By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
नात्मानमवमन्येत पुर्वाभिरसमृद्धिभिः।
आमृत्योः श्रियमन्निच्छेन्नैनां मन्येत दुर्लभाम्॥उद्योग करने पर भी यदि समृद्धि न मिले तो मनुष्य स्वयँ को अपमानित न करे। मरते दम तक लक्ष्मी प्राप्ति के लिए प्रयत्न करे, उसे दुर्लभ न समझे।[मनुस्मृति 4.137]
One should not be disheartened for not becoming rich in-spite of endeavours, efforts hard labour. He should continue efforts in the right direction to achieve his goal, target, ambition through righteous, virtuous, honest, pious means, till death. Success may elude him temporarily but ultimately success is sure.
Efforts must be made in the right direction. Proper planning and execution are a must. One should seek advice from seniors, elders, Guru, well wishers. He should study the pros & cons of the project to be undertaken-handled by him. His previous deeds may hinder his working temporarily, but ultimately the success will knock at his door. Remember the story of the spider who was trying to reach the top of the cave and reached there in 28th attempt. The disheartened king who was watching it curiously got up, gathered energy and won his kingdom back. What ever may be the case one must not commit suicide. those who commit suicide find birth in hell.
(1). SERVICE नौकरी :: One must do his duty-for which, he is receiving emoluments, fee, salary or pay in cash, kind or service, sincerely, seriously, happily, religiously, with dedication. All of his faculties should be concentrated over the job, work being handled by him. All his mental faculties, skills, ability, knowledge should be utilized to perform the job, in the best possible manner. He should gain-acquire sufficient knowledge, training, information through all possible sources. One should be quick to handle the job with precision. His calibre and ability should be reflected in his endeavours.
Once emoluments are settled-agreed upon, and the person is willing to accept-do the job, he should carry it out to his own and masters-employers, entire satisfaction. Now, there should be no room to reason out whether, the salary is more or less. However, one can continue searching for alternate jobs with higher perks, which are in accordance with his qualification, experience, ability, taste, mood, salary, working hours, potency and calibre.
One should keep on finding new ways and means to do the job easily and quickly. One should not argue with the boss, seniors, coworkers or the owner. Whole hearted efforts should be made to carry out the jobs as per their designs, desires and exactly to their need, requirements and satisfaction. A job for which one is unfit-unqualified, should not be accepted, as it may harm him and his future prospects. During the job, all his energies should be channelized to it only-no other thought or ideas should be allowed to creep into the mind.
If suddenly one observe better ways of doing it- he should try them out to achieve perfection in them, and try them out elsewhere as well, where ever possible-feasible. If he can innovate, he should do it. If one find defects with the working or design and he is capable of rectifying the errors, he should proceed with them, but with permission from the bosses. He must be prepared for improvements, in his style of working-functioning as per need of the working environment.
Even if, he has forgotten to pray to the God, while doing work-before doing work, he should not mind it-should not take it seriously to the heart. Always remember work is worship. Devotion to work is devotion to God. It’s the easiest means to attain renunciation-detachment-liberation-assimilation and Salvation.
Failure to act according to a situation or against the scripters is an act-duty-deed unperformed (work not done). One who fails to do the desired work, for which he is paid, honestly-spiritedly, shirks work, act against the master or the organisation or the state, seek bribes or is selfish, is a sinner, his actions are equivalent to deeds unaccomplished, opening the ways to unqualified hells-repeated cycles of birth and rebirth.
जिस कार्य के लिए पैसा मिलता है, उसे पूरी लग्न, गंभीरता, मेहनत व ईमानदारी के साथ, धर्म मान कर, खुश होकर करना चाहिए। भुगतान वेतन, सेवा, नकद, फीस या किसी भी अन्य तरीके से हो सकता है। काम करते समय ध्यान पूरी तरह उस में ही होना आवश्यक है, काम में रम जाना चाहिये-जी नहीं चुराना चाहिये। पूरी मानसिक योग्यता कौशल क्षमता अनुभव के साथ अच्छे से अच्छे तरीके के साथ कार्य का निर्वाह होना आवश्यक है। बेगार टालना उचित नहीं है।कार्य करने से पहले आवश्यक ज्ञान, प्रशिक्षण, जानकारी तैयारी अभ्यास, आवश्यक है। कार्य में बारीक से बारीक बात का ध्यान भी रखना चहिये।
एक बार वेतन निर्धारण के पश्चात, मालिकों की जरूरत के अनुरूप पूरी संतुष्टि के साथ कार्य निर्वाह-निष्पादन होना चाहिए, ना कि-अपनी मन मर्जी। बाद में तन्खावह को लेकर वाद विवाद ठीक नहीं। व्यक्ति को अपनी क्षमता-कौशल, योग्यता के अनुरूप उच्च पद की तलाश जारी रखनी चाहिए-अच्चा वेतन, सुविधायें, पसंद, तजुर्बा, योग्यता, काम का समय, लग्न, इच्छा, पृव्रती, मानसिकता, मानसिक अवस्था आदि पर भी ध्यान देना जरूरी है।
ऐसे नए तरीके, साधन, मानकों का विकास-आविष्कार-खोज-विकास करना जरूरी है, जिनसे काम आसान, सरल व ठीक हो सके। अपने अधिकारिओं, मालिकों, साथियों, के साथ किसी भी प्रकार का वाद विवाद करना उचित नहीं है। पूरा दिल लगा कर ऐसा प्रयत्न करना चाहिये कि कार्य, भली भांति, दिए गये मानक, चित्र, डिजाईन, आवशकता के अनुरूप व तसल्ली वख्श हो। जो कार्य अपने अनुरूप न हो उसे ग्रहण नहीं करना चाहिये, क्योंकि इससे भविष्य में अपने ऊपर गलत प्रभाव पड़ सकता है ।कार्य करते वक्त पूरी ऊर्जा व शक्ति, संसाधनों, को कार्य में ही निहित रखें, केन्द्रित करें-उस समय अन्य विचार कोई दिमांग में नहीं आना चाहिए।
यदि अचानक कोई नयी तरकीब इजाद हो जाये-सामने आ जाये, मालूम पड़े-तो उसका इस्तेमाल काम में महारथ, पूर्णता लाने के लिए कार्य स्थल तथा अन्यत्र जहाँ कंही भी सम्भव हो, भी करना चाहिए। यदि डिजाइन में कोई-कमी भूल नजर आए, तो उसका समाधान-निराकरण करने की कोशिश करनी भी जरुरी है। इसके लिए कर्मचारी अपने अधिकारिओं की अनुमति अवश्य प्राप्त करे। सुधार का रास्ता हर वक्त खुला रहना चाहिये। अपनी कार्य शैली में आवश्कता अनुरूप संशोधन -सुधार कर लेन जरूरी हैं, परम आवश्यक है।
हर समय परमात्मा को याद रखें। यदि पूजा पाठ, आराधना में गलती हो भी जाये, भूल हो जाये, तो परेशानी की कोई बात नहीं-जब याद आये, तब कर लो। घबराओ मत। वो तो हर समय तुम्हारे साथ है, दिल में है।
याद रखो कार्य ही साधना है। अपने निहित व विहित कार्यों को पूरा करना, संसार से लगाव न रखने मात्र से ही कल्याण हो जायेगा, मुक्ति-मोक्ष मिल जायेगी। बस कोशिश करके देखो।
ध्यान रखो अपने कार्य को पूरा न करना, शाश्त्रों के विरुद्ध आचरण, कार्य से अलगाव-सिवाय दुःख के कुछ नहीं देगा। जिस कार्य का पैसा लिया है, उसे लग्न, ईमानदारी, से न करना रिश्वत लेना, स्वार्थ परता, पाप है, धोका है, अधर्म है-जो कि नर्क का रास्ता खोल देता है और फिर शुरू हो जाती अनंत जन्मों की लम्बी यात्रा।
(2). GOVERNMENT SERVICE सरकारी नौकरी-सेवा :: One who is working in a Government institution often comes across a situation, where the boss is grossly incompetent-a person who does not deserve that post. Incompetent people, scales high positions with the help of recommendations, contacts, blood relations, reservations, bribes and the back door. This situation might be there in public sector undertakings and private sector as well, though not to that scale. Infiltration of the incompetent people in high positions is easy, since such people are good at flattering-sycophancy, misleading, be fooling giving and taking bribes, including immorality. Their goal is to rise up and up, whatever the means, right or wrong, fair or false. Virtues, righteousness, dignity, values, morality, ethics are merely words for them. Nepotism, corruptions, favouritism red-tape-ism, inefficiency are very common and code words to success for such people.
They do not mind harassing the people working under them. They are willing to cooperate with the corrupt and immoral. They bully the staff under them. Those who do not toe their line of actions are tortured, transferred, demoted. Their promotions are eclipsed. All sorts of hurdle-difficulties are created in the path of promotion of the hardworking, honest, dedicated and the competent.
In such situations one finds it very difficult to work-discharge his duties. He loses moral. Frustration is evolved in his mind. His personality is clouded. One should not be disheartened, in adverse circumstances. There are ways and means to tackle such adversaries. He should to quiet and vigilant. He should learn the secrets of the game by keeping his morals high. He is not alone facing the dilemma. There are others as well, who faced such adversaries and brutalised by the incompetent. He should be ready to hit such people at the right-opportunate moment. He may be joined in his endeavour by those who have already faced such situations. There is no need to attack directly or coming into the picture. The guilty-corrupt-inefficient always leaves the footprints-trails –proofs of his guilt-filthy deals-immoral acts. Never mind in striking right under the belly. Keep a track record of the misdeeds of such people and wait till you have sufficient evidence and then go ahead. Strike with might and confidence, besides protecting self. God is always with the one who is right and justified. If there be the need, reveal your identity and otherwise keep it a well-guarded, closely guarded secret.
सरकारी नौकरी करने वालों को अक्सर ऐसे अफसरों से पाला पड़ता है, जिन्हें काम न करना आता है, न करवाना। वो लोग इस पद के काबिल ही नहीं होते। नाकाबिल लोग ऊँचे पदों पर जान पहचान, सिफारिश, रक्त सम्बन्ध, आरक्षण, घूस, पिछले दरवाजे,राजनीति से पहुँच जाते हैं। ऐसी स्थति पब्लिक सेक्टर-सार्वजानिक संस्थानों, निजी संस्थानों में भी है, भले ही सरकारी उपक्रमौ जितनी न हो।उच्च पदों पर ऐसे लोग आसानी से पहुँच जाते हैं, जो चमचा गिरी, गुमराह करना, बेवकूफ बनाना, घूस लेना-देना जानते हैं, जिन्हें सदाचार-स्वच्छ आचरण-नैतिकता से कोई लेना देना नहीं है। उनका उद्देश्य केवल ऊँचा और ऊँचा उठना है, रास्ता भले ही गलत-बुरा-असंगत हो। ऊँचे मूल्य-आदर्श-मानव मूल्य-मानवता उनके लिए महज शब्द हैं। पक्षपात, शाजिस, अकर्मण्यता, सम्बन्धियों को ऊपर पहुँचाना, उनके लिए सफलता की कुंजी व द्योतक हैं। कैसे भी पाप से उन्हें कोई परहेज नहीं है।
अपने नीचे काम करने वालों को परेशान करना दुखी करना उन्हें अच्छा लगता है- मजा आता है।हर दूषित भ्रष्ट पापी दुराचारी व्यक्ति से सहयोग उनकी आदत है। अपने अधीनस्त कर्मचारियों को डराना, प्रताड़ित करना, धमकाना उन्हे संतुष्ट करता है। जो उनके कहने में नहीं चलता उसे प्रताड़ित किया जाता है,,तबादला कर दिया जाता है, अवनति कर दी जाती है। उनकी तरक्की अवरुद्ध कर दी जाती है।कार्य कुशल, मेहनती, ईमानदार, अनुभवी, समर्पित, सक्षम, मगर उनके आगे न झुकने वाले के रास्ते में, हर तरह की अड़चन, परेशानी, तकलीफ, रुकावट पैदा की जाती है। कोई सुनने वाला नहीं है। अंधेर नगरी, चोपट राजा, टके सेर भाजी, टके सेर खाजा।ऐसे माहौल में भले आदमी का काम करना बहुत मुश्किल है, असंभव भले ही न हो।आत्म ग्लानि, असंतुष्टि, परेशानी, असंतोष उत्पन्न होना स्वाभाविक है। व्यक्तित्व कुंठित हो जाता है। फिर भी व्यक्ति को ऐसी परिस्थिति में भी धैर्य धारणकरना चाहिये, निराश होना, घबराना नहीं चाहिये।
नर हो न निराश करो मन को, कुछ काम करो, जग में रह कर कुछ नाम करो। यह जन्म हुआ किस अर्थ अहो, सोचो समझो कुछ व्यर्थ न हो॥
कोशिश करने पर रास्ता निकल ही जाता है। जहाँ चाह-वहां राह। केवल शांत व सावधान रहने की जरुरत है।अपने आस पास के वातावरण को समझो, और सही वक्त पर प्रहार करो। केवल तुम ही ऐसे नहीं हो, जो इस यंत्रणा का शिकार है, और भी ऐसे हैं, उनकी सहायता लो। सब मिल कर गुप्त तरीके से प्रहार करो और सही वक्त पर सामने आ जाओ। डरो मत। अपना भेद किसी और को मत दो। मित्र और शत्रु की पहचान करो। सब सही हो जायेगा। अपराधी अपने गलत काम के चिन्ह अवश्य छोड़ेगा उन्हें ढूंढो संभालो और सही तरीके अम्ल में लाओ।ऐसे मारो कि पानी भी नहीं माँगे। बच कर भाग न पाए।
(3). कर्म-देहाड़ी मजदूर :: Daily wagers-labourers like masons, welders, carpenters, painters, electricians, plumbers, domestic servants, maids are some of the people, who are needed by the house hold-family, to back up their daily needs. This is the class of people, which offer its services as and when required, at a price-rate fixed by the Government regulations and not by the market forces of demand and supply.
Hundreds of aspiring people gather around one, who reaches the labour market, bulling each other, arguing-bargaining and bartering, to extract the maximum, they can. Having settled the pie-price, they accompany the employer to his house. These people settle the labour charges as per government regulations but are unwilling to work-discharge their duties, as per government charter. These days, most of labourers are capable of affording mobile phones. They can be contacted over the phone, as well. A syndicate-cartel is formed by them amongest themselves by forwarding-suggesting the names of one another frequently.
The first day of work is generally lost in arranging the material, as suggested by the labourers They pretend to be experienced but fail to carry out work-job skilfully, wasting a lot of time, money and material. They involve in gossips, smoking bidi, spitting on the walls, and the material around, often disfiguring-spoiling it, consuming gutka, kheni, pan or tobacco. Their urge for urination and stools, may arises during the working hours. They do not mind passing excreta at wrong place and time.
Lunch hour is generally extended-stretched on each side, beyond one hour. If the employer is not present at the site, they don’t work- sitting idle, on being asked, their set answer is that they were waiting for further instructions.
A few of them pretend to be hungry after a while, for a number of days, demanding some money to buy eatables or some eatables-during the time, for which they are getting paid, wasting at least one hour, out of the stipulated 8 hours, they are paid for. The house owner, who is generally generous, ready to offer snakes-tea and breakfast, besides the wages, that is too, during the working hours- is never compensated by the labourers The paper plates, cups, litters are left at the site for the employer to be disposed of.
Those, who are aware of the tricks of trade, do not take the risk of employing labour directly, on daily wage basis, instead they opt for a labour contractor, who is generally aware of the misdeeds of the labours and manipulate the things, accordingly. The contractor settles the payment for the work in lump sum, including his own service-managerial duty charges. Generally the contractor is greedy and wants to become rich at the fastest pace, even overnight. He picks many assignments spread over multiple places. He remain absent from the work site, giving a free hand to the labour to spoil the material. As a contractor he is supposed to supervise the site, carefully. He is expected to be experienced and mature. In fact what happens is that he assigns jobs to the labour and leaves to the other site. He may or may not come to the site again, on that day. But, if he has to collect the payments, he will stay over time at one’s place.
He pay less to the labour often delay payments, sometimes make advance payments to regular and faithful, acquainted workers, who in turn work as bonded labourers At occasions he stop work in between leaving one in the lurch by taking up the job elsewhere, where he can extract more money. In general he takes more time fixed mutually, for completion of the project-assignment. Those who get the bonds-agreements signed with penalty clause may however get the job done efficiently-in time.
At a time, when the construction activities-industry are at boom-one may not be able to get skilled workers-contractors from the labour market, since the able bodied, skilled, experienced workers with ability, prefer to work with big firms-contractors, since their job is more or less regular-even though the wages are not good. A casual labourer may not work continuously for many days.
Friends, relatives, acquaintances of the labour keep on visiting-flocking them, at the work place creating nuisance-difficulty for the owner, since they obstruct work and involve in wastage of time, harming the master and his work. One should be aware that he can’t rely upon the labours since there are cases, where they inspect the surroundings during the day and strike, loot, decamp with valuables at night. They may not hesitate in committing brutal murders.
It is always in the interest of the employer to obtain the mobile numbers, address, ID, where about, phone numbers, photographs of the workers, in addition to the contractors. Anyone, who is employed on regular basis should be subjected to police verification as well, simultaneously.
घरेलू काम-काज, मरम्मत, के लिए ग्रहस्थ को आए दिन किसी न किसी व्यक्ति की जरुरत पड़ती है, जो कि वह चौक या जान पहचान से लेने की कोशिश करता है। मिस्त्री, फिटर, बिजली वाला, प्लम्बर, बढई। पुताई करने वाला, ठेकेदार, नौकर, आया, जमादार आदि। ये वो लोग हैं जिन्हें गाहे बगाहे बुलाना ही पड़ता है। घरेलू जरूरतों में इनकी अहमियत है। इन्हें भुगतान सरकारी नियम अथवा तय की गयी राशि के अनुसार किया जाता है। आजकल ये लोग मुँह भाड़ कर कुछ भी मांग लेते हैं। अनजान आदमी इनकी बात मानकर भाव बिगाड़ देते हैं।
जैसे ही कोई लेबर चौक पर जाता है, ये उसे घेर कर खड़े हो जाते हैं और मोल भाव करने लगते हैं।अगर आप 1 बजे भी गए तो भी आपसे मजदूरी पूरे दिन की ही मांगेगे, काम भले ही 1 घंटे का हो। इन्हें मजदूरी मांगते वक्त यह याद नहीं रहता कि मजदूरी के आलावा, काम के समय के नियम भी सरकार ने बनाये हैं।लगभग हर मजदूर के पास मोबाइल फ़ोन होता है जिसका इस्तेमाल ये काम के वक्त भी धड़ल्ले से करते हैं, भले ही आपका कितना ही नुकसान हो जाये, उसकी परवाह इन्हें नहीं है। अगर आप ने कुछ टोका, सही तरीके से काम करने को कहा, तो जरुरी नहीं ही कि ये अगले दिन आ ही जाएँ। इनके टट्टी, पेशाब, सिगरेट आदि आदि आपके समय में ही होंगें। जान पहचान वाले भी आते जाते रहेंगे। ये लोग एक सिंडिकेट, माफिया गैंग की तरह भी काम केरते हैं। दिन में मजदूरी रात में डाका। अत: सावधानी भी जरुरी है। इनके रहते, आपके घर से कोई भी चीज, कभी भी गायब हो सकती है ।
पहला दिन तो सामान जुटाने लाने ले जाने में ही निकल जाता है। हालाँकि ये अपने आप को काम मांगते वक्त तजुर्बेकार बताते हैं परन्तु जरुरी नहीं कि इनको काम आता ही हो। आपका समय, रुपया, माल बर्बाद करने में इन्हें कभी दर्द नहीं होता-कहतें हैं कि हमारे घर से थोड़े ही जा रहा है । नुक्सान तो मालिक का ही हो रहा है, फिर दर्द कैसा ? कम के वक्त बातें बनाना दीवार पर थूकना जंहाँ तहां पेशाब कर देना इनकी आदतों में शुमार हैं। इनका लंच का समय 1/2 घंटे की बजाये कितना भी लंबा हो सकता अगर आप वहां नहीं हैं। अगर आपने खाली बैठे पकड़ लिया तो कहेंगे कि आप का इन्तजार कर रहे थे।
कभी कभी ऐसा होता है कि मजदूर काम शुरू करने से पहले ही आपसे कहे कि वह भूखा है, उसने तीन रोज से कुछ नहीं खाया। ऐसी हालत में आपको उसे या तो कुछ खिलाना होगा या खाने के लायक पैसे देने होंगे। नहीं तो काम नहीं होगा। मर्जी आप की है। यही नहीं, उसे पूरे दिन चाय-नाश्ता भी कराना होगा, वह भी काम के घंटो में, जिसके एवज उससे काम की उम्मीद फिजूल है। इतना ही नहीं, वो पेपर प्लेट,कप, बोतल आदि भी आपके द्वारा उठाने को छोड़ जायेगा।
जो लोग इन चीजों से परिचित हैं वो सीधे ही मजदूर रखने से डरते हैं। वो लोग ठेकेदारको काम दे देते हैं। ठेकेदार मजदूरों की इन गन्दी हरकतों से वाकिफ होता है। वो अपना खर्चा निकालने से साथ साथ कुछ न कुछ बचाने का प्रयास भी करता है । ज्यादातर ठे के दार लालची होते हैं और अपनी सामर्थ से ज्यादा काम पकड़ लेते हैं । कुछ लोग तो ऐसे हैंजो कि रातों रात अमीर बनने का ख्वाव देखते हैं। वो एक साथ कई ठेके ले लेते हैं । मजदूरों को काम सौंप कर दूसरी जगह चले जाते हैं, और फिर पूरे दिन शक्ल नहीं दिखाते। पर जरूरी नहीं है की ऐसा हो ही।पैसे लेने को, वह शाम को जरूर होने पर हाजिर हो जायेगा। मालिक का नुक्सान होता है तो, होने दो, उनकी बला से। ठेकेदार से उम्मीद की जाती है कि उसे काम की जानकारी-अनुभव होगा। उसे मौंके पर खड़े होकर निगरानी करनी चाहिए, जबकि ऐसा अक्सर नहीं होता।समझदार लोग उस का ज्यादा पैसा रोके रखते हैं।काम पूरा होने पर भी 20% से 30% रोके लेते हैं, ताकि बाद में उसके पीछे भागना न पड़े।
ठेकेदार मजदूर को कभी पूरा पैसा नहीं देता। काफी पैसा रोक कर रखता है। अपने विश्वास-भरोसे वोलों को वह कुछ एडवांस-अग्रिम भुगतान भी कर देता है। ऐसे मजदूरों की स्थिति बंधुआ मजदूर जैसी हो जाती है। अच्छा बड़ा, ज्यादा पैसे वाला काम मिलने पर, वह आप का छोड़ कर भाग भी सकता है। आपसे काम की जो अवधि-समय सीमा तय की गई है, उसमें काम पूरा होना जरुरी नहीं है। तजुर्बे कार लोग उससे जुर्माने की शर्त के साथ शर्तनामा लिखवा लेते हैं।
जब निर्माण कार्य अपनी चरम सीमा पर होता है उस समय मजदूर या ठेकेदार मिलना भी कठिन हो जाता है, क्योंकि ज्यादातर मजदूर बड़े ठेकेदार के साथ जुड़ना पसंद करते हैं । बड़ा ठेकेदार उन्हें समय पर व पूरा पैसा देता है। कुशल मजदूर किसी कंपनी या बड़े ठेकेदार के पास कम करना पसंद करते हैं। उन्हें नियमित व लगातार काम मिलता रहता है। देहाड़ी मजदूर को लगातार व रोज काम मिलता रहे अह जरूरी नहीं है।
मजदूर से मिलने आने वालों पर रोक लगानी चाहिए व उन पर पूरी निगरानी भी करनी जरूरी है। वे लोग रात में आकर लूट पाट कर डालते हैं। झगड़ालू मजदूर को तो काम से तुरंत हटा देना चाहिए।
ठेकेदार, मजदूर का फ़ोन नंबर वोटर आई डी, फोटो, नाम पता ,जाँच कर लेना आवश्यक है। अगर नियमित कर्मचारी-मजदूर रखना हो तो उसकी पुलिस जाँच अवश्य कर लें, भगवान् भरोसे न रहें।
(4). कर्म-उच्च पदाधिकारी :: One who is employed as an executive-manager-director, should be a man of integrity. He should be smart and dedicated to work and willing to take initiatives. He should possess a pleasing personality. He should be properly-well dressed. One must avoid casuals at the workplace.
He should be bold, humble, firm and determined. He should be a person with clear vision, ideas, thoughts and farsightedness. He has to concentrate over his work rather than involving in unrelated activities. His expressions-orders-instructions, whether verbal-oral, written should be clear. There should be no ambiguity.
He should be ready to listen-understand-solve the problems of work force, sub ordinates, sympathetically and help shall be extended to the needy. Workers should be advised and guided as and when required. Their sentiments should be regarded-respected. Suggestions should be made to improve the efficiency of the employees and quality of work.
Workers should be rated side by side according to interest, aptitude, interest, dedication, honesty, integrity, devotions, manners, behavior, dressing, skills, calibre, perfection etc. Those who are better amongest the lot should be appreciated and rewarded. His endeavour should be to extract the best out come from the team. Workers should be inspired to functions enthusiastically.
Harsh words-language must be avoided. Commitments made to them should be honoured There should be no communication gap between the boss and the sub ordinate.
He should be ready to learn and adopt in adverse circumstances-situations. One should be ready to take quick-fast-swift decisions. Planning, programs, charters, policies, actions, possible outcomes, feasibility should be premeditated. He should be quick to implement the frame work, policies, plans and programs. Care should be taken to achieve goals, long term-short term middle term targets. Consistency in performance associated with appraisals is essential. One must be willing to incorporate new ideas, skills. Professional ethics should be nourished. Willingness to adopt new policies, plans, programs, thoughts should always be there. There should be room for experimentation, innovation, new ideas, and research-discovery. Having identified-fixed goals get-set-go, get going .
One must not be afraid of failures. One should learn from them and previous experiences. Try-try again is the key word in such situations. He should maintain harmonious relations with the seniors-boss. Self-defence is also a must since; aspiring people are always active to dislodge him. He should maintain relations with politicians, higher ups in the government, other firms and organisations as per need and demand of the situation.
He should maintain pleasing-smiling or neutral gestures. He should keep distance while mixing with workers. He may be frank and enjoy jokes with colleagues. Workers should be allowed to express their views, modifications, manoeuvres, ideas concerning work and work environment-culture. Keep their morals high and never let them demoralise.
Professional mobility is on the rise. He should be clever enough to keep the specialists-efficient-experts-able to his fold and keep them attracted towards the firm. He should have a panel of those, who are eager to work to join his task force. People from the other organisation, who are willing to join, should be welcome. Perks should be no constraint. Workers, who wish to migrate for higher salary may be retained by offering them higher/ equivalent perks.
Quarrelsome, notorious, unwilling should have no place in the organisation. Ruthless actions, against the non-performers, those who waste-idle time, do not cooperate in spite of warnings, shirk work, incite co-workers, commit repeated mistakes, lazy, disobedient, should be taken, by him, by keeping the bosses in faith. They may be suitably punished by reverting them. Those who are involved in misdeeds frequently should be eliminated. Union activists should never be allowed to flourish. People from different background faith-regions may be picked up. Proper check should be made over them with in the government regulations.
Spirituality, values, morals, virtues, ethics should never be compromised.
(5). END OF MARXISM-COMMUNISM ERA मार्क्स-लेनिन वादी समाज वाद का अन्त :: Karl Marx nurtured the idea-misconception-illusion that the people in India were prosperous-happy during the regime of Akbar-Mughal emperors, because the land-natural resources were state owned-property. He was incorrect-ignorant and unaware of the fact that the land was owned by the peasants, zamindars (big landowners and courtiers. Big tracts of land were either gifted or donated to the selected people for collection of Land revenue called lagan, Chauth, Chhat. Chauth stands for 1/4th th and Chat means 1/6th share of the crops, depending upon the cost of seeds, fertilisers and irrigation. In Chauth 3/4th th and in Chhat 5/6th share was left for the tenants, farmers, cultivators for their survival. No lagan was charged, where the holdings were low and during natural calamities-crop failure. Ownership rights were of two types: Maurusi and Rayatwari. Maurusi means, transfer of ownership rights from one generation to another and Rayatwari means, belonging to public-inhabitants-common masses.
Land was available at dirt cheap or extremely low prices. In fact, no one cared for his belongings, till the advent of the 20th century. Cultivation involved great effort-labour, scarcity of water, dependence over rains. Crops had to face natural calamities in the form of excessive rains, floods, drought, destruction by animals, birds, locust, army, looters, cyclones, typhoons etc. The mighty was always eager to snatch away the meagre earnings of farmers leading to frequent migrations and resettlement. This is what led to the misnomer-thought-philosophy-school-ideology, called Marxism.
Now that the Marxism has failed to survive the test of time, it’s only symbolic in nature and merely used as a title-name of Political Parties. In fact it’s used as a tool, for one party rule.
Power hungry, greedy people are always there to exploit, whether they believe in communism or capitalism. These days capitalistic mode of governments are doing their best to save the interest of labour and the consumers side by side, barring the corrupt and incompetent, winning elections on negative vote.
The fact remains that the common masses were equally exploited, under one after governments, rulers, emperors irrespective of their cast, religion, inclination, faith or affiliation.
India is a country, where people find solace-contentment-happiness even in poverty-scarcity. They always curse their misdeeds in previous births-incarnations for the mis happenings, sorrow, pain, grief, poverty in present birth. Their faith in religion is deep rooted in spite of changing times and westernisation.
India had self sufficient, self sustaining, self supporting rural economy backed by weekly hats, Mundi, bazaars, markets. There were craftsman, specialised labour, artisans and workers all over the country. The peasant used to keep himself busy, throughout the year in allied activities, like breeding of animals, in addition to employment in the army. In fact there had been no word-ideology, like Capitalism or Communism. (पूंजीवाद-समाजवाद)
MARXISM-ROOTS LIES IN INDIA :: The world would have been different, had Karl Marx acquainted himself-well versed with the prevailing Indian languages. The world would not have divided into two blocks-segments of power i.e., communists and the capitalists. He returned back with some misconceptions, misunderstandings, wrong impressions, pertaining to ownership of land and the agrarian economy.
Indian villages have been self-sustaining, since ages. All their needs were met locally. The peasants-farmers were helped by carpenters, cobblers, sweepers, washer men, tailors, artisans, smiths, gold smiths, potters, small-petty traders etc. The village used to have priests, Vaedy-medical practitioner as well. There used to be a weekly/fortnightly hat-Mandi, cattle market, cart, bullock races and chariot races, wrestling competitions, singing and dancing during religious ceremonies-festivals. In short all their needs were met.
Villagers used to sell the surplus after storing for the current season for food and the seeds as well. Barter system was common though money in the form of Mohr-gold coins and silver coin was popular. Copper coins were used for small purchases. Seeds and food were stored properly. Each and every village used to have 4-5 ponds-reservoirs for water harvesting. Villages were connected with town and cities. People used to visit holy places regularly. They had to cross the rivers by boats, since bridges were absent. Well devised postal system was present. Harkara-postman-messengers visited the villages regularly. Massages from far and wide used to reach the remotest village, through these dedicated harkara’s, who travelled on foot and on horseback. Chowkidars were there to connect the village with the police-Kotwali. Patwari was there to maintain the land and revenue records.
Every village had a gram panchayat to hear and solve the disputes. What was unique was the distribution of harvest by the peasants among the workers before taking it to their homes. No one had to die due to hunger, even if he did not work. People did not put locks on their doors. Complete harmony was witnessed till the Britishers came to settle in India with wicked motives. All the salient features of communism were present there. The King-businessmen used to come forward to help the peasants during natural disasters, famine, crop failure, flood etc. unlike the Britishers whose agents-Zamindars, did not hesitate exploitation of farmers during tough periods-difficult times. Free food, clothing from the King, businessmen was common during distress and festivals, religious ceremonies. The farmers too reciprocated the empire during aggression-distress by sacrificing their lives.
The followers of Karl Marx were real parasites-Dracula, who did not hesitate in exploitation, political murders. They tried to propagate Marxism as a religion. The uneducated-illiterate-fickle minded people were be fooled It was propagated-pushed just like the separatists-extortionists-terrorists, does. Their propaganda machinery is good in creation of illusions. In spite of their failure worldwide, they are active in India and Nepal. Their working style of functioning clearly illustrated that might is right, right is not right.
One must adopt goodness of Marxism and reject the evil-which is there, due to the ambitions of followers, who exploited-spoiled the spirit-zeal, behind it.
Today's need is a socio-economic model which gives the right of property, freedom to work earn-accumulate-flourish and add to the wealth of nation.
PROGRESS-उत्थान :: (1). Progress-development-growth is not synonym to capitalism. One (a country, community, nation) can not grow-develop-prosper-elevate, without the right to property, to the citizens-individuals. State may retain-hold the natural resources, being back bone of the nation. Ownership rights of the citizens, must not be snatched-bartered. Whenever-wherever-who so ever did this, met with doom-destruction. Undue-unwanted-unwarranted restrictions imposed, leads to slow down, conflict of interest-corruption destabilisation and misery. Prosperity-facilitation of the common man, improves growth. The state must abstain-restrain from snatching the holdings of the individuals, unless until, there is no way out, i.e., too through, negotiations and settling-rehabilitating the uprooted, before hand.
No nation can be built on the graves-dead bodies, of the sons of the soil.
Local bodies-municipalities, must not charge property tax from the individuals, who have no source of income-living over doles-mercy of others, instead of evacuating-uprooting them.
(2). Every individual has the right to flourish-grow-advance. One should make whole hearted efforts to achieve his goal, target, ambition. He should not become hopeless disheartened-annoyed, if he fails to achieve success in his endeavours Such phases come and go in everyone's life. The only thing one must possess in his mind is that his efforts should not be against the humanity. He should be honest and law abiding as far as possible.
(3). In today's scenario, its not possible to practice or preach Idealism. One must be a practical person in every field, sense, walk of life, even religion. Materialism and Pragmatism are the need of the hour. One must not forget the God and always be ready to help the needy-destitute. Listen to the inner self and the voice of the soul.
India is a country, in which mixed model of growth is followed, while retaining the salient features of centuries old practices of socialism and adapting to the needs of the fast developing world-not sticking to any ism specifically. After freedom, initially, socialistic model based on rejected-Russian models, were adapted by the subsequent governments.
INDUSTRIAL UNREST औद्योगिक अशांति :: Labourers strike at the behest of trade unions, which in turn are supported by various political parties- in fact they are the constituents of the political parties. Peaceful agitations are extremely rare. Labourers are incited to indulge in violence, hooliganism unlawful, sinister acts, goondaism. Generally, strike is motivated for political gains, pertaining to issues, which in fact have no existence. Issues are created; unreasonable demands are chartered and put forward in such a manner that at least, no prudent person will accept them. Agitation is propelled by the people sitting far away in other countries. Mob mentality, provocation, frenzy, bullying are some of the common features-tactics of such agitations.
Workers pelt stones, hurl missiles, bottles, torch vehicles and factories. Anti-social elements infiltrate the striking workers. They involve in arson, looting, burning, murder, destruction of property. Labourers provoke police to open fire, lathi-cane charge, use of rubber bullets, tear gas shells, smoke screen-shells, water cannon, water shields etc., just to contain the mobs from destroying industrial government, personal property.
Negotiations, efforts to pacify workers are rarely fruitful, since the wrested interest wish to prolong unrest. Peace process is hampered by the middle man. Real trouble creators should be identified and put behind the bars. Each and every penny lost during trouble, should be recovered from them, ruthlessly.
As a consequence of this, one after another highly successful, growing, developing, flourishing companies have vanished and the trouble mongers-creators, lost their jobs, never to be employed again. Multi-National Corporations have been allowed to have firm footing, at the cost of local factories-industries. More and more imports are permitted, crushing the local endogenous making the workers jobless.
It should be the endeavour of the authorities to make every effort to fulfil reasonable, just demands of the workers. Suitable packages should be worked out sympathetically and implemented, without delaying time to check the spread of unrest. No opportunity should be given to anti-social and vested interests to add fuel to fire. Under all circumstances, common people should be protected from such discords. Public-essential services should be maintained at all costs. डाउन विथ रेड Down with red.
(6). राजनीति एक गन्दा धंधा :: A new breed of people is emerging-evolving, to fill the vacuum in the political set up. Greed for money, power and lust, drag these people towards politics. Any Tom and Harry can nourish the desire-ambition of becoming a ruler. A rickshaw puller becomes the president of the largest political party. A peon becomes railway minister. Another peon becomes Home Minister. One watches helplessly-the labourer becoming chief minister and defrauding the exchequer of thousands of crores and a foreigner, taking up the reins of largest political party, taking dreams of becoming prime minister and ruling the country by proxy, making billions by way of commissions (scandals are showering), with a long list of investments in benami deals. The list is never ending-long.
One will not find personnel, who are devoted to social service-welfare. Social cause is not their motive. Their progress is phenomenal : school dropout to gangster to militant, extremist, extortionist, separatist to legislator to minister to rapist to murderer- to Jail? may, may not be.
People from all walks of life, try to build inroads, with the desire to rule-administer. There are the people, who reach the highest level-echelon of power directly, through their family-ties lineage leverage-back ground-connections. For the grass root workers, it sometimes remains well-nourished dream. People enter politics through labour unions, agitations which erupt abruptly, associations and Panchayats (village elected body which look into disputes and resolve them, at its own level), social groups, or just through acquaintances. Sometimes the prominent politicians pull up their trusted domestic servants as well, with the hope that they will remain loyal to them.
Elections are contested-fought, for smallest to highest positions, sometimes leading to war like situations, tensions, bloodshed, spoiling the harmony- discord among the near and dears. Opportunities are waited, while sometimes they come of their own. One may become a Councillor corporator, legislator, parliamentarian, minister, speaker, prime minister or even the president (as a reward for inefficiency or to remove him out of the system).
Criminals are not far behind. They are making fast inroads into the legislative assemblies- parliament. Earlier, they provided external support-backing to their pets, which had to remain loyal to them, to defend-protect them as and when situations arose. They were called the god fathers. Now they have learnt the weaknesses of the system (game plan) constitution and are fast becoming law makers to strengthen their position-hold, day after another. They are involved in all sorts of dirty trades like murder, smuggling, rape, high jack, kidnapping, looting, fraud, extortion, corruption, protection money, terrorism, spying, anti-national activities and what not!
Scrutiny of records, prove that more than half of the parliamentarians, have criminal cases pending against them in courts. The only logic they have in their favour is that unless- until they are proved guilty they can’t be debarred from active politics. The cases are crippling for decades. How can one expect of honesty, morality, righteousness, virtues, ethics and values from them! The law of the land needs over haul and streamlining to reduce time in legal battle from years to month and days.
An illiterate person can be voted to power. How can one expect respect, for education-virtues-morals-manners from them? Each and every job has been assigned with a certain minimum qualification-but the job of politician, does not need anything like that-what a freedom! They prove time and again that, they are grossly inefficient (incumbency), still they perpetuate- what a dilemma! How can one administer, manage, coordinate or supervise without the knowledge-understanding-experience of it.
They are socialists, because they are capable of amassing wealth disproportionately, through questionable means to remove their own poverty. They don’t mind grabbing the small holdings of the poor farmers. They have palatial houses, in almost every big city, bought through benami (property bought in the names of someone, who has no existence) deals or through forcible eviction. They talk of secularism to obtain the votes of minorities. They have a record of crushing their own loyal voters.
They are secular, because they had close relations with religious people before partition. These are the people, who spit and urinate over the faces of majority community. They always win elections, by dividing the minority votes. They always seek support from minority groups and parties, which have the minority-religious names embedded in their brand political name, extend them undue concessions, facilities, avoid all of their anti-national activities. The leaders of these parties live/settle, in other countries and become ministers here. Are they not truly international! They don’t feel ashamed, while using abusive language against the majority community.
They are communists (Maoist, Marxists, Leninist, ultras, radicals), since their ideology involve elimination of the poor and the down trodden. They are inspired by the common graves of Siberia, where 70,000 are found buried in one single grave and Tiananmen Square where 20,000 peaceful demonstrators are crushed under the tanks. Their faith in snatching the holdings and the little property of their followers makes them the followers of the big blocks of power, elsewhere in the world. They too boast of secularism. Their God- fathers provide them with funds to destabilise the social thread-cord of the masses. Elsewhere they are promoting industrialisation but with the help those who are hated by them, in principle, labelled, as blood suckers-sharks and what not. The concept of communism has failed the tests of time world over, but their allegiance remains here. The state which was admired for its industries has seen the worst exodus during their tenure bringing it to ruins-tatters.
Their freedom starts, where the freedom of the commoners ends. Enmity with them can land the weak in jail and the opponents, embroiled in court cases.
There are the people who wish them to be addressed as Neta Ji Some of them remind the public of the jokers-clowns of circus. Still one finds them surrounded by people, singing in their appreciation, honour comparing them with the God. These followers are seen nowhere as soon as the election is lost.
Reservation is yet another tool with the political class, to perpetuate in power. Majority community has 4 major segments-yet the 4th segment enjoys rights over 50% of the total vacancies-seats, against that of the majority community, which constitute 2/3rd of the total population. There is no division on the basis of caste-Vern, in Christianity, Buddhism and Sikhism, yet one finds reservation extended to them. There are the tribal, which too enjoy this gift for the vote bank appeasement policy. Probably, no has given it a serious thought that it may generate caste conflict among the haves and have-nots. What a fun –there are the people, whose income-wealth is much more than 98% of the population and still enjoying the fruits of reservation.
These people are entitled to salary, perks, free housing, transport, phone, electricity, big chunks of money at their disposal. Still their appetite for more of everything persists- remains. Compare their income-assets-wealth-possessions, which grow at astronomical-phenomenal rates, in leap and bounds, without any limits-boundations. Most of them do not file income tax-property tax returns and yet the tax authorities, do not find any fault-defect-trouble with them.
They are free to make volcanic-fiery-terrifying-inciting speeches, generate hatred, without curbs in front of large audiences-in camera-in front of media and the say that they have been misquoted or quoted out of context or the speech has been doctored. Everyone knows that immunity has been granted to them being in the government. They can hurl abuses over the opponents inside, as well as outside the parliament, everyone knows that the voters have licensed them for the great job. Sometimes, they say that the speech does not pertain to them. It’s not their voice.
They are extremely afraid for their own lives and obtain Z+ security at Govt. expense to boast their image. Do the countrymen really need these cowards? For their own sake they push the security of their voters to dole drums. They are followed by a long lane of cavil cades-caravan, consisting of 40-50 vehicles, leading to traffic jams and great difficulty to the Aam Aadmy-who provides them with their bread, butter and meat.
Most of them never visit their constituencies for the welfare of the people, who voted them to power. Why should they risk their lives over all? Constituency will be changed if the voters are unhappy. After all it’s the party which is votes to power and not its nominee, but this is seldom realized Huge sums at their disposal for the welfare of the constituency, goes to their coffers and used to fight next election.
Film stars are not far behind in cashing on their popularity to become legislatures. They danced to the tunes of others delivering dialogues, here too they can repeat the feat. They enjoy dancing others at their commands, on becoming minister, chief minister, the guardians, patrons of law.
It’s essential to attract people from all walks of life, who are learned, qualified, competent, potent, fearless, enlightened, courageous capable of defending themselves and the general public. People of vision, integrity, high morals, virtues, strength must come forward to serve the masses.
The illiterate, imprudent, idiots are seen directing the highly qualified, talented, efficient, dedicated, devoted service personals, some of whom wriggle their tail to appease them. Criminals among them are busy bulling the innocent, honest, peace loving, law abiding citizens.
They are shrewd, cunning, ruthless, often forming groups within groups-ready to join hands with others to destabilise government for the sake of wine-women-wealth. Their sincerity-integrity is never beyond doubt-suspicion. They may adopt double-multiple standards, one for themselves and the other for others. They promote dynastic rule by pushing their children into the main stream, instead of dedicated hard working patry-patty workers.
They are generally indifferent-insensitive towards public casualties, miseries, troubles.
They instigate, incite, misguide; mislead the public and create all sorts of troubles-discontent-disturbances to win elections by snatching voting machines and cornering-taking over-capturing the election booths.
Training is essential to perform-carryout specific jobs-duties-assignments. This breed of personals considers themselves above board- beyond these. Administration-the toughest job, for which years of dedicated learning and training is required, is not compulsory for them. Soon after winning elections, they start imposing their whims-desires, over the officials, civil servants, custodians of law and the people.
They do not mind abusing, insulting, thrashing the guardians of law, on duty. Is it not amazing that the framers of constitution lacked vision-foresight! They must have fixed some minimum qualification to cut off the entry of incompetent, making them in eligible. Could not the law makers-framers of constitution apply their mind to these ugly situations, during the last 66 years! But, why should they? After all they do belong to the same class-breed of people. Their behaviour inside the parliament-assembly is shocking- what to talk of the immoral behaviour turpitude outside the august houses. Time has come, when one has to rise to the occasion and compel these rowdies to be tamed. Law has to amended, to confiscate their property, along with their blood relations and debarring them for the rest of their life.
Protection should be provided to those, who high light the misdeeds of this class of people, along with bureaucrats. Highly placed officials-bureaucrats do not mind using the ignorance of the politicians to their favour-gains, mashing up unlimited wealth. Bureaucrats do help them, in implementing their sinister designs, by forming nexus with them, gaining side by side. The babu at all levels Govt., PSU, semi govt., state, local and what not, do indulge in money making, crimes in connivance with them. What one need are the leaders-guardians of law, and not the treacherous people, mischief mongers, blood suckers, parasites.
Their actions lead to demoralisation of forces, since they get privileges special treatment in the prisons as well, they get themselves admitted in hospitals on the basis false excuses-pretexts to avoid harsh environment of prison, though fit and fine
They are photographed in the company of dreaded criminal, dacoits, terrorists, separatists; still no action is taken against them. Their frequent involvement in frauds, scandals, scams, controversies is no deterrent for politics. For personal gains, they help business tycoons, business houses, collect heavy sums in the form of donations to the party, corner natural resources, mines, water bodies, green belts, large tracts of governments-panchayat-aabadi lands, get favour in allotment of factory, residential, institutional, commercial land and what not. Big contracts go to theirs favourites be it railways, highways, planes, helicopters, buses. They receive huge sums of money for the NGOs chaired by them-utilises for personal use. Money laundering is not new to them.
Mockery-fun of law is made as per will. Charter planes to buy a pair of sandals at Govt. expense. Cancel scheduled flights for their personal use.
Some of these people are found clad in Bhagwa-Saffron-white cloths, named Sadhvi, Avdhoot, Swami, Maulana, Hazi, Mahant etc. They show off that they have relinquished this world and they have no interest in family life. They have become Sanyasi-Sanyasin, still they contest elections and voted to power, by duping-befooling the religious-sentimental people. Some of them have innumerable cases pending against them.
Smaller states are crafted out of the bigger ones not for the welfare of citizens but to satisfy ego, pride, ambitions of the disgruntled, on the line of language, culture, ancient names. Regionalism is in filtering the back bone of the disgruntled-dissatisfied politician playing divisive politics. Each and every effort is to create discord-hatred, instead of uniting bringing the masses close to one another. In south film stars are more fortunate in be fooling the common man.
All their activities-Karms are Tamsik in nature leading them to jail, which they are sure to escape. But they cannot escape the hells which are ready to corner them. They have to spend millions of years in the Narak before taking birth as insects.
(7). PEASANT-THE FARMER-किसान :: Britisher abolished the age old system of collection of land revenue prevailing in India since, time immemorial. Zamindari system was prevalent in India at that time. The farmer had to part with 1/4th or 1/6th of proceeds from the fields he used to harvest. Zamindar had to deposit most of his collections with the treasury of the state. A part of it retained by him, was used to maintain the army unit by him, under his control-a segment of the state army. Land was extremely cheap commodity, since it was not backed by a system for watering the crops by the state, except in some cases where canals were dug up and maintained for irrigation.
Britishers auctioned the land for the collection of lagan-revenue, to the one who offered the highest price i.e., whose bid was highest. In turn it was the endeavour of the contractor to exhaust as much as possible from the farmer by hook or crook. They did at the time of crop failure due to excess-insufficient rains, floods, famine without hitch-hesitation. Before the Britons the state offered all sorts of help in case of eventuality-even food to sustain the families of the farmers. Business men used to offer all possible help in the form of doles, charity, donations.
Atrocities, inhuman behaviour, torture of the British rulers-contractors inflicted irreparable harm to the peasants who started deserting-fled their holdings and adopted the job of daily, casual workers, labourers in Calcutta (Kolkata), a small village at that time, turning-transforming into a big industrial conglomeration-factory. Not only they lost their holdings they lost their cattle-animals-property and families as well, in many cases. Bangal saw the worst ever famines of the century, killing at least 5 crore people. Life of the labourers living in slums-shanties was miserable. Exodus of the peasants did not stop here, the migrants lost every thing. It saw-witnessed the beginning of industrialisation in India. Simultaneous Governments continued with the practices of acquiring the meagre holding of the farmers under one or the other pretexts-to serve the interest of the elite-well connected, dominant people, near and dear of politicians.
Land is acquired by various authorities-agencies and resold to industrialist, businessmen, traders, hoteliers, builders etc. who in turn resell it, at exorbitant prices. Buyers, again sell it at sky rocketing prices. Just imagine a piece of land acquired at Rs.300 per meter and resold at Rs.1,86,000 per meter. Such land is made available to the kin of high and mighty politicians, at marginally enhanced prices.
Government is always eager to acquire the holdings of the farmers in the name of development, with out compensation at market rates, without relocating him, though he deserves to resettlement without spending a penny on registration of the waste land made available to him in the name of compensation far away from city limits-with out amenities or roads. This land is neither good for cultivation-agriculture-animal husbandry nor for human habitation settlement.
Farmer is always at risk due to locust, excessive-insufficient rains, floods, dry season, crop failure, birds, rodents, pests, thieves, stray animals. Help is extremely rare. loans granted to him are always with strings. It's not surprising that the farmers are committing suicides in very large numbers due to unpaid loans and crop failure.
He has work hardly for 2-3 months in a year. Rest of time is wasted by him. A few of them opt for daily wages in cities and return at the time of harvest. Others look to cattle and sale of milk. There is no road, electricity, drinking water, sewer, drainage, market, school or dispensary. The politicians do not forget to remember him once in 5 years with unlimited promises, which they forget soon thereafter not to fulfil them.
LAND ACQUISITION भूमि अधिग्रहण :: Delhi's population has grown from 5 Lakh to 1.5 crore. It has has grown out of proportions leading to development of cities around Delhi leading to the formation of National Capital Region. Mumbai grew into Nai-Navi Mumbai. Pune has grown into a city extending up to 50-60 km on either side of the highways. Its the same case with all the metros ad major cities and towns in India.
India has been slowly but gradually-steadily turning into an industrial country leaving aside its image as an agrarian economy. It has led to astronomical increase in the prices of the land. One has seen the acquisition of land in Munirka, New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Buland Shahr and Noida. Allahabad High Court fixed the land prices as do taka-do paise-adhanna per beegha-an area equivalent to 1,000 square yards (दो टका, दो पैसा, अधन्ना) in 1992. Land was acquired at 6 anna per square yard in Noida in 1976. Since, 1976 the villagers have obtained compensation thrice. Those who could not manage a square meal are now roaming in land rovers in white kurta and paizama (कुर्ता पायजामा). Its not all, they have multi storied buildings, earning them monthly rental income in millions, from the properties built against all rules and regulations.
Most of the subsequent governments are to be blamed for the forgery-fraudulent activities pertaining to land acquisition under Congress and UPA. They acquired land for systematic development-growth but allotted it to land sharks-politicians-industrialists against all norms. Now, the same people are championing the cause of farmers. It will be difficult for the NDA-BJP government to come out clear, out of this mud slinging.
SUICIDES BY FARMERS :: Crop failure, excessive-untimely unseasonal rains, drought, faulty government policies, provocation by political parties, debt ridden, poverty, muscle men etc. are driving the farmers to commit suicides. The policies of various state governments and central alike which declare compensations in the event of suicides, are luring more and more farmers to committing suicide. Suicide by Gajendr-so called farmer of Rajasthan at Jantar Mantar during the rally of the AAM ADMI PARTY, at a time when one after another speaker was showing his ability to deliver speeches including the CM and Deputy CM shows ruthlessness-heartlessness-in sensitiveness of the stalwarts of AAM ADMI PARTY is really shocking. This is one of the incidents which is exposing the PARTY and its workers.
(8). JUDICIARY न्याय-पालिका :: The country is still bearing the brunt of British Raj-Mughal empire, with the impracticable age old laws-having multiple interpretations. Justice is costly-painful-rigorous-torturous-painful-time consuming-delayed. In the first place, do not expect it-even if it comes, either the litigant-petitioner has passed away or lost interest, adjusted his mind set. What , if it comes after the death? The recent estimates show that the cases may not be listed-come up for hearing, even in the next 30-40 years.
The number of cases in the country is piling up and time is approaching fast when the case will mature for hearing either after the death of the litigant or his loss of interest in it, due to frustration, threats, bullying, costs overrun, payments to the lawyers (advocates, solicitors, counsels).
A politician-criminal-judicial nexus is flourishing in the country, where a common man has no hope of justice. In fact the people are disenchanted, with the judicial system. They have lost faith in it.
It starts right from the moment the selection of the judges-bench starts. All sorts of strings visible-invisible, play their role. Bar council too, is found muddling in the procedures of selection of judges. Reservation, is not far behind. Dreaded criminals have sneaked into the system on the strength of fake degrees, but who cares? Connections play dubious role, in appointments and promotions-elevations. Clever litigants having malafide intentions, always try to put their cases, in specific courts-benches. There is little room for the honest person, in this trade-profession. Their ugly-corrupt faces are found to be exposed, even after their retirement.
There is immediate need to evolve an independent recruitment-selection procedure for the judges on the lines of service selection board and the UPSE. Qualification and experience for each level should be higher than the lower level. Entry level should be a minimum of graduate (3-4) years and LLB degree. Their salaries-perks-benefits should be on the higher side, as compared to other services. It should be independent, free from the clutches of politicians-mighty people-bureaucrats. The judges should be provided with certain privileges, facilities, security measures, protection.
The constitution should be refurbished in the light of changing times-conditions-situations. Old impracticable-obsolete laws needs to be scrapped without delay, altogether.
High court benches should be established all over the state on the basis of population-demography.
Not more than 3 dates should be given to the aggrieved-litigant and the case must be decided within 3 months, of filing suit. Cases in which dates are sought repeatedly, should be dismissed summarily. Each and every judge must clear, at least 10 pending cases, every day. He must be in the chair at 9 AM and leave the court sharp at 5 PM, like other governments servants. Appeals should be permitted as per merit, only.
Cases against the leaders of political parties, must be decided before the acceptance of form for the elections. Those contesting elections, should not have any pending suits-cases against them. Care should be taken to ensure that one does not file cases against the individual to prevent him from contesting elections.
Constitution should be rewritten by the retired, meritorious, distinguished judges, only and not by the bureaucrats, to discharge the brunt of age old impracticable laws. However, public opinion on the laws-legislation should be welcome-honoured. Suggestions may be entertained in writing, verbal, internet, telephonic messages, SMS-MMS etc.
No appointment, elevation, promotion should be made on the basis of reservation, since it flouts the right of equality of opportunity and prohibits the best brains, from entering the legal services-profession. In fact in today's scenario reservations must be scrapped altogether.
Mercy petitions must be settled within 7 days of filing soon after the judgement. Mercy petitions must not be entertained in cases pertaining to murder, extortion, terrorism, rape and heinous crimes, when the judgement is anonymous and from the full bench. Let the guilty be hanged in broad daylight. Right of mercy-pardon must be summarily, withdrawn from the Governor-President, since they have on free will-authority.
One should take cognisance over time bound matters, leading to verdict and compliance with in a week. Officials guilty of delay in implementation must be punished and removed from the service, if offend repeatedly.
The judge, who has been assigned a virtuous-righteous-pious duty, must exercise his prudence-mind-discretion, instead of stereotyped-hyped attitude. He must study the case file beforehand in addition to available-related literature, impartially. No date-no postponement-no adjournment- no wastage of time-money-effort should be the motto.
COUNSEL वकील :: One (Lawyer, barrister, attorney) is hired to represent you, in the court. He is supposed to plead on your behalf. He charged hefty sums for the job. He did not file the suit in appropriate court and was always late, allowed the opposite advocate to get one date after another. He betrayed you and turned hostile. He talked of principles, he follows in life, practice, as a lawyer, big-absolute liar.
Did his consciousness-inner self-morals, allowed him to deceive the clients, and swallow their hard earned money, they were spending on a social cause, against injustice, inflicted by an organ of the government?
Perhaps, he forgot about the court, beyond-above the earth, where each and every endeavour of the individual is accounted for. He will have to undergo punishment there, for his Tamsik deeds and languish in the hells and lower life forms, for unspecified period. Let the God help him. [Please go through the contents of THE JUDICIARY as well]
(9). THE INDIAN TEACHER-GURU भारतीय शिक्षक गुरु-अध्यापक :: Since ages, teacher has been considered to be the most respected, honourable, regarded, revered, worthy person. He has been quoted to be the one, who commands more respect than the God.
गुरु गोविन्द दोहू खड़े काके लागुन पायें;
बलि हरी गुरु आपने जिन गोविन्द दियो मिलाय।
Both the teacher and the God are in front of me, its the greatness of the teacher who enabled to meet the Almighty. Credit goes to my teacher, who made me capable of assimilating in the Ultimate.
गुरु ब्रह्मा गुरु विष्णु गुरु देवो महेश्वर :।
गुरु साक्षात परम ब्रम्हा तस्मै श्री गुर्वे नम:॥
The teacher is the creator of virtues-learning -prudence-righteousness, he is one who nurtures-nourishes learning-prudence and he is one who eliminates the evil, devil, impurities, wickedness from the disciple. He is like the Almighty and its therefore that I bow respect, regard-honour him.
Of late, Indians films have been portraying the revered person as a piece of joke, a comedian, laughing stalk, disrespectful person. TV is not far behind, it too depicts the honoured-revered, as a person meant for fun.
There was a time when people did not choose this profession, willingly. Only those who miserably failed to get a good job, joined teaching. Women did not want to marry a teacher being low paid employee-exploited by the society. However demand for female teacher in the marriage market was noticeable. People used to take pity on him. In fact the salaries were too low and the poor teacher was not able to meet his daily requirements. He could not afford a decent life to his family members.
Initially, teacher was over burdened with the teaching of 2 to 3 classes at a time, simultaneously, having more than 100 students. Even today, Delhi's Government schools have more than 100 students in one class-sitting in verandas or in the open.
The stuff to be handled is raw unwilling to learn. He lacks manners. No one ever taught -tried to discipline him. The child is grossly disobedient. There is no provision for moral teaching-discipline-respect-culture in the curriculum/syllabus. His background too is shaky. Most of the students are from such families, where first generation is coming to school. The poor one has, no other option but to join a municipal-district board-government school. The middle class families, too prefers public-private schools. Now a new breed of elite has emerged, who send their children to international school fitted with air conditioners. The parents have no time to help the child in studies of to listen-help him.
The teacher should be aware that he doesn't have to touch the child and behave with him in a polished manner. Under any circumstances, he should not touch or rebuke the child. He must desist from punishing the child, otherwise, he is bound to be in trouble, since the rules are thoroughly against him. In today's climate, the teacher has no choice but to remain aloof from what the child is up to Its in the interest of the teacher not to force the child to mug up-learn-do home work. He should not be aggressive under any situation. However, he may report the matter to his superiors-authorities, without the hope of any kind of help. Never mind they too are helpless.
One might witness the hot headed parents reaching the school to manhandle, insult, misbehave with the teacher, without any fault on his side. The child is too notorious to be fool his parents to become aggressive and torture the teacher physically, mentally, emotionally-socially. They do not understand the game played by their children-who are not willing to learn. The parents make a mountain of the mole, just for a little rebuff by the teacher. They pour their anguish over the poor teacher. Their love and concern for the child is questionable. Its easy to take the horse to water, but impossible to make him drink. This is not the proper mode of showing concern for the ward-child-student by the parents. Education can not be attained without respecting the teacher.
The need of the hour is to forget "spare the rod spoil the child".
Every one is not alike. The teacher may be sympathetic with the child. He may develop rapport with him. He should be soft spoken-polite-possessive. Understanding with the child, fellow teachers, seniors, superiors is a must, on the part of the teacher.
He must be well prepared before entering the class. Concepts must be very-very clear to him. He should be ready-willing to elaborate-explain again and again, without being restless. He should be capable of inculcating-evolving understanding, skills, aptitude, adaptability, interest, appreciation, applicability, practicability, knowledge, values, virtues, power to analyse, observation in the child. Its rightly said that "the teacher is the best friend, philosopher and guide". गुरु बिन होए न ज्ञान। There is no learning without the teacher.
Teachers role in Indian politics, is crucial. Those who targeted-ignored-deprived the teachers of their logical dues, lost elections. The teacher showed his might, when BJP lost in Lok Sabha, Rajasthan and MP-assemblies and Delhi Municipal Corporation elections. Teacher helped the BJP to win elections in Delhi, but turned their back, when the BJP did not notify the recommendations of 5th pay commission, though two of its Chief Ministers in Delhi were from Delhi's teaching community. On the contrary Congress not only accepted the legitimate demands it, showed concern for teachers cause, by giving 2 years extension in service-though the terms and conditions are abusive in nature. A backward teacher in UP became Chief Minister, but acted against the teacher community only to be dislodged. One of Delhi's scheduled caste female teachers could manage to become the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh-housing largest electorate in India as well. A primary school teacher claiming to be a back ward of this state, not only became a Chief Minister, he became the king maker at the center as well, just by extending some favours to the school teachers and the community as a whole-never mind by be fooling the Muslims. A primary school teacher functioned as the Deputy Prime Minister of India under the person, whose father was a teacher. Still no one takes the teacher seriously. The time is ripening fast for the teacher to show-exert-assert, his might
There are the teachers, whose wholehearted efforts, devotion, pains elevated their students to the highest echelons of power. They are loved-regarded-respected by their students. At one point of time 16 secretary rank officials were from a NDMC school.
One will invariably come across a section of teachers, who never go to the class, what to talk of teaching. They are real blot-shame-slur on the name of this pious-noble profession. Some teacher are clever enough to draw their salaries sitting inside the home. Some teachers take keen interest in clerical work, flattery of the head, personal work of the head, including embezzlement-fraud-forgery. One can observe some teachers busy in helping students in the use of unfair means like promoting the non deserving, copying, enhancement of marks etc. ,taking bribes in admissions, forging certificates-marks sheets for admission purpose and jobs as well.
A little segment of teachers used to engage himself in tuitions due to financial difficulties, because of low salaries. They are drifting away from tuitions because of the bad name-slur brought to this pious activity by those who are neither qualified nor experienced as teachers. One can find people claiming to be engineers taking tuitions-spoiling the reputation of teachers, doing all sorts of nefarious acts like rape-kidnapping-murder-cheating-stealing papers from boards office etc. Parents must check the antecedents of the person, before engaging him for tuition purpose.
A doctor becomes dean-director, an NDA pass out becomes Army general, but a teacher can not become a director-secretary in his department-what a tragedy? He is ruled by the Babus who do not understand the abc... of teaching and the department.
There is a saying,"ब्राह्मण (मास्टर,पंडित ), कुत्ता और हाथी, नहीं जात के साथी", that the teacher, dog and elephant can not pull together.
Unless-until the teachers unite, social change-upliftment of society, social, cultural, political revolution can not take place come.
TUTOR :: Tutor is a person needed by the parents to help their children in studies and provide assistance in doing home work. They are too busy to help or look after the needs of their ward-child. Anyone who needs money and has spare time, take assignments pertaining to teaching the child individually or in a group at his residence or the child's residence. Tutorial classes have become fancy-fashion. There are the people who run coaching centres for the sake of earning, by employing tutors without requisite qualification and experience and without verifying their antecedents. There are the people, who run tutor bureaus to cater to the need-demand of tutors.
One must restrain himself from such people, since they are found to be involved in heinous crimes, rape, murder, sodomising, abduction, spying etc.
Always opt for a bonafied school teacher with proven identity, educational qualifications, experience. The government-management should relax rules for the welfare of children and the society.
(10). TERRORIST आतंकी :: One is a terrorist-extremist-jihadi-sectionist-Naxalite-Maoist-rebel-extortionist, without understanding that he is a pawn-tool in the hands of the people, who want to acquire power by fair or foul means. people in high positions utilise them to grab power, having political ambitions-aspirations. The faith-religion which supports these nocturnal activities are bound to perish-eliminated, the moment, the people are able to peep into their designs.
No religion teaches these activities-nefarious things. In fact religion has nothing to do with activities like this.
Those who were found to involve in such activities were one time school dropouts, fickle minded people-petty criminals-rapists-dreaded criminals-drug traffickers-drug lords-dacoits-intruders-looters-murderers.
There is no reason, why people should have sympathy for such outlaws. Be aware, that those who are advocating mercy-clemency for them, are deeply involved in the game. They might be the mastermind behind the moves. Their political ambitions-desire to rule the masses, drag them to such ungodly-devilish deeds. Their roots might be presents in a country, which wants to destabilise disturb-dislodge the peace loving people. Ultimately they are anti nationals and deserved to be treated for treason. No jail or prison direct action to hell.
Want peace be prepared to eliminate them.
One should have given thought about his parents-dependent-relatives-friends-acquaintances as well. What will happen to them after his misdeeds are open? How will they accommodate themselves in the society, after his misadventures. They will become untouchables each and everywhere Is this for which he took birth?
Terrorists are not born. They are prepared-homegrown-nourished-nurtured, to carry out terrorist acts, by one (person-country) as per own designs-to make others, toe their line of action, willing-unwillingly or face consequences. Its a well known fact that Bhindrawale, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden were merely scapegoats, used-utilized to meet goals. Its a fact that the harbours too have tasted their own medicine, time and again.
They became berserk-out of control, having tasted blood-unlimited power-might.
As far state is concerned, it has diplomatic concerns-compulsions and have to nourish-harbour, such people, but they must be tamed-kept under control-watch, not to do any thing of their own. They must be eliminated at will, as soon they go out of control-disobey commands, without any one noting-understanding-knowing-suspecting, what has happened, at the blink of eye. Powers for actions must be vested with the head of nation and not the judiciary. Head of state should not be answerable to anyone, under any circumstances.
A recent study-survey showed that the terrorists recruited for Jihad are from amongest the worst-dreaded criminals from all countries irrespective of their religious faith. They do not mind butchering innocents for money. Some of them have converted to Islam as well.[12.10.2016]
मुलायम का आतंकवादियों के साथ मुलायम होना, कहीं शक की गुंजाइश नहीं छोड़ता। केन्द्रीय कांग्रेस सरकार का उसके खिलाफ कार्यवाही न करना, दोनों की मिली भगत दिखाता है। और तो और विरोधी दलों द्वारा उसके खिलाफ आवाज न उठाया जाना, उनको भी इस में शामिल पाता है । पिसा कौन ? जनता !
आतंकवादी ::आजम खान पर स्वयं आतंकवादी और आतंकवादियों का संरक्षक होने के आरोप तो समय-समय पर लगते ही रहे है। अब तो उसने खुद कह दिया कि उसने मुल्ला जी का जन्म दिन आतंकवादियों के पैसे से मनाया। इन दोनों ने ही IM के आतंवादियों को छुड़वाने के लिए ऐड़ी चोटी का दम लगाया था। ये कैसा देश हैं जहाँ अपना गुनाह कबूलने पर भी मुजरिम खुले आम घूमता रहता है और उसकी बात को दोहराने वालों पर पुलिस केस दर्ज कर लेती है?
आजम खान के मीडिया प्रभारी फसाहत अली ने केन्द्रीय कृषि राज्य मंत्री डॉ.संजीव बालियान के खिलाफ हिंसा भड़काने और मानहानि जैसे केस दर्ज कराये हैं। उसका कहना है कि इससे धार्मिक उन्माद और द्वेष भावना उत्पन्न हुए है। [24.12.2014]
(11). FRAUDSTER :: A phone call from an unrecognised person, from abroad comes and help is sought, by telling that the callers father gave him this number to contact. The ascent-voice is not clear the call is rejected. When next call comes the caller is advised to send email. Receiver is dissatisfied by the mode-answers of the caller. He want to send shipment to the receiver at his address. Receiver asks for the copies of his passport, which he does not send. He want the receiver to send an email to the person holding his possessions. The holder of possessions is told to follow rules-regulations-procedure and ensure that the caller sends the copy of his passport to the receiver The holder is warned that the laws prevailing in India will be applicable to the consignment and only when it received here. Still, it is said that the consignment is sent to India and the diplomat-delivering consignment, will contact soon. The person, who is presumed to be a diplomat, fails to deliver the consignment even after the elapse of one week. Money is demanded for its release from the customs which is against the agreement-the payment could be made up to 24 hours of its delivery. The recipient is not aware of the contents of the shipment. Passport, visa, boarding pass and all documents pertaining to the consignment are asked to be furnished, which the other side is willing to provide. But the diplomat and the company sending the consignment fail to satisfy the queries of the recipient.
It may turn out to be a deep rooted, conspiracy to extract money.
(12). PRIME MINISTER :: He is not elected to the Lok Sabha. He lacks public support-mandate. He could not prove his worth as an economist. He lacks good personality and ability to influence the public. He has been known as a yes man, throughout his career. Some people say that he is an honest person, which is not the case in the light of scandals, scams, during his two tenures. It’s not puzzling as to how he reached this august office. His qualification is his faith-a Sikh. The policy to butcher the Sikhs on one hand, protect the butchers and appease them side by side, elevated him to this post. He speaks too little, which is good since he guards the secrets of the embezzlement-forgeries-misdeeds-rampant corruption-scandals-scams-hawala transactions benami deals of those who discovered him, from nowhere in politics. He is a person, who follows the dictates of his foreigner masters. He is working as a conduit to siphon off the money earned through corruption-commissions to undisclosed places-tax havens Had it not been the case, the list of account holders in foreign banks must have been made public by now. Coal scam, Railways scam, 2 G scam, helicopter scams are merely tips of icebergs Almost all ministers in his cabinet are tainted-corrupt. More than 50% of his MP’s are history sheeters. He deserve no praise or sympathy, even from the community to which he belongs. He will go down the history as the most incompetent incumbent to this office.
Choron ka sardar choro, dakuon ka sardar daku to baimanon ka sardar kya hoga? Sochiye to jara.
A fraud has occured in the form of forfeting loans and interest to the inudstrilists @ Rs. 15 Lakh Crore. DHFL too innvolve a fraud of Rs. 3,300 crore. This is the act of the government which claims to be the chawkidar. [25.08.2022]
How so ever high the enticement be, one must not become a puppet in the hands of the people, whose designs and motives are not visible-clear. One may be punished for the misdeeds of others.
Where is the democracy? The MLA's are ordered to vote for an outsider contesting re election to Rajy Sabha, through a whip. They will have to present them selves one day before voting takes place. The legislators will have to show their ballot papers with choice of candidate to the party's election agent at the polling booth.
This fellow is not liked any where in the country, what to talk of Punjab. He has no following. Let him contest election to Lok Sabha-he is bound-sure to become history, as the head of most inefficient-corrupt-puppet government, playing-dancing to the tunes of Italians.
MINISTER मंत्री :: वो पंजाब के मंत्री साला, मुख्य मंत्री के बेटे का साला, केन्द्रीय मंत्री का भाई है। उसका नाम बार-बार नशीली दवाओं की तस्करी में सामने आया पर कार्यवाही नहीं हुई। वो खुद भी तो मंत्री है फिर कार्यवाही क्यों-कैसे-किसलिए !? उसके तो सब गुनाह माँफ हैं। ये वही लोग हैं जो कि एक अन्य मंत्री का इस्तीफ़ा इसी केस में ले चुके हैं। वे लोग धर्म की राजनीति करते हैं और समय-समय पर आतंकवादियों की वकालत और सम्मान तक करते देखे जाते हैं। उनके पास 1,000 एकड़ से ज्यादा के फार्म और अकूत सम्पत्ति है। अब ये सोचने का विषय है कि वो इनकी कैसे बनी?![24.12.2014]
(13). CRICKETER :: One can see-cite-observe-quote the street urchins-jhuggi-jhonpri dwellers, playing cricket with a rubber ball, in narrow streets-lanes. They are aware that a lot of money is there in it. They may play well-better than the best, but where is the chance? It's extremely-painfully difficult to find a birth in the team, at any of the recognized level. All sorts of dirty tricks-games-politics-money power, are played at each and every level. It's an open secret that neither the selectors nor the selections are fair. Anyone, who is elevated to higher levels of cricket power is neither pious nor religious, what he need is money, money and more money through, foul or fair means. It's extremely difficult to find a team, which is fair-free from the time wasting games-batting-match fixing-corruption. You point out a player and find a lot of controversy associated with his name. Those countries where this game-nuisance is not played are lucky, since a lot of valuable time-precious working hours-efforts are saved.
It's difficult to segregate the compartments, where honesty pervades. It's a cane, full of worms-dirty people-dirty money, from the beginning till the end. Still the people are mad after it, probably they have a lot of leisure hours-no work all play. They might be enjoying the game of match fixing and batting as well.
Dreaded terrorists-notorious drug lords-money launderers-criminals-politicians, all have a stake in game. Those who are involved in the game are directly or indirectly patronising them. Is not the public hurting itself by helping these outlaws!
One after another scandal, connected with cricket are surfacing .The important question one wish to ask is , why are the politicians present on the boards of cricket control? A person who has never played cricket in life, who is not aware of the rules pertaining to it, must not be there. What concern is there for the businessman or the film star either. They must be shunted-kicked out, if not they will continue spoiling the game and malpractices like betting and match fixing will continue, and so will be be demand for legalising betting.
TITLE उपाधि Cricket's God क्रिकेट का भगवान :: Some are born great, some become great due to their achievements in life and there are the people on whom greatness is thrust upon-imposed. Media titled him "Cricket Ka Bhagwan", though he had never been consistent in batting, bowling or captaincy. The media crossed limits in criticising him as and when he failed to deliver. They raised questions pertaining to his age and ability, form, performance, time and again, beyond limits repeatedly.
No doubt, he is a good cricketer, yet one should resist from granting him by the title-status of God. Award of BHARAT RATN to him is justified?! He is the youngest person to have received-achieved this award so far. The web site selling the tickets selling for his retirement feat, failed-crashed due to tremendous pressure. More than 1 crore clicks were recorded. Pervez Musharraf was also liked on the face books by millions, before he returned to Pakistan.
He was nominated to the parliament. It would have been better, had he been appointed, the chief of Cricket Control Board of India-the BCCI, presently headed by the politicians-industrialists, nexus.
Brandishing him with the title of God is nothing more than absurdity-foolishness and the insult of God. He sought retirement only when subjected to extreme criticism-rebuke. All efforts were made to to drag his carrier for the sake of records, beyond limits.
Its not the first instance, people involved in politics were titled Mahatma and Rashtr Pita without understanding the meaning. Use of words like Rashtr Pati is also questionable.
What is intriguing is that, those who recommended Bharat Ratn to a cricketer, preferred to forget Dhyan Chand the greatest Hockey player, ever. Most of the parliamentarians, who recommended this award too have interest in cricket-though they may not be aware of the ABC of cricket. The timing of the award too is to influence the elections in 5 states, going to polls, followed by elections to Lok Sabha. Those who are objecting to it pretend that the awards should be given to those who win medals in Olympics and not to those who stash money from this cash rich game.
Two former Prime ministers preferred to confer Bharat Ratn to them selves. What a ridiculous thing!?
(14). GLORIFYING CRIMINALS :: Thousands of films are produced every year. Those films which sell dreams (which can not be achieved), become instant hit, being admired-liked by labourers, Riksha Walas, drivers, poverty stricken, street urchins and low paid casual workers, in addition to criminals. Some films are seen repeatedly, as they provide plot-training in heinous crimes, committed later successfully. These films sell ideas-designs evolving out of criminal minds. Its an established fact that the film makers-producers-financiers-directors-actors-technicians-writers etc. are either uneducated or scarcely taught, though exceptions are always there. Teachers and police are generally shown in bad taste. Some actors are found to be deeply involved in criminal activities. Their only motto is earning money through box office hits. They are least bothered by the negative impact of films over society. They glorify sex, crime, nudity. Some actors are found deeply involved with terrorists. Some of the crimes with which these personalities are associated, invite imprisonment for 10 years. One can find complaints against them related to cheating, hooglism, abatement to suicide, crushing under wheels, rash behaviour, possession of lethal weapons, unlicensed fire arms, casting couch, rape, murder and what not! Black money, hawala transactions, money laundering, terrorist funds, tax evasion, cricket are some of their nefarious activities. Politician, criminal, terrorist, bureaucracy, mafia and drug lords nexus, all these presents a recipe for a box office hit movie.
(15). DOCTOR चिकित्सक :: He is a doctor. He is supposed to save the lives of patients. Don't expect him to do so, as soon as his duty hours are over. He is habitual of seeing the patients die before him. He get paid for every bit of job-duty performed. Don't expect him to do any thing for free, to any one. He has no inclination for charity, since he joined this profession to earn more money-more and more money.
You go to him for advice and he advises you to get numerous tests done, which prove to be useless more often. The aim is to extract as much as possible from the pocket of the patient. The cost of these tests comes out to be more than his advise-prescription. Later it comes out that he has prescribed banned drugs. He passes on the samples to patients, through the drug store-pharmacist, who sell stolen drugs from government hospitals along with expired ones. Duplicate drugs worth millions of rupees are found but the sellers are found to be immune from the clutches of law enforcing agencies.
There are numeral instances when, the doctors have been found to steal the internal organs of the patients for transplant. Nothing seems to desists-detract them from such heinous crimes-acts.
(16). BEGGAR भिखारी :: One can find people in rags asking for alms near temples, cross roads in India. You ask them to come for work. They will never come-refuse. Look at their face which gives the look of a very miserable person. There are girls of the age group of 10-12 years with an infant in their lap, asking for money to buy milk to feed the baby. Certain girls, male generally pose as lame moving with the help of clutches, which is nothing more than drama. It has been observed that they exchange the coins for currency notes from the shop keepers and the amount is generally more than 200 rupees. Some times entire family is found engaged in begging. A few of the groups are intelligent enough to move to other site, regularly.
There are beggars, who refuse to accept less than ten rupees.
Film makers should provide them opportunity for acting in films TV serials. Its presumed that they will prove to be better actors.
Even if the government provide them with free food, lodging-boarding, they will be back at the round about for begging. They formed a habit, which is incurable.
Anyone who begs, losses his dignity, self respect, ego, pride, sovereignty, consciousness, identity.
Some people seek help-never to return. Its another kind of begging-begging in disguise. This is cheating, fraud, crookedness.
Begging is a ritual performed in India in Hindu Dwij Jati's, when the child is initiated into education-learning.
Students-disciples in the Ashram of the Guru (Place-seat of learning at the residence of the Guru-teacher) used to go for collecting alms from the families living near the Ashrams. There were set strict rules for this. This was not considered to be begging. Princes, descendants of high and mighty were among those who had to under go this exercise.
People collect donations for building temples-shrines through this method. This too is not considered to be begging.
Britisher made it a habit for the Indians to write : "I beg to state that..., "in the beginning of the application and "I beg to remain your most obedient servant..." in the end of the application. This practices continued for more than 55 years after independence. Some people still prefer to write this.
Each and every one beg one or the other thing from the God-deities, in the form of prayers.
Atheist's too wish their wishes to be accomplished. Atheist is a person who cheats-deceives him self first.
रहिमन वो नर मर चुके जो कहीं माँगन जायें।
उनसे पहले वो मरे जिन मुख निकसत नायें॥
Rahim said that those people are dead, who goes to beg alms. Those who refuse to give-donate something, dies before one begs before them.
(17). GOD MAN पाखण्डी :: He called himself a saint-sadhu-bapu. The self styled-proclaimed God man has a chequekered history full of darkness. He is recognized as a bootlegger, since 1960. He has been accused-blamed for murders, exploitation, rape, land grabbing etc. He sailed through all these with the help of political, bureaucratic, police nexus. He has been showing threatening gestures over the TV, challenging to catch or even touch him. He has a wealth of more than 5000 crore rupees. He is a businessman selling soap, agarbatties (incense sticks), perfumes, medicines, etc. etc. along with religion. Many mysterious deaths have taken place in his ashrams. He calls himself a witch hunter-Tantrik as well.
His father had migrated to India from Sindh province of present Pakistan, He could not acquire schooling beyond second standard. He is recognized as a Tonga Wala (coach driver, cart driven by a pony) of Ajmer.
The present government did not touch him till he continued it, in grabbing electoral booths and provided political support, like another Yog Guru who had political ambitions. Both of them have been able to successfully muster the support of the innocent Hindus, who fear religion more than any thing else on this earth. They were able to save millions through taxes due to the nexus of the political endeavours. Their only mistake was to question the conversion of Hindus. He is third in this series, to question and face the consequences.
There is not even a single religious body-unit which is not dragged into controversy by its patriarchs due to their immoral sexual behaviour. If one can not control his passions-sensuality-sexuality-emotions, he does not deserve to be called a Guru-priest-saint-philosopher-enlightened.
Narayan Swami, the son of Asu Mal-Asa Ram, too is involves in heinous crimes like rape and murder, like his father. He is on the run and his property has been attached. He had strained relations with his wife. He has been nick named "Aurangzeb" for his attempt to eliminate his father.
The sex manic paid Rs. one crore to the investigating officer and offered 13 crore to hush up the case and facilities for him self and his father in prison.
बाबा जी :: बाबा कहलाते हैं और भगवे कपड़े पहनते हैं राजनीति पर व्याख्यान देते हैं। 8 जमात भी पास नहीं कर पाये 10,000 करोड़ से ज्यादा का बिज़नस है, जिसको धोखा धड़ी-बेईमानी, लूट, टैक्स चोरी, ठगी और ना क्या-क्या कर के खड़ा किया है।किस दिन इनपर भी यौन शोषण का आरोप लग जाये और साबित हो जाये, ये तो शायद भगवान भी ना जानता हो। इनपर अपने गुरु की हत्या का आरोप भी कभी भी लग सकता है। इनके चेले भी एक से से बढ़कर एक। योग्यता कुछ भी नहीं फिर भी वाईस चांसलर। देश कोई पास पोर्ट कहीं का। टीवी चैनल चलता है। दवाई के नाम पर क्या बेच रहे हैं और लोग क्या खा रहे हैं, ये तो बेचारे जनते ही नहीं हैं। एक नम्बर का पाखंडी और चालाक आदमी है। जमीन हड़पना तो उसकी आदत है। राजनेताओं को अपनी मुट्ठी में रखना चाहता है। योगासन के नाम पर सर्कस करता है। लोकी के रस की इतनी तारीफ कर दी कि भाव 70 रूपये किलो तक जा पहुँचा और इसका रस पीकर लोग मरे सो अलग। योगी लोग सड़कों-मैदानों-मचानों-स्टेडियम-आदि में प्रदर्शन करते नहीं घूमते, वो तो वनों, जंगलों, कंदराओं, गुफाओं में ही मिल सकते हैं। इनके भी लोग वैसे ही दीवाने हैं; जैसे कि दुराचारी बाप-बेटे के थे।
दूसरे बाबा का तो कहना ही क्या उनकी तो तीसरी आँख ही अपना कमाल दिखाती रहती है। मास हिप्नोटिज्म, ग्रुप हिस्टिरिआ-साइकोसिस का ऐसा बेमिसाल कमाल दिखाते हैं कि दुनियाँ दंग रह जाये। और उपाय भी ऐसे-ऐसे कि अच्छा-अच्छा अकलमंद भी गच्चा खा जाये। देश भरा पड़ा है, इन पाखण्डियों-जालसाजों से।
भले-भोले-भाले सरल लोग बीमारी-गरीबी-परेशानी-दुःख-दर्द का इलाज ऐसे लोगों के पास ढूंढते रहते हैं। औरतें इनकी वासना की शिकार होती रहतीं और आगे भी होती रहेंगी। ऐसे लोगों के चक्कर में फंसने की बजाय भगवान की शरण में जाओ वही सहायता करेंगे।फिर भी कर्म का फल भोग लो। कब तक बचोगे-वो तो भोगना ही पड़ेगा।
(18). SLAVERY :: Unbelievable but true. Human trafficking appears to be a new word, but its very common. Its all happening right under the nose of the government with active participation, patronage and protection from the interested people. Innocent girls are brought to cities for house hold-domestic work, prostitution and sending abroad. Some of them are sold for marriage again and again. They are brutally tortured, if they refuse to do the desired. Guilty, if caught are bailed out with the connivance of policemen and judiciary. Dev Dasis (female slaves of the god) and bonded labour are other form of slavery.
One would wonder if he is told about such parents, who sell off their daughters for prostitution. A number of villages are there in which the mothers rear the daughters for this illicit trade.
There are the people who supply maids for domestic work in the grab of placement agencies, who buy these girls and exploit them.
There are 29.6 million slaves globally. India leads the world, followed by China, Pakistan and Nigeria. India accounts for the 50% of world's modern slaves.[18.10.2013]
BSP MP-having 29 criminal cases including murder, along with his second wife-a doctor at RML hospital are arrested for the murder of their maid servant. The maid was mercilessly beaten-tortured by branding the private parts with a smouldering iron on a whim.[06.11.2013]
In India there are specific zones where the trade is carried out in full view of the police, judiciary, bureaucracy, political patronage and the connivance of criminals. Is it possible to sell a commodity if the buyers are not there?! Some regions of Punjab, Rajasthan, Andhr Pradesh and towns, where the boundaries of Rajasthan, Madhy Pradesh and Utter Pradesh meet, are the most common selling points for women. Red light areas of Delhi-G.B.Road, Bhindi Bazaar-Bombay, Sona Gachchhi-Calcutta, some villages in Agra close to Taj Mahal are most notorious.
Girls from Nepal, Bangal, Jhar Khand, Tribals from Madhy Pradesh, Bangla Desh are easy pray due to the poverty. International gangs are active all over the country, immunely.
There is not even a single day when 10-15 children are not trafficked from Delhi and NCR.
Its not difficult to identify such people who push humans into slavery. Let them be subjected to Life Imprisonment-till death.
He is Muslim, Islamist, Nigerian, Abductor-En slaver, Militant, BOKO HARAM. He kidnapped 276 girls, of which 53 managed to escape. He is bound to sell them for prostitution. Their guilt was to acquire western education. Eight more girls have been abducted.[07.05.2014]
(19). CLERK-बाबू :: Clerk is the lowest rank in administration in India. A matriculate can become a clerk easily, just passing an examination by hook or crook. He manages to clear the hurdle of passing out class X or secondary examination by cheating, in many attempts. Still if fails to do so, he can seek asylum under the open school. He may be known as junior assistant as well.
He gets time bound promotions to the posts of UDC from LDC-lower division clerk. Some of them have been found to reach the level of Director administration by treachery. Next levels are head clerk, section officer, administrative officer, deputy director, joint director.
The note written by him on the file seldom find changes up to the highest level of hierarchy and may reach even up to the prime minister and obtain the ascent of the president.
His knowledge of English is extremely poor added with grammatical errors. He may not be able to interpret what one or he him self has written. This leads the file to remain idle for months.
He seldom present the facts before the authority. His work is stereo typed and monotonous. He will demand bribe for favours or the smallest piece of paragraph-noting on the file and prevent the movement of the file if he is not obliged.
This is the legacy of British empire and the democracy is bearing the burden over its shoulders. No efforts are made to asses the quantum of work done by him.
Its not that, intelligent-honest people are not there in this hierarchy. But they are seldom allowed to work independently-freely and are transferred/shifted very frequently as per whims of their seniors-political pressure. One after another scandals are exposed which could be prevented had these clerks be honest-hard working-functionally literate.
He wants to acquire each and every amenity available to high ups. He want to send his children to public schools. This desire motivates him to corruption-bungling-scandals. His potential-calibre is low and desires are sky rocketing, pushing him to corruption and bungling.
Even when caught red handed he remain unpunished, since high ups are also deeply involved. The case drags in courts for years and he is absolved of all charges. The judicial system too has clerks who works as conduit between the guilty, lawyer and the judge.
He possesses a typical-peculiar mentality of comparing himself to the teachers who possesses much higher qualification than him, when posted in education department-school.
Babu was the common name given to all categories of Indians working in the offices. Today's news papers include the IAS as a Babu.
These people are so shameless that do not hesitate in demanding money-bribe from their colleagues-co workers.
One never expects him in the chair. Even if he is there, one can not expect him to do work. He is always late for hours. He takes tea a number of times and smokes as well. He don't mind taking wine or making adulterous relations, as and when opportunity comes. In fact, he is notorious by nature. He own property disproportionate to his known means of income.
The DDA-Delhi Development Authority boss found 150 of his Babus absent from duty without information, including 21 seniors. Its the scene almost in every government office, may it be ministry's head quarter, municipal corporation, school or NDMC followed by two holidays every week, worst if Friday and Monday's are public-gazetted holidays. [21.12.2013]
Two officials of East Delhi Municipal Corporation are suspected of having siphoned off more than Rs. 25 crores over a period of 19 months, just by manipulating fuel and spares bills-vouchers.[21.12.2013]
(20). दलित OPPRESSED :: There is nothing like broken, torn, crushed, ground, trampled, oppressed as far as the as the so called Dalits are concerned, who have reached the high echelons of power in India. They are enjoying all that which is rarely available, to the common man-who can not dream of it either, in India. This has been done by extending the period of reservation to scheduled castes-tribes, constitutionally. Some of them are amongest the richest.
How can a person claim to be Dalit having reached the position of President, Speaker in Parliament, Cabinet Minister, Chief Minister, Chief Justice of India?!
How can a lady who make the upper caste people sit on earth, in front her chair, claim to be Dalit, having smashed wealth to the tune of 5,000 crore!?
Constitutional provision for reservation was made to uplift and eliminate the social differences-barriers, which existed at the time of freedom. In today's context they are out dated-irrelevant-meaningless. One finds that inter caste-inter religions-inter region marriages are taking places in almost all communities. Relevance of reservation of seats in educational-professional institutions-jobs-legislature is questionable.
Helpless upper caste youth is suffering, at the hands-designs of the disgruntled politicians. Politicians are exploiting the society for their goals-benefits.
CONTRACT WORKER-EMPLOYEE :: AAP-Aam Admi Party which made tall claims-promises to the contractual workers: teachers, drivers, computer operators etc., is now dragging its feet. People, who brought it to power are demonstrating against it, at the secretariat. They are loosing confidence in it. At least it could implement the verdict of the honourable Delhi High Court.
With the advent of BJP in power some decisions were made and implemented which adversely affected the working of schools and hospitals. These decisions were taken to benefit the industrial class of people, businessman, hospitals and private educational institutions. As a result of it the youth alienated from it and drifted away. The result was obvious, loss of power for BJP. The Congress continued with the policy since it was not to be blamed for this drastic deviation from welfare policy.
India is a country where mixed economy functions. Insecurity leads to resentment and dis satisfaction amongest the unemployed-under employed, added by the corruption at every level of bureaucracy-political set up-governance.
This menace is prevailing in the NDMC, GNCT, Delhi Govt. and almost all private, public companies. This is gripping the youth with insecurity, instability, metal torture.
(21). PONZI KING :: More than 30,000 crores of public money is parked in Ponzi schemes and non financing companies. More than 70,000 such fly by night companies are operating with immunity through out India with active connivance of politicians, bureaucrats, police mafia and the judiciary. For reference two such firms can be named i.e., Sahara and Sharda. Millions of people made deposits with Ponzi King's chit fund-Ponzi companies 30 years ago. He cheated millions of poor-middle class investors of billions and all cases were buried without scratching him. He pleaded that he has 12 Lakh employees and they will become job less if he is arrested or punished. He filed false affidavits, advertisements in news papers. He did every bit of be fooling the honourable Supreme Court of India and succeeded to some extent. Perhaps he forgot that still some honest people live in India. He is supported by political God Fathers of UP, who themselves under the cloud for amassing trillions. He is a real crooked and fits in the good screen plays of Indian movies. For the time being he cooling his heals in Tihar Jail.
His lawyers say that he has not committed any thing wrong for which he can be put behind the bars. Over all they are lawyers and paid to turn black into white. This is what they had been doing for the last 2 years for him.
कुकर्म :: कृप्या पर जायें :-

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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ
(बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)
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