By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
"Antarvahyascha Sarvatra madhyante Ripavah sada Mithilanam Sajneya Janakasch kritamahi; Makaro Vishwakarta cha Thakarsthitipalakah Lakaro laykarta vai trimara Shaktyobhavan".
Inside and outside, who churn out enemies. Mithila be understood as the where Janaks ruled the land.मि-Mi’s Makar signifies creator-Brahma Ji and थी-Thi’s Thakar signifies who looks after-nurturer ला-La’s Lakar signifies the Destroyer and Tri Matra is for the Power. Thakur stands for Bhagwan Vishnu-the nurturer. Destroyer is Bhagwan Mahesh-Shiv.
जनक :: उत्पत्ति-प्रारम्भ करने वाला; Enunciator, to begin with.
मिथिला :: मिथिला प्राचीन भारत में एक राज्य था। मिथिला वर्तमान में एक सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्र है जिसमें बिहार के तिरहुत, दरभंगा, मुंगेर, कोसी, पूर्णिया और भागलपुर प्रमंडल तथा झारखंड के संथाल परगना प्रमंडल के साथ साथ नेपाल के तराई क्षेत्र के कुछ भाग भी शामिल हैं। इस क्षेत्र की प्रमुख भाषा मैथिली है। इसका उल्लेख शतपथ ब्राह्मण, बाल्मीकि, महाभारत, रामायण तथा पुराणों में है। यहाँ त्रेतायुग में राजा जनक राज्य करते थे।
विदेघ माथव तथा उनके पुरोहित गौतम राहूगण सरस्वती नदी के तीर से पूर्व की ओर बढ़े तो उनके आगे-आगे अग्नि वैश्वानर नदियों का जल सुखाते हुए चल रहे थे। सदानीरा (गण्डकी) नदी को अग्नि सुखा नहीं सके और विदेघ माथव द्वारा यह पूछे जाने पर कि अब मेरा निवास कहाँ हो, अग्नि ने उत्तर दिया कि इस नदी के पूर्व की ओर तुम्हारा निवास हो। ब्राह्मण इस नदी को पार नहीं करते थे तथा यहाँ की भूमि दलदली और अनुपजाऊ थी क्योंकि अग्नि वैश्वानर ने उसका आस्वादन नहीं किया था। अब यह बहुत उपजाऊ है क्योंकि ब्राह्मणों ने यज्ञ करके उसका आस्वादन अग्नि को करा दिया है। इसी क्षेत्र में स्थित गण्डकी नदी गर्मी के बाद के दिनों में भी अर्थात् काफी गर्मी के दिनों में भी खूब बहती है। इस विदेघ शब्द से विदेह का तथा माथव शब्द से मिथिला का सम्बन्ध है। गंडकी नदी कोसल और विदह देशों के बीच की सीमा है तथा इस भूमि को माथव की संतान (माथवाः) कहा गया है।[शतपथ ब्राह्मण]
मिथिला का सम्बन्ध राजा निमि के पुत्र मिथि से है। निमि के मृत शरीर के मंथन से मिथि का जन्म हुआ था। मिथि के द्वारा ही मिथिला को बसाया गया था। स्वतः जन्म लेने के कारण उनका नाम जनक हुआ, विदेह (देह-रहित) पिता से उत्पन्न होने के कारण वे वैदेह कहलाये तथा मंथन से उत्पन्न होने के कारण उनका नाम मिथि हुआ। इस प्रकार उन्हीं के नाम से उनके द्वारा शासित प्रदेश का नाम विदेह तथा मिथिला माना गया है। महाभारत में इस प्रदेश का नाम मिथिला तथा इसके शासकों को विदेहवंशीय (विदेह) कहा गया है।[बाल्मीकि रामायण तथा पुराण]
मिथिला एवं तीरभुक्ति इसके दोनों नाम हैं। मिथि के नाम से मिथिला तथा अनेक नदियों के तीर पर स्थित होने से तीरों में भोग (नदी तीरों से पोषित) होने से तीरभुक्ति नाम है। गँगा से लेकर हिमालय के बीच स्थित मिथिला में मुख्य 15 नदियों की स्थिति है।[वृहद विष्णु पुराण]
तीरभुक्ति मिथिला माँ सीता का निमिकानन है, ज्ञान का क्षेत्र है और कृपा का पीठ है। जानकी कि यह जन्मभूमि मिथिला निष्पापा और निरपेक्षा है। यह भगवान् श्री राम को आनन्द देने वाली तथा मंगलदायिनी है। प्रयाग आदि तीर्थ लोकों में पुण्य देने वाले हैं परन्तु भगवान् श्री राम की प्राप्ति करवाने में समर्थ नहीं हैं। मिथिला सब प्रकार से निश्चित रूप से भगवान् श्री राम को तुष्ट करने वाली होने से विशेष है। जैसे साकेत नगरी संसार की कारण स्वरूप है वैसे ही यह मिथिला समस्त आनन्द की कारण स्वरूप है। इसलिए महर्षिगण समस्त परिग्रहों को छोड़कर भगवान् श्री राम की आराधना के लिए प्रयत्नपूर्वक यहीं निवास करते हैं। माता सावित्री तथा माँ गौरी ने यही जन्म ग्रहण किया। स्वयं सर्वेश्वरेश्वरी माता सीता की जन्मभूमि यह मिथिला यत्नपूर्वक वास करने से समस्त सिद्धियों को देने वाली है।
After 71 Chatur Yugi (4 cosmic era :- Sat, Treta, Dwapar and Kali Yug) one Indr comes to throne who reins 3,67,20,000 human years. He is called Manu and Manvantar is the time frame. 14 Indr are coming to throne of heaven.
Those live very long are called Chiranjivi-immortals. At the present moment there are 8 Chiranjivis :: Ashwatthama, Bahu Bali, Vyas, Hanuman Ji, Vibhishan, Krapachary, Bhagwan Parshu Ram and Rishi Markandey.
During the 24th Chatur Yugi Brahm Ji asked Vashishth to go to Mratyu Lok (Bhuwan, abode, Prathvi-earth) for becoming priest of Sury Vanshi Kings. Vashishth Ji protested that Purohitai-family priesthood was prohibited for him as a profession. Brahma Ji said that Bhagwan Vishnu HIMSELF would take birth in Sury Vansh in Treta Yug. Vashishth Ji said that he would go but with one exception.
Vashishth said, "You say Ramavatar will be there in Treta. Now, Sat Yug is going on, then Dwapar will come and then Treta will come. I cannot live for so long in Mratyu Bhuwan as :- Sat Yug is of 17,28,000 years. Dwapar is of 12,96,000 years. Treta is of 8,64,000 years and Kali Yug is of 4,32,000 years. If you make Treta after Sat Yug, I may go.”
Brahma Ji accepted that and since then Treta is coming after Sat Yug. Before that 24 times Sat Yug was followed by Dwapar and then by Treta. On the acceptance by Brahma Ji, Vashishth Ji came to Mratyu Bhuwan and became priest of Sury Vansh.
SURY VANSH :: The son of Sun was Manu, who had four sons :- (1). Ang, (2). Bang, (3). Nimi (Nimay) and (4). Awadh (After whose name Ang Desh, Bang Desh, Nepal Desh and Awadh had been named).
After Sat Yug, Treta Yug would follow, when Bhagwan Ram will take incarnation but how could he marry Sita of his own Gotr and Dynasty and hence, Brahma had to make a way.
One day Brahma Ji distracted mind of Nimi who requested Vashishth to have a Yagy, so that he could reach Swarg-heaven with the body. Vashishth accepted his request and he went home. Nimay started arrangements for Yagy. Seers were invited. All except Vashishth was present on due time. A messenger was sent for him.
Vashishth became angry and said he had committed Indr before him for the Yagy and hence he was going to Indr.
Knowing that Nimay was in deep grief and proclaimed for the cancellation of Yagy. But all seers said that in the absence of Vashishth, the Yagy be held with appointing Gautam as Achary.
Gautam started Yagy-sacrifice to fire. That time kings had the Gotr of Gurus and so now Nimay's Gotr (title-surname) was changed to Gautam from Vashishth and Yagy Sankalp was for 500 years. When Vashishth returned from Indr’s place-Heaven, his son Shakti Ji informed him of the whole episode. Vashishth reached Nimay’s place and both exchanged hot words. Vashishth took water in his hand & cursed, “Sadeh Videho Bhav”. Let your body fall and you become without a body.
Nimay-Nimi also cursed him. With the curse of Vashishth Nimay died. With the curse of Nimay Vashishth Ji reached Varun Lok seeking life by “Par Kaya Pravesh”-entering into another man's body.
Varun listening to his prayer gave place to Vashishth’s soul in his heart and since then was known as Mitr Varun.
Once, Mitr Varun had sperm fall seeing the nymph (अप्सरा, सुर-सुन्दरी, देवबाला) Urvashi. That sperm was kept in a Ghat. August was born as result of it and hence he is called Ghat-Yoni utpann (घट योनि उत्पन्न, produced from a piture-earthen pot used for filing water for cooling it.).
Some sperm fell over the Lotus leaf from which Vashishth was born & is called a Vaeshy Putr.
After the death of Nimay, he was asked to remain as hair above the eyes (Eye-brows, the Nimi) seers churned out a son (Mathi Kaya) of his dead body who was hence, called Mithi.
Since then, Nimesh is a unit of time and is termed Nimesh-i.e., the time taken in a blink of eye
Mithi established a good capital, which was named after him as Mithila Puri-Holy city of Mithila.
Being born of the body of father, he took title of Janak. Since that day whoever be the king, was called Janak. Ksheer Dhwaj Janak, father of Mata Sita was the 21st king in Janak Vansh-clan (hierarchy, dynasty, lineage).
19 seers had came from the different parts of the country to participate in Nimi’s Yagy; who settled down in Mithila & their sons are called from that Gotr-linage. Bhagwan Shri Ram and Maa Sita, both of them were going to take incarnation in Ikshvaku Vansh and thus their marriages would not be solemnised. So, it was planned to make a change in Maa Sita's Gotr leading to Janak Vansh.
Raja Janak is well known throughout India and abroad because of his being relinquished-detached and a virtuous king, who carefully nursed his citizens. He was called Videh-released as well. Another reason, rather more important is his being the father of Maa Sita, an incarnation of Maa Laxmi and the queen of Ayodhya. The third reason is his conversation with Sage Ashtawakr Ji, after who's name the Treatise on Relinquishment called Ashtawakr Geeta has been written. He was the 21st king of the Janak dynasty which had its origin in King Nimi followed by Mithi produced from his dead remains by the sages. His kingdom got the name Mithila after the emperor Mithi and thereafter it became known as Mithila Puri or Janak Puri. Puri is a sacred place for the Hindus.
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Mithila (मिथिला) which was capital of Videh kingdom is located in Janak Pur situated between foothills of Himalay of Nepal and the Holy River Maa Ganga. This city is identified as modern day Janak Pur Dham in Dhanush district of Nepal. This region was also called Tirbhukti, the ancient name of Tirhut. The Videh or Mithila Kingdom is believed to be bounded on the north by the Himalay, on the south of Ganga, on the east the Kosi river and on the west the Gandak river. It was also the region where two most venerated names in the religious history of the world-Gautam Buddh ninth incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu and Vardhman Mahavir, spent considerable time.
Ancestor of the first mythical King of this region was Nimi, who ruled in Saraswati river region. As per the mythological tales, Nimi died due to curse placed on him by his Guru-Sage Vashishth. After his death there was a period of anarchy. The sages then gathered and implored the spirit of Nimi to re assume human form. The dead body of Nimi was placed in a churn in the hope that the dead body of Nimi would resume human form. Sages succeeded in their effort and MITHI (means soil) emerged from churn. The tribe, initially ruled by Nimi, left the Saraswati region under the leadership of Mithi and after long period of wandering finally settled on the banks of Sad Nir, now identified as Gandak. Since, he was born out of body of his father, he was called JANAK. After this, the Kings of Mithila were called Janak. The most famous Janak was Ksheer Dhwaj Janak, father of Sita-21st king. There were 52 kings in the dynasty of Videh Janak.
The region was originally known as Videh. The kingdom of Videh is mentioned for the first time in Yajur Ved Sanhita. Mithila, the capital of Videh is mentioned in Buddhist Jatak, the Brahmns the Purans (described in detail in Brahad Vishnu Puran and various epics such as Ramayan and Mahabharat. A list of Kings is mentioned in Mahabharata and Jatak. All the kings we known as Videh or Janak.
LINEAGE OF JANAKS :: Janaks who ruled Mithila till Ramayan as mentioned in Valmiki Ramayan was described to King Dashrath-the father of Bhagwan Shri Ram by King Kshir Dhwaj Janak. The virtuous king Nimi was son of King Ikshwaku and grandson of Manu. Mithi was the founder of Mithila and the first Janak. Other rulers were :: Udavasu, Nandi Vardhan, Suketu, Dev Rat, Brahad Rath, Mahavir, Sudhriti, Dhrasht Ketu, Haryasv, Maru, Pratindhak, Kirti Rath, Dev Meedh, Vibudh, Mahidhrak, Kirti Rath, Maha Rom, Swarn Rom, Hrasv Rom, Sheer Dhwaj-Father of Maa Sita.
Janaks after Ramayan :: Bhanu Man, Shat Dyumn, Shuchi, Orj Nam, Krati, Anjan, Kurujit, Arisht Nemi, Shrutayu, Suparshw, Shranjay, Kshemavee, Anena, Bhaum Rath, Saty Rath, Upagu, Up Gupt, Swagat, Swanand, Suvarcha, Suparshw, Subhash, Sushrut, Jay, Vijay, Rit, Sunay, Veet Havy, Dhrati, Bahu Lashw, Krati.
MITHILA AFTER JANAKS :: Kirti Janak, the last King of Janak Dynasty, was atrocious ruler who lost control over his subjects. He was dethroned by public under leadership of various Achary (scholars, Learned Men). During this period of fall of Mithila empire, the famous republic of Lichchhvi was rising in Vaeshali and Mithila region came under control of Lichchhvi in around seventh century BC. In the 6th century BC, Lichchhvi were defeated by Ajat Shatru of the Haryank dynasty and ruler of Magadh and thus Mithila region came under control of Magadh empire. Thereafter, several dynasties such as Shishu Nag, Nand, Maury, Shung, Kant, Gupt, Vardhan etc. ruled there from time to time. There was no significant ruler in Mithila after Janaks till 5th-6th century when Jay Wardhan Raja Salhesh became King. He made his capital at Mahisauth-Sirha (now in Nepal). He defended the region against attacks by Tibetans several times. Hence, he was called Shaelesh (king of Mountains) from Jay Wardhan which in local dialect was called Salhesh.
PAL DYNASTY (6th-9th century) :: Mithila was ruled by Pal Dynasty of Gaud of Bengal for almost three centuries. Pal Dynasty were followers of Buddhism and according to some texts they were Kayasth. Their capital is believed to be located at present town of Bali Raj Garh (Babu Barhi-Madhu Bani district). The last king of Pal Dynasty was Madan Pal. Madan Pal was a weak king, as he was defeated by Adishur Samant Sen’s army.
Main rulers of Pal Dynasty :: Gopal (750-770), Dharm Pal (770-810), Dev Pal (810-850), Shur Pal-Mahendr Pal (850-854), Vigrah Pal (854-855), Narayan Pal (855-908), Rajy Pal (908-940), Gopal (2) (940-960), Vigrah Pal (2) (960-988), Mahi Pal (988-1,038), Nay Pal (1,038–1,055), Vigrah Pal (3) (1,055–1,070), Mahi Pal (2) (1,070–1,075), Shur Pal (2) (1,075–1,077), Ram Pal (1,077–1,130), Kumar Pal of Bengal (1,130–1,140), Gopal (3) (1,140–1,144), Madan Pal (1,144–1,162), Govind Pal (1,162–1,174)
The founder of the Pal Empire was Gopal. He was the first independent Buddhist king of Bengal and came to power in 750 in Gaur by democratic election, which was unique at the time. He reigned from (750-770) and consolidated his position by extending his control over all of Bengal. His successors Dharm Pal (770-810) and Dev Pal (810-850) expanded the empire across the northern and eastern Indian subcontinent. The Pal Empire eventually disintegrated in the 12th.
SEN DYNASTY (9th-11th century) :: Sen Dynasty was the follower of Hinduism (Gaud Kayasth) and hence people of Mithila, being followers of Hinduism, helped Samant Sen in defeating Madan Pal. Eminent scholar Vachaspati Mishr who hailed from the village Thardhi in Madhu Bani district, was from this period. Sen Dynasty had five kings :- Hemant Sen (1,070 AD), Vijay Sen (1,096-1,159 AD), Ballal Sen (1,159-1,179 AD), Lakshman Sen (1,179-1,206 AD), Vishw Rup Sen (1,206-1,225 AD), Keshav Sen (1,225-1,230 AD).
KARNATAK DYNASTY (11th-14th century) :: The main influences on Nepal came from Mithila or Tirhut to the South. This area came intermittently under the domination of warriors allied to the Chaluky dynasty from Karnatak in southern India. One of their lieutenants, Nany Dev defeated the last King of Sen Dynasty, Laxman Sen and became King of Mithila in 1,097 CE. Nany Dev had come from west and had his first capital at Simran Garh (Bir Ganj) in the Tarai. From there, the king launched raids that allowed the Chaluky to later claim domination over Nepal. King Nany Dev attacked Kathmandu valley and annexed it to his large kingdom. The people who had come with the king settled down in the valley. Someshwar Dev, a Chaluky name, was the Nepal king from 1,178-1,185 CE indicating this influence. After conquering entire Mithila, Nany Dev shifted his capital to Kamal Dity Sthan (Kamal Dan). Another village named Andharatharhi village in Madhu Bani district is also mentioned to be capital of Karnatak. In the said village, there are six dozen ponds of which 27 ponds constitute the beads of a picturesque garland. The ponds are interconnected amongest themselves and also with the Sugarw river for smooth recharging with the flood water. These ponds constructed by Karnatak Kings constitute a unique irrigation system and is proving its relevance even today, spanning over eight centuries. Karnatak Dynasty also had five kings.
Nany Dev, apart from being a great warrior, also had keen interest in music. He classified and analysed the Rags and opines Madhy Lay is chosen for Hasy (comedy-humorous) and Shrangar (libido) Ras, Bilambit is chosen for Karun (compassion) Ras and Dhrut is chosen for Veer (brave), Rodr (anger), Adbhut (marvellous) and Bhayanak (fearful) Ras. He wrote a treaty on music "Saraswati Hradayalankar" which is preserved in the Bhandarkar Research Institute of Pune. Nany Dev is also considered to be the forgotten King of Mithila. He was followed by :- Gang Dev, Nar Singh Dev, Shankar Singh Dev and Hari Singh Dev.
King Hari Singh Dev was very famous. He was instrumental in initiating and implementing Panji Vyavastha or Panji Probands in Maethil Brahmns (मैथिल ब्राह्मण) and Maethil Kayasth (मैथिल और कर्ण कायस्थ, Karn Kayasth). He was also great patron of art and literature. Kayasth is a mixed breed which sprung up by the combination of Brahmn father and Shudr mother. This breed has a sharp brain and it masters various arts like dance and music.
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Jyotir Shwar was the Royal Priest in the court of Hari Sinha Dev. He was the author of Varn Ratnakar. Upon Ghya Suddin Tughlak's invasion of Mithila (Tirhut) in 1,326 CE, King Hari Singh Dev, along with many Maethil Brahmns, fled to Nepal and founded a new dynasty in Nepal. Karnatak Samvat (संवत), one of the calendars in use in Mithila. was brought about by the influence of Karnatak dynasty.
OENWAR DYNASTY 1,326 AD to 1,526 AD) :: In 1,326, Ghya Suddin Tughlak attacked and conquered Mithila region. The last king of Karnatak Dynasty Hari Singh Dev fled to Nepal. Anarchy prevailed in Mithila region for next 27 years. In 1,353 Firoz Shah Tughlak appointed Pt. Kameshwar Thakur as Karad Raja (Tax Paying King-they were appointed as Kings by Emperors and had to collect and pay taxes and to maintain army for the Emperor). Kameshwar Thakur belonged to village named Oeni, which is now in Samasti Pur District. The dynasty was named after the village Oeni as Oenwar Dynasty. Kameshwar Thakur, being of scholarly nature, was unable to collect and pay tax to Firoz Shah Tughlak. Thus, Kameshwar Thakur was dethroned and his son, Bhogishwar Thakur was made next King of Mithila region. This dynasty was one of the few ruling dynasties of India who were Brahmns. Thereafter, the Mithila region had Kings from Brahmn caste only. Those who followed were :- Jay Pati Thakur, Hingu Thakur, a great scholar and ascetic. Once served Karnatak kings and he was granted the village Oeni in Muzaffar Pur district, Om Nath Thakur, Ati Rupa Thakur Vishw Rup Thakur, Govinda Thakur, Lakshman Thakur, Kameshwar Thakur.
Bhogishwar Thakur :- Kameshwar Thakur did not prove to be able ruler and was unable to collect and pay tax to Firoz Shah Tughlak. Thus, Firoz Shah Tughlak dethroned him and made Bhogishwar Thakur the King in place of Kameshwar Thakur. Bhogishwar Thakur was son of Kameshwar Thakur.
Ganeshwar Singh :- Ganeshwar Singh became king after death of his father Bhogishwar Thakur. He was mortally stabbed by a person named Aslan in 1,361 AD in a conspiracy to usurp the throne. Aslan wanted to kill his two sons :- Vir Singh and Kirti Singh as well, but did not succeed since they had been safely hidden somewhere.
Kirti Singh :- Kirti Singh enlisted help of Tughlaks, who send his army to recapture Mithila. In the battle that ensued, Aslan and Vir Singh were killed. Kirti Singh became King but died after shortly thereafter.
Bhavesh Thakur (also known as Bhav Singh) :- He was younger son of Kameshwar Thakur. Since Kirti Singh died issue less, the kingdom passed over to Bhavesh Thakur.
Shiv Singh :- He declared himself to be independent King and stopped paying taxes to Tughlak empire. Due to his decision to challenge authority of Tughlaks empire, Ibrahim Shah Tughlak attacked Mithila. In the battle, Shiv Singh was killed.
Padm Singh :- He was younger brother of Shiv Singh.
Queen Bishwas Devi :- Padm Singh died issue less at an early age. After his death, his wife Queen Bishwas Devi ruled Mithila region, but she too died soon after taking over reign of Mithila.
Hari Singh :- He was cousin of Padm Singh. Since Padm Singh died issue less, the throne passed to Hari Singh. Nar Singh, Dhir Singh (ruled 1,459-1,480).
Bhaerav Singh (1,480-1,515) :- He was a very popular king and initiated several development works like digging of ponds construction of roads, wells, temples, etc. He was a great patron of art and culture as well.
Laxmi Nath Singh Dev :- He was the last King of Oenwar dynasty. Sikandar Lodhi attacked Mithila region in 1,526 and Maharaj Laxmi Nath Singh Dev was killed in the ensuing battle.
PERIOD OF ANARCHY (1526 to 1577) :: Sikandar Lodhi made his son-in-law, Alauddin, the ruler of this area. During this period, Mogul Empire was beginning to take its root in Delhi. Alauddin was not a successful ruler and for next 50 years, anarchy prevailed in Mithila region. When Akbar became emperor, he tried to bring normalcy to Mithila region. He came to the conclusion that only after a Maethil Brahmn was made King, peace could prevail and rent could be collected in Mithila. In 1577, Emperor Akbar declared Pt. Mahesh Thakur as the ruler of Mithila. Pt. Mahesh Thakur belonged to Mool Kharaur Bhaur and hence that dynasty was called Khandwal Kul (खण्डवाल कुल) and the capital was made at Raj Gram in Madhu Bani District.
KHANDWAL DYNASTY (1577-1947) :: Maharajah Sir Lakhmishwar Singh, G.C.I.E., of Darbhanga, who was only in his forty-third year at the time of his death in 1,898, was in every sense the best type of the Indian nobleman and landlord. He was the leading Zamindar in Behar, where he owned no less than 2,152 square miles (5,570 sq. km) with a net yearly rental of 30 Lakhs and was the recognised head of the orthodox Hindu community. His philanthropy and his munificent (उदार) contributions to all public movement won him the esteem of all classes and creeds. He took an active part in public life and enjoyed a high reputation as a progressive and liberal minded statesman. With slight interruptions he was a member of the Supreme Legislative Council from the year 1,883 until his death and latterly he sat in that body as the elected representative of the non-official members of the Bengal Council. Few Asiatic have combined more successfully in themselves the apparently incompatible characteristics of East and West.
Raja Mahesh Thakur (expired 1,558).
Raja Gopal Thakur He was eldest Son of Raja Mahesh Thakur. He died suddenly and was king for a very small period only.
Raja Parmanand Thakur He was second son of Raja Mahesh Thakur. He too ruled for a brief period before his death.
Raja Subhankar Thakur (expired 1,607). He was fifth son of Raja Mahesh Thakur. He was a great patron of music and art. He wrote a treatise on music Shri Hast Muktavali that deals with a companion art of dance.
Raja Purushottam Thakur (1,607-1,623)
Raja Narayan Thakur (1,623-1,642)
Raja Sundar Thakur (1,642-1,662)
Raja Mahi Nath Thakur 1,662-1,684)
Raja Narpat Thakur (16,84-1,700). He shifted his capital to Darbhanga from Raj Gram. Darbhanga remained their seat of power till independence of India.
Raja Raghu Singh (1,700-1,736)
Raja Bishnu Singh (1,736-1,740)
Raja Mithilesh Narendra Singh (1,740-1,760 AD) :- In 1,753 AD, he won the Famous Battle of Mithila known as Battle of Kandarpi Ghat, Harina. This great victory is Known as Mithila Vijay-Victory of Mithila. The battle took place between the armies of The King (Mithilesh) Narendra Singh & Aliwardi Khan, Mughal emperor's Agent. The war was horrible. He was a great devotee of Maa Kali. Just after his victory, Mithilesh-Narendra Singh Built Maa Kali's Glorious Temple at that Ran Bhumi Battle Place in Harin Village near Jhanjhar Pur; which is named as Narendra Vijay Kali Mandir situated on the left bank of the river Kamal Balan at Harin and Mithila Vijay Stambh is situated at Kandarpi-Ghat, Harin.
Raja Pratap Singh (1,760-1,776)
Raja Madho Singh (1,776-1,808)
Maharaja Chhatr Singh Bahadur (1,808-1,839)
Maharaja Rudra Singh Bahadur (1,839-1,850)
Maharaja Maheshwar Singh Bahadur (1,850-1,860)
Maharaja Lakshmeshwar Singh Bahadur (1,860-1,898)
Maharaja Rameshwar Singh Bahadur (1,898-1,929)
Maharaja Kameshwar Singh Bahadur (1,929-1,947, i.e., till independence of India on 15 August, 1,947 when all the kingdoms merged with Union of India).

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संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा