नाग वंश
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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SONS OF SURSA AND KADRU WIVES OF KASHYAP :: Shesh, Vasuki, Takshak, Akarn, Hanikarn, Pinjai, Aryak, Era Wat, Maha Padm, Kambal, Asvatar, Elapatr, Shankh, Karkotak, Dhanjay, Maha Karn, Mahanil, Dhrat Rashtr, Karvir, Pushpadestr, Summukh, Durmukh, Sunamukh, Kaliya, Khar, Ambarish, Akrur, Prahlad, Gandharv, Mani, Nahush, Kar-Rom, Raj Bhar.
Rig Ved mentions Nag-Serpent, race, Nag kings and Nag warriors.
Ahi Budhn has been described in Rig Ved as a serpent deity. Ahi Budhn-the serpent of base of a mountain, has come twelve times in the Rig Ved.
Ahi Vratr was deadly Nag-serpent, whom Indr killed because he nursed enmity against him. Ahi Vrat is same Vrata Sur-a demon. He had been described as Dasyu-dacoit, Das, Asur and Ahi in Rig Ved. He could block the flow of waters in the rivers.
Ahi has been stated to be a dangerous serpent.[Rig Ved 7.50.1-3]
In Uttar Pradesh the cultural center of medieval period was Ahi Chhatr (अहिछत्र) (centre of Nag rule) which was situated in the district of Barely. This was the capital of ancient Nag kings.
Assyrian Nag kings Alagi and Vilagi were worshipped traditionally India.[Atharv Ved 5.13.6-10]
The tradition still perpetuates in the form of Nag Panchmi festival.
This shows Nag worship and totemism (belief in the kinship of a group of people with a common totem tradition).
One should remember that both Nag and humans have common origin from Kashyap. Its only a mater of chromosomes and DNA replica that a different breed is obtained with entirely different or opposite characters.
Their original seat was Taxila-Takshila, which was also the metropolis of serpent worship and the spot whence it spread all over India.
The Nag dynasty belonged to Madrak Jat Gotr of Yadav Vansh and was devotees of Bhagwan Shiv. They had a number of ruling dynasties such as Takshak Nag, Bachak Nag, Kilkil Nag, Karkotak, Kali Raman etc., all of which are Jat Gotr. Mathura, Padma Wati and Kanti Pur were capitals of Nag dynasty. Nags of Padma Wati were called Tank, which is also a Jat Gotr and are found in 24 villages near Sonipat.
NAG VANSH :: Nags originated from Kashyap, father of Sury from whom clan of Sury Vanshi Kshatriy evolved. Nag Vansh (नागवंश) are aboriginal (आदि वासी, वनवासी, आदिम, मूल निवासी) Kshatriy of India. Nag Vanshi had serpent as their totem. They worshipped serpents and considered themselves to be their protector deities. They were in origin indigenous Kshatriy. The Nether World (one layer of the earth is exclusively occupied by the might serpents) known as Patal was the habitation of Nags and Anant as the Emperor of Nag, Sarp, Urag, and Pannag. Nags illustrated divine characters, like change of body form from serpent to humans etc. Purans mention of many Nag Kingdoms. Present day Delhi used to be the abode of Nags which was turned into Indraprasth by Bhagwan Shri Krashn and Arjun.
Mathura, Padma Wati, Pawaya and Kanti Pur were the capitals of Nag dynasty. Arjun's mother Kunti was a Nag Kanya and Bheem Sen reached Nag Lok through an opening in the Ganga where he was granted a warm welcome and his poison was sucked. Ulupi-the second wife of Arjun was the daughter of Kouravy-the king of serpents.[Vishnu Puran and Bhagwat Puran]
NAG VANSHI CLANS :: Mahat, Belsadi, Sundil, Das, Bais, Belthari, Nathani, Bancharah, Sajani, Rajvali, Sondih, Parukhi, Nevsah, Naraijparah, Madrih, Kaudi, Karkotak, Barvalihi, Asaujih, Belh, Khagi Chauhan, Khandai-Khandei-Khandeyei, Bunt, Nair, Aswal.
Nag Gotr-clan of Jats are found in Nagaur and Sikar districts of Rajasthan and Khargone district of Madhy Pradesh. The villages inhabited by Nag Jats in Sikar district are :- Dujod, Kanwar Pur, Ram Pur, Sikar. In Madhy Pradesh Nag Jats are found in Indore, Mhow, Ratlam, Hard, Ujjain, Khandwa, Dewas, Shaja Pur, Pachor, Gwalior, Taran, Jabal Pur, Katni, Nar Singh Pur, Badwah and Khargone.
Raja Gajvkatr has been identified as an ancestor of Takshak who bite Parikshit due to a curse, but Parikshit relinquished just before the bite by Takshak. Nag Republic extended from Eastern Punjab to the Ganga and Yodhy republic extended into Rajasthan. Nagpur belonged to the Nags. Nagar (One without poison or who is not affected by poison) Brahmans originated from there Nags.
During the peak period of their rule Nag rulers had sent armies to other countries and also conquered them. Nags have been mentioned as ruling dynasties such as Takshak, Tusht, etc.
Branches-Karkotak, Shesh, Vasuki, Ahi, Mani Bhadr Takshak, Bachak, Kilkil Nag, Kaliramn etc.
Sub branches :- Sindh, Kushan, Bais, Saindhav etc.
NAG VANSH IN KERAL AND TULU NADU :: The Nair Clans of Keral and Bunts of Tulu Nadu are the descendants of Bhagwan Anant-Shesh Nag. Some Nag Vanshi clans migrated from North India & associated themselves with the events like Sarp Satram. The Nairs were organised into various martial clans like Nambiar and Kiryathil Nair. Bunts of Karnatak claim descent from the Nags. The Nairs were organised into various martial clans like Nambiar, Kiryathil Nair, Illathu Nair and Swaroopathil Nairs. The Illathu, Swaroopathil and Kiryathil Nairs have been classified as Kshatriys of the Nag Vanshi lineage.
NAG DYNASTIES OF INDIA :: Nags originated from Kashyap and flourished in Arya Vart-India, having serpent as their totem. They worshipped serpents and considered them to be their protector deities. The King of Varanasi belonged to Nag Vansh. The Nag Vanshi kings had a symbol of Nag or serpent on their coins and flags. The coins of Nag Vanshi rulers are still found at village Ahar in Buland Shar district in Uttar Pradesh. These coins depict symbols of Nags on them. Duryodhan poisoned Bhim to kill and threw him into the Ganga River, when he entered Nag Lok throw an opening near Ahar.
Ahivritr, Ashw Sen, Takshak, Gonand, Lohar, Karkot of North; Brahm Dutt of Kashi, Sishu Nag of Magadh in 642 BC. Padma Wati-Bhar Shiv, Vidisha, Eran, Mathura, Ahi Chhatr, Kausambi, Malwa, Chakr Kot, Bhog Wati, Andhr or Sat Vahan (235 BC-225 AD) Chutus, Chaluky, Pallav, Kadamb, Chhindak, Cher, Chol etc. Most of the above Nag families ruled between 500 BC and 500 AD and some of them onward up to the Mughal period. Padma Wati, Mathura and Kanti Pur [Bhar Shiv, Raj Bhar Kshatriy]. Present Chhattis Garh state from around the 11th century to the 14th century. A copper plate inscription from the Gupta Empire era relates that Nags were elevated to the Kshatriy caste. The copper plates of this period relate to the Nags being defeated by the Gupts and subsequently being married into them. Chandr Gupt (2), married Queen Kuber Nag.
THE NETHER WORLD-PATAL LOK-REGION BELOW THE EARTH :: The Nether World known as Patal Lok is the adobe of Nags with 7 bigger territorial regions in Indian Peninsula with names, Atal, Vital, Sutal, Rasatal, Talatal, Mahatal and Patal. The lower most region of Patal Lok i.e., Patal was the adobe of Great Serpent Bhagwan Anant.
NAG VANSHI JAT CLANS :: Abud, Achashw, Ahi, Ahlawat, Air, Airawat, Aligi, Aparajit, Apt, Artiman, Aryak, Asit, Aulak, Avalak, Avyay, Ayahat, Bamal, Ban, Barojwar, Basaṭh, Bauly, Beniwal, Bhakar, Bhakhar, Bhammu, Bharamgur, Bhar Shiv, Bhemrom, Bhinchar, Bihal, Bilwan, Birla, Dahiya, Dhaka, Dhaulya, Deu, Devatr, Gor, Imeguh, Kal, Kala, Kalash, Kale Rawat, Kali, Kali Raman, Kali Ramat, Kali Rawat, Kali Ray, Kalidaman, Kalishak, Kaliy, Kalmash, Kalwaria, Kaly, Kalyan, Kamal, Kanwal, Kariy, Karkar, Karkoṭak, Karvir, Kharwal, Khokhar, Khondal, Kondal, Kothar, Kulak, Kulakiy, Kular, Kullar, Kumdodar, Kumud, Kundal, Kunjar, Kushmandak, Kuthar, Lega, Lochag, Matw, Mudwadiy, Mundel, Nag, Nagar, Nagauriya, Nagil Nil, Odasi, Ola, Padwal, Pagwat, Pahal, Pal, Pamdahari, Pandar, Pandul, Panja, Pann, Parsane, Pathur, Paudiya, Pehalayan, Pimdale, Podan, Puchale, Punia, Rahal, Roj, Roja, Rotra, Sagsail, Saharan, Samota, Samra, Sangu, Sangwan, Sawau, Sewda, Sheshano, Sheshm, Shwitr, Shyaukand, Sihag, Siraswar, Sitarwar, Siwayach, Sumr, Sutal, Takhar, Takshak, Tamk, Tankor, Tetarwal, Tītarwal, Tokas, Toran, Udwal, Ugrak, Vaharwal, Bais, Varik, Varnwal, Vasath, Vauran, Vavan, Vihan, Vodiy, Yoly. Bhar Shiv, Raj Bhar.
GENEALOGY OF NAG KSHATRIY :: Brahma, Kashyap-Kadru, Anant, Vasuki, Arawati, Takshak, Tonk, Karkotak, Dhananjay, Kaliya, Mani Nath, Ayuran-Pauniy, Pinjarak, Alawat, Vaman, Nil, Anil, Kalmash, Shabal, Aryak, Ugrak Kalash, Pok, Sumand, Digh Mukh, Nimal Pindak, Shankh, Bal Shiv, Visht Vak, Imeguh, Nahush, Pingal, Bahy Varn, Hasti Pad, Mundar, Pindak, Karal, Ashwatar, Kalishak, Pahal, Dhak, Tun Danvartak, Shankh Mukh, Kush Mandak, Kshemak, Chindarak, Kar Vir, Pushp Dand, Vilvak, Pandhur, Mushakad, Shankh Sir, Purn Madr, Haridrak, Aparajit, Jotik, Pannag, Sravah, Kauravy, Dhrat Rashtr, Shankh Pind, Virj, Suvahu, Shali Pind, Harit Pind, Pith Rak, Sumukh, Konay Dashan, Kuthar, Kunjar, Prabhakar, Kusad, Halak, Kumudaksh, Tittar, Maha Sarp, Kadanm, Bahu Mulak, Karkar, Kundaudar, Mahodar.
NAG VANSHI KINGS DURING MAHA BHARAT :: Ahi, Shivatr, Khet Ashit, Serbhak, Sevridh, Astin, Kantat, Spaj, Anat, Kulik, Shankh Pal, Darvi, Dhata-Dhaka, Achasw, Ajgar, Alagi, Vilagi, Orivish, Karikrat, Kasninl, Tirashch Raji, Naimarat, Pridaku, Pradmi, Raju, Lohitahi, Ratharvi, Vahas, Serbha.
NAG VANSH CHHOTA OF NAG PUR :: The first Nag Vanshi ruler was Phani Mukut Rai born in 64. He was the adopted son of Madra Munda, the Parth Raja of Sutiambe. Phani Mukut Rai was found near a tank as a newborn where a hooded Cobra-Nag was protecting him. Phani Mukut Rai ruled from 83 to 162. Till date, four Nag Vanshavalis are available that prove that the Nag Vanshis ruled over Chhota Nagpur plateau in India for close to two thousand years, from the 1st century to 1,951, when the Zamindari was abolished. This put the Nag Vanshis among the top dynasties that ruled the longest in the world, which include the Dulo clan in Bulgaria, The Imperial House of Japan and Hong Bang dynasty of Korea.
Till the reign of Akbar, Chota Nagpur had not come under the suzerainty of the Mughals and the Nag Vanshi rulers had been ruling over this region as independent rulers. Akbar was informed of a rebel Afghan Sardar, Junaid Kararani, who had taken shelter in Chota Nagpur. Besides, the emperor also got information of diamonds being found in this area. Consequently, Akbar ordered Shahbaz Khan Turbani to attack Kokhra (the then seat of Nag Vanshi kings and capital of Chota Nagpur). At that time Raja Madhu Singh, the 42nd Nag Vanshi king was ruling at Kokhra. Consequently Kokhra was subdued by the armies of Akbar and a sum of rupees six thousand was fixed as its annual revenues payable to the Mughals.
By the advent of the reign of Jahangir, Nag Vanshi Raja Durjan Sal had come to power in Chhota Nagpur. He refused to pay the rent fixed by the Emperor Akbar. Jahangir ordered Ibrahim Khan (governor of Bihar) to attack Kokhra. The details of this invasion are mentioned in Jahangir’s memoirs, Tuzuk-i-Jahan Giri. There was also another reason behind the invasion. This was the acquisition of the diamonds found in the bed of the river Sankh in the region. Due to its diamonds Chhota Nagpur was also known as Heera Nagpur and its Raja Durjan Sal, being an expert of diamonds, was known as Heera Raja among the people. Thus to subdue the Raja of Chhota Nagpur and to acquire valuable diamonds, Jahangir decided to invade Chhota Nagpur.
On getting orders from the emperor, Ibrahim Khan marched against Kokhra in 1,615. He entered the Nag Vanshi territories easily with the help of his guides. The Nag Vanshi Raja Durjan Sal found himself beleaguered, within the hills and vales (दो पहाड़ों के बीच की जगह, गड्ढा, घाटी, दर्रा, वादी). He fled and was at last found in a cave with some of his family members. He was arrested and all diamonds which were in the possession of Durjan Sal and his family were captured by Ibrahim Khan. Twenty four elephants also fell into the hands of Ibrahim Khan. After this, Kokhara was subdued and the diamonds found there were sent to the Imperial court. After his defeat and arrest, Durjan Sal offered as ransom jewels, gold and silver to the value of crores of rupees, but Ibrahim Khan did not release him and took him as a captive to Patna. From there he was sent to the Imperial court and subsequently imprisoned in the fort of Gwalior.
Durjan Sal’s confinement lasted twelve years. Ultimately, the very diamonds which had caused the misfortune of Durjan Sal secured him his release and former prosperity. It so happened that from some place, two very large diamonds were brought to Emperor Jahangir’s court. A doubt arose in the mind of the Emperor over the genuineness of one of them. As no one in his court was able to confirm or relieve his suspicion, the Heera Raja was brought to the Imperial court from his incarceration. When the two diamonds were brought before him, he without any hesitation pointed out the fake one. To prove it to the court and the Emperor, he requested two rams to be brought to the court. He then tied the two diamonds on the horns of the two rams and made them fight each other. As a result of the fight, the fake diamond shattered but there was no scratch on the pure one. The Emperor was so impressed and pleased with Durjan Sal that he not only released him but also restored the prosperity taken from him in addition to his kingdom.
The generous Durjan Sal further begged the Emperor to release the other Rajas who had been his companions in prison and his prayer was granted. Being pleased with Durjan Sal, Jahangir conferred the title of Shah on the Kokhra ruler. On his return to Chhota Nagpur, Durjan Sal assumed the title of Maha Raja and changed his surname. Most probably from that time Shah was added with the names of the Nag Vanshi kings. The reign of Durjan Sal lasted for about thirteen years. He died in 1,640.
मैं नागों में अनन्त-शेषनाग हूँ (भगवान् श्री कृष्ण)।
अनंत (शेष), वासुकी, तक्षक, कर्कोटक और पिंगला, उक्त पाँच नागों के कुल के लोगों का ही भारत में वर्चस्व था। यह सभी कश्यप वंशी थे और इन्हीं से नागवंश चला। मूलतः सर्प योनि नाग दिव्य प्राणी होने के कारण किसी भी योनि को ग्रहण करने समर्थ थे। सनातन धर्म में नागपूजा का प्रावधान है जो कि नागपञ्चमी दिन की जाती है। नाग पूजा का प्रचलन पुराण पर आधारित है। मूलत: शैव, शाक्त, नाथ और नाग पंथियों में ही नागों की पूजा का प्रचलन था।
महाभारत काल में पूरे भारत वर्ष में नागा जातियों के समूह फैले हुए थे। विशेष तौर पर कैलाश पर्वत से सटे हुए इलाकों से असम, मणिपुर, नागालैंड तक इनका प्रभुत्व था। नागों से उत्पत्ति होने के कारण ये नागवंशी कहलाए। तिब्बती अपनी भाषा को नागभाषा कहते हैं।
कश्मीर का अनंतनाग इलाका इनका गढ़ माना जाता था। कांगड़ा, कुल्लू व कश्मीर सहित अन्य पहाड़ी इलाकों में नाग ब्राह्मणों की एक जाति आज भी मौजूद है।
नाग वंशावलियों में भगवान् शेष नाग को नागों का प्रथम राजा माना जाता है। भगवान् शेष नाग को ही अनन्त नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इसी तरह आगे चलकर शेष के बाद वासुकी हुए फिर तक्षक और पिंगला। वासुकी का कैलाश पर्वत के पास ही राज्य था। तक्षक ने ही तक्षशिला बसाकर अपने नाम से तक्षक कुल चलाया था। कर्कोटक, ऐरावत, धृतराष्ट्र, अनत, अहि, मनिभद्र, अलापत्र, कम्बल, अंशतर, धनंजय, कालिया, सौंफू, दौद्धिया, काली, तखतू, धूमल, फाहल, काना इत्यादी नाम से नागों के वंश हुआ करते थे। भारत के भिन्न-भिन्न इलाकों में इनका राज्य था।
अथर्ववेद में कुछ नागों के नामों का उल्लेख मिलता है। ये नाग हैं श्वित्र, स्वज, पृदाक, कल्माष, ग्रीव और तिरिचराजी नागों में चित कोबरा (पृश्चि), काला फणियर (करैत), घास के रंग का (उपतृण्य), पीला (ब्रम), असिता रंगरहित (अलीक), दासी, दुहित, असति, तगात, अमोक और तवस्तु आदि।
छत्तीसगढ़ के बस्तर में भी नल और नाग वंश तथा कवर्धा के फणि-नाग वंशियों का उल्लेख मिलता है। पुराणों में मध्य प्रदेश के विदिशा पर शासन करने वाले नाग वंशीय राजाओं में शेष, भोगिन, सदाचंद्र, धनधर्मा, भूतनंदि, शिशुनंदि या यशनंदि आदि का उल्लेख मिलता है।पुरातन काल में नाग क्षत्रिय समस्त भारत में शासक थे। नाग शासकों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण और संघर्षमय इतिहास तक्षकों का और फ़िर शेष नागों का है।
एक समय समस्त कश्मीर और पश्चिमी पंचनद नाग लोगों से आच्छादित था। इसमें कश्मीर के कर्कोटक और अनंत नागों का बड़ा दबदबा था। पंचनद (पंजाब) में तक्षक लोग अधिक प्रसिद्ध थे। कर्कोटक नागों का समूह विन्ध्य की और बढ़ गया और यहीं से सारे मध्य भारत में छा गया। यह स्मरणीय है कि मध्य भारत के समस्त नाग एक लंबे समय के पश्चात बौद्ध काल के अंत में पनपने वाले ब्रह्मण धर्म में दीक्षित हो गए। बाद में ये भारशिव और नए नागों के रूप में प्रकट हुए। इन्हीं लोगों के वंशज खैरागढ़, कवर्धा ग्वालियर आदि के नरेश थे। ये अब राजपूत और मराठे कहलाने लगे। तक्षक लोगों का समूह तीन चौथाई भाग से भी ज्यादा जाट संघ में सामिल हो गया था। वे आज टोकस और तक्षक जाटों के रूप में जाने जाते हैं। शेष नाग वंश पूर्ण रूप से जाट संघ में सामिल हो गया जो आज शेषमा कहलाते हैं। वासुकि नाग भी मारवाड़ में पहुँचे। इनके अतिरिक्त नागों के कई वंश मारवाड़ में विद्यमान हैं, जिनमें सब जाट कुल शामिल हैं।
एक समय ऐसा था जबकि नागा समुदाय पूरे भारत (पाक-बांग्लादेश सहित) के शासक थे। उस दौरान उन्होंने भारत के बाहर भी कई स्थानों पर अपनी विजय पताकाएं फहराई थीं। तक्षक, तनक और तुश्त नागाओं के राज वंशों की लम्बी परंपरा रही है। इन नाग वंशियों में ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय आदि सभी समुदाय और प्रांत के लोग थे।
नागवंशियों ने भारत के कई हिस्सों पर राज किया था। भारत के कई शहर और गांव नाग शब्द पर आधारित हैं। महाराष्ट्र का नागपुर शहर सर्वप्रथम नागवंशियों ने ही बसाया था। नाग नदी भी नाग वंशियों के कारण ही पड़ा। नागपुर के पास ही प्राचीन नागरधन नामक एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रागैतिहासिक नगर है। महार जाति के आधार पर ही महार से महाराष्ट्र हो गया। महार जाति भी नागवंशियों की ही एक जाति थी।
नागों ने जांगल प्रदेश (वर्तमान बीकानेर एवं नागौर जिला) पर अधिकार कर लिया। यौधेयों को हराने वाले पद्मावती के भारशिव नाग थे, जिन्होने चौथी शताब्दी से लेकर छठी शताब्दी तक बीकानेर, नागौर, जोधपुर तथा जालोर के जसवन्तपुरा तक शासन किया। जांगल प्रदेश में नागों के अधीन जो क्षेत्र था, उसकी राजधानी अहिच्छत्रपुर (नागौर) थी । यही वजह है कि नागौर के आस-पास चारों ओर अनेक नागवंशी मिसलों के नाम पर अनेक गाँव बसे हुये हैं जैसे काला मिसल के नाम पर काल्यास, फ़िरड़ोदा का फिड़ोद, इनाणियां का इनाणा, भाकल का भाखरोद, बानों का भदाणा, भरणा का भरणगांव-भरनांवा, भरनाई, गोरा का डेह तथा धोला का खड़नाल आदि।
छठी शताब्दी बाद नागौर पर दौसौ साल तक गूजरों ने राज किया परन्तु आठवीं शताब्दी बाद पुनः काला नागों ने गूजरों को हराकर अपना आधिपत्य कायम किया ।
दसवीं सदी के अन्त में प्रतिहारों ने नागों से नागौर छीन लिया । इस समय प्रतिहारों ने काला नागों का पूर्णतया सफ़ाया कर दिया। थोड़े से नाग बचे वे बलाया गाँव में बसे और फिर वहाँ से अन्यत्र गये।
सर्प दंश :: महाराज परीक्षित के तपस्वी की गर्दन में मरा हुआ सर्प डालने से रुष्ट उनके पुत्र ने परीक्षित को नागराज तक्षक के द्वारा काठने से मरने का श्राप दे दिया। निश्चित समय पर ब्राह्मण के रुप में तक्षक हस्तिनापुर आए तो रास्ते में उन्हें एक ब्राह्मण मिला जो सर्प दंश का इलाज कर सकता था। तक्षक ने उसे धन देकर लौटा दिया। स्वयं वे एक कीड़े के रुप में माला में छिपकर महल में पहुँचे। मगर उनके दंश के पहले ही परीक्षित निर्वाण प्राप्त कर चुके थे। स्पष्ट है कि नाग जाति कोई भी रुप धारण कर सकती थी। तक्षक के नाम पर ही तक्षशिला का नाम पड़ा और उनके नाम से पृथ्वी पर नागवंश भी है।
NAG KANYA ULUPI :: Ulupi was the daughter of Kouravy, a descendant of Nagraj Airavat. Her father ruled the underwater kingdom of serpents in the Ganga river. Ulupi was a well-trained warrior. These serpents were having divine powers to change themselves to humans or any other organism.
Arjun, exiled from Indr Prasth left for a one-year pilgrimage as a penance for violating the terms of his marriage to Draupadi, the brother's common wife. Accompanied by Brahmns, Arjun reached Kam Roop, North-Eastern region of present-day India. One day when he bathed in the Ganga river to perform his rituals, the current pulled him inside the river. He later realised that it was Ulupi, the Nag princess, who grasped and pulled him into the river. She held him with her hands and travelled at her will. They finally ended up in an underwater kingdom, the abode of Kourvay. Arjun saw a sacrificial fire in the place and offered his rites in the fire. Agni was pleased with Arjun's unhesitating offering of oblations.
Delighted by her act, Arjun inquired Ulupi about her background. She revealed her lineage and admitted that she had fallen in love with him. Arjun, however, declined her proposal citing his celibacy on his pilgrimage. Ulupi argued that his celibacy was limited only to Draupadi, Arjun's first wife. Convinced by her argument, he married her and spent a night with her. A son named Iravan was born to them. Pleased by Arjun, Ulupi granted him a boon that all animals that lived under water would obey him and he would be invincible under the water.
The Vasus, Bhishm Pitamah's brothers, cursed Arjun after he killed Bhishm through treachery in the Kuru Kshetr War. When Ulupi heard of the curse, she sought the help of her father, Kouravy. Her father went to Maa Ganga, Bhishm's mother and requested her for a relief from the curse. Upon hearing him, Ganga said that Arjun would be killed by his own son, Babru Vahan-Arjun's son, through Chitrangada and brought back to life, when Ulupi placed a gem on his chest.
Following her father's advice, Ulupi instigated Babru Vahan to fight Arjun. When Arjun went to Mani Pur with the horse intended for the Ashw Medh sacrifice, the king Babru Vahan, as directed by Ulupi, challenged Arjun for a duel. In the fierce battle that took place between them, both were mangled by the other's arrows. Finally, Arjun was mortally wounded and was killed by his son when he shooted a powerful arrow at him. Chitrangada rushed to the spot and abused Ulupi for instigating Babru Vahan to fight Arjun. Repenting of his deed, Babru Vahan was determined to kill himself, but was promptly stopped by Ulupi. She went to her kingdom and brought the gem (Mani). When she placed the gem on Arjun's chest, his life was restored, thus relieving him of the Vasus' curse. When brought back to his life, Arjun became happy to see Ulupi, Chitrangada and Babru Vahan. He took all of them to Hastinapur.

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संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा
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