, some discard it out right, some are atheists. However, those who believe in it, too indulge in sins. The outcome of sin is disease, pain-sorrow, torture, failure in endeavours, movement to hells and rebirth in lower species.
अहो बत महत्पापं कर्तुं व्यवसिता वयम्।
यद्राज्यसुखलोभेन हन्तुं स्वजनमुद्यताः॥1.45॥
यह बड़े आश्चर्य और शोक-खेद की बात है कि हम लोग बड़ा भारी-महान पाप करने का निश्चय कर बैठे हैं और राज्य और सुख के लोभ से स्वजनों को मारने के लिए उद्यत-तैयार हो गए हैं।
It's a matter of great pain-sorrow that we have prepared ourselves for the great sin, destruction killing our own people, due to the greed, hunger, desire of empire and comforts.
अर्जुन का ध्यान युद्ध की विभीषिका और इसके दुष्परिणामों पर था। वे भगवान् के अनन्य भक्त और उनके अभिन्न अंग थे। यह संवाद परिस्थितियों के मूल्यांकन को दर्शाता है। इसमें युद्ध के सूक्ष्मतम पहलुओं पर ध्यान दिया गया है। युद्ध केवल उसी परिस्थिति में होना चाहिये, जब कोई रास्ता-विकल्प शेष न रहे। अर्जुन के माध्यम से यह बताया गया है कि दोषी को बख्शना केवल अनजाने, अज्ञान, मोह, गुमराह होने के कारण है। यदि दोषी को समय पर दण्ड नहीं दिया गया तो वो और मुखर-भयानक हो जायेगा। दंड देने में सक्षम व्यक्ति को अपने जिम्मेवारी से बचना नहीं चहिये। युद्ध का अंतिम निर्णय तो युधिष्ठर ने लेना था ना कि अर्जुन ने। यह प्रयास कलयुग में होने वाली युद्ध की विभीषिका का आकलन करने और तत्पश्चात निर्णय लेने के पक्ष में है।
रूस द्वारा यूक्रेन पर आक्रमण अनावश्यक और एक आतंकवादी कार्यवाही है। यूरोप और अमेरिका द्वारा इसका प्रतिकार करना उचित ही है।
ईरान के बढ़ावा देने पर हूती, हमास और हिजबुल्लाह ने इजराइल को तबाह करने की ठान रखी है और इसके पीछे भी पुतिन है।
IMF से मिली सहायता का दुरूपयोग हमास ने सुरंग बनाकर इजराइल के विरुद्ध किया। और अब IMF ने मानवता के शत्रु पाकिस्तान को 700 मिलियन डालर दे डाले। अर्थात IMF दुनियाँ में अशान्ति पैदा करने वाली संस्था है।
Arjun's query-attention is towards the war and its after effects. He is a devotee (as a matter of fact an incarnation of the Almighty himself) of the God. Here the questions-surprises are meant to analyse the situation. In one way its constructive discussion. An efforts has been made to judge-weigh the pros and cons of wars. One should enter into war, only when all efforts have failed to find an amicable solution of the problem-confrontation. He is willing to pardon the sinners-guilty due to ignorance, attachment, confusion. If the guilty is not punished in time, he will create further trouble-tension. One who is capable, is not supposed to evade his responsibility. However, the decision of war or no war had to be taken by Yudhistar, not Arjun. This whole affair, elaboration, discussion is to educate the people to tackle-deal, when such situations arises, during Kali Yug-the present cosmic era.
जर, जोरू और जमीन झगड़े की तीन जड़ें हैं।
There are three main reasons behind quarrel-disputes :- Wealth-money, women and the property. All these caused the Maha Bharat. During this era the son do not hesitate in killing his parents for money and property. The woman elope with others-lovers after killing husband acquiring his cash, ornaments etc. Other reasons like anger, anguish, arrogance, ego, insult also play their role in quarrels.
The attack over Ukraine is a terrorist act. Help granted by Europe and America to it is justified. 3H, Russia-Putin, China-Jinping and North Korea-Kim deserve to be punished and restrained for their arrogance notoriety.
यदि मामप्रतीकारमशस्त्रं शस्त्रपाणयः।
धार्तराष्ट्रा रणे हन्युस्तन्मे क्षेमतरं भवेत्॥1.46॥
यदि शस्त्र हाथ में लिए हुए धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्र रण में मुझ शस्त्र रहित-निहत्थे एवं सामना न करने वाले को मार भी डालें तो वह मारना भी मेरे लिए बड़ा-अधिक कल्याण कारक होगा।
If the armed sons of Dhratrashtr kill one-Arjun, who is unarmed and unwilling to fight, will be virtuous, beneficial, rewarding for me-Arjun.
भावावेश में अधिकतर मनुष्य गलत निर्णय लेता और ऐसे कार्य कर बैठता है, जिनकी वजह से उसे बाद में पछताना पड़ता है। ऐसी परिस्थिति में जब कोई किंकर्तव्य विमूढ़ हो, तो उसे सलाह-मशवरे की आवश्यकता होती है। अपने से अधिक समझदार, ज्ञानी, विद्वान, जानकर, तजुर्बेकार, विवेकी से सम्पर्क करना, फायदेबंद साबित होता है। जब सेनाएँ आमने-सामने खड़ी हों, तो संकल्प-विकल्प का समय नहीं रहता। दया उन पर की जाती है, जो इसके लायक हों, ना कि आतताई-दुर्दान्त अपराधी पर। साँप को जिन्दा रखना हो तो उसका जहर निकाल दो।
One often resort to wrong decisions in a state of frenzy, emotionalism, impulse of mood, which harm him later. When one is confused, he should seek advise from enlightened, experienced, mature, elderly, prudent, skilled and experts in that particular field. Discussion with one, who is more clear, knowledgeable, enlightened as compared to us, is always fruitful-beneficial. When the armies are ready to attack-confront each other, no time is available for clarifications, emotions, discussions. One must take pity over the person, who deserve and not those, who are guilty, tyrants, invaders, brutes, terrorists. If its essential to keep the snake alive, remove its poison. One stitch in time saves many later.
One becomes desperate and hopeless when he has to attack-punish his own people when they commit serious crimes and normally avoid confrontation, which embolden them and they turn into dreaded criminals; which is even more serious-dangerous and sooner or later they eliminate him as well. One should never run away and face the situation and provide stiff resistance and punish the defaulters within his capacity. The evil must be crushed at costs. If you do not eliminate terrorists they will eliminate you.
Had the Hindus fought at Som Nath, Nalanda, Takshila history would have been different. Had Prathvi Raj Chauhan killed Ghori, he would have become a hero, not a captive. The Hindus must learn to oust, fight the intruders occupying their land, temples.
Their numbers have gone up to 23-30 crore, Modi, Kejriwal, Congress, Akhilesh, Nitish, Lalu, Mamata, Stalin, Siddaramaiah all are increasing their number, preparing ground for own their elimination. Be alert and act to eliminate them.
संजय उवाच ::
एवमुक्त्वार्जुनः सङ्ख्ये रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्।
विसृज्य सशरं चापं शोकसंविग्नमानसः॥1.47॥
संजय बोले :- रणभूमि में शोक से उद्विग्न मन वाले अर्जुन इस प्रकार कहकर, बाण सहित धनुष को त्यागकर रथ के मध्य भाग में बैठ गए।
Sanjay said :- Having said this, Arjun full of grief, gloom, sadness retired to the rear of the chariot and divested himself of the bow with arrow.
उद्वेग, परेशानी, मोह से ग्रस्त-भटके हुए अर्जुन, जो कि स्वयं शास्त्र धारी नर ऋषि के अवतार थे, रथ में जहाँ खड़े थे, वहीं बैठ गये। उनका धनुष-बाण अभी भी उनके साथ था। उन्हें सहानुभूति-मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता थी, जो उन्हें इस मनोस्थिति-उलझन से उबारे। भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने संसार सागर से मुक्ति मार्ग प्रदर्शन की भूमिका बना दी थी, ताकि आने वाले कलयुग में मनुष्य को आत्म प्रकाश आत्म बल प्राप्त हो सके और वह सभी प्रकार के पापों, बुराईयों, दुर्दान्त-भयंकर अपराधियों का सामना कर सके।
Grief, emotions, confusion, illusion over powered Arjun and he set, where he was standing, with his bow and arrow, ready to charge. He deserved sympathy and counselling. He had to be brought out of dilemma (confusion & trauma). Thus platform for the discourse was ready for emitting the aura to enlighten the intelligentsia in Kali Yug, when all sorts of sins, vices, improprieties are going to confront the humans.
A desperate person who has lost hope need counselling, moral boosting. Failures in life often lead people to commit suicide, which is a sin. To drop the arms and ammunition was just like suicide for Arjun. One must not loss hope and continue to struggle, which may allure one to success and consistent efforts yield favourable results sooner or later.
ॐ तत्सदिति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतासूपनिषत्सु ब्रह्मविद्यायां योगशास्त्रे श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवादेऽर्जुनविषादयोगो नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः।
इस प्रकार ॐ, तत्, सत् :- इन भगवन्नामों के उच्चारणपूर्वक ब्रह्मविद्या और योगशास्त्रमय श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतोपनिषदरूप श्री कृष्णार्जुन संवाद में अर्जुन विषाद योग नामक प्रथम अध्याय पूरा हुआ।
In this form the first chapter of Shri Mad Bhagwad Geeta which constitutes of the grief of Arjun, has been completed. It has the essence, nectar, theme, central idea, elixir of all Upnishads. Utterance of Hari ॐ, Tat & Sat removes all mistakes, errors, faults, defects, omissions of the text. This is unique treatise on eternity and Salvation.
Veds ask the reader-devotee to resort to prayers but here the Almighty himself is asking the humans to perform, protect themselves, earn their livelihood and crush the enemy-terrorist, invaders, rapist.
ॐ, Tat & Tat constitute of the three names of the Almighty. It includes-provides luxury, comforts, pleasures, Dharm (truth, honesty, religiosity, virtuousness, righteousness), name, fame-honour, goodwill, Shri, riches, wealth, property, power, Gyan (enlightenment, intelligence, prudence) and ultimately detachment leading to Salvation. One is relinquished from reincarnations. Virtuous reader-devotee may refer to the chapters on Salvation of the following blogs ::
SALVATION PREPARATION मोक्ष-साधना santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com hindutv.wordpress.com
This holy-sacred text is meant for the one, who has faith in it. One should not reveal, narrate, explain, describe, discuss the text to an Atheist. No attempt should be made to convince-justify the text, to one who questions its validity. One should never try to convince the morons, imprudents, ignorant, idiot with what is expressed by Geeta. Reading, writing, narrating the text gives the devotee the pious rewards, which never eliminate in rebirths.
Revision of the text has been completed by the grace of Almighty at Gledswood Hills, NSW, Sydney, Australia today i.e., July 1, 2018, Sunday. I feel blessed by Bhagwan Ved Vyas, Ganpati and Maa Saraswati who gave me an opportunity to learn and narrate the sacred text to the pious, righteous, august devotees.
My son Prashant Bhardwaj inspired me to write this and my wife Mithilesh Bhardwaj is continuously helping me all the way.
Revision of the text has been completed today i.e., September. 29, 2024.
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Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)
निवेदन :: समस्त भक्त जनों से प्रार्थना है कि यदि आप इस शास्त्र ज्ञान, पठन-पाठन सामग्री से संतुष्ट-सहमत हैं, इसे उचित और उपयुक्त समझते हैं तो समस्त हिन्दु धर्माम्बलियों, सनातन धर्मियों को निरन्तर अग्रेषित करते रहें।santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com
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